
Time Machine

Eight Years Later...

     Hyuk approached his long time boyfriend, who was lounging on the couch of their shared apartment. He jumped down beside him, surprising the older one. Hongbin smiled at Hyuk, wrapping his arms around him, pecking his lips softly. Hyuk smiled at the other, but he had something else on his mind. He cleared his throat before talking.


     “What would you think about adopting a kid?” Hyuk said loudly, but not so confidently. He wasn't sure how Hongbin would react to this. Hongbin raised his eyebrow a bit and stuck his lips out a bit.


     “A kid? Isn't it a bit early...?” he asked, a bit cautious.


     “We've been together eight years and Ilhoon and Jessica already have a kid and they've been together even less time.” Hyuk almost whined. Even if he was quite a grown man, he still acted like a child half the time. Hongbin still wasn't sold. Having a kid was a lot of responsibility and he wasn't even sure himself if he was ready for that. Hyuk continued to give reasons why the two should adopt a kid, including the fact that the Leo and Hyomi couple were thinking about kids too. Hongbin shook his head, chuckling lightly at that fact. Those two were the last two people who he would have expected to get together, much less get married, but miracles happen.


     “I'll think about it...” Hongbin muttered, nodding his head. Sure, he's always wanted kids, but again, he wasn't sure if he was ready yet. Hyuk nodded as well and gave Hongbin a tight squeeze.


     “Call me when you've decided!” he yelled then scurried into their room. Hongbin sunk down lower onto the couch and worked his brain, unsure what his final decision would be. He didn't even know how to care for a kid in the first place, because his forgetful parents never taught him the first steps of taking care of children, much less showing any care for their own. But Hongbin was determined he wouldn't be like his parents if he had kids. He had made his decision. He called his boyfriend out and Hyuk came quickly out, as if expecting this.


     “I'll call the agency tomorrow about the kids, okay, Hyuk?” Hongbin offered a large smile which was immediately mirrored by Hyuk. The younger of the two hugged his partner tightly, and the other soon returned it. The moment was disrupted by the phone ringing. Hongbin walked over to get it, wondering who it was. When he picked up, he realized it was Ilhoon, who was much too excited to even be calling people at that moment.


     “You'll never guess what little Hyunsik did!”


I just want to thank everyone who read and stuck with this story even if it wasn't the best. All the comments I got made me so happy everytime I read them and I really appreciated all the support. Hopefully, this wasn't such a ty ending since I'm terrible with endings and stuff, but here we go. Now I'll be working on my request shop, since I have this out of my way. Thank you all again! You don't understand how much it means to me! 

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I apologize for the delay but I was really pretty busy this week. Thanks for waiting!


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Chapter 13: while I'm glad you stuck with hyukbin, I feel like ravi's ending wasn't justified. he's been misunderstood this whole time and I wonder if he was trying to warn hongbin about hakyeon? kinda disappointed that hongbin never cleared up things with ravi. anyways, hakyeon's personality irked me here so I must admit, I like the first series more. :)
Chapter 12: Omg..... is this gonna end so soon???? ;_; seems like hyukbin is back and hakyeon didn't even put a fight....
hsh0795 #3
Chapter 12: Yessss Binnie choose Hyuk!! Now i feel bad for Hakyeon, I understand him somehow but still, Binnie has been always in love with Hyuk.
Chapter 11: I'm guessing Hakyeon shouted something like "I love you" or something like that...
hsh0795 #5
Chapter 11: I really hope this Bin's confusion towards Hakyeon is temporary, because he and Hyuk deserved so bad to be together and being a beautiful couple, and as I said before, I don't like how Hakyeon is doing here, really shady.
lionpinks #6
omggggg wow i love this sequel uhuh this is hot lmao you r doing great job! can u please update soooon;;;
Chapter 10: Yayyyyyyyyyy! Hyuk asked him the question!!!!! ^_^ hakyeon having suspicion radar pointing to him. And rabiii ;_; misunderstood?
hsh0795 #8
Chapter 10: Huykkie asked him to be his boyfriend! Yessssss, poor Ravi, to be honest, Hakyeon is acting really shady.
Chapter 8: Ooohhhhh! Someone is getting jellyyyy~~ XDDD just get jessica and ilhoonie together XDDD I can't wait to see what is going to come for hyukbin :) please update soon
Whoa!!! Hyuk and bin getting closer... I think the person who's already there might be N!!! Am right aren't I??? :DDDDDD waiting for the next chapter! ^_^