
Connected with a red string


                A week has passed and I’m back to my old habit: Fangirling.

                I always reminisce what happened during the Infinite showcase and even put a photo of it in my “Memory Scrapbook” where I put pictures of different events that happened to my life.

                While doing so, I suddenly remembered the dream I had. I quickly surfed the net and researched about it. I typed: Red string.          

                Of all the results that showed, one thing caught my eye. It read:

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of time, place or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.”

                “Like a soulmate” I muttered. Full of curiosity, I tried remembering the details of my dream.

                “Let’s see, there’s the people and the guy and the strings and oh! The Cherry blossom tree!”, I told myself. “Must be connected with Japan.. Sungmin Oppa!?”, I guessed, he’s always been inlove with the Japanese culture.

                Since it’s summer and there’s nothing much to do, I booked a flight to Japan. I was excited to go there, not only to experience the thrill of looking for my soulmate but to also retreat from my country’s tropical heat.

                I packed a bunch of clothes, my camera, A Japanese-English: English-Japanese & English-Korean: Korean-English books, and other usual things. I also brought my Memory scrapbook with me in case I get homesick.

                With enthusiasm I arrived in Japan, Still thinking who my soulmate may be but has no idea how to find him.

                I strolled around Japan, My handbag on my right hand, dragging my suitcase on my other hand. Something caught my eye so I stopped. It was the park in my dream; I distinguished it by the Cherry blossom trees. The only difference is that they’re not in full bloom and that there are only a few people in the park.

                I looked around and took pictures. My suitcase was heavy so I left it at one of the empty park benches. I walked around, admiring the beauty of Japan.

                Back from capturing pictures, I saw a suspicious looking Japanese man staring at my suitcase. I hid behind one of the trees and in that moment on, when the man thought no one was looking, he grabbed my luggage and ran. I ran after him, maybe because of Adrenaline rush, screaming: HELP! HE STOLE MY SUITCASE!

                I ran as fast as I could, thinking it’s the fastest I ran since Infinite’s showcase. My eyes were focused on the robber. I concentrated too much on chasing him that I forgot to look both ways while crossing the street. I didn’t notice a van was moving towards me, and soon enough, I got hit by the vehicle.

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xyper_crash21 #1
Chapter 9: P.S. Adobo, yum! Haha I like the ending, so sweet. Now I knew why 'Julia'. :D
xyper_crash21 #2
Chapter 6: Siya na nga, siya na gwapo. XD I LOL'ed when I saw that XD
naaaaws this is so cute >___<<br />
ah the red string. legendary LOL<br />
It's infinitebaby by the way ^^
sakura4li #4
Ahaha, sounds like a taiwanese drama as well!