First Meeting

Connected with a red string


It was a lovely afternoon, the sun was shining and the air was blowing gently at my face as I was walking at an unknown park; wearing a pink sundress. I’ve never been here before and the full bloom cherry blossom trees tell me I’m not in my home country.  People are looking at me as if I got dirt in my face but I kept on walking. Under the cherry blossom tree in the other end of the park was a silhouette of a boy sitting whilst holding a guitar. I don’t know the reason but I walked towards him, then I realized there was something connecting us. Tied on our little fingers was a red string. As I walk closer the crowd who was then looking at me are whirling and twirling their strings, hindering me from getting closer to the guy. There was even a guy holding a pair of scissors trying to cut it, and I can’t help but to scream: NO!


I woke up, tears rolling from my eyes. ‘It’s only a dream’, I thought but I’ve always believed in dreams, and that it will eventually come true. I took my glasses from my bedside table; wore it and checked my phone. My eyes widened when I saw 17 missed calls from my best friend, Angela. ‘Ommo! I forgot.’ ,I thought as I was hitting my head.


It’s the 1st day of summer, March 26th, also the first showcase of Infinite, My 2nd favorite KPOP Boyband (After Super Junior, of course). I called Angela back.


                “ Hey! I’m so sorry, I almost forgot. I.. I just woke up. I’ll go there now, I’m sorry.”

                “Julia unnie! What?! You just woke up? Hurry up! I’ve been waiting for you for ages!”,  Angela said, almost shouting.

                “Yes, I’m so sorry and er—Dongsaeng, Please buy me an album already with a ticket, please ? I’ll pay you back. Don’t worry!”           

                “Okay, Okay unnie. Just hurry up, I’ll hang up now”

                “Thank you! Love you!”

                I rushed as I did what has to be done: Eat breakfast, brush my teeth, take a bath and get dress. I wore a black sleeveless shirt with a white scarf, my name, Julia, embroidered on it, Skinny jeans and black sneakers. I combed my long, wavy hair that’s still damped in the car and called Angela to tell her I’m on my way.

                “Angela! I’m on my way. Meet me at the entrance, Okay?”

                “Okay, Hurry up. Word on the street says they’re already here”, Angela replied, excitedly.



                As time flew, I arrived at the mall. Because of excitement, I sprinted to the event area and took a shortcut through the fire exit after Angela handed me my ticket & album.

                “Tickets please”, the lady collecting tickets said.

                “Ah!right..” I said as I searched for the ticket from the plastic Angela gave me. That’s odd, I thought, it’s here somewhere, I must’ve dropped it while running.

                The lady must’ve seen the terrified look on my face and took advantage of the situation.No ticket! No entry!”, She said.

                “That’s unfair! I’ve already bought the album! Look!”, I protested as I showed her my album. I tried reasoning out with the lady who is, based on her nametag, called Jessica, but I know I have no match, No evidence, I didn’t bought the album myself so the sales lady won’t recognize me. With a frown, I left the line.

                “Go on without me”, I said to Angela, faking a smile.

                “But where are you going?”, She asked

                “To look for the ticket, I guess. I better start looking for it before someone else finds it. All I have to do is retrace my steps”, I replied, trying to hide the disappointment look on my face.

                “Want me to go with you?” Angela asked

                “No, it’s okay.” I replied.



                I retraced my steps, like what I told Angela, My eyes glued on the floor. Going up and down the fire exit stairs, People may think I’m crazy but I’m determined to find it no matter what it takes. I can’t hide the look of frustration and depression in my face, blaming myself and in the midst of crying.
                Tears almost dropped from my eyes when a familiar face was running towards not me, but the fire exit. A tall guy with silk black hair and fair complexion was being chased by a mob of girls. I thought of a plan while he was running as fast as he could, staring blankly at him.

                When he reached the fire exit stairs, I grabbed his hand. At first he hesitated but I led him behind the fire exit door and he just followed. I whispered “Shh!” before the mob reached us.

                “Where is he?”, said a girl wearing a shirt that says: #1 fan

                “Yeah, Where’s oppa?”, said another wearing the same, identical shirt.

                “H-he w-went ..u-upstairs”, I stuttered to make it more convincing, as if I just saw an angel.

                “Okay! Thanks”, the girls ran and squealed going upstairs as I still stood, staring blankly at the wall. There were 7 of them, and I waited ‘til the coast is clear and said “Crazy girls”. I let him out from behind the door and stared closely at him from head to toe. It’s him, it’s really L, I thought, trying not to show my ecstasy.

                “Thank you!”, L said, bowing.

                “You’re welcome”,I replied, keeping a straight face. “You should for er.. Disguise”, my voice cracked, heart about to blow as I handed him my scarf.

                “Thank you again”, He said, and then left. It was no invisibility cloak but oddly, nobody noticed him as he walked, successfully entering the backstage.

                With that I gave up looking for my ticket and figured it’d be useless since even without it, I had time with one of the members. ‘I must be dreaming’, I thought as I was walking. I climbed upstairs, overlooking the event area, and captured pictures of their performance. Smiling all throughout the day but I kept my mouth shut to everyone.

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xyper_crash21 #1
Chapter 9: P.S. Adobo, yum! Haha I like the ending, so sweet. Now I knew why 'Julia'. :D
xyper_crash21 #2
Chapter 6: Siya na nga, siya na gwapo. XD I LOL'ed when I saw that XD
naaaaws this is so cute >___<<br />
ah the red string. legendary LOL<br />
It's infinitebaby by the way ^^
sakura4li #4
Ahaha, sounds like a taiwanese drama as well!