
Miss Ballerina
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                            Chapter 13

     Rina opened her eyes. The bright sunlight greeted her across the window. She sighed. She stared into the door. Waiting for Kai to barge in.

After like 5 minutes, still no sign of Kai. She frowned. "Where is that weirdo?".


            She tried to stand and sat on her wheelchair. She pushed her wheelchair and went to Kai's room. She decided not to knock as she's afraid Kai's sleeping.

She opened the door and saw Kai staring into a pic. His eye were sad, and it looked like his heart was crying.

      Rina can't help but to stare. Kai felt like he was being stared. he looked up and saw Rina. He gave Rina a weak smile. "Hey.", his voice was husky and full of sadness. And it's killing Rina. 

"You... W-What are you doing?", Rina asked in a curious tone. Kai gave a weak smile. "Today is my dad's birthday.", Kai spoke and put the pic into one of his drawer.

Rina frowned. "T-Then why don't you go and celebrate his birthday?"

   Then it hit Rina. Rina's eye widen. She turned to kai. "I'm sorry- I forgot..."

Kai gave a weak laugh. "He died, Rina. Yahh you're so forgetful.", It sounded so obvious he's faking himself to be cheer.

                      Rina stared into kai. her face showing that it's alright. Kai stopped smiling. Then he suddenly burst into tears.

"C-Can I hug you?"

     Rina stared in shock. His voice sounded so desperate and sad. Without any warning, Kai attacked Rina with a tight hug. Rina hugged back. kai put his head on Rina's shoulder. Rina can f

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Chapter 17: Omg Rina like who?? It's kai right ???? Kai helped her so much... Impossible she like channie.. What truth her father know ?? I can't wait for the next update :)))))
Chapter 17: Oh my god, I'll be honest. I nearly cried when I saw this story had updated. I had forgotten about this story and this just brings back all the memories. Author-nim pleaseeee update more, okay! <33
Chapter 16: Omo omo chanyeolll?! You just confessed like that what if kai know ohnoo
Chapter 15: my reaction was similar to kai as rina said chanyeol is gay hahaha btw update soon author-nim ☺
exoticsbabyz #5
Chapter 15: Update soon please ASAP
DenaAnanda #6
Chapter 15: OMG!!You said my yeol is a guy? Very shocked-_- but i really like your story^o^ please update soon~
aufamira #7
Chapter 15: please update soon~~~ your fanfic is jjang!!!!
DenaAnanda #8
Chapter 14: awesomeee~ I really like your story :3 pleasee update soon~^o^
Nana_Adilah #9
Chapter 13: please update soon.
aufamira #10
Chapter 12: kai please end up with rina