
Fates Way

                     One week later~

Chloe's POV: "Does this look right to you?" I mumbled looking down at the silver pan. I was standing over the fancy white stove, stirring some bubbling soup. I squealed as the hot liquid bubbled before leaping towards me. Tae Jun was standing beside me, sitting on the counter next to the stove. "It looks eatable." He said before chuckling. I'm supposed to be their maid, and I can hardly even cook. "I'm not giving up! I'm going to master this..." I said before clenching the wooden spoon in my hands. He chuckled and flipped his long black bangs. "Your so cute when you determined." He cooed before gentle grabbing my hands. I felt my cheeks turning bright red as he locked his fingers with mine. Me and Tae Jun has tooken a chance and decided to finally get together. He's so perfect, and he's helped me alot recently. He hoped down, before grabbing my waist, pulling me close to him. I automatically hugged him tightly, closing my eyes. He gentle kissed my foreword and a warm sensation flooded through me as his lips touched my skin. "Oh god...Affection." Reita said from behind me. I opened my eyes and looked over  Tae Jun's shoulder. He was all dressed up, and he looked way more attractive. "Shut up, your just jealous." Tae Jun snapped in a joking tone. Reita laughed softly.  The others slowly walked into the huge kitchen, and I remembered that their huge concert was today. JongJin took a fluffy roll from the counter, his bangs extra flippy. "Do I smell...Cookies?" Ru cooed before poking his head around the corner. I giggled making him run in the kitchen quickly. "Oh wow! I love you Chloe!" Ru squealed in pure happiness. He ran full speed in the kitchen, making everybody go wide eyed. I made them just for him anyway.

                    Ru shoved past everybody, his light green eyes gleaming as he looked at the cookies that was steaming on the counter. "At least your cooking has improved." Luhan said before flashing a perfect smile. I sighed and nodded slowly, looking down at my sneakers. I scanned the faces of all of them and felt my heart ache. One of them is missing... "To bad Ha-" Tomo began to only be elbowed sharply in the side by Tae Jun. He mouthed owe before rubbing his abused left arm. I looked down and bit my bottom lip. Ha Min's still gone...And I miss him so much. "He'll come back soon. Won't he guys?" Tae Jun said, gentle rubbing my shoulder comfortingly. He looked at the others who nodded, even though thier faces were filled with doubt. "Honestly, I don't want him back." Reita mumbled before snatching a cookie. I twirled the wooden spoon in my hand, not wanting to realize that they all might want not  him back. Before I could defend him, the dad walked in the kitchen in his bathrobe. Everbody looked at him as he whispered to himself, his eyes wide and filled with fear. He grabbed a cookie and chomped on it loudly. "What's wrong?" Luhan finally asked, making everbody stop staring at him like he went insane. "I-I'm a nervous wreck. What do we do?" He blurted out, staring at everbody. Ru shrunk down, before hiding behind me. "What do you mean?" I asked softly. He looked at me as if I was the most amazing thing ever. "We need a new lead singer." He said not taking his eyes off of me. Everybody followed his gaze and lookeda at me. I laughed softly. 

                    "Your not seriously suggesting me, are you?" I asked softly. I went wide with my mouth hanging open slightly. "You can do it, your a amazing singer." Miku said resting her hand on my shoulder. Before I speak, Luhan held up his hand, making everybody freeze in spot with a slight jolt. "It's a all boy group." He said looking at his boss. The dad his prickly chin and narrowed his eyes at me. "True...We can work something out." He said slowly in deep thought. Ru gasped and his hand shot striaght up, hitting Tomo in the face in the process. "She could cross dress as a boy!" He blurted out in excitment. Tomo rubbed his mouth, and nodded in agreement. "I painfully agree." He mumbled, shooting a glare at Ru. "That'd work. Wear Ha Min's spare close." The dad said before pulling out his small black flip phone. I stood there rigidily as he pressed some numbers before plugging his left ear and walking off. Cross dressing as a boy? I gulped and gave myself some time to process everything. "Are you ok with this?" Tae Jun asked softly, even though humour gleamed in his light blue eyes. "Yeah...Even though I'm going to be the ugliest boy in history." I pouted, looking down at my feet. He chuckled and titled my chin up. "Well, looks like I'm going to be dating a boy." He cooed softly, a piece of hair over my ear. I smiled, feeling slightly better. He leaned foreword and kissed me softly. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "No kissing, or the fans are going to ship you guys." Reita scolded, making us pull apart. 

                    "We have already been shipped..." Ru mumbled flatly, looking at Reita. I giggled shaking my head slowly as they pretened to have a girly play fight, slapping each other. "You better get ready, Miku said she'd help you out." Tae Jun said before gentle pushing me in the direction of the staires. I gave a small nod before stomping quickly up the staires. I stopped and stood in front of Ha Min's room. I held my fist inches away from the white door, gulping down emotions. I in air and opened up slowly. Miku spun around and looked at me with a huge smile. She was going through his ward drobe, shaking her head and nodding as she held up out fits. "He has awesome fashion taste." She said glancing over at me. I looked around slowly, zoning her out. So many memories flooded through my head. Memories of me rambling on about my day to him, listening to him play guitar and sing to me, coming in her when bad storms happened... "...Am I right?" Miku's voice drifted back in to me. I blinked rapidly before looking up. She looked at me urgently, before rolling her eyes. I looked at her and innocently smiled. "What?" I asked softly. "You miss him, am I right?" She repeated as if she said it a million times. I opened my mouth to say something, but she grabbed my shoulders and made me sit down on the soft bed. "Yes you do." She said with a slight smile. I didn't say anything else as she handed me all the stuff I needed. Colone, clothes, a wig, and other boy stuff. I blinked down at then looked up at her. "You can do it." She said smiling. 

                    Miku's POV: "I wonder what she looks like as a boy." Ru mumbled, tickling a feather across Tae Jun's face, making him swat at it. I shrugged and casually chewed on a soft cookie that made my mouth water and my taste bugs tingle. A couple moments later, a head popped around the corner. She slowly walked out, and I gasped. I coughed loudly as I breathed in a chocolate chip cookie. I coughed loudly, making JongJin pat me on the back. She had short black hair and her fake bangs swooped across her face. She was wearing a black leather jacket with gray skinny jeans with slashes through them. She looked really cute, and I gulped nervously. "Wow! You make a cute boy." Luhan mumbled, smiling hugely at her. She blushed and akwardly looked away. "Almost cuter then Ha Min." Reita joked making everybody laugh. Chloe playfully punched him, making him hold his hands up in surrenduer. She had the black and blue electric guitar clenched tightly in her hands. She looked down at it, not saying anything. "Chloe?" I said softly, exchanged sympathetic looks with everyone. She gentle ran her hands over the smooth wood, looking at her reflection. Tae Jun stood up and rested his hand on her shoulder, and held her in his arms for a moment. "It's ok." He said softly, gentle kissing her cheek. The dad stopped dead at the entrance of the kitchen. "Tae Jun...Why are you holding a guy?" He asked his eyes stretching wide. Chloe sniffled and turned around and looked at him. He gasped and jumped, making his cup crash on the ground. 

                                 "C-Chloe? Is that...You?" He stammered, blinking his eyes before rubbing them. Chloe giggled softly, whipping away her tears. "Yes." She said softly. Everbody laughed and I lifted my feet up slowly, tucking them in underneath me as I sat down on the wooden chair. I looked down at the steaming coffee that was scattered everywhere on the tile floor. "We have to come up with a name for her." JongJin said narrowing his eyes in deep thought. "Something awesome..." Reita said puting his hands on his hips. Chloe blinked and akwardly tapped the coffee with the tip of her shoe. "How about Sero?" Luhan suggested after a long and and quiet pause. Chloe's blue eyes lit up and she nodded. "Yes. I like that name." She said happily. Everybody else nodded and I popped my knuckles. "It sounds like Zero from a anime and Xero from the band Topp Dogg." Tomo mumbled flatly. I playfully hit him making him shoot a glare at me. We all grabbed our stuff and headed for the car. "Does everbody got their stuff?" Dad asked walking backwards and looking at everyone. Everyone nodded as they passed him before walking out the door. The bright sunlight was being covered by the white puffy gray clouds that covered it like kids playing peek-a-boo. We all walked towards the huge silver mustang, loading our stuff up in the trunk. Everbody didn't fight to find a seat like the normally did. I ducked down and slid in beside them. "Hopefully it doesn't rain." Tae Jun mumbled pearing out the tinted windows. Everbody shook the car as they got situated quickly.

                   "Why?" Chloe asked softly, resting her head on his shoulder. "Because the concert is a out door one." He replied making everbdoy groan loudly. I rolled my eyes and looked out the tinted window. I rested my head against it, the warm window heating up my freezing body. The roaring of the car made my whole body vibarate. A couple moments later, we turned sharply making Chloe, Tae Jun and Ru press against me. We all climbed out, and the whole staff was there. A huge stage was competely decked out, bright colorful lights hanging above the stage. The bottom was wood but a tile floor was on the stage. The staff walked back and forth as they loaded the equipment for us. "This is the new memember." Luhan said standing beside Chloe. The main boss smiled sweetly, showing his perfect teeth. Was wearing a all black suit and he had a fancy ear piece wrapped around his ear. His black shades showed their reflection. "So your manager tells me. Sero, right?" He asked looking at Chloe. She jumped and nodded, not saying anything. "This way." The main boss said beckoning them all after him. They all waved goodbye and disappeared behind the huge stage. I sighed and looked down at my feet. Hopefully this all goes well... I sighed and walked back away from the stage. I looked up as a shadow caught my attention. It was a outline of a person, I squinted harder and went wide eyed. "Ha Min..." I said softly. I jogged across the short freshly trimmed grass. He didn't run away or move away from me at all as I ran towards him. I stood in front of him. "Hi." 

                      He looked at me and gave a small nod, not saying anything else. He had a deep gash across his face, and he limped badly on his right leg. He looked down at me. "How's everyone?" He replied softly. I sighed and struggled to fight back tears. It's hard seeing him like this, he's like my brother. "Their ok."  I said oberserving the green grass. "At least she got to finally live her dream." He mumbled softly, looking at the huge stage. Longing and sadness lingered in his eyes. It must be hard seeing them about to have a huge concert without him. "Yeah. She misses you." I said looking away. He looked at me and closed his eyes. "I miss...Her to." He said after a slight pause. "Tae Jun! Give me it!" Chloe yowled, making us both look over. She was chasing him around, he was laughing at her as she struggled to chase after him. Her phone was clenched in his hand, and they both ran while laughing. He looked down, and didn't dare look at me. "So...She's with Tae Jun now, huh?" He asked softly. I nodded and I could see the pain gleam in his eyes. "Why are you doing this?" I blurted out. He looked at me and quickly looked away. "I honestly don't care what happens to me. I'm worried about you guys..." He replied softly. I stared at him for a long time. He was the mean, stuck up, self centered boy I met almost three months ago. He turned around and sighed. "I have to go." He mumbled softly. I nodded and watched him walk off. He glanced back at me and met my gaze. "Take good care of them for me, ok?" He asked softly. I fought back tears and nodded. 

                        Tomo's POV: "Thank you all!" Luhan shouted, throwing his hand in the air, his microphone clenched tightly in his fist. We all bowed, looking at the huge wave of screaming fans. Chloe looked out at the fans, her eyes gleaming brightly, her smile wider then ever. I rested my hand on her shoulder and smiled hugely at her. "You did good." I cooed softly. She waved at the fan before we walked off the stage. Once were off and the roaring of screaming drained from my ears, I sighed heavily. "We completely rocked that!" Reita shouted, pumping his fist up in the air. We all laughed and nodded in agreement. Chloe hugged Tae Jun tightly, before he picked her up and swung her around. My whole body ached from dancing so much, and I felt like my limbs were going to fall off at any minute. "I am so happy I could performe up there with you guys." Chloe said, looking at all of us shyly. She blushed as we all hugged her tightly, nudging her teasingly. "Your a fan of us?" Ru asked, titling his head at her. She nodded and looked up as Miku squealed and ran up to her. They both stumbled back slightly and hugged each other tightly. "You completely rocked it." Miku said, resting her hands on her shoulders. Chloe's eyes teared up and she blinked them away quickly. The dad hugged her and patted her on the back. "I'm proud of you, sweet heart." He said softly in her ear. Her only reply was a tighter hug. I looked at the others who looked slightly sad. "I still wish Ha Min was here." Tae Jun whispered, taking me by surprise. The others nodded slowly in agreement. 

                 "So very good...Really, I am impressed." A chilling voice said from behind us. We all turned around slowly to see Joey. He clapped dramatically, making me clench my fist. His little click was beside him, standing beside him supportingly. "Will you just leave us alone?" Chloe snapped, taking a step foreword. Seeing her like that didn't seem to help anything at all. Joey tilted his head back and laughed loudly, making his friends laugh as well. Tae Jun gentle pushed her back some so that she stood beside us again. "We came to congratulate you." His friend with super short blonde hair said. I clenched my teeth and looked at the others. Ha Min was standing with them as well, looking at all of us steadily. Angel snickered, clinging to his arm. Chloe looked at Ha Min, and her confident fierce anger faded as they made eye contact. "I say we give you all a reward." Joey said swinging a baseball bat in his hand. We all backed up, staying as close together as possible. We looked around, but everybody was gone already. Ha Min snickered as well, and he looked directly at Chloe. "Do you think your better then me, or something?" He growled. She looked down, unable to meet his eye contact. Tae Jun looked at him and stepped foreword. "She is."  He mumbled, not flinching. Chloe looked up at him worriedly, But he held her hand, giving her a reassuring look. "You think she is? Wow...Do you want me to kick your again?" He snapped taking a couple steps towards us. I tensed up, ready to fight him if I had to. The others did the same, glaring angerily. 

                     Tae Jun didn't respond, he just backed up like the rest of us. He snatched the bat from Joey, making him wince. He raised the bat, and I closed my eyes tightly. I jumped and opened my eyes at the sickening sound of the bat hiting flesh. I gasped as I saw Joey laying on the ground, blood trickling down his face. He shoved us vioently in the oppsite direction. "Go, I'll catch up!" He said before facing the other two guards that charged towards him. "We can't trust him." Reita snapped looking at the others. "No! You got to believe me!  Go, please!" Ha Min shouted swinging the bat hard, making it smack sickeningly against the guards head. We all turned a different direction and dashed off. JongJin and Luhan was already running way ahead of us, and I struggled to keep up with the others. I...I can't believe this. I thought he hated us? Was there really a reason why he did this? No...Don't be stupid, Tomo. This is obviously a lie...I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. Chloe was running beside Tae Jun, breathing heavily as she questioned him as they both ran. "I don't know if we can trust him." He huffed, and I sped up so that I ran beside them. My lungs felt like they would collasp and my feet felt like a thousand pounds. "We..Have to." She mumbled, closing her eyes. I slowed down as I saw that JongJin and Luhan had stopped running. We were close to the edge of the woods, and I groaned. "Remind me...To never run after a concert..." Ru gasped, stumbling up to us before collasping on the ground. I sat down slowly as well, letting myself rest. 

                           I looked up as there was footsteps approaching us. I looked up to see Ha Min stumbling and limping towards us. He was bleeding badly, and he automatically leaned against me. "Ha Min!" We all shouted at the same time. He looked at all of us and didn't say anything. He was breathing heavily, and I realized he was holding his side. Blood oozed between his fingers, and it was completely soaking his clothes. "I'm...So sorry..." He apologized, tears streaming down his bloody face. Without a warning, he collasped to his feet. I gasped and knelt down to him quickly. He wasn't moving at all... "Oh my god..." Chloe said softly, she was breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. "N-No..." Tae Jun said knealing down beside him. He screamed his name, shaking him violently. Ha Min limply, moved with every shove, push Tae Jun made. Dad ran over and gasped and went paler then usual. "J-JongJin...Get some water...Reita, covered the wound..." He instructed, his hands trembling. "There's nothing we can do..." Luhan said doubtfully. "I'll call paramedics." The dad said before running off quickly. "Ha Min...Please.." Chlo said before knealing down to him. She shook him gentle, making him not respond. She sobbed violently. "He's...Going to be ok, right?" I asked, feeling tears blur my vision. Reita looked away, tears plastered on his face. A moment later, I could see the flashing lights of the ambulance. The paramedics got the stretcher and pushed aside, carefully lifting him and puting him on it. We all stood there rigidly, watching. 

                         Chloe's POV: We all quickly climbed inside the car, and I was clung onto Tae Jun tightly. We all were quiet as dad raced after the amulance, clenching his steering wheel tightly. I'm glad it was dark, because I could make them believe I didn't see them crying because it was dark. The dad glanced back at us a couple times, the same worried expression the first day I met him. I was squeezing Tae Jun's hand so tightly that I thought I could hear his fingers breaking. Ha Min's blood was still smeared on his clothes and hands, and I could feel his body tremble slightly. We pulled up towards the huge hopital building that loomed ahead of us. We all parked and quickly got out, and I didn't hesitate at all. I felt my sneakers thud against the cemint as I crossed the parking lot. I bursted through the clear double doors dramatically. Patience and doctors looked at me in slight surprise and I waited for the others. The dad went to the huge counter where two nurses busily shuffled around behind it. "Hey." Tae Jun said resting both his hands on my shoulders. "He...He can't be dead." I said my emotions starting to bubble over. He just...I need him here. "Come on guys." The dad said before spinning around and walking down a narrow hallway to the left.  We all followed slowly, as if enbracing ourselves. He was following a young nurse about in her mid twenties. Her long brown hair bounced on her shoulders as she strutted down the hallway. She stopped in front of a faded blue door that had a small smudged window plastered on it. "He's in there." She said smiling. 

                         I peaked through the small glass window and felt my heart stop. So many wires were attached to him, and he wasn't even concious like I hoped. The dad looked at all of us encouragingly before opening the door. The room was muted beside the only sound of the machines beeping. I knelt down on the cold ground and looked at him. He was so bloody and abused, and his arms hung down limpy. "They had to revive him twice, you know." A familiar voice said from behind us. I looked back to see Angel standing there. We all glared heavily, but she walked past the others and stood beside me. She looked down at me, her blonde hair hanging down in her face. I blinked up at her innocently, not knowing what to say. "Don't be so over dramatic. I'm not here to cause trouble. That's over." She said with a slight snicker. She knelt down next to me and looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. "I'm guessing you don't know, do you?" She said making us all look at her. "He never ment for it to go this far. He only did this because Joey and his dumb friends wanted to get revenge. So, he volunteered to take the blame for you all. He had to avoid you, hate you and be mean to you in order for the deal to work. Wow, I tell you what....That poor boy." She explained, looking at Ha Min as she talked. I felt frozen, unable to move or think. "So he...Did it for us?" Reita spoke up, his voice cracking. Angel nodded slowly. "He really does care for you, Chloe. And treating you like that hurt him the most...But he just wanted to see you happy." She said looking at me. Wow..

                   I felt warm tears stream down my face and I felt my body tremble. I slowly grabbed his limp hand, squeezing it tightly. "I...Never ment for him to get hurt for me..." I sobbed, barely unable to understand what I was saying. Angel looked away and slowly handed me his white phone. She looked at me in the eyes, not saying anything. I shakily grabbed it and grabbed it. I looked down at some messages that gleamed brightly. It was the messages between Joey and Ha Min. 'Follow my rules and nobody get hurts.' Joey had said a week ago. I gulped and scrolled down urgently. 'I will. Just don't hurt them.' Ha min had replied.  There was a long time gap, and it reviewed how he was supposed to treat us...and avoid us. 'Please....Just don't hurt Chloe. I love her to much.' Ha Min texted. I felt the phone drop from my hand. Everybody looked at me quickly, and I felt tears stream more down my face. "He...Loves me?" I asked out loud. Angel bit her bottom lip and nodded. "He took alot of abuse to keep you safe. Even I could never compare to how much he loves you. He may not show it, but he really does love you." She said before standing up slowly. I watched her leave, not saying anything else. I closed my eyes for a long time, clenching my teeth. I looked at the others. "I...Can't." Tae Jun said, his tears making his eyes red and puffy. He stood up, the others following him. Once we were alone, I looked down at him. I leaned foreword, resting my head on his chest. I longed for him to wrap me up in his strong arms and hold me close. But that won't happen. 

                    I jumped as I heard something drop on the floor. I jumped and jolted away from him. I pulled away and slowly looked down at the ground. I went wide eyed as I saw something shiney. It was my cross...It was smeared in blood. I struggled to fight back tears and I held it close to my chest. He kept it...After how cold I was to him. I leaned foreworeword, gentle his bloody face. "Ha Min...I know you can't hear me...But...I can't thank you enough. I can't believe you did this for me...There's nothing I could do to repay you...But please..You have to come back to us. We...We love you so much." I said feeling tears stream down my face. I clenched his hand tightly, not wanting to let go. "If you die now...I don't know what I'd do..." I sobbed, looking at him through my tears. "I love you to much to let go...." I said without realizing it. I leaned foreword and pressed my lips against his. I wished I could stay like that forever. I pulled away and stood up shakily, before walking out quickly. Everybody was waiting for me in the waiting room. "The doctor says he's in a comma." Dad said with a  heavy sigh. "His body took so much, that he just shut down." Reita chimed, looking at me. I put the cross necklace and in my pocket and forced myself to stay strong. "Let's go home..." I said before I reached for Tae Jun's hand. He looked down at me, squeezing my hand tightly. We all walked out slowly, not saying anything else. "He's strong, he'll be ok." I said sniffling. They all nodded and we all forced smiles at one another. Were going to be ok, it's just...Reality.


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This is soooo cute!
It made me tear up!
Chapter 9: I played AKMU - Melted with this chapter and it made me cry but i was happy in the end ~!!! Its so good !!!!!
Chapter 7: This chapter makes me want to cry so hard but i am holding them back.
Dammit why is this story so sad yet so ing amazing~!!!!
Chapter 6: im.....crying
Chapter 4: Wow!! This is very intersting@@@!!~~~!!~!
Oh my gawwwwwwd..............
Ru kissed her!!!! Asjkaflsdfrggffgaddfgjkh
I love you soo much authornim!!!
Lol he stole Ha Min's chance to kiss her hehehehehehehahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

I was on the verge of freaking tears, i you not!
Chapter 4: Chloe I hate you!!! I hate you!!! I hate you!!!
Chapter 3: Omona!!!! He kissed her!!!
Angel, serves you well!
Chapter 4: No!!! NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!She cant move in with him!!!!! NOOOOO, and poor Ha Min was crying!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I AM GONNA CRY~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
And Ru being a protective best friend heeheheh i love him~!!
A new POV too on Jongjin's side cool~! But still