Forbidden Love Chapter 8: Friends

Forbidden Love


Forbidden Love Chapter 8: Friends

Wednesday, September 14,2011

3:27 PM

The night went on with Sistar and Infinite's laughs and conversation with each other, it was now time for them to go since they'll be busy again.


"Oppas? What's your numbers?" Dasom asked, The boys looked at her and tilted their head, "So… we can contact each other for fun and if we want to hang out all-together~" Dasom sang.


The boys smiled and gave their numbers to the girls, The girls also did the same, they all exchanged numbers.


They all piled in their own vans and drove off to their own dorms.


At Sistar's dorm


The girls collapsed in the living room, "Ahh!~ so tired! But im happy~" Hyorin chimed. The other girls nodded.

Soyou and Bora layed down in their stomach and plopped their elbows up and rested their chins in their palms.


"We made new friends~" Dasom said smiling. "Yep~ and their so fun to be with~" Bora added.

The girls giggled.


"Ahhh~ Hyorin unnie when will we have our break?" Soyou asked. Hyorin thought for a while, "Ah I think we will have our break next next week? I'm not sure…"


Soyou sighed showing the tiredness in her face, Dasom closed her eyes. Hyorin took a pillow from their couch and hugged it. Bora was just humming.


At Infinite's dorm


Once the van arrived at the dorm, the boys ran out of the van and ran inside their dorm. "FINALLY!~" Sungyeol sang.

L and Sungjong sat on the floor with their half-opened eyes.


Woohyun was at the fridge with Dongwoo. Sunggyu was talking with their managers. Hoya was listening to his iPod while he was sitting next to Sungjong.


Once their managers left, Sunggyu called their attention. "GUYS!~" he said.


L and Sungjong looked up tiredly. Woohyun and Dongwoo sat on the floor next to Hoya ans Sungyeol. They all formed a circle.


"Woohyun." Sunggyu said sternly. At the tone of his voice, the younger once knew what was gonna come, 'His gonna NAG again..pssssh' the other boys thought.


Woohyun looked up, "Ne?" he said trying to hide his irritated voice. "You really need to control yourself… you almost bit Bora…" Sunggyu pointed out. Woohyun looked down, not wanting to cause a fight between their leader.


"You guys too… WE all need to control ourselves." Sunggyu added. L sighed in irritation, he didn't want a fight to break out also. But being silent only and with his body feeling all tired, he couldn't control anymore, "Hyung can we just please talk about this later? We don't have anything to do anyways…" L said.


Sunggyu raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, we don't have anything to do later… but we still need to practice even if our managers don't tell us… we need to make our fans happy with our performances."


L stood up, "We'll still practice hyung.. But WE all need some rest, it's already 12:07am!" he said as he headed to his room shared with Dongwoo.


Sunggyu and Dongwoo sighed, "Stubborn kid…" they both mumbled though it was loud enough for the others to also hear it, they just headed to their own rooms.


Sunggyu and Dongwoo looked at each other and said 'goodnight' to each other and headed to heir rooms also.


At SungHoYeol's room (Sungjong, Sungyeol & Hoya)


Sungjong climbed up at his bunk and so did Sungyeol. Hoya sat down on his bunk and played a loud music, the other two boys were already used to it so they didn't mind much.


"Hyungs~ Sistar noona's and Dasom are really nice..~" Sungjong blurted out as he hugged his big teddy bear.


Sungyeol and Hoya agreed. "Yeah you're right.."


"Ah hyungs lets sleep now~" Sungjong said as he covered his body with his blanket and faced the wall. The other two boys did the same.



After 7 minutes, all of the boys(GyuDongWooYeolYaLJong)  cellphone vibrated,


From: Bora

To: alotofcontactnumbers/GM


'Ahh~ it was a really tiring day :D

But I'm so happy! And so are my other members, wanna know why? ;)


Cause' we made new friends, and guess who it was. It was none other then INFINITE!~ kekeke

I think almost everyone are asleep now ryt? XD


I dun wanna sleep yet.. Oh well~ XD


Gud nyt!~<3 or maybe.. Morning? Kekeke okie~ annyeong sleep well !'



From: Dasom

To: alotofcontactnumbers/GM


'AH!~ gud… eve/morning? =D

We had fun being with Infinite oppas~ kekeke they're really fun to be with just like my unnies said ^^


Hope you guys hav a sweet dreams kekeke bbyong! :* '



From: Soyou

To: alotofcontactnumbers/GM


'I had a nice day.. It was rly fun at inkigayo earlier!~ kekeke

Star1's daebakk! XD


Hm a gud nyt sleep!~ ^^'


From: Hyorin

To: alotofcontactnumbers/GM


'kekeke~ I can't sleep X3

Bora unnies music is sooooo loud hehe

Anyways I had fun today!


See u guys again sometym? Hmm.. Nyt!~<33'




Sunggyu chuckled at the random text the girls sent and replied to them all,


'gud NYT! .. And btw.. Bora ! Dun stay up u nid to sleep!'


L smiled a bit tiredly, he replied to the girls too.

'noona's and Dason-sshi sleep well…!'


Dongwoo replied to the girl as well.

'Have a gud nyt sleep! Dream of us! We had fun hanging out wit u girls earlier! Ekeke'


Sungjong sent Bora a reply,

'noona nids her beauty sleep! Or else u'll get… u--- kekeke… kidding! Gud nyt noona!'


Hoya sent;

'turn down the music bora noona~ so Hyorin noona can sleep! Hahaha jk.. Im listening to music ryt nao too.. Nyt! Hyorin and Soyou sweet dreams~ Dason stay healthy? XD'


The others didn't bother to reply and just slept.



L was laying down in his bed, 'I miss you already... wae? wae cant u just get off my head?'
he took another glance at his phone and read her text again. His lips curved up into a small smile. 'What am i to you? probably just a friend.. since we just got a bit close today...'

Sungyeol who was still not asleep heard L's thoughts, he smiled 'Someone is love strucked i guess?'
but then he frowned. 'We'renot allowed to fall in love with humans.. its forbidden'

Just then he heard Hoya's thoughts 'Noona you can't stop me from smiling even at your text... what did you do to me that made me fall for you?"

He frowned more. 'Please don't let them like the SAME girl'

'I MISS YOU ALREADY~' L and Hoya thought as they both went to sleep.

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vanessalouis #1
Chapter 8: Can you please update??
great job!
Chapter 15: Update soon~ i luv ur story~ kekeke >_<... and make it a long chap, k?
Kittycatploy #4
Chapter 15: Update soon~~~~
Great story authornim!!!
Chapter 13: please update this soon ;A i cant wait for ur update
I can be your co-author *raises hand*
@woobabylove0904 oh thank you~~ i'll still try to update this if i get 'more' ideas hehe~
Aww that's sad. but I don't blame you! :)
I'll wait until you start back again! :)