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She was truly in a pitiable state when they opened the door, despite the silk and fur. Her attire contrasted greatly with the traditional Chinese style stone walls, terracotta tiles and heavy wooden doors. She could hardly read the Hanja characters on the bamboo sign hung at the entrance.

Even Henry, leaning against the car and looking sharp in his tuxedo and sunglasses seemed out of place among the modest brick and plaster homes and iron gates. Whatever Suji had been expecting, it certainly wasn't this. Why in the world would her father want to associate with such an isolated old fashioned traditional hospital, Suji had no idea.

The door stumped her. There was no doorbell, camera, anything. She contemplated beating at the wood but the first strike left her clutching her hand, spewing out a litany of curses at the impenetrable nature of Chinese doors. This was how her efforts were thanked. She had rushed all the way to Jeolla with her head cut open only to be bested by a door.


"I know you're in there." Suji kicked the door in frustration, "Let me in. I'm here for Suho."

There was no reply.

"We can either do this quietly or I'll ram a car through the door." She paused, waiting for a response. If possible, the night seemed even more silent than before, as though it were waiting to see what she would do next. "Don't think that I won't do it!" She called in annoyance, "I've got enough money for a new one. This is nothing! I'll count to three!"

The night watched and waited.


She didn't really expect an answer that early. Luhan had always struck her as the flamboyant type; always waiting until the last minute.


Henry honked the car behind her, clearly tired of her tirade of abuse towards the door, "Come on Suji ya! The owner might call the police on us."

"Let them try. I own the police! You hear that?" She yelled at the closed door, "I own the police! It's been past three seconds and I'll call them on you!"


Suji didn't know what to do anymore. Having endured the hour long ride to Jeolla, she dreaded the ride back during which she was positive that Henry would rail at her for her stunt. She wasn't even sure whether or not Suho was going to be back when she woke up the next day. Would he return once he'd found his own kind. The only reason he had stayed with Suji was to find them in the first place. Why would he return to her?

Suji slid to the floor, the fight worn out of her, hugging her knees to her chest, and buried her head in her arms, forcing back the tears. It seemed silly to cry over such a trivial matter. Such an insignificant person. He had only been with her for a week and yet, she had cried over him twice. No wonder all her friends despised their older siblings.


"I'll scream and tell everyone about the three of you." She muttered under her breath with eyes still shut, close to giving up.

The door's latch immediately clicked open and the door squeaked in complaint as it was forcefully dragged open despite its age. A face popped out; one she didn't recognise. So this must be the infamous Minseok.

His features were a little puffy, like cooked rice, and his hair was the complete opposite; short and slightly spiky, glowing with a slight brown sheen. His almond shaped eyes held her with an electric gaze which seemed to judge to her very core before finally dissolving into a friendly smile, squinting eyes and all. He was, to a point, quite adorable as he stepped out of the shadows, revealing a stature even smaller than Luhan's petite frame.


"Hi. I'm Xiumin." He greeted her as he offered her a hand and easily pulled her to her feet, "You must be Kim Suji. Lay and Luhan have told me all about you. "

Suji wiped her face with the back of her hand before replying, "You're not Minseok? I'm sorry. I didn't realise there was going to be another one of you here."

"Oh no, I don't really like that name." He waved her apology away, "I'm still not used to my Korean name because I've used Xiumin since I first arrived here. It was only during Korea's anti-immigrant era that I was forced to change it."

"Oh." She wasn't sure what to say, now that she had been granted access inside, "Can I come in?"

Minseok frowned slightly, tilting her head as he stared at her, "To be honest, you'll be the first human to enter our actual residential area since we first acquired this property." He shrugged, acting nonchalant, though his words betrayed his true emotions, "I personally don't feel comfortable letting one of your kind in since what happened."

Her kind.

"But I've come all thi-"

"I guess we'll have to though." He smiled widely, back to his cute and charming self, although Suji now eyed him with a hint of doubt in her mind, "That cut on your cheek looks bad. It's got Kris' smell all over it too, so you'd better come in and let Lay have a look at it." He stepped aside and waved her in enthusiastically.

Suji edged around him, suspicious of his dual behaviour. She'd sensed a pattern among all of them and was almost certain that they were all afflicted with whatever crazy alien version of bipolarity was out there on their planet.



"Hello Suji sshi. Nice to see you again." Yixing grinned up at her, though he seemed as tired as when she had first met him, "Can I offer you anything? Tea? Coffee?"

He, and Luhan were sitting cross legged on a large bed, in oversized graphic tee shirts and printed drop crotch pants. It seemed as though they have assimilated well into society's idea of comfort fashion. Unlike Suho who, last time she saw him, was still wearing his bling bling tracksuit.

"I'm fine Lay." Suji gave him a thin smile, "You have a really nice house. It was nothing like what I had pictured though."

"I didn't expect it to be." His smile widened slightly.


It certainly wasn't, though the lower floor of the house was as she had expected it to be; adorned with traditional silk hangings and pots and knick knacks from whatever Chinese dynasty their inhabitants have been around from. It had had a slightly pungent smell of animal and crushed herbs; strongly reminiscent of a greenhouse. Or a farm.

The next storey however, although appearing to be as ancient as the rest of the house, was surprisingly clean and modern. It centered around an industrialised theme, with steel and woody grays and whites in the spiraling staircase and flat simplistic walls and furniture.

How they managed to convert such a prehistoric building into an interior design which looked as though it would belong in the Gangnam-gu area was beyond Suji. She was highly impressed.


"So…" Luhan started, messing up the back of his blonde hair with one hand, "You met Kris huh? That was pretty quick. We could use a few hints from you on how to find us. Our kind."

Suji stared, perplexed. What was that supposed to mean?

"Those cuts look quite deep." Yixing cut in, "They're still bleeding and you look as though you're going to faint. I'll fix them up for you now." He stood up and stepped closer.

She instinctively cupped the banda

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Chapter 18: I finally found some time to read the chapter! (busy busy busy~)
Alright, till chapter 17, this story had more of brother-sister relationships for me but now, I totally ship Suji with Chanyeol. He was so sweet and nice to her that I can't but wonder if there's some kind of interest towards her. I doubt he would do such things to any human. Suji leaning on Chanyeol for help and company is so adorable when her facade is unwearable most of the time.
Kris's part was overwhelming. I couldn't but want to give him a hug because, frankly, he's in the worst position any of the characters of the story are in (with the exception of Tao and Chen who are merely mentioned so far). The poor man's heart is broken and to hear someone you hold dear to you scream for help when you can do nothing to save them... it's the worst thing. And now, I understand his wild nature and why he had acted like that towards Suji. Although it was unfair since she had nothing to do with what happened, I understand him. Also, I still want to burn down the Shin Corporation. Maybe even more now that I know that everything started by a man who pretty much was looked after by them. Talk about a betrayal!
Can't wait for the next update~<3
joejoexnielie #2
Chapter 1: omygodd i really love this but umm..u know i kinda love kriskai, chankai, kaibeak sorta am a boyxboy yaio lol like this kind of sotry ( )
Chapter 17: huhuhu I hope you're ready to read my long a$$ comment. *evil smirk*
I will start off by saying that your writing is so captivating! The plot has been interesting since chapter 1 and I haven't been this engrossed in a fic for a while now. I also love Suji's character since she acts like most wealthy people- snob, without apologizing, being accepted and feared just by existing/standing. That alone makes her world clash too much with EXO's and I love how she slowly becomes more human as they interact. (the interactions between the ten and Suji are so precious<3)
Suho acting like a brother is quite lovely and Suji has already realized his role in her life, which gives her someone she does not need to hide behind a mask in front of. He and Suji are my favourite characters, along with Kris. He does seem like a good person but is just too hurt to trust anyone, but I can't wait to see his walls break and accept at least Suji entirely.
Also, that Shin Corporation needs to be burned down. Minho as well. And his father (just for my personal pleasure). The things he does is sickening but I will wait to see how the ten aliens and Suji deal with him in the future.
A slight addition; I don't want to be rude but I noticed like two typos in the two first chapters. They were only two but I just put this down in case you want to know. ^^ They don't ruin the quality though.
Okay, this is like 1/5 of what I have to say but it's going to get too long otherwise. I hope you update soon~ I'll become a faithful reader from now on~ ^^ Keep up the great work~<3
Chapter 17: Oh my god Kaisoo is the bomb you have so done this ship justice in this story, and look who the naughty one is... I seriously thought it would've been Kai... I expected more from you Kyungsoo :P
Chapter 17: HOLY THIS STORY<3 Thank you for writing on my wall! The Lord has blessed you with amazing writing skill XD this is seriously awesome! I love this plot! Update soon!!!!
girl_inlove #7
Chapter 17: Ok. So I just finished reading all the 17 chapters that's been updated ad to tell you, I'm in a state of shock right now. How can you write such long updates?! Lol
You're such a good writer. You have a very wide imagination which made this story interesting for me. You know, I love stories with this kind of genre. I just don't know how to write my own.
And I really envy your way of writing. Bravo! How will I ever write something in a real writers way? Haha. Anyway! Good job. I'll be waiting for your next update. d(*^*)b
Chapter 16: Hunhan is the most adorable thing, and oh my god Xiulay... This is so perf i'm gonna cry ;W;
Chapter 16: dude you how did you even double update whaaaatttt wooooowww authornim is daebaaakkkk???? ugh you are just on point these days, you on fire