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 It had felt like an eternity, yet she knew somewhere at the back of her mind that only two weeks have passed since that dreadful, awful day.

The aching. The hurt. The deep clenching throbbing pain. It only ended when she fell asleep. Yet, even then, her dreams were more often than not nightmares. Suji found refuge in the dark blank crevices of her mind, where she floated and was free. She didn't think. She didn't feel. She didn't remember. She was nothing. She only wished that that was how it would always be.

Too bad that life always followed half a wink behind her.


Suji lay on her bed as she had always done her whole life; staring up at a ceiling completely alien to her despite having lived in this house for nearly a month.

Alien. What a foreign word. One could not begin to imagine the trouble this one word had brought down on her. And they had all thought it a superstition. They couldn't be more wrong.

There was a knock on the door. A light timid rapping followed a long pregnant pause, as though the visitor knew that Suji was lying in bed, able to hear the softest of sounds. It was probably her mother. Or Henry. Either way, she didn't care to see them. They were probably just as confused as she was herself, wondering why she, who was always so energetic and forthright in her actions suddenly withdrew into herself. She didn't lift a finger.

The keys rattled in the lock anyway, the earlier knock only a formality.


"Suji ya. Are you home?" Kim Yoobin charged in with the loud rustling of plastic, "I brought you some food so you should come and eat." She peeked into the main bedroom, sighing at the sight of her daughter splayed out on the mattress, gaze vacant and disinterested, "Are you going to lie there all day? You've been so miserable these past few weeks, I don't even know what to do anymore."

Suji felt a cool hand on her forehead and her mother's concerned face focused into her line of sight, blocking out the ceiling. She hated that feeling. The knowledge that she was making somebody worry. Why couldn't they just leave her alone. She wasn't worth all this attention; not after committing a crime as heinous as hers'.


Suji was trash. She could see it in their eyes. Henry's. Her mother's. Her father's. Even Jongin had gone, leaving her to wake up alone with no message or clue as to where he had disappeared to. They couldn't stand being with her. It must have been such a chore to continue feigning their support for her. They needn't have done so. They should have simply followed Suho's lead.

Her mother seemed exasperated with her behaviour, almost desperate to leave Suji so as to escape her disease like aura. The emptiness and loss. It was probably only her maternal obligation stopping her from dropping her daughter. She should look at Suho, see how he was thriving in Suji's absence.

Weed; An undesirable or troublesome plant, especially one that grows profusely where it was not wanted.


"Where's your brother? I haven't seen him for such a long time since he's always out when I visit." Her mother frowned, "He is still living with you, isn't he?"

Kim Yoorae. Always unknowingly blunt with her words. She truly hated her mother for it.

Suji her side, facing her back to her mother. She knew that she was being rude. That she should be grateful for all the efforts spent trying to drag her back up from the hole she had sunk into. She didn't care. There was silence, followed by soft footsteps away. The front door shut with a bang a little harder than necessary. She had probably hurt her feelings.

Good. Her mother was now one step closer to freedom.



The hardest thing in the world was to smile when one was empty. It took all of Suji's energy to seem normal. To greet Minhyun and kiss him as though nothing between them had changed. It was not his fault. He had only just entered his company, having had no prior knowledge of what went on behind the glass doors of Shin Corporation. He wasn't the one who killed Kris. He wasn't the one who abandoned Sehun and Kyungsoo. That had all been Suji.


In the end, she gave up; allowing Eunhyuk to throw things her way without a blink and giving no indication of interest when Hyorin began to chatter beside her. Perhaps she was being too blunt. Perhaps that was why Eunhyuk eventually ceased his teasing, quietly sitting for the rest of the lesson. Why Hyorin fell silent, shooting her scared glances every so often. Maybe it showed on her face. Did she have traitor written on her forehead? Betrayer? Murderer?

Suji moved on autopilot; copying down notes, watching Teacher Park's lesson without listening, answering his questions in a dull monotone, void of life itself. It didn't matter. Nobody cared anyway.

Why would they when she herself didn't?


"Really, Suji! I've tried to be understanding but this is just too much!" Minhyun accosted her as she quickly scrambled out of her classroom as soon as the bell rang and hurriedly made her way down the southern hallway, having tried to avoid running into him during lunchtimes as she had done for the past two weeks.

It hadn't worked today. He seemed to have realised an inkling of her feelings, having not said a word about her disappearances during the mornings when she was not late for school. However, sneaking past him could only last for so long before he cottoned on to her whereabouts.

Minhyun was no fool and he utilised his power and influence when need be.


"What's wrong?" He cradled her face in his hands gently as he forced Suji to look into his eyes. The eyes she knew so well, "I can't help you if you never say a word to me."

Help? Could he really help her? She doubted it. Either

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Chapter 18: I finally found some time to read the chapter! (busy busy busy~)
Alright, till chapter 17, this story had more of brother-sister relationships for me but now, I totally ship Suji with Chanyeol. He was so sweet and nice to her that I can't but wonder if there's some kind of interest towards her. I doubt he would do such things to any human. Suji leaning on Chanyeol for help and company is so adorable when her facade is unwearable most of the time.
Kris's part was overwhelming. I couldn't but want to give him a hug because, frankly, he's in the worst position any of the characters of the story are in (with the exception of Tao and Chen who are merely mentioned so far). The poor man's heart is broken and to hear someone you hold dear to you scream for help when you can do nothing to save them... it's the worst thing. And now, I understand his wild nature and why he had acted like that towards Suji. Although it was unfair since she had nothing to do with what happened, I understand him. Also, I still want to burn down the Shin Corporation. Maybe even more now that I know that everything started by a man who pretty much was looked after by them. Talk about a betrayal!
Can't wait for the next update~<3
joejoexnielie #2
Chapter 1: omygodd i really love this but umm..u know i kinda love kriskai, chankai, kaibeak sorta am a boyxboy yaio lol like this kind of sotry ( http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/758460/the-one-who-fell-in-love-mpreg-exo-slightangst-kriskai-kairis )
Chapter 17: huhuhu I hope you're ready to read my long a$$ comment. *evil smirk*
I will start off by saying that your writing is so captivating! The plot has been interesting since chapter 1 and I haven't been this engrossed in a fic for a while now. I also love Suji's character since she acts like most wealthy people- snob, without apologizing, being accepted and feared just by existing/standing. That alone makes her world clash too much with EXO's and I love how she slowly becomes more human as they interact. (the interactions between the ten and Suji are so precious<3)
Suho acting like a brother is quite lovely and Suji has already realized his role in her life, which gives her someone she does not need to hide behind a mask in front of. He and Suji are my favourite characters, along with Kris. He does seem like a good person but is just too hurt to trust anyone, but I can't wait to see his walls break and accept at least Suji entirely.
Also, that Shin Corporation needs to be burned down. Minho as well. And his father (just for my personal pleasure). The things he does is sickening but I will wait to see how the ten aliens and Suji deal with him in the future.
A slight addition; I don't want to be rude but I noticed like two typos in the two first chapters. They were only two but I just put this down in case you want to know. ^^ They don't ruin the quality though.
Okay, this is like 1/5 of what I have to say but it's going to get too long otherwise. I hope you update soon~ I'll become a faithful reader from now on~ ^^ Keep up the great work~<3
Chapter 17: Oh my god Kaisoo is the bomb you have so done this ship justice in this story, and look who the naughty one is... I seriously thought it would've been Kai... I expected more from you Kyungsoo :P
Chapter 17: HOLY THIS STORY<3 Thank you for writing on my wall! The Lord has blessed you with amazing writing skill XD this is seriously awesome! I love this plot! Update soon!!!!
girl_inlove #7
Chapter 17: Ok. So I just finished reading all the 17 chapters that's been updated ad to tell you, I'm in a state of shock right now. How can you write such long updates?! Lol
You're such a good writer. You have a very wide imagination which made this story interesting for me. You know, I love stories with this kind of genre. I just don't know how to write my own.
And I really envy your way of writing. Bravo! How will I ever write something in a real writers way? Haha. Anyway! Good job. I'll be waiting for your next update. d(*^*)b
Chapter 16: Hunhan is the most adorable thing, and oh my god Xiulay... This is so perf i'm gonna cry ;W;
Chapter 16: dude you how did you even double update whaaaatttt wooooowww authornim is daebaaakkkk???? ugh you are just on point these days, you on fire