End [ 5 ]

Everybody Lies




                           ~ If you'll go now. It will be the end Jin ! ~


'' Then do what i will say '' 

'' What do you mean ? What to do ? '' she asked.

'' Patience, baby. Patience .'' his smirk grew more and he approach to her more . His face came next to her almost feeling her hard breathing '' Why?.. Are you scared ?''

She with an reflex made some steps back feeling with her back the door , and slowly tried with her hand to find the door handle , still looking in his eyes that examined her entire face.He broke out into that goofy smile when he saw how she was trying to escape from him and grabbed her hand from her back . Her face expression changed but she tried to keep it cold and to not let him to see that she was a little scared .He turned her body aside and opened the door and she looked at him strangely not understanding what he was trying to do.

'' Go inside , it's cold outside '' he finally smiled and freed her hand.
She didn't think too much and stepped inside the cafe going right to Kook that was with his friends drinking .She didn't look back to see again that boy's face , but she was thinking on all her way , of what happened outside , what he was trying to say or to do .. and that he seem so familiar to her like she has seen him somewhere ... like she was talking to him . It was so strange , in the end she thought that it was because of the alcohol .

'' Mirae , come here '' Kook observed her and made with his hand in the sign to come.
She nodded and went to him . She sat near him on the couch and suddenly Kook put his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him . She was surprised and somehow blushed a little because she didn't expect something like this from him .

'' I know we're ed up, but let's stay more !  ''  Jimin said and continued to drink.
'' It's already 4am and we need to go home , look at Taehyung he is sleeping already '' Kook said pointing at Taehyung that was really sleeping like a little baby '' I will go to lead Mirae to her home and then i will come back to help Taehyun to get home '' he added.

'' You don't need to do this , i can go home on my own.I think you should to take care of him firstly or i can come with you to help you to carry him'' she smiled to him.

'' Are you sure ? '' he asked .
She nodded at him and he accepted her opinion , because he knew that he wasn't able to carry him alone . Kook stood up and went to the others to say that they need to go home already , while Mirae with Jimin tried to wake up Taehyung  but it wasn't so easy how they thought because Taehyung was too drunk to stay on his own feet.When they finally have managed to lift him up they went out waiting for Kook to come. Outside unexpectedly were Namjoon and Sohee holding their hands and he with the other hand was smoking again. When she looked down at his clothes , through his skinny jeans she observed something that she should not  look at , but it was accentuated too much .She stared a minute on this and then released on what she was looking at ' Mirae what the ... why are you looking at him ' she thought trying to come to the reality,  breathing deeply and biting her lower lip.

'' Ok , let's go ? '' Kook came out from the cafe and took Taehyun from Jimin's back . 
'' Take care of him Kook , alright? '' Jimin said and Kook nodded .
'' Then we will go home too , don't forget to take care of Mirae  ''  Nmajoon said and again his smile appeared on his face.
Kook and Mirae carried Taehyung on the dark streets in silence for some moments but this silence was interrupted by Taehyung murmuring something and they looked at him strangely and then they both broke in laugh .

'' Taehyung , are you ok ? '' Kook asked him .
'' Kook ? this is you ? This is... really you ?'' Taehyung slowly opened his eyes but because of the darkness he couldn't understand where he was and with whom.

'' Yes this is me with Mirae , and you are really heavy '' he said , laughing .
'' No i'm not heavy , you are heavy ! '' he shouted and Kook put his hand on his mouth '' Shut up , we are among the houses where  people are still sleeping ''

When he took his hand , Taehyung fell asleep again  and he seem more heavy already  than he  was but Mirae didn't say a word but endured this because she knew that they had a little till they get him home.

'' Mirae , it's here '' Kook said and she sighed in relief '' This is my home , i think that it's better to let him to sleep here '' he took Taehyung on his back '' Are you sure you can go home on your own?'' he asked again.

'' Sure , i'm not that drunk '' she said waving with her hand in a sign that he should go inside , he smiled and opened the door entering . Mirae waited for him to enter and the turned back to that dark street going to her home and yes she wasn't so drunk but at the same time she wasn't any sober. But this was ok for her , even so she hadn't so much to walk because her house was of some blocks of his . She didn't remember anything just how she laid on her bed and tried to fall asleep because her head hurted so much and her stomach also but she was happy only to fall asleep and to not feel all of this .


She opened her eyes slowly, feeling the smell of the coffee in her room.There were a  hundred things and moments coming in her mind from the night before and she hardly could lift her head up,  but when she did that she saw Jin in her room staring right at her face and she looked at him surprised.

'' What are doing here ? '' she barely could talk she needed water and was looking for this with her eyes through her room '' You don't have your own house or what ?  Why are you still coming to my house i don't understand '' she lifted slowly her body and then leaning on the top of the bed , looking for an explication '' Why aren't you answer ?  and why are you looking  at me so , i have something on my face or what ? '' she continued to ask him questions.

'' Maybe because .. ''
'' Because what ? '' 

'' You're in my room ? '' 

Being shocked she looked again around and realised that it was really so. She wasn't in her room . She wasn't in her house. It was his room .. and his house.She thought maybe it was just a dream and closed her eyes but when she again opened  unfortunately it wasn't so.

''What i am doing here ? .. '' she asked more confused.
'' You woke me up at 5am and i allowed you to sleep here because of your look yesterday i thought that your parents could be scared'' 

She nodded understanding the situation and stood up '' I'm sorry for that, hope i will not disturb you anymore '' she took her things wanting to go.

'' What do you mean with disturbing , Mirae ? ''

'' Maybe because you didn't call me for 2 weeks Jin ! How could you do this ? for now it's a custom for you to not call or to see  me '' she looked at his face that she missed so much..

'' About what are you talking , we didn't talk just for two days '' he said .

'' Two days ? Are you drunk or something ? '' she scoffed the first.
'' I wonder who of us two is drunker. It has been two days Mirae , look in your phone.I called you two days ago '' he said not angrily, but thoughtfully.
'' Maybe for you it has been two days but for me these two days were like two weeks'' her voice broke.
There was a split second of silence before she left his room and he remained frozen alone . It seemed like everytime when they met with each other they were arguing and nothing else.

When she entered in her house her parents like ever weren't home so she didn't think to much and went to her room to take a rest . Her head hurted like hell because she wasn't accustomed to drink so much . Thinking about Jin wasn't a good idea for her in that time .. she was too tired to talk with him or to do something else.She decided that her wisest course would be to put him out of her mind. After reaching this conclusion she lay thinking about him until at last she fell asleep.

She spent all her day sleeping in her bed alone , trying to avoid the strange feeling in her stomach . When she decided to lift her sick body up , she looked at her phone and remained  shocked for some seconds . She has slept for the entire day .. because it was already 7pm .She went to take a shower to take off the smell of alcohol and cigarettes.. it was awkward because she knew that Jin for sure felt this smell.So she came to a resolution in the mind that she need to talk with him ..  she went out from her house going to his. She stopped in front of his house and took her phone from her shorts to call him.

'' What ? '' his voice sounded like he just woke up too.
''Oppa , can you come out for some minutes ?'' 
'' For what ? It's something important?''
'' And what if it's not ? ''
He sighed and went to his window  '' What the... what are you doing in front of my house ?''
''Why? I should not to be?''
'' Aish... i will come down in one minute '' he said and hung up.
Something was wrong with his voice tone and his expressions.. Something definitely was wrong..but she just took a deep breath and smiled when she saw him exiting his house.

'' Oppa '' she made some steps to him .
'' Say what you wanted to say already  '' 
She stopped in front of him keeping her face expression smiling '' Are you in a hurry? What happened between us .. mm ?''
''nothing , what could happen Mirae ? ''said he , interrupting her to continue her words '' Is this all ?''
'' Oppa .. something happened . You are not like you was  before.. You are strange . I did something wrong .. i said something wrong or what ? Tell me !'' she looked at him with her eyes wanting for an explication. 

'' Mirae , i'm tired . What do you want ? ''  he tried to avoid her gaze  looking around  like he didn't have any interest in this conversation.
'' I want you to talk with me , to look at me Jin !!! What the heck it's happening i'm asking ! Why do you behave like this oppa !'' her voice cracked while she shouted at him like she wanted to cry but she tried to keep it in herself .

''I have to go '' he turned his back to her wanting to go inside in his house.
'' If you'll go now. It will be the end Jin '' she said almost whispering ... already with her eyes filled with tears. He stopped and a little hope raised in her heart ... she lifted her head up looking at his back '' Are you going to leave me after we have been through?.. Are you going to end like this our relations ?.. ''

He turned his head a bit to her and escaped a sigh '' You are big enough now. And.. i'm tired . I'm really tired of taking care of you Mirae '' he said .
'' Remember when i covered you everytime and took care of you when we were younger ? I wasn't tired then ! And now you are saying that you are tired of what ? Jin OF WHAT ? '' she screamed and covered with her hand   trying  to stop her cry.

He suddenly put his hand on her head caressing  slowly  and then put back down, continuing to walk to his house.She blinked some times shocked because he just leaved like this and fell to her knees . Her tears rolled down  like a river on her cheeks '' This is the end JIN ! '' her voice broke and another tear fell on her cheek .

'' the end.. '' she whispered..


The alarm made her to understand that she must return to the reality and to realize that yes her friendship with her best friend would never be back... not how it was up till then.. and that hurted... more than she ever expected..

She made her usual routine at the morning and went out in a hope to see him there with an apologetic smile that will cure everything and they will keep being the best friends they were but no.. he wasn't there.. he didn't wait for her.. instead of him there was Kook with a weak smile on his face.. he looked even more tired than her.. his eyes were red from the loss of sleep and when a rise of sun met his eyes he closed them in a squeeze because of the light...

" What happend to you?.. and who disturbed you to sleep this night.. dont say that you found somebody better than me and you talked to her all the night long..." she decided to joke a little in hope that he wont notice that she was in a worser situation

"Yeah... a girl better than you... sure... and the girl's name is Kim Taehyung.. huh .." he answered her with a tone that would offend her very easy.. but not in that situation when he competed on of his bestfriends to a girl

"Ohhh what's with the sarcasm in your tone.. what did he did that made you so mad at him? " she laughed from his face while he seemed to suffer for real from the sun that lit right on his face

" He slept yesterday the all damn day and at the evening he felt full of energy .. so he kept on calling me and Jimin every five minutes... till 3 am and when he finally fell asleep Jimin went to sleep like a normal man but I couldn't fall asleep anymore so I watched a movie.. and then another one... till it was already 6 am and i had to make a cold shower and i came to meet you.. " he kept smiling sleepily while she kept laughing from his funny and cute expresions... she thanked to god for having him near her in that moment cause thanks to him she could forget for some moment Jin's words from the last night.They walked on the streets talking about things without any significance something that she used to do with Jin.. but in that moment near her was Kook and not Jin .. and she had to accept that fact that  Jin wasnt with her anymore and maybe he will never be in the future

"Mirae .. the gates are here why do you keep going.. " Kook woke her up to the reality  and she shook her head realising that she got distracted thinking about Jin again.

"Ohhh yeah.. sure " she gave him an  apologetically smile while she made some steps back to where he was.
"Is everything ok? I'm sorry i didn't notice that something worries you" he looked  at her with a worry in his eyes while they walked in the school's territory

"Everything's ok.. im a little tired too because the same as Taehyung i slept the all day and at the night i couldn't sleep so im a bit tired" she smiled , a forced one while biting her bottom lip hoping not to burst in tears for a few hours until she will be back at home..

''You're sure that it's all.. you look worried.." he stopped a few steps from the buildings door and faced her

"Yes... im ok just tired " she smiled another smile
"If there is  something wrong... just tell me ok?" He took her face in his hands and kissed on her forehead.. another action that Jin used to do always when he walked her to school.

"People you'll be late because of your love.. lets go " someone made Kook to step back from her and that person  was Kook's friend. Taehyung hugged both of them with his two hands and pushed them to enter into the school

"My dear friend.. how did you sleep last night?? ... '' Kook's sarcastic voice made her to laugh a little ... she knew that Kook will have his revenge on him one day

"Very well my friend.. i had a dream about you " he smiled at him like an idiot
"You dreamed about how i  crossed my hands around your neck in revenge for the last night?? Cause if it was, you have dreamed about your last day of life " he smiled at him with a sly glare.

"Ok ok.. you two go to your classroom and i'll go to mine too, see you later" she escaped from Taebyung's hug and walked right to her class before her teacher could come in.

The lunch time came so she made her way together with her classmates to the cafeteria
"Hey " Sohee stopped behind her in the row .
"Oh.. hey " she did  a weak smile .
"I saw that you and Kook approached to each other in the last days "
"Yeah kind of.. " after her afirmation it was already hard for her to smile... it seemed like someone was following her.. looking after every move of her.. and it scared her .. too much for her own good

"You're sitting alone? " she asked after they got their food and everyone were looking for their friend to sit with at the lunch
"Yes.. my head hurts a bit so i prefer to sit alone at a quiet place.. we'll talk later.. " she smiled in hope to be left alone with her own thoughts,  to think about what she had to do with the odd feelings she had after the little conversation with Sohee.

"Oh well let me sit with you, cause my head also hurts and i'll prefer to eat this time without a noisy company " she smiled at her with a big smile like they were the bestfriends ever and it was a pleasure for the both of them to take the lunch together.. so she shrugged walking to her usual place being followed by Sohee.

She was sitting there in front of her sending smiles everytime their eyes met... and all that she wanted was to get up from her place and to run looking for Jin to protect her and to say her that she is safe... but then she realised Jin wasn't there anymore... not to protect or to talk with her about what she had in her mind.  So she hsd to face that problem by her own without depending on anyone else .

"So.. " 
"My friend remain very interested in you.. after he met you at Kook's party... it seemed like you two know each other from earlier" she was about to ask her with what kind of goal she tried to get close to her in the past few weeks... it began with her acknowledging her about the fact that Jin had a girlfriend and then she got very interested in her relationship with Jungkook

"Sohee.. "
"yes " she looked at her with an anticipation gaze.
"Your friend, who is he? " she had to find out.. from the first moment they met she knew that he had something with her... she didn't remember him at all but from his words they knew each other from the past.

"He's equal to magic that's who he is... he can read your mind just from looking into your eyes.. he understands everything just from a half of a word.. he knows where to touch and when... magic.. as I told you " she looked witched while talking about him "and he told me to invite you...one day to a party organised by him.. " she sent her a last smile and got up from her place , walking away with that crazy smile on her face.

After the conversation with Sohee her day passed like in a dream.. a strange one.. the entire day thousands of questions passed through her mind... questions about Jin and about that boy.. she was in her way to the exit when two pairs of hands hugged her each one from a side.

"Why you are so lonely.. " she turned her face to Taehyung who hugged her from one side
"Mirae.. my dear girlfriend don't you want to walk with us, to drink maybe some coffee and eat some cookies? " Kook asked this time with a happy voice from her other side..

"Yahhh you two.. if the next time you will surprise me in such a way I promise not to be so nice with you.. so take in consideration " she escaped from their hug and faced them pointing at them with a finger " and yeah a cup of coffee and some cookies sounds good... Taehyung you are paying yes? " she smiled a little to make them understand that she agrees.

"Me?" He looked at her with his eyes wide open "who said? "
"Of course Taehyung is paying .. " Kook smiled at her nodding.
"Ughh i can't believe you two are doing this to me right now.. " he pouted walking in front of them in an angry way.
She spent the entire day with them and forgot for a little from the sad reality she had to face after she entered to her house.
"Mirae it's you.. " her mother appeared from the kitchen with a smile on her face.. something she didn't see for a while.
"Yeah... it's me" she also smiled a little smile and walked straight to her room.
Jin came to her mind once again... she wanted to see him.. to hear from him that everything will be ok.. to feel his embrace and his hands caressing her hair gently.

She knew that it was too late but it didn't stop her from tapping a message and to sent it
- Oppa.. i need to see you.. are you ok? How are you my dear oppa..hope you're good cause I feel very bad and confused... i miss you -

The sunrises were right on her face begging for her to wake up and to enjoy from their warmth.... and slowly she woke up opening her eyes to discover that she fell asleep waiting for an answer from Jin . Her uniform was all crumpled .. but she didn't care at all, cause all she wanted to see was if Jin answered to her message so she looked for her cellphone

"Ahhh.. nothing.. " a sigh escaped from when there was nothing "well.. i guess that i have to struggle alone in this situation... you wanted me to stay far from that boy and from your past but if you don't have in plan to explain what and who is he i will do it by myself.." she mumbled for herself lifting her body from the bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower..

"Good morning " she smiled at the smiling boy in front of her house "how did you sleep last night Kookie? " she smiled even brighter giving him a hug and a little kiss on the check

"The night was good very .. but the beggining of this day is even better " his smile turned even bigger after she gave him that kiss.
She was at her english hour when finaly her cellphone gave a sign of life and it was a message.. so with a heart full of hope she unlocked it waiting to see Jin's name on the wallpaper, but it wasn't.. she recieved a message text from Kook

-Soo.. my dear how many official and unofficial classes you have today? -
- Five - she was dissapointed but what could she do.. she had to answer to him... to her boyfriend
- Sooo... let's short it to none??- a little smile appeared on her face
- Hmm.. I don't know -  she answered him to see his limits
- When the bell will ring... i'll wait at the gates... if you aren't there in five minutes i'm coming for you - she was sure that he was waiting for an answer but she prefered .. to .

Five minutes after the bell rang she walked out from the school's building and saw him ready  starting to  walk into the school
''Ugghh Kookie you're impatient and it doesn't suits you at all'' she laughed at him when he turned his face in her direction
"You're teasing me.. huh? " he looked at her with a raised eyebrow
"A little... so to where we're going? " she smiled and crosswd her hand around his
"To a walk and later we'll see already " he smiled to the guard while they exited the schools territory.
"Ahh.. I can't believe that the nature is against our plans to spend the day out.. " he pouted when some drops started to fall when they were in their way to the park

"Lets enter in our usual cofe and wait until the rain will end and then we'll continue our stroll.. " she pointed at the coffee shop they usually prevented from the first day they walked out together

"Aha good idea " he nodded catching her hand in his and they started to run from the rain that began to fall even harder.

"Kookie if we want to get home this evening we should take the advantage of this break ... cause it seems that it will rain for a long while.." she sneaked behind his back making him to wince in surprise..
Their day resumed to waiting for the rain to stop while looking at more and more students that entered in that coffee shop in hope to find a warm and dry place to stay while the rain and the thunders played as they wanted outside.
"yeah your right let's go.." he stood up wearing his jacket while looking if all his stuff were on him "ohh Kook you stupid creature.." he exclaimed and facepalmed while shaking his head in disbelief.
"what's wrong?" she looked at him in wonder
"I left my keys in my looker.." he sat down on his chair still shaking his head
"ohh.. but its already 7 pm im sure that your parents are already at home" she showed him her cellphone and the hour  on the screen
"not today,, they went to camping.." he looked at her with small eyes
"well why don't you call Jimin or Taehyung i'm sure you won't disturb them for one night  if you'll stay at their house" she porposed.. when an idea came to her mind "you know what? why don't you come with me to my house? anyway my parents will come as usual very late" it seemed the best idea for her.. in this way she won't be afraid to fall asleep alone at home
"Ok" he shrugged and got up from his seat '' Let's go ''




Guys just wondering who you'd like more to appear ,  because the others will make part anyway ♥ 

ps: don't forget to comment and to support me ^ - ^ ♥♥




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smartrat #1
Omg i like the trailer song could you tell me what the title song is
omg she and jin are so cute together though ;u;
daetaebaek #3
It's great^^
daetaebaek #4
OMG thanks so much for the update!!
Chapter 5: update soon authornim^^
When i see the title of the chapter "end" i thought the story will be end soon -3- lol
Updates soon xD
Chapter 4: I'm waiting for the next chapter like never ples update T u T
I really like this! ^^
daetaebaek #9
I'm shipping Jin and mirae >u<
Chapter 4: Even if it's short it's pretty awsome . I'm curiouse what will he ask her