Breath [1]

Everybody Lies



                                 -  It always seemed that her breath and his were one.

                                                                                           Or perhaps he was her breath. -



Her cell phone started to ring so she looked once more in the mirror and walked out from the room with hope that her mother still slept and wont disturb her to walk out at such an early hour without taking the breakfast.

"Good morning" she heared from the living room .
'Aish' she thought to herself and kept walking to the door  to put her shoes on
"Good morning" she greeted her mother with a smile .
"Mirae where are you going without taking your breakfast?" she stopped from opening the door and faced her mother hoping that she will understand.
"Oppa is waiting for me.. I am in a hurry because we have something to organize at school and we appointed with a hour earlier.. Bye" she waved to her mother and walked out from the house before her mother will porpose to invite Jin to take the breakfast with them .She walked out from the house with a big smile on her face.. excited to see him after a day that she didn't see him.. she missed him.. and so did he..that was the reason for them to meet a hour earlier.. they appointed to meet a hour earlier because they wanted to spend some time togheter.. to speak and to fullfil the hole from the day before when they didn't meet.

He waited for her with his usual smile on his face.. the smile that could melt the whole Iceland..
"Oppa!" she made the last steps with excitement ready to jump in his arms
"You slept well?" he let go from the hug and looked at her with a smile and planted a kiss on her forehead
"Yes" she nodded,hugging him once more before they started to walk slowly in the school's direction talking and spending the time in the way they loved the most.. together.They knew each other from the day she remembered herself, their parents were friends from the high school and they kept the bonds between them moving to the same neighborhood and keeping a tight and warm relation between the two families.. and so their children did . She and Seokjin were close and did everything togheter.  He was the big brother she never had.. he was always beside her protecting and taking care of her .

"Here we are" he smiled at her when they reached the gates of her school "take care of your self and study well" he kissed on her forehead and she made her way to the door "Mirae!" she heard him and turned around "i'll call you when i finish my courses" 

She nodded in sign of understanding and continued to walk on her way.
Once she entered in the class and took a place at her usual place near the window she began to remember scenes from the past.. memories that she and Jin will never forget.. 

She remembered the day Jin proposed to teach her how to swim when she was five years old . "There you go, there you go,” he said ,smiling at her.. or the day they went to a picnic and she begged him to teach her how to ride but he was against that idea because he was afraid that she will hurt herself. Every moment with him was amazing.. He was all ears when she wanted to tell something or to complain about something . he was the shoulder she could put her head on , when she passed through hard times at school or at home.. he always listened to all her sorrows and gave advices that the others couldn't.. he always was there when she had  a problem or a happy event.. he was sometimes more important then her own parents..It always seemed that her breath and his were one. Or perhaps he was her breath.

Suddenly between all the nice memories a sad one came to her mind.. when she was about sixteen years old she had a sad period of time when she felt that she was about to lose him.. At that time Jin wasn't the guy she knew from their childhood.

He was full of secrets and lies.. in that period he always begged her to be his alibi for his parents and she was because he was her bestfriend.
~"Oppa?" she answered to his call at 2 am,, something unusual for him to wake her 
"Mirae.. im sorry for the late hour but I don't have where to sleep till morning.. so i want to ask you if you can open the door without any noise... please it's very important.. if it wasn't I swear that I wouldn't ask for such a thing" he sounded tired and weak so she went right to the door without asking anything and opened the door for him.

"What happened to you?" she looked at his red eyes and tried not to give him a sign that the smell from him disturbed her... but it did from him went a strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes

"Nothing i'm just tired..." he hugged her leaning himself on her body "we'l talk tomorrow, now i just want to sleep"
"Ok ok lets get you to the bed first of all" he just nodded leting her to lead him to her room in silence.
"Aish .. my beautiful and little Mirae.. this life .. but what can i do.. i promised to be beside you and to protect no matter what and so i will do.. you're the one that keeps me strong.. you're the reason i remained here... you are.." he kept mumbling words in her ear while she finaly reached her bed and helped him to lay down.

"Then change for me oppa .. don't be like this anymore..and just stay with me.. be the same Seokjin you was up till now.. dont let yourself down~


''Mirae?'' someone's voice came from her back and she turned her head to see who called her name. It was a boy with black hair , dark eyes and in the same school uniform . She  remembered his name and his personality . His name was Jungkook but his friends called him just Kook . He wanted to go out with her but she was  always against .

''What? '' Mirae asked him when she observed some gazes on her from the girls .
''Can you come out a bit?''
She sighed and stood  up from the stool.When she exited the class she asked again '' What? '' she could hear the irritation in her own voice. 
''Are you free after classes?'' He supported his body to the wall looking right in her eyes.
She rolled her eyes again knowing that he would ask this '' I told you so many times that i don't have time. Jin will come.''
''Why you can't simply to say no . I can get tired of asking you so many times.''
''And why Jin? '' he interrupted her '' Is he your boyfriend or what? ''
''Kook , you know that Jin is my best friend..and.. '' she stopped observing that she received a message .
~ Jin-Oppa ~

Hey , I'm sorry i can't come today to take you from school . Be careful on the way to home . I'll call you later.


'' Mirae . I'm going to my class'' Kook said when he saw her distracted from their conversation.
'' Kook '' she took his hand and stopped him '' Let's meet after classes'' 
On his face grew a smile '' See you then''

She went back in the class , sitting on her place and putting her head on the table.This was the first time when Jin couldn't come. She thought that he had a good excuse for that.

When she finished the classes she went out going to the school gates.She stopped in front of it and waited for him to come.There was little hope for her that Jin would come but when Kook appeared, all her hopes broke and sketched a fragile smile on her face in sign of greeting him.

'' Hey '' he said and stopped in front of her '' Let's go?'' 
'' Where? '' she asked.
'' There is a caffe near school , let's go there today'' he smiled and showed her where to go.She went after him and they walked in silent until they reached the caffe.It was the first time when she agreed to go out with him . He tried many times to distract her attention but failed because she always was with Jin , but spending the time with her in that moment he felt happy even if they didn't talk too much.He opened for her the door and she entered the first . They sat near the window and the silence between them, grew with every minute .

''So.. Kook , what did you find in me that attracted you so much ? '' she asked directly.
''You're my style '' he said shortly and smirked to her.
'' What do you mean ? what style?''
'' I mean that , i like you'' 
Her phone began to ring and she answered '' Jin?'' Kook's face changed  radically , hearing his name again. 
'' I'm in the coffee bar near the school , why?''
'' With who ? I'm here in front of your school , i thought that you'd be here'' Jin said.
''I'm with a school friend , don't worry . I will tell you later ok? '' 
'' See you tonight,  then''
'' Bye bye ''  She hang up and looked a second at the screen mobile and smiled '' So ? where did we stop?''
'' What  Jin means for you? '' Kook's asked  like he was trying to hide his angry tone from her.
'' We didn't stop at this and i told you , he is my best friend . Are you jealous? '' she smirked .
'' Are you sure that you are just friends? It doesn't seem ''
''You  begged me to go with you out so many times for what? To know if i have something with Jin? If you want so much to know why don't you ask him . Or maybe you want to know about him more because you like him and not me.'' she stopped when Kook began to laugh and somehow she escaped a laugh too.

They continued to laugh and then the atmosphere became more warmer then it was and they began to talk more.She observed that Kook was well educated and careful.It was strange because she thought that in their days these kind of boys are hard to find.

Kook stood up wanting to pay the coffee and then he said '' I can take you to home if you want ''  

She looked at him and sighed '' Maybe next time '' 

He walked with her until the bus station and they stayed there a bit . 
'' So.. see you tomorrow ? '' she said observing how her bus was coming.
'' Yes . Take care '' he smiled .
She came closer to him with a smile while the bus was about to open the doors and hugged him .He remained frozen because of her action. It was the first time when the girl was the  first that hugged him and this changed the rhythms of his heart beats.She looked back at his face and smirked

'' Bye , Kooky''

''Kooky?'' he thought . This was the first time when someone called him like this and for him it was a little strange these situations because he knew that he needed to hug her first but again failed.He sighed watching her entering into the bus and smiled to her.For him she always was a closed flower and always wanted to open the petals of this flower . 

This strange girl attracted his attention from long time ago..

She opened the front door,leaning against the wall and removed her shoes.She stopped observing someone's shoes that were unfamiliar and she knew that her parents were working at this time. She put down her school bag and went into the kitchen .

'' Hello ? ..'' she asked , scared '' Jin?..''she made some steps in the living room , wanting to open the door but the door opened before she could do that.
''What.'' his gaze met her scared eyes.
''Jiiiiiiiiiiinnnn !!! Idiooot !! i thought someone entered in my houseeee !!!! '' she yelled at him and hit with her fists.
'' Ya.. ''  he took her hands and stopped her '' Who could enter in your house ? Even so , if you will see something strange just go outside and call me . Don't enter. Understand? '' 

She looked into his eyes and whispered '' Understand..''
''Good girl , let's eat something '' he said , going  to the kitchen '' I'm hungryyyyy as hell '' he yawned.
She smiled and went after him there. In the fridge were some eggs so she decided to cook them.
''By the way .. what are you doing in my house ? '' she asked  while she began cooking.
'' Why ? you want me to go home ?'' 
'' No.. just , you said that you're busy and i thought that we'll not meet , some days..'' she persisted.
''I will sleep here today , because you're mom called me and said that they will come very late'' 
''Really ? you will sleep here? I'm so happy Oppaaaaa !! '' she jumped happily with a fork in her hand that made her to look a little strange but he just laughed.She put on the table the eggs and sat near him . They began to eat but Jin suddenly stopped.

''What ? It doesn't taste?'' she asked worriedly.
'' With whom you was at the cafe? '' he remembered and put the fork on the table waiting for her to answer.
Her eyes went down and then they met his eyes . She sighed '' With a boy..'' she finally said.
''What boy? What is his name? '' he continued  to query her.
''Oppa ,  the food is so well prepared . I'm a good cooker, right? '' she smiled sarcastically at him.
''Answer '' he threw a cold gaze to her , and son her smile disappear from her face.
'' He is just a friend ... '' 
'' I need to worry about this? '' he asked , raising an eyebrow.
'' No.. ''
They continued to eat .. and only the tv was heard in the whole house.She hated when he behaved like this..she wanted so much to talk with him .. or to do something else but he wasn't in the mood that night , so she decided not to disturb him anymore. She went to her room and then to the bathroom to take a shower .  She was thinking of what could happen to him .. that he wasn't in the right mood. What caused this.. she wanted to know but she didn't try to ask him about this .

After shower she wrapped herself in a bath towel and entered in her room . It was already 11 pm o'clock and she felt how her knees are falling down. She fell on her bed without even to dress herself.. She closed her eyes  '' I'm soo tired...'' she whispered.

'' Mirae ? '' Jin was closer to open her door. 
She raised her head and shocked began to yell '' DON'T ! JIN DON'T ENTER !! '' 
He opened the door . 
'' Why ? '' 
'' Because .. i'm ..'' she whispered confused.She covered herself with the blanket seeing that he continued to watch at her.
'' Oppa... '' she looked at him and gave a sign to go out.
'' Ah .. yes . I'm sorry '' he turned and closed the door.
She stayed like this some seconds and didn't realise what just happened. At the same time Jin when he closed the door he stayed also some seconds there in front of the door.She heard  Jin's steps and stood up to dress herself.She weared short pants and a shirt because the weather was warmer than the days before.She smirked remembering Jin's face when he saw her.Maybe for another girls .. they would react in another way .. to feel embarrassed or ashamed but she knew Jin for so much time that she didn't feel anything of this. Also she knew that she has a good formed body and she felt confident about this.

After dressing she went out from her room and looked for Jin but couldn't find him.She get out from the house looking in the garden and observed him , staying on the stool.

'' Jinn? '' she asked , trembling because of the cold wind.
He turned his face to her  '' Ya !  Hurry ,  enter in the house ! You will catch a cold or something ! '' he stood and  pushed her back to enter '' And then i will need to take care of you'' 

'' Why ? you don't want to take care of me ? '' she asked waiting for him to close the door with the keys.
'' I'm tired '' he said  , ignoring her question '' Let's go to sleep '' he went first into her room .
This confused her more .. but he just enter in silent and turned off the light. Jin laid down on his bed on the floor that she made for him and she went to her's.There was a silence between them for some seconds, then she said '' I don't know what happened with you .. but i want you back..I miss talking to you..It seems like you have so many secrets .. ''A few seconds of silence, a space that lengthened . '' He is sleeping already ?'' she asked herself.She turned her body at the bedside to see him ..and realised that he slept.

She sighed and fell down to her place .. falling in her own thoughts and dreams.



''  Mirae ! Jin ! wake up '' her mother's voice came from the corridor.
Mirae heard her and and answered  '' we are awake ! ''
She lifted her body up and looked down at Jin that was sleeping without his shirt. Suddenly she felt how her cheeks were on fire. She saw his body only when they were younger , but in that moment she realised how much did he change.She stared at him some minutes then she saw what time it was and hurriedly wanted to wake  him up.

'' Jinnn !! '' she whispered '' Oppa .. wake upp !! '' she pushed his large shoulders '' Come oonn''
when he opened his eyes he smiled at her .Taking her hand he pulled her towards him so that she could feel his body under her's. She looked down at his face with her wide open-eyes and realised that her face was too much closer to his.

'' What are you doing ..?'' she asked .
'' Let's stay like this a little'' he closed back his eyes. He turned her body to  one side and hugged her from back.She didn't move at all.. she stayed like this , feeling his breath on her neck. A shiver went through her whole body . That was  definitely strange feelings .

''Mirae, the breakfast is ready !'' She heard again her mother's voice .
'' We're coming!'' she yelled  and stood up . Jin opened his eyes and yawned '' Morning '' he said .
''Hurry, dress yourself ! '' she said while she tried to dress her school uniform.He also stood up and began to dress.

They went in the kitchen and sat down to eat.Her mother came from the living room and asked '' Did you sleep well?'' 
''Yes mom we slept well'' she smiled.
'' Jin , thank you that you came . I really don't know what to do without you '' her mother said .
Jin nodded and smiled to her. Her mother knew only Jin from her friends and she trusted him like nobody did.After they eat , they went to school together. 

They began to talk like nothing happened so she didn't want to ask him what happened with him the night before because she was afraid that he could change again his mood.

'' Take care . I will come after you'll finish the classes ok?'' he said and she nodded.She looked at him how he was leaving and then she enter in school.When she wanted to enter in the class Kook appeared in her face and she winced .

''What the hell Kook '' she said .
''Hey '' he smiled '' Until the classes begin , i want to ask you something''
She beated her bottom lip '' What ? again.'' 
'' After classes what are you doing?'' he asked
'' Jin.'' she said shortly.
'' Mirae are you going to enter? '' the teached asked .
'' Yes '' she said '' Bye, Kook'' she entered.
She took a sit on her place and greeted her friends .A girl , one of her friends write her in a little letter that she wants to talk to her and she looked at her and nodded.She questioned herself in her mind all the lesson what would she tell her so important,because she never talked to nobody about her life or problems , only Jin knew everything.

Finally when the bell has gone that girl approached  and took a sit next to her.She looked at Mirae strangely and sighed .
''What? Say this already '' 
'' You knew that Jin has a girlfriend?'' she asked .
Mirae looked at her surprised and didn't know what to do , to trust her or not .. to hit her or not .







    ~    Hope you'll enjoy my new story with Bts and don't forget to comment and subscribe ^^  if you liked to read :3333 ♥♥♥~


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smartrat #1
Omg i like the trailer song could you tell me what the title song is
omg she and jin are so cute together though ;u;
daetaebaek #3
It's great^^
daetaebaek #4
OMG thanks so much for the update!!
Chapter 5: update soon authornim^^
When i see the title of the chapter "end" i thought the story will be end soon -3- lol
Updates soon xD
Chapter 4: I'm waiting for the next chapter like never ples update T u T
I really like this! ^^
daetaebaek #9
I'm shipping Jin and mirae >u<
Chapter 4: Even if it's short it's pretty awsome . I'm curiouse what will he ask her