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                              “I imagine a line, a white line, painted on the sand and on the ocean, from me to you.”


"Soon I'll be back.. I promise "

 "Ahh Yixing... when you will learn not to promise imposible things like this.."

"No no it's not imposible"  

"You should go if you don't want to miss the plane.. we'll talk later "

 "Yes.. you're right.. "

"I love you don't forget.. please.."  

" I won't .. now go !  " she gave him a last kiss on the lips and he walked away....

~ ~ ~ ~


ZHANG YIXING - 23 years old Idol..

 ( Member in Exo a group from the KPOP Industry.. A chinese guy that leaves his country to achieve his dream.. to be a known artist and a great singer.. )



PARK HYE MI - 23 years old, a foreign student..

( In the International relations academy ..who came to China to improve and to know better the Chinese language and the culture of the longest population on the entire earth.. )


~ ~ ~ ~ 

"We always said that we will travel togheter to your country"

 "I know.. but it doesnt depends only on me"  

"Korea without you will seem grey and cold"

"I know.. so will be China without you.."





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i really want to write a story based.on yixing and his ex girlfriend's situation but too busy lol and thanks for writing this story^^
Nay_90 #2
Already upvote & subscribe.. I can't wait for the first update...
It's lay my baby so why not~