ju ichi


Chen couldn’t believe what had happened. He stood there in complete and utter shock, the smoke died down from the hit and he immediately dashed forward to catch Seojin who was falling down. Seojin had crack marks on her skin, her eyes were shut and she felt light like a feather.


“. . . .” Chen mumbled and her hair away from her face. He knows how strong that lightning hit he had made and he prayed that Seojin was able to nullify it even for a little bit, cause he’s sure as hell that he may have hit her veins and brain.


Minho gritted his teeth, he can’t believe that his weapon of destruction is in the hands of the traitors. He couldn’t let them get away with her. He actually didn’t think that they’d find her in a flash and now he regrets not sending Seojin farther away from her hometown.


“Minho, we need to take Seojin and we need to take her now. If Suho’s clan takes her back, they may be able to tap into her memory while she is asleep.” Key said and Minho nodded before ordering the shadows to crawl towards the vampire brothers. Baekhyun saw this and he alarmed everyone, they jumped out of the way of Minho’s shadows and glared daggers towards the councilman.


“we can’t let you take away our weapon.” Bomi said and the twelve formed a line to protect Chen who has Seojin in his arms. Taemin on the other hand was left alone on one side, the moment the others jumped away from the shadows.


“you’re gonna have to kill us all if you want to have her.” Suho said and Lay immediately placed a force field around Chen and Seojin. Key chuckled, other than having the power to recollect the past, he also has the power to inflict pain on whoever he touches, he dashed head on and wrestled with Xiumin who blocked his assault.


“get the hunter.” Minho ordered the other council members and they nodded before darting towards Suho and his brothers. Tao knew it can be over when he stops time and they can take them all down one by one so he stood in front and concentrated his power, although what he didn’t know was the council member named Namjoo; she can take away the power of whoever she touches and only when she wills to do so, or when she dies will that vampire get his power back.


“time control.” Naeun said to Namjoo, Naeun is the smart one in the council and she knows what Suho and his brothers are capable of. Namjoo quickly moved towards Tao before he could even use his power. Tao saw her attack so he aimed for a punch but Namjoo was flexible, she dodged the attack and grabbed Tao’s arm before twisting it behind his back. Tao grunted but he can get out of it easily, that is until he felt power flow out of him.


“TAO!” Kyungsoo yelled when they saw a white spirit go out of Tao and into Namjoo’s hands, the spirit then disappeared and Tao fell on his face on the ground. He wasn’t dead, he’s just powerless and he felt like he was being weighed down by a thousand bricks. With their brother fallen on the ground, the ten vampires eyes went blood red and they attacked whoever got in their way.


Lay and Chen made sure no one gets in the force field so they combined their powers, Chen inflicted lightning on the force field so whenever something or someone wants to go through, they will get electrocuted.


Kyungsoo was right next to Tao in a matter of seconds, pushing Namjoo away with a rock wall. He felt Tao’s head and it was clammy, Tao felt like human, a human who was sick and dying. Kai appeared right next to him and he touched Tao’s shoulder before disappearing to Lay.  Kyungsoo then had a stare down with Namjoo, it was hard to battle with this woman and he knows it, one touch from her could render him powerless.


“earth user.” Naeun said and appeared next to Namjoo. Naeun’s power was also something that revolves around the nature, she can’t control the ground per se, but she can control plants, vines are a good thing for choking and dragonfly snappers are good for decapitating heads.


The two girls darted towards Kyungsoo and he created a wall of soil to block their path. Huge boulders from the ground arose and they attacked the two but they cleverly dodged. Kyungsoo started to create huge boulders and as they fly over his figure, he commands them to crush the two girls who were right in front of him. Naeun was aware that Kyungsoo’s eyes were fixed on them so she stealthily moved her hands to call on vines from the ground to crawl over Kyungsoo’s figure.


Kyungsoo felt danger around him but it was too late, the vines were already onto his neck and it pulled him upwards to dangle from a tree. He struggled to get the vines out of his neck before Namjoo could reach him, Namjoo dashed forward; ready to take another one’s power when she was suddenly blasted away by light.


“NAMJOO!” Naeun shouted and she heard a thud, she turned to see Kyungsoo on the ground, free from her vines and right next to him was Baekhyun. Naeun looked at Namjoo who was still on the ground and she closed her fist before attacking the smaller males in front of her.


“move!” Baekhyun yelled and Kyungsoo and him dashed to opposite directions but Naeun’s vines followed them everywhere, Baekhyun tried attacking Naeun with his light but the councilwoman expertly dodged, Kyungsoo did the same but Naeun only used the rocks to climb or jump from place to place.


“she’s too fast.” Kyungsoo said as he and Baekhyun met at the middle. Naeun got to Namjoo and saw burn marks on her face caused by Baekhyun’s light. Naeun gritted her teeth and the vines multiplied to attack Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo used his power and made a boulder while Baekhyun met the vines with his light, slowly but surely drying off the plants. Baekhyun attacked Naeun again and again, throwing blasts of light here and there.


“AH!” Naeun got hit on the shoulder and she fell back. Seeing the open opportunity, Kyungsoo had the boulder fly over Namjoo and Naeun to crush them both dead.


Suddenly, there was a loud yell from the other side of the battle field, Xiumin fell on the ground and he clutched on his head. The pain was unbearable, it was like a thousand needles were being painfully pierced onto him and that these needles were also conducting electricity. Key stood there with a smirk, inflicting pain on people was his specialty.


Fire suddenly came from both sides of Key and he jumped away, barely escaping the furnace type of heat. He turned to Chanyeol and Kris who stood protectively in front of their brother.


“what did you do to him?” Kris asked


“the same thing I’m gonna do to both of you.” Key smirked and he attacked the vampires head on. Chanyeol grabbed Xiumin and rolled away while Kris took most of Key’s attention. Key waved his hand, and he opened up a deep past for Kris to see.


It was way before the feud of the Vampires and Vampire Hunters started, they were all young vampires, happily training their abilities and just living quietly in the kingdom of the underworld. Kris was there, Luhan, Minho, Suho, and Key. They were helping Luhan control his mind control power but it wasn’t easy since he was still so young. Luhan kept on flailing and they would keep on laughing.


Suddenly, Kris’ mother came, and she was followed by a boy hiding behind him. The boy was quiet but he looked intimidating with his sleek eyes and erect posture. The young vampires stopped playing and looked at Kris’ mom and the boy with curiosity.


“Kris, I want you to meet Tao. He’s from a different clan in China and they moved here. You and Luhan watch over him okay? he’s really shy.” Kri’s mom said and left the young boy named Tao into their “capable hands”.


“hi! I’m Luhan. That’s Suho, Key, Minho and Kris. We were practicing our abilities! Cause you know how purebloods have special powers right? Well of course you do since you’re also a pureblood but anyway, we were practicing in case some hunters show up and attack us!” Luhan was the talkative one, obviously so Minho had to cut in his demonstration before Tao got scared.


“so what’s your power?” Minho asked after shoving his hand unto Luhan’s face to shut him up.


“t-time control.” Tao replied shyly and looked down.


“really? Cool! So that means you can go back to the past and stuff? I can do that, I can show you the past and stuff.” Key said with a smile


“how about this? Try and stop our powers with time? how about that?” Minho asked Tao and the latter was a little confused.


“try and stop the powers with your time control.” Kris repeated in Chinese and Tao nodded but he was hesitant, he still can’t fully control his power so he might not be able to stop it.


“who goes first?” Minho asked


“I’ll do it.” Kris said since he was the one who can control his powers fully. They all stepped back; knowing Kris’ destructive power and Tao suddenly became more uneasy because of this. Could he stop the time? what if he couldn’t? what was Kris’ power anyway? Kris stood a few feet away from Tao and raised his hand to show flames coming out of it. Tao’s eyes suddenly went wide, he was afraid of flames.


“w-wait…” Tao said softly but Kris didn’t hear him and he charged his power towards Tao who forgot to use his power and just screamed in fear. Tao was engulfed in flames and they all panicked. Suho immediately used his power to control water and drenched Tao with it.


“what happened? I thought you can control time?” Minho asked but Tao just ended up crying as his wounds started to heal. Kris was sorry and he tried to apologize but Tao looked up at him and ran away.


“KRIS!” Chanyeol’s yell woke him up from the vision he was seeing but he was too engrossed in what he had seen that he didn’t see Key’s hand reaching over to touch him and inflict pain on his head, like what he had done to Xiumin. Key reached out but his hand was burned when Chanyeol attacked him with fire. The councilman glared at the phoenix who glared right back, Chanyeol wasn’t gonna let him hurt one of his brothers again.


Key attacked Chanyeol head on and Chanyeol took note of how Key’s hands would turn gold whenever he uses his power, he just needs to avoid that and he’ll be fine. Him and Key exchanged kicks and punches, throws and scratches when Key kicked Chanyeol on his legs and he fell to his knees. Key’s hands turned golden and he touched Chanyeol’s chest.


“AAAHHHH!!” Chanyeol’s scream alarmed everyone. Key had doubled the pain he was experiencing and it was too much for Chanyeol to take, he screamed bloody murder and his eyes turned a violent shade of red.


Key smirked in victory but he suddenly felt a different kind of power around him. Suddenly, Chanyeol had grabbed his glowing hand and what Key saw made his eyes grow wide. Chanyeol was burning up, literally, he was using his phoenix ability and red wings appeared from behind him. Key was about to retract his hand but Chanyeol held a firm grip and he shouted a battle cry before engulfing Key and himself in flames.


“CHANYEOL!” Kris yelled when he saw what happened, no one has actually seen what would happen if Chanyeol uses his power in full capacity, in their battle with the wolves, he only showed half so he too wasn’t burned, but this time, they’re not so sure.


Xiumin was then free from the pain he was feeling earlier but there was no time to rest when water was suddenly shot towards him. He froze the water but it was too fast, coming towards him like bullets from a fire hose, he was about to get drowned if not for Luhan who stopped the water from engulfing him.


“Suho what are you doing!?” Luhan asked while he kept his hand raised to stop the water from drowning him, Xiumin and Sehun; who was right next to him.


“it’s not me! Guys! it’s not me!” Suho was saying but his body movements were different. It was like something or someone else was controlling him. Sehun looked for whoever was controlling Suho and he noticed one council member who was quietly standing next to Minho.


“found you.” Sehun said and dashed away


“wait! Sehun!” Luhan called him back but Sehun didn’t listen since he was already creating tornadoes to attack the silent council woman named Bomi. Bomi was a puppeteer, quote unquote, the moment she places her invisible strings to someone, she can control their every move.


“LUHAN WATCH OUT!” Suho yelled when a huge tidal wave appeared right in front of Luhan. Suho tried to suppress the waves but the control on him was too strong. Luhan held both his hands up in order to stop the wave but he was feeling light headed, it’s not easy to use your mind for everything. Luhan was able to let the water pass him without getting himself drowned but what he didn’t expect is continuous bullets of water to attack him. Suho had another attack coming, Xiumin knew what he had to do, even if he didn’t want to attack his brother, he had to stop his powers from drowning them both. Xiumin touched the ground and the ice slowly crawled to Suho and it froze his leg.


“sorry Suho.” Xiumin said before freezing him up to his chest.


“XIUMIN!!” Luhan was right next to Xiumin when sound waves suddenly came and attacked them, they both flew back and Eunji, another councilwoman attacked them head on. The sound was able to shatter the ice and free Suho from its hold.


“HEY!” Sehun called on Bomi and the puppeteer turned just in time to avoid a tornado coming towards her.


“SEHUN WATCH OUT!” Suho called the younger when Bomi started to manipulate him in attacking Sehun. Sehun covered his back with fast moving wind and deflected the water that was being directed towards him. Bomi gritted her teeth and her eyes went wide when water was suddenly directed towards her. How did Suho escape?


“impossible.” Bomi said. Sehun on the other hand smirked and trapped Bomi inside a tornado, making it smaller and smaller until she is crushed inside.


“NO!!” Chorong shouted and was about to attack Sehun head on if not for Suho who blocked her with water. Chorong whistled and Jungkook, along with another girl appeared in front of her, Chorong can control animals and right now, the two wolves are closest to her range.


“kill him.” Chorong ordered and a part of Jungkook didn’t want to but he had no control over his body as of the moment so he transfigured and attacked Suho with Hayoung; the shewolf.


“hyung!” Kai called and appeared next to Suho before taking him away from the wolves.


“that girl is controlling them Kai, I’ll leave her to you, I can take care of the wolves.” Suho said and Kai nodded before disappearing and reappearing in front of Chorong. Kai attacked her but she blocked him while still keeping in control of Jungkook and Hayoung. Suho on the other hand wrestled with Jungkook as soon as he threw Hayoung to a tree.


“I don’t want to do this.” Jungkook said and Suho stopped for a moment before he saw the look Jungkook was giving him, or rather, the look he was giving to someone far away from them, Suho followed his gaze and he saw Chen with Seojin. Chen was attacking the other vampires who dared come near them, he burned them to a crisp with his lightning.


“JUNGKOOK!!!” Chrong yelled angrily when she felt her control slipping away, Jungkook’s eyes wavered, from brown to black and he struggled to not let the control take over. Kai saw what she was doing to the other so he kicked her away and pushed her down.


“no one in this world should be forced to do something they don’t want to.” Kai said and he held on Chorong’s struggling figure before breaking her neck. Jungkook felt the power in him go out and he whimpered before falling on his knees. Suho was able to catch him while he tried to gasp for air.


Now Sehun was right in front of Minho and Luhan panicked, Sehun could face anyone in the council if he wants, just not the one person who really wants him dead. Luhan was about to intervene but Minho’s shadows got to him first and strangled him.


“HYUNG!” Sehun yelled in alarm and was about to save his brother if not for the rest of the council surrounding him. Sehun was boxed in, Luhan struggled to get the shadows off him but they seem to be eating away his energy. He felt weak and drained of power.


“LUHAN HYUNG!!” Kai teleported near Luhan and reached for him to pull him out of the shadow cage but he was suddenly back in somewhere and he knew who was at fault.


“Taemin hyung please, I don’t want to hurt you.” Kai pleaded his brother but Taemin didn’t listen, he didn’t think of Kai as his brother anymore, he only thinks of him as an enemy so he attacked, bringing Kai to him and kicking him away, bringing him back again and punching him in the face. Kai knew that he’d achieve nothing if he let Taemin take control of him, so the next moment Taemin teleported him to his side, Kai grabbed Taemin’s arms and flipped him over his back.


“I’m sorry hyung.” Kai whispered and he held on Taemin’s head before breaking his neck. Kai has killed his older brother, his hands shook when he let down his brother’s head gently on the ground. Kai could feel the tears in his eyes but it was put to a stop when shadows covered the entire battleground.


“this has gone far enough.” Minho eyed the death around him and he wasn’t happy about it one bit. The only person standing was him and Hayoung who was unconscious. Most of the vampires with them are all dead as well only a few of them remained standing but Minho knew that they were no match for the brothers.


But one thing about him was that he was stubborn as hell and he refuses to leave without taking his valuable weapon with him. He covered the area with dark shadows, so dark that no one could see a thing. Shouts were heard here and there as the shadows covered each vampire and locked them in a swirling cage.


Chen looked around but he couldn’t see anything, Lay and him were the only ones who could see each other and that was because of the force field.


“what’s going on?!” Chen asked


“it’s Minho’s power. The shadows are attacking the others, they are blinded since it’s too dark to see.” Lay replied a little uneasy, everything was still dark, the shadows were moving here and there, not until everything was clear. Chen and Lay’s eyes went wide when they saw their brothers on the ground. Most of them tried to get up but ended up falling back down.


“it’s over.” Minho said and cleared another batch of shadows that were right next to him. They looked up and hissed when they saw Sehun and Luhan on the ground.


“LUHAN! SEHUN!!” Xiumin yelled, he tried to get up but he couldn’t since the shadows drained them off their powers and even their physical strength.


Minho walked towards Sehun who was breathing heavily and placed his foot on his head, he pressed down making a few bones crack.


“LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Chen shouted and he pushed Minho away in a flash, leaving Seojin in Lay’s care.


“I was wondering when you’ll get out of that safety barrier.” Minho smirked and kicked Chen off. Chen’s eyes went wide when he saw shadows trying to get into the force field Lay has made. Chen attacked Minho with lightning storms but Minho was able to jump off or flip to avoid them.


“you’re such a huge pain in the .” Minho commented and his shadows started to attack Chen as well, Chen’s lightning couldn’t really hit the shadows but it was able to shatter them for a bit.


“Hayoung. Bring me the girl.” Hayoung, who was now fully awake snarled and dashed towards Lay and Seojin. Lay felt his barrier shake when Hayoung used her head to break into the barrier, he wanted to make the barrier stronger but some of the shadows were absorbing his power, making half the barrier weak.


Hayoung continued to use her head to pound on the barrier until there were crack marks, she was about to land a hit again if not for Jungkook who tackled her.


“what are you doing?!” Hayoung angrily asked the younger wolf.


“I won’t let you hurt her.” Jungkook said, he has taken a liking to Seojin, he felt like a sister to him.


“traitor!” Hayoung howled and attacked Jungkook as well, they clawed on each other’s faces and bit on each other’s skins. Jungkook whimpered but he was able to push the shewolf off him and smashed her against the tree before killing her.


“just give up Minho.” Chen said and electricity could be seen in his veins. Minho was alone and most of the vampires that were barely alive were afraid to come close to the lightning god.


“you think you’ve defeated me? you think that because of us are down you have won? Need I remind you that Seojin, your dear little hunter is still here? When she wakes up, she is still a hunter, she is still a killing machine and she will kill us both.” Minho sneered


“no. when Seojin wakes up, we will remind her of us, we will remind her of her life as a normal----” Chen got cut off by Minho’s malicious laugh


“normal? SEOJIN IS A VAMPIRE HUNTER SHE IS NOT NORMAL. She is born to kill and she will be raised as my companion to kill those pathetic scum like you. Like this.” Minho ordered his shadows and they lifted Sehun up from the ground, raising him very high.


“SEHUN!! PUT HIM DOWN!” Chen yelled and directed a lightning towards Minho but his shadows deflected it.


“scum like you should never be allowed to stay in our world, you’re despicable.” Minho said and tightened the shadows surrounding Sehun, making the younger gasp and feel the bones crushing in his body.


All of a sudden, Jungkook quickly jumped in and swiftly removed Sehun away from the shadows, taking his place.


“you traitor.” Minho said and had the shadows strangle Jungkook instead. Jungkook let out a howl and a whimper. He could feel the shadows opening his mouth and he could feel them crawling inside of him. Sehun was caught by Chen but his eyes were still closed in pain. Chen heard the howl and he turned to see Minho killing Jungkook.


“STOP!! He’s your companion! Why are you doing this to him!?” Chen yelled


“he’s a traitor.” Minho said and Jungkook let out one more whimper before he suddenly fell to the ground. Chen’s eyes went wide when Minho was suddenly shoved away and his shadows suddenly disappeared. He slowly turned around and the moment he recognized the standing figure next to him, he couldn’t help but smile.


“hey. Leave my wolf alone.” Seojin was fully awake and recharged. Lay dashed to Chen and he healed Sehun’s wounds to close before he proceeded to Jungkook and then his brothers.


Suddenly a wave of shadows came towards them, Chen and Lay couldn’t believe the amount of shadows Minho was able to summon all at once but Seojin was unfazed. She stood her ground and the moment the shadows dived in to attack, she applied her power.


“i-impossible.” Lay said when the shadows stopped, not passing by Seojin and the others. It was like there was an invisible wall right in front of them.


“Seojin, your powers have advanced. Now you can protect not only yourself, but others as well.” Lay said but Seojin was more focused on Minho who was now walking towards them. His skin was half colored black and his right eye was a shade of yellow while the other remained red.


“you have no right to kill those who didn’t do anything wrong.” Seojin said and as she walked towards Minho, her barrier followed her but didn’t leave the boys’ side either. Minho’s eyes went wide, he’s never seen so much power and there was nothing he could do to stop her. He blindly kept on attacking her but it was futile. Seojin disappeared and reappeared behind him in a flash, he turned around but Seojin grabbed his neck, making the shadows die down and the place was back to its original state.


“you call them traitors, but I can see nothing wrong with the reasons why they betrayed you. It’s you who has the problem.” Seojin said and tightened the grip on Minho’s neck. Minho could feel his head get  squished and he knew it was the end for him. Seojin pulled him close and bit his neck before pulling away harshly, therefore decapitating his head from his body.


“it’s over.” Seojin faced the remaining vampires of the council and they looked at each other before slowly getting on their knees and bowing in surrender to their new leader. But Seojin smirked at this and she turned her back.


“I’m not the leader of this coven.” Seojin said and walked to Luhan before kicking him on the side to wake.


“Luhan, get up.” she said and Chen’s eyes went wide


“you… you remember?” he asked and Seojin slowly turned to him with a smile.


“I think I never did forget, there was a part of me that was just closed, but you guys were always there inside my mind.” She replied and in a flash, Chen was right in front of her, he held her face and kissed her on the lips.


“I thought you’d never remember.” Chen said and hugged her, Seojin laid her head on his shoulder before taking a deep breath.


“thanks to your lightning, you were able to crack open my mind.” She admitted and hugged the latter tighter.


One by one the brothers started to wake, except for Chanyeol who was missing and for Sehun and Jungkook who was still unconscious because of the shadows effect on them.


“w-where’s Chanyeol?” Kyungsoo asked in alarm when he didn’t see the tall brute around.


“do not worry my brothers. the phoenix will be reborn.” Lay said with a smile when right on cue, a gust of wind started to rise and on the side they saw the ground creating a swirling motion of fire, the fire continued to rise as it swirled and when it died down, a figure stepped out of the cloud of smoke.


“CHANYEOL!!!” they all yelled in unison and ran to hug the phoenix.


“how!? I saw you burn!” Kris said


“a phoenix burns itself and then reincarnates, that’s one special thing about his power.” Lay said as-a-matter-of-factly and they all laughed.


“Luhan.” Seojin called and everyone turned to the hunter.


“you’re the next in line right? It’s your turn to rule this clan and the council.” She said and Luhan’s eyes went wide


“m-me? I can’t even take care of Sehun and you want me to take care of the entire vampire kingdom?” he asked in disbelief


“don’t worry, what are we here for? We’ll stay by your side.” Suho said and patted him on the back.


“Sehun will be awake soon, it’s just that the shadows took more energy in him than us so he’s not fully awake yet.” Lay said


“you tell me, I get my powers out of me then when I woke up, those damned shadows appeared out of nowhere and suffocated me!” Tao yelled in frustration since he didn’t really help that much in the battle. The brothers laughed and ruffled his hair in response.


On the other hand, Seojin turned to Jungkook who was still in his wolf form, she walked over to him and his fur.


“will he be alright?” she asked


“give it a few days, the shadows did damage inside his body and it was severe but I can heal him.” Lay smiled and patted her head.


“it’s good to have you back Seojin.” Baekhyun said and she turned to see the smiling faces of the eleven looking at her. She gave them a grin before replying:


“it’s good to be back.” 







the end?

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penielhyunsik #1
Chapter 12: love it^^..
ayrie08 #2
Chapter 12: daebak! this is so great! i love it! and I like the way of how you gave other kpop groups their cameos. Surely I will miss this story!
Chapter 12: congratulation and thanks.. you finished it :)
Chapter 12: hahahaha chen being a king.... okay hahah
Chapter 11: This made my day. Thank you author-nim
Chapter 11: no its not the end yet how could you, btw i really enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for the update!
shea_shariff #9
Chapter 11: yipee Seojin is back, and hooray for Chen : )
huihui97 #10
Chapter 10: 안대~~~~소진아~ Ohhh and it seems like shes regaining her memories?