Her Little Secret

Her Little Secret


Siena (english)

Back to Sunday mean back to... i even couldn’t finished that sentence

It’s too hard to admit that i’m not any longer can survive...

Maybe i will, he said one year if i’m ‘lucky’

I just wanna open the front door and a hand touch my back

“where are you going this early at Sunday?”

I turn back and... yesung oppa?

“eh, um.. yesung oppa.. i just wanna.. umm...”

“she want to see sunrise” kyukyu??

“eh, umm... yeah! Sunrise!” i said, why kyu just showed up and said i want to go to see sunrise??

“oh, well, i can take you to the beach...” said oppa

“oh no thanks! I rather... walk!”

“walk? Isn’t it too far?”

“noo... annyeong!” i said then ran away as fast as i can


“siena, look like you enjoying your life more now...”  he said

“enjoy? Haah... i have to enjoy it before i....”

“this is your medicine, i duplicate it for... you know.. maybe you need..”

“arraso... i got it, you don’t have to said it”

“you can leave now and if it’s hurt so bad drink this and come here, we don’t know what will happen...”

“arraso... don’t worry, this won’t stay long..”

“don’t say like that, anything is possible!” he said

“i’ll leave then, annyeong..” i know, it won’t be any longer and i’m ready.....


“annyeong, i’m back..” still not used to say ‘i’m home’

“where are you from?” asked oppa

“aah, yesung oppa...”

“let’s go!”

“what? To where?”

“somewhere.. it’s a surprise so i can’t tell you, let’s go!”

“bu-but...” he took my hand and take me in to the car, so this is how it feel holding hands with a guy.. it feel different and.. safe...

“can you give me a clue for the place we are going to?”

“umm.. okay then, cotton candy!” he said without looking at me, oh yeah he’s driving now

“cotton candy? In state i can buy cotton candy anywhere... can you tell me something easier to guess?”

“anii, it’s really easy, trust me”

We’re in a parking lot and there’s a lot of car here... hmm... place that really popular..

“now close your eyes”

“close eyes? For what??”

“just close, it’s a surprise remember?”

I close my eyes and he lead me into.. umm... somewhere.. i don’t know where am i now..

“now... open your eyes!”

I opened my eyes and...

“taaadaaaa!!!!” he said really excited

“a... a amusement park??”

“well i used to say playground and i don’t know what it called in state.. hmm...”

“wow... a nice surprise... i’ve never been place like this before...”

“never??? Ever??? You never went here with your mom or dad??”

“my mom died when i was 6 years old and my dad busy controling his business..”

“umm.. sorry... may i ask why your mom died so soon?”

“cancer, cancer that took away all my happiness...”

“okay, forgot the past, see where we are now! Let’s have fun!” he took my hand(again and again) and we walked around the park, ride every things, roller coaster, carousel, and... and everything...

I’ve never felt like this before, happiness, happiness that has gone is back.. and it’s all because of him.. his smile to me make me feel blessed, make me feel there is still someone care about me, and make me forget about kyu.. okay now i remember about him.. what is he doing right now?

            Cho Kyuhyun (korean)

“hyung! Hyung! Are you there?!” no answer... For the thousand times i knock his room door

No answer....

Then i went to siena’s room

“siena! Are you there?”

No answer...

Where are them?? Why they’re not in home at the same time??

“omma, do you know where siena went to?”

“ahh, kyuhyun-ah, i forgot to say.. yesung told me that i should tell you that..”

“just to the point okay omma?”

“okay,okay... he told me that he took siena out with him..”

“took out... what????? Took out???? Where???????????”

“i don’t know, he didn’t told omma where they’re going”

“why didn’t you ask???” i’m panic!

“because i trust him, he won’t do anything weird” said omma

So what i have to do now???

Try to find them? Useless

Wait until they’re home? Too long!

Call her? Wasting time, she won’t answer

Call hyung? Ah his phone is in his room when i i came to his room

Park! Siena like to be in park! But which park....

Why hyung asked siena out without tell anything to me?

He used to tell me everything everytime he like someone

Wait, flashback! That night!

When i was studying hyung came to my room

“do you like her?”he said

“sorry? Her who?”

“siena.. do you like her?”he asked

“aahh.. umm... of course not! Eh.. why you asked about that?”

“well, thanks god... no, nothing.. just ask hehehee....” and he left

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Chapter 21: ohhhhhhhh nice story u
Chapter 19: Omergadhh. Update soon :)) :DDDDDDD
nana_lve_fanfic #3
Update soon please i wanna know what happened to siena :3
nana_lve_fanfic #4
gd luck on your exams!!!
anstdeb #5
i will update on 26 or 27 this month! i promise
that's the day after my national exam so i'll be free! :)
nana_lve_fanfic #6
wow!!!!they kissed for quite a long time .... O.O
update soon please~~
anstdeb #7
I lost 1 subscriber hiks....... :(
Altariaaa #8
You're so dead meat anastasia deby sita!!!!! Why don't u give me the other chapter?? Ah.. Lu duduk di belakang gua lu!! Rangking sebelas *sorry for indonesian thing. :D*
omo~~~~! Kyu really mean it!!