21st Century Love



@Luhan's Side of the Conversation.


Oh Sehun


Whatcha doing?

Are you budy?


No. Not at all. But I'm eating..

I'll text you when I'm done..

Ok? 😊

Seen. 9:03am




Oh Sehun


Whatcha doing?

Are you budy?


No. Not at all. But I'm eating.

I'll text you.

Ok? 😊

I guess, you'll call?



"Little brat. One day, he's all Prince Charming then the next he's the Wicked Witch from Under the Trailer-hood. him." Luhan throws his phone away. 


"Oh." He gets it again and looks at the new pop up chat head, "Kevin? Who the hell are you?" He asks himself.


Kevin Li

Hi there 😉😉😉😉

Who are you? 😐

Kevin. I finally found your profile😉😉😉😉

Ah.. what do you mean? And why?

You're famous in our school.

Cutie from Eu Reu Reong High, they say.

But I thought you were cute before then. 😉😉😉😉

Ah. That's nice of you to say so. 

I'm flattered

Should I worry for my life and safety now?😨

or is it just you?


what do you mena?



Seen. 9:08am


"Why are there weird people on the internet?" Luhan shook his head.

"They should be illegal." Luhan grumbled to Hannie, who just hopped away.

"Luhaaan~ are you gonna eat breakfast or not?" Victoria called out from the kitchen. 

"I am. But go ahead! Eat first! I'm doing something!" Luhan cracked his knuckles.


Kevin Li

Should I worry for my life and safety now?😨

or is it just you?


what do you mena?




do you wanna go out?😍


"Ok. Nope. I'd rather eat breakfast!" Luhan locked his phone then scrambled off the bed. "I'll take care of you later."

"What did you do?" Victoria asked as she heard footsteps nearing the kitchen. 

"21st century stuff. What's for breakfast?" Luhan shrugged. 

"Tofu burger." Victoria said as she removed her apron and served breakfast.

"Mm, yum." Luhan said half-heartedly. "Hey there you are, little guy! I needed back upp but you bailed!" he perked up upon seeing Hannie nibbling a carrot nearby.

Victoria furrowed her brows, "I do not want to know why you needed back up. And he loves the carrots you bought." Victoria stated.

"Duh. He's a rabbit. Of course he loves them." Luhan said as he picked up Hannie who held a carrot with his little mouth.

"Yah, respect or no breakfast or any food in general for you." She threatened, a glint hinting she would really do it, making Luhan tense.

"Sorry," Luhan said and put Hannie down to play. He dug in and chewed for a while, "This is better than it looks."

"You have your skills, I have mine." Victoria said with a triumphant smirk.

The two siblings made occasional small talk and then ate in silence with Hannie hopping around in search of carrots. But then Luhan remembered something.

"Do you know a Kevin?" Luhan asked as he stood up to get a glass of water.

Victoria stopped putting catsup on her burger and thought for a while before shaking the bottle again, "Kevin?  Sounds familiar.  What's his last name?" 

"I think it was Li," Luhan said and drank. "He sent me a message."

"Well, I know a Kevin and a Li, but not a Kevin Li," Victoria shrugged, "What kind of message?"

"An awful one. But I don't know who he is. Sounded like a stalker." Luhan took another bite of his burger. 

"What did he say?" Victoria inquired, her burger dripping of catsup. 

"I was cute. I was famous in his school. And if I wanted to go out." Luhan threw a carrot bit to Hannie.

 "Ah," She stopped eating, put down her utensils and rested her chin in the back of her hands. "is he cute?"

"I don't know. But his profile pic was kind of hot."

"Oooh. You're interested?" Victoria wiggled an eyebrow.

"I said he was hot; I didn't say he was my type." Luhan corrected and wiped the edge of his lips

"Hot guys are everybody's type." Victoria defended.

"Exactly. I'm not everybody." You should know by now I'm freaking one of a kind.

"Ah. I see where this is going." Victoria continued to eat.

"And where is that?" Luhan looked at her.

"You only have eyes for that freshman kid. Don't you?? Sehun. The guy who goes like this, 😐, all the time. "

"What? I know who he is. And no!" Luhan denied but blushed nonetheless. 

"Denial means yes." Victoria said in a sing-song voice.

"Then yes!" Said Luhan who was fidgeting profusely.

"See. Accepting it is better." Victoria took note of how red he was.

"Ok, seriously Victoria? Who wins against you." Luhan crossed his arms

"Nobody. And I love it." Victoria cackled like a devil, taking the finished dishes. 

"But I don't know. He's weird." Luhan said as he helped.

"What do you mean weird? He was here a few days ago. He seemed normal." Victoria leaned her bum on the faucet counter, offering a sponge to Luhan.

"Yeah. Exactly. He only seemed normal. Everytime I talk to him, he blows me off. Through the net, through text, even in my face!" Snatching the sponge and running the water.

"But I thought you had moments with him? You guys have a freaking pet tree named HunHan." Victoria said as she opened the kitchen cabinet for a rag.

"I guess those were just flings." 

"Relax. You may just be overthinking this. Maybe he's shy." She wiped the table.

"Shy my ." Luhan turned to her, who was now beside him.

"No. Shy BECAUSE of your ." She said as she took the sponge because Luhan was doing an awful job washing dishes.


"Wow, you must be completely dense."

"No! There are days that I feel we like each other. And then there are days I completely don't. When I'm with him, he's all shy and silent and cute then when I text him or call or chat, he's cold and just.. cold."

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" 

"Well, ask him then."

"He's your guy!"

"He's a guy. Definitely not my guy. Yet. You know, there was this one time we had a late night texting conversation then the next day he just walked pass by me. Like it didn't happen or something."

"Just give the kid a chance. He just turned 16. So you know. It's a confusing thing."

"I will. I mean, I am. But it's just awkward. I don't know if I should say hi, or wait for him."

"Yeah yeah. Kids these days. So complicated." She clucked her tongue. 

》And that morning, Luhan has devoted his time to stalk this Kevin Li.

He had found out that Kevin added him right away after their 'chat session' and that gave Luhan a chance to look at his profile. He learned that Kevin is an artist, he is also Peter Pan Academy's (his school) Cool Kid. He stayed in Canada. He has never been in a relationship. He plays basketball.  He cried while watching Miracle in Cell No. 7, The Fault in Our Stars and Toy Story. 

"Okay.. that is a thing we do not need to post for everyone to like." Luhan said as he munched on a Chip the Choco cookie from Overdose Swing, a cafe her sister works at, on the living room couch.

"Luhan, I'm off to work now." Victoria announced. 

"Oh! Toria, get me more of these!" Luhan requested as he shook the bag of cookies in the air.

"Luhan, if you want to get fat, can you please work for it on your own?" Victoria said as she wore her shoes, her hair in a neat fishtail braid, "It comes out of my salary you know! And I will not help you kill yourself." She finished and grabbed her house keys. "I'm taking the car with me too. So if your going out, walk. Have some exercise."

"Whatever. I won't." Luhan said as he continued to stalk this Kevin Li.

"Bye. Try not to burn the house down." Victoria smirked and closed the door before a pillow could hit her.

"Aish. Ridiculous sister." Luhan muttered as he got a message from an unknown number. 


<FR: **********

Open your door. Please. I can't find you.  🐼

TO: Luhan>

Before Luhan could process the message, he heard Victoria shriek from outside.

She opened the door with a surprised happy face and dragged what -- or who -- possibly looked like a lost child with a note and map in hand.

"O MY GOD! LOOK WHO I FOUND! KYAAAA~" Victoria shrieked again as she held the boy by the collar with a big backpack on his back, seemingly being dragged around by the crazy overly-excited female.

"Tori-jie, do you really have to stretch out my new shirt??" The boy whined.

Luhan, who was still processing what was happening,  glanced over to the new kid. He stared at him for a while, Victoria still beaming about her catch of the day achievement beside him.

It took a while, and a staring contest among the three before it finally clicked in Luhan's head.

"O MY GOSH! TAAAAOOOOOO!!!!!!" Luhan jumped up and Victoria herded them to a jumping group hug with Tao in the middle.

"I think I'm gonna be sick.😫" Tao groaned and held his knees for support. The siblings realizing what they've done, ushered him to the couch and Victoria ran to the kitchen.

"Sorry about that. Got a little carried away. I'll get you some tea." Victoria chuckled.

Mr. Boogie, if I want to, I can have you

Luhan fished for the phone inside Victoria's blackhole-like bag.

"Victoria!  Work!" Luhan hollered from the couch 

"Tell them, I'm sick. Horrible flu." Victoria hollered back.


"Oh, uh, Luhan-ssi? Is Vic-noona there?"  A guy asked from the other line.

"Yeah, Nickhun-hyung.. but she won't be able to go to work today."

"Oh, is she okay?"


"But we have a sale today.. 50% off on sweet treats. It's gonna be hectic."

"A sale? On sweets?? She'll be there then. Bye." Luhan hung up.

"Tea is ready." Victoria announced carrying a tray.

"Victoria!  You are going to work!" Luhan took the tea tray and set it on the table.

"But Tao--" She squeaked as she was being pushed out of the house.

"I will show him around," Luhan said while handing Victoria her stuff "Now, bring home tons of sweet or else!" Luhan hugged her then slammed the door.

"I didn't even get to say by to Tao." Victoria pouted but made her way to the elevator anyways. 

°°In the Oh Residence.

​@Sehun's side of the Conversation

Lu DeerHan 

No. Not at all. But I'm eating.

I'll text you.

Ok? 😊

I guess, you'll call? 


Seen. 9:04am

"Whoo. Ok, Oh Sehun. You can do this. Just relax." Sehun cracked his knuckles. 

He's been staring at Luhan's chat for a while now, contemplating whether to reply or actually call. He doesn't think he can handle hearing Luhan's voice so early in the morning.

'What if he has a husky voice in the morning?' 

'What if he mumbles?'

'What if he yawns!? I might accidentally squeal. I can't let him hear that!'

'What if he moans!? Complaining that his back hurts and wants a massage!?'

'Oh my God! What if I moan!? There's a high possibility I might while talking to him!'

'Curse my hormonal body!'

"Sehun? Are you ok?" Xiumin said looking over the couch Sehun was currently sprawled on.

"What are you looking for, hyung?" Sehun asked his cousin.

"The remote. I want to watch a newly released music video." Xiumin said as he check under the cushions. 

"Right. Hyung, you know Luhan right?" Sehun asked as he helped search for it.

"Yeah. We play soccer together. What about him?"

"Is he.. does he.. you know.. is anyone.." Sehun scratched his neck.

Xiumin SALTSed. "He's y, free and single." He confirmed. 

"Really?" Sehun reached into the jar next to the couch and found the remote.

"Yep. I'm pretty sure he is." Xiumin chuckled. "Now go away!" 

》After doing his daily routine, Sehun dove in his bed ready to call Luhan.

Brrrt. Rrrt. Brrrt. Rrrt.

"Hello, if you're a stranger I'm busy at the moment! If you're Kyung, you know what to do!"

"Uh, hey, Luhan. It's me; Sehun. Sorry I took so long to call. Anyways, do you.. uh, do you.. by any chance want to--" Sehun was cut off by a beep, abruptly ending the call. 

Sehun scowled then called again.

"..If you're Kyung, you know what to do!"


"Yeah, it's me again. Your phone cut me off," Sehun said slightly irritated at Luhan's phone. "Anyways, I just wanted to ask if, uh, you want--" 


"WHAT THE !?" Sehun tugged his hair then dialed again.

"Do you want to..!" Sehun's heart almost burst when he almost rolled off his bed.


Sehun stared at his phone, "What just happened..?"

His eyes gradually got bigger, to the extent where it looked like an escape hatch for his poor, stupid and clumsy soul.

Then BAM!

"HOLY !" Sehun swore then dialed Luhan's cursed phone number.

"..If you're Kyung, you know what to do!"


"Luhan! Please! For the love of all things sane, smooth and graceful, ignore my last message. I wanted to ask you if you would like to hang out! Not . Please! I am not a ert, like Kai, who s his babe out of nowhere!" Sehun, scared of being cut off again, said in one go; leaving him heavily panting for his heart to cope.

After he heard the infuriating beep, he resorted to tearing his pillow for anger management reasons, resulting into a cloud of feathery wonders in the air.

"God, kill me now!" Sehun implored, his hand in mock surrender. 

As if God actually heard him, a feather flew straight into the back of his throat.

He gagged, "Dying.. request.. fulfilled.." He clutched his throat and looks as if he's 'seeing the ligh--'

"Wait a minute," Sehun grabbed the feather and threw it to the side, a scowl evident on his face, "I can't die yet. I still have to find out Luhan's answer." He concluded and stared at his phone, while in the famous 'The Thinker' pose.

For several moments of absent ringing or vibrating, Sehun groaned and fell back to his pile of feathers pillow, covering his eyes with the back of his hand.

Listen, ganjue dao meiyou, wo de xinzang
ting diaole jiezou

Sehun's phone sang and he, ignoring the fact that he looked like a fluffy ball of chicken, sat up faster than you could say--

"Hello!? Oh my god! Hi!" Sehun spluttered in volumes way louder than necessary. 

"Uhm, eager much? Hi to you too." Luhan teased.

Sehun cleared his throat, as well as his head, Keep it together, Sehun. Cool, smooth, and suavé.

"Yeah. Hi dude." Sehun said feigning disinterest with the matching Checking The Fingernails move. 

"Hi dude? Seriously?" Luhan's voice evidently got a little higher -- nothing but a sign of incredulity.

"Yeah. Got a prob with that?" . Why'd I say that? Stupid brain! Suavé, brain, Suavé! Not douche-y!

Luhan muttered an "Apparently,  I do." then hung up.

BEEP BEEP BEEP  the smartphone with the deadline said.

It sounded more like, BEEP BEEP, IDIOT, SMOTHERTRUCKIN' BEEP, to Sehun.

"God, I'd like to take that offer of dying again." He took handfuls of feathers and shove it in his mouth, crying a river.

°°At Red Light Rainbow Mall

@Luhan's Side of the Conversation.

"Who was that?" Tao asks as Luhan pockets his phone.

"An ." He answered said flatly. 

"Ahh. Is that the same guy that left you the embarrassing voice mail?" Tao asked, remembering the playback in the deadly quiet bookstore a few minutes earlier.

"Ok, first, I didn't think he'd be that loud and.. bold." Luhan blushed,  "but he cleared it out! He meant no ual anything. He just almost died.. I wish he did." Luhan grumbled with his arms crossed

"Aw~, did my little cousin pee in his diaper? 😗" Tao made pouty faces.

"Do that again, and Gucci will fall out of business." Luhan snorted.

"Say that again and you'll never see the light of day again." Tao countered with the spoon of his Fro Yo.

"Then I'll take comfort in the moonlight." Luhan shrugged as he proceeded to window shop. 

"Not when you're under my pile of Gucci. And if I'm feeling generous enough, I'll even shove your head in one of them. " Tao elaborated with unnecessary hand gestures. 

"Then I'll burn them before you could even say Gucci Sale!" 

"You would not," Tao froze, he glared at Luhan's back. 

Luhan turned with a straight face, and says"If it leads to it, I will," he shrugged. 

"Like you could even strike a match, if you even know what that is." Tao snorted as they walk to a nearby garbage bin.

"I don't need to. I'll use the flamethrower at home." Luhan said as he tried on sunglasses from the stall near the bins.

"You have a flamethrower at home?" Tao said as he inspected a pair of Gucci (unsurprisingly) glasses.

"Trust me, people here have things other normal people don't." Luhan emphasized normal just 'cause he can.

"He's right, sir. I still even have my great grandfather's dentures at home. When I'm sad, I look at it and be thankful I still have teeth in my mouth rather than in a jar of medicated water." The saleslady said as they returned the glasses, slightly freaked out at her, uhm, story. 

More like scandal. Sheesh, detailed much?

"Anyways! Where are we going?" Tao asked. Finally the Snarky Replies Battle over and their day made weirder.

"Ooh, if you're looking for a place to go, there's this food eating contest later, and this kid debuting as the youngest man to eat 27 burgers in a row!" The female, overly-excited obviously, blurted out once again to make the Already Weird into Utterly Insane.

"I think he's the only man willing to do that." Luhan chuckled. 

"Yeah, but why 27 though?  Why not 26 or maybe even 28!" The saleslady exclaimed. 

"Did you just quote your rendition of Zarina from the Tinkerbell movie?" Tao raised a brow, she nodded.

Luhan raised his brow at him, "and how exactly did you know that was from the Tinkerbell movie?"

"What, people here can own weird stuff and people there can't watch fairy movies?" Tao pointed to a random direction, assuming it's to China's. 

"Not when you're a 16 year old male, a Wushu master or a scary-looking panda. Which you are all of the above by the way." Luhan walked away.

The saleslady chuckled at Tao, who looked at Luhan and the place he was on before doubling back over to Luhan.

"You heartless deer!" Tao sneered.

"Quit whining and come on! Next on our trip is the park!" Luhan announced. 






Oh my Goooosh! 😥 I've finally gotten the chance to update! After almost a MONTH! It felt like a year, you guys!

Anyways, I'm really sorry, it's because we had tons of essays to write/type, so I didn't get to use my time for updating!

Ok, so the story's starting to roll off the characters one by one.. I wonder if all 12 will get to show up in this story!!  OH my!!! 😧

And yes, I've decided to use my biases' tracks for naming various places, just to be creative-ish. I hope. 😆

And if there are mistakes.. please ignore them for a while.. hehe. I wrote this part by part on different days and times.. so sorry for that.


And by the way guys! I've notice that some of my chapters aren't viewed equally, 😮 does that mean it's not good enough or is it because some of it are Rated M? Comment up so I'll know what to do with future chaps! Thanks! 😁 I wish to make your time reading my stories well spent so yeah.. hehe.😀

And I'm also thinking of writing a oneshot!(I already have a title in mind!😜) It's about a flight attendant (Is that what they prefer us to call them?) and when he accidentally falls in love with one of the passengers in their flights. Comment if you have any character/pairing suggestions. Thank you!! 😄

IF YOU HAVE THE TIME, PLEASE READ THE ABOVE! 😀 thank you if you already did!

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imperfect_narcissist #1
Damn that first paragraph of your description made me go "OMG SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS". But that is honestly really, really, REALLY relatable....
Biancer #2
Chapter 5: Oh my god, this story is so funny and cute, I really love it :D
Hunhannie813 #3
Chapter 1: Huwaaaaah. *u*
I really like it.
Hwaitinggg ~
Sounds interesting, i'll try to read it when you update :)