21st Century Love



@Luhan's Side of the Conversation. 

■Recess; Cafeteria

"What's wrong with you?" D.O inquired with tray in hands, taking a seat in front of his crestfallen best friend.

Luhan heaved a sigh. Totally ignoring D.O.

'That jerk. Sitting there with his stupid Pokerface. Why can't he walk over and say 'I'm so sorry. I'll give a better reaction next time.'

"Helloooo~? I have--?"

As if! Psh! 

To that sir, I roll my eyes! A jerk like him would never say something like 'sorry.'

"LUUUUUhaaan?" D.O Waving a spoon

I guess it's my fault. He's freaking 15 years old! How should he know I'm trying to flirt with him? I mean he might not be used to sophisticated flirting, subtle hints... and freaking chats?! Oh come on! It's not like I make it any less obvious! 

"Whoa? Luhan! Are you talking to yourself? Hello?"

I mean, do I? 

I can't help but pout.. he doesn't even say hi..

"Alright, you know what, I," D.O opened his pudding cup--the last one I might add. "give up."

Luhan snapped up to look at the heavenly dessert.

"I-is that.. taro p-pudding?" He asked shakily, not believing that he neglected such a gift from heaven.

"Yep," D.O said casually. "AND the last one I might add." He temptingly teased the pudding with his spoon, scooping up a glob of it and letting it slide down slooooowly. Plop. Plop. Plop.

Luhan audibly gulped.

"C-can.. can I.. can I.. I have some??" He agonizingly stammered. He reached out for the pudding.

"No." D.O. sternly refused.

"But.. but I love pudding. . Especially taro.. please~?" Luhan begged. 

'Hehe~. D.O. has a soft spot.  I just have to--'

"No. Capital N, O! NO!"  D.O shook his head adamantly.

'But he can be a little cold when he wants to.'

Luhan dropped the act and rolled up the sleeves of his uniform.

"A'ight then." He prepped himself and loosened his tie "You, D.O., Do Kyungsoo, Pororo, Kyungie and other bunch of pet/nicknames you have!" He pointed at him intensely with a glare that could make a thousand brave soldiers run for their lives.

"You leave me no choice!"

D.O just stared at him curiously. His big eyes never leaving the finger now sticking to his forehead.

Luhan inhaled to calm himself down. Letting the tension rise in the atmosphere. 

Everybody in the cafeteria was now looking at them. Waiting to see what the Deer had up his rolled up sleeves. Well, everybody except the known Wolves. Which Sehun was a part of.

Wolves. They're not actual wolves. They just rule the school. Get in their way? Well then you're practically dead meat. Hence, the Wolves.

They're not a bad bunch though. They're quite the opposite. They maintain peace, order and the hierarchy. The hierarchy Luhan had learn to hate. 

"BBUING BBUING!" Luhan suddenly exclaimed. His balled fist up to his cheeks, his eyes twinkling like stars and his whole body wiggling like a child wanting to pee. But nonetheless the whole cafeteria cooed at the cuteness. Except for the Wolves. Of course. 

"Awww. How ugly~" D.O. offered a spoonful of the pudding.

"Shut up. Everybody loves it." He said still staying in character but opened up his mouth. D.O scooped up another.

"Awww yeah! Pudding~ pudding~ pud-ding!" Luhan sang swallowing another spoonful. "Taro~ taro~ pud-ding!"

<FR: Jaehyo

Would you keep it down? Some people are trying to eat here? And good job on the aegyo!

TO: Luhan>

<FR: Luhan

Sorry! Thanks! Anything for puddiiiiing!

TO: Jaehyo>

°°Meanwhile at the Wolves' table.

"What a weird duo." Krystal said flipping through her magazine. Clearly uninterested. 

"Yeah. Yeah they are.." Zelo said curious of the scene.

"You don't want to join them, do you??" Yongguk said while sticking ramen into mouth.

"No of course not. " Zelo said putting his earphones back on.

"Hahaha. But just look at them! They're so cute!" Jaehyo protested.

That's when Sehun looked up and saw D.O feeding Luhan. Sehun can't help but feel disheartened. He sighed and looked away.


But Luhan saw him glimpse.


》After everyone had calmed down, the bell rang and they went back to classes. The two friends were in front of their lockers. 

"Have.. you notice anything strange about the Wolves?" D.O asked while rummaging through his bag.

"Ok, first! Get a new lock. Please, nobody uses padlocks anymore. And second. No. I haven't notice anything. It might just be you. I mean you got involved with one of them." Luhan said while shoving his books in his bag.

"Says you! No! It's not just me. And no I'm not! Besides.. even if I was--which I'm totally not-- you were involved with him first. With Jaehyo, I mean. Aha!" D.O then found his keys and unlocked his locker.

"He's different. We've been friends since the dawn of time--"

"But he's still one of them." D.O said, hand still on the lock. "And that Sehun guy. He was the one you were staring at, right?" D.O said uncomfortably. He didn't want Luhan getting caught up with the Wolves. He heard rumors from a source. 

"Kyungsoo. Look at me. They are not bad guys! Relax." D.O knew to follow Luhan. He only called him by his real name if he was serious about something.

D.O nodded.

"Good. Now stop blabbering and start shoving," Luhan managed to avoid. "We're going to be late. I don't want to be scolded at again." Luhan opened the locker door for him. As soon as it did a pink envelope fell out. 

"Ooooh. Someone's got a secret admirer!"

D.O glared at him.

"Okay then," Luhan shrugged. "Maybe a not-so-secret secret admirer."

D.O rolled his eyes. "That made no sense." 

Luhan took the letter and scrutinized the weird triangle seal.

"Who the heck seals their letter with a freaking polygon?" Luhan's face scrunched up. He smelled something weird and dropped the letter. "What is that smell? Gosh, my nose!"

D.O picked up and inspected the letter, and sniffed it.


"Eternity." D.O said satisfied with his strong senses.

And there's only one person who would spray a letter with his daily perfume. In fact, everything that person comes in contact with smelt of that perfume. It wasn't a bad thing, it was actually nice. But Luhan just doesn't appreciate perfumes.

"Kai." The two said in unison.

"D.O you got a letter from Kai!" Luhan exclaimed. He wanted to jump up and down. D.O really likes Kai--as in, l-wanna-marry-you-like like!

D.O practically wanted to throw a party and dance a victory dance but then realized something.

"Kai's a Wolf. He's a Wolf!" D.O suddenly panicked.

"I can't like someone from the Wolves! They'll tear me to pieces. Tiny, little bite-size pieces!" D.O said running im circles. Luhan grabbed him by the shoulders and slapped!

"Dude! Get a grip! You haven't even read the letter yet!"

"I haven't r-read it yet.. you're right! I haven't.." D.O calmed down and looked at the letter warily.

"I mean do I have to?" D.O shoved the letter in his bag.

"YES! You do!" Luhan searched for the letter. And took it out once he found it.

"You have to read this n--"

"I believe you're not gonna say 'now' are you?" The two previously bickering guys froze. "Because as of right now, you are exactly 8 minutes and 47 seconds late."

The two boys turned and saw Ricky, the world's toughest hall monitor. Ever. He's a Wolf.

"No. Of course not. Ricky--"

"Hall monitor."

"Yeah. That. We were just heading to class. And forgot our books." Luhan lied as fast as he can.

"Mmhmm. Sure you were. Sure you did." Ricky said while scribbling something on he's notepad. 

'Sheesh! Detention ticket!? Really?' Luhan panicked. 

"RICKY! LOOK! SOME. ONE'S THROWING SOMETHING WRONG. SOMEWHERE! Look!" D.O made a distraction. Ok mental note: D.O is the worst liar. Ever.

"Run!" D.O yelled as soon as Ricky fell for it. And to add fuel to the fire, Luhan had pulled down Ricky's pants and pushed him slightly.

"See you at lunch!" They both arranged before running off different directions.












The first chapter!  Ok it hasn't really stuck to the plot yet. For now. But it will! So stay tuned! 

Thank you! :") I hoped you like it! 

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imperfect_narcissist #1
Damn that first paragraph of your description made me go "OMG SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS". But that is honestly really, really, REALLY relatable....
Biancer #2
Chapter 5: Oh my god, this story is so funny and cute, I really love it :D
Hunhannie813 #3
Chapter 1: Huwaaaaah. *u*
I really like it.
Hwaitinggg ~
Sounds interesting, i'll try to read it when you update :)