21st Century Love



@Luhan @Sehun's Side of the Conversation.


Luhan @deerhan88                                     5mins

@jaejae hey! I've got a huuuuuuge favor to ask you! #tweetback #friendlyfavors


■School Amphitheater; the Cafeteria was currently under inspection. 

Saehayan light machim deo balgajin

'I should really change my ringtone'


"Whatcha need my little bambi from the sweetest hills that ever rolled this amazing earth?"

"Did you just get out of Poetry class?" 

"Alas, my compadre! What you say is undeniable." Jaehyo sighed.


"Jae! Anyways, can you do me a huuuuge favor?"  Luhan said excitedly.

"No favor is as huge as impossible." Jaehyo shrugged.

"But promise me you won't breathe a word about this to ANYONE. Not even the Wolves."

Jaehyo contemplated the matter.

"Oh, of course, you little animal. But sadly, my subtle yet obvious hints of talking to you are enough to grab the attention of even the dimmest lightbulb of the Pack." Jaehyo glanced at Sehun


'Those weren't subtle at all.' Luhan thought

"Hey!" Sehun said from the line. "Just because I don't talk as much as you, doesn't mean I'm dumb!" 

Luhan smiled at that retort. Then rolled his eyes at Jaehyo's. "Jae, just walk away from the table."

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Jaehyo said, his poetry gig starting to fade.

"Just say I'm dying to talk to you."


"Oh how melodramatic-- you would die! To talk to me!? Then, I shall grant your request." Jaehyo purposely said aloud to tease a certain someone.

"Will you just walk away!?" Luhan yelled at the other line.

"I bid thee farewell my fellow Wolves! The Prince of Fawns has called for my attention." Jaehyo dramatically bowed and walked away.

Sehun scanned the area. He saw Luhan with his friend. Yep, confirmed.

'Why is he talking to Jaehyo and not me?' Sehun grunts. 

"Would you take look at that," Yongguk spoke up. "I think someone's a little jealous." He teased with his to-the-core-of-earth deep voice.

"Shut up." Sehun snapped making Yongguk laugh hard.

"Will you keep it down?" Luna said scrutinizing a stack of paper. "I'm trying to study lines here."

"Lines? Is the play Ms. Cheon ready? You're auditioning?" Krystal said while brushing her hair a thousand times.

"Hey you! No running on the grass!" Yongguk yelled.

"I'm on it!" Ricky ran towards the violator.

"Anyways.. Yeah. And Yeah~" Luna swayed from side to side a bit before continuing, "I decided I wanted to because, pause for effect.."

"Wait for it...!"

"I heard Luhan-oppa's a princess!" Luna and Krystal squeal with excitement then froze.

They looked over at Sehun simultaneously, whose attention they caught. Pokerface--check. 

Then at Luhan, somewhere still talking to Jaehyo. Innocence--check.

Then at Sehun again. Goofy grin--double check. The girls giggled covering their mouths.

"Can I see that?" Sehun asked with a big smile plastered on his face. Luna, with also a big smile on her face, flipped the booklet to the List of Characters page then handed it to him. Sehun gawked at Luhan's character profile.

Princess Thea.

Princess of Purity and Love.

Spreads Love and Beauty.

Can love anyone and everyone, anything and everything. 

But herself.

She sees all good things and bad things in any situation. 

"My prince.. I've been plagued by sadness only true love can withdraw. But wait. Your heart is void of all love. We can never be together. Not anymore. Let me offer you my kiss, instead." Luna recited one of the lines she memorized. "Luhan oppa will say that.. isn't it romantic??" Luna cooed.

"And a kissing scene..?" Krystal chimed in. The two girls held hands and sighed a sigh that said "Hold me. I'm melting. Siiigh."

Sehun, on the other hand, quickly searches for the line, flipping through pages, skimming through paragraphs. Then there it was:

Scene 9 Act I:

The awaited prince appears. But now too late, for the enchantress has casted her spell; cursing the princess to only feel sorrow, lost and pain.

Prince Heun: Princess! I am here now. Come. It's time to leave this.. this.. horrible place! 

Princess Thea: My prince.. I've been plagued by sadness only true love can withdraw. But wait. Your heart is void of all love.(Princess touches the prince's chest.) We can never be together. Not anymore. Let me offer you my kiss, instead.

The two shared a long kiss but not a spell was broken. The Kiss of True Love has lost its effect for the two loveless soul--

"He.. he kisses the prince?!" Sehun demanded for Luna to answer.

"Uh, I don't know. These are just temporary scripts for auditions! Why are you looking at me like that!!" Luna and Krystal hugged each other. 

"Yah! Oh Sehun! You better stop it!" Krystal waved her hand up and down, like shooing a dog.

Sehun looked like his mouth was about to foam up, he quickly crushed the script and ran to the theater. 

"Yah! Sehun! That's mine!" Luna called but Sehun ran like a coyote.

》Upon reaching the theater, Sehun quickly searched for the drama teacher.

"You, where's Ms. Cheon." Sehun growled at a boy that looked ready to wet his pants.

"Uhm, uh.. o-over there, Mr. Sehun-nim sir! Don't kill meeeee~" The boy raised his arms defensively with one finger pointed to a fixed desk situated in the middle of many cushion chairs fit to seat hundreds of people. 

Sehun said thanks and the boy stumble to get away.

Sehun rushed over to the place but ran into someone holding boxes of costumes. The two fell forward with a loud thud that reverberated in the big auditorium. 

"Jongin-ssi, are you alright?" Ms. Cheon asked from behind her desk, surveying the stage and taking notes rather than walking over to help or even looking. Not even batting an eyelash away from her planner. Let's just say theater is more important than a boy buried beneath boxes for her. Hey. She's an actress, the show must go on.

"Jongin? Kai!?" Sehun pushed the boxes away and definitely saw a back-lying Kai. He help him up and they dusted their clothes and pick the boxes back up.

"What are you doing here?" Sehun asked as he helped carry some boxes.

"I should be asking you the same thing." Kai answered as they reached the stage. Leaving the boxes on top "Uh, noona, the costumes are here."

"Oh, thanks Kai." It was Victoria. She was recruited by Luhan to help out with production. 

"I'm not really sure which ones are which now. They got jumbled up." Kai glared at Sehun.

"That's ok." She flashed a peace sign then got a box cutter.

"Mianhaeyo." Sehun bowed.

"Oh, Sehun. Auditioning, are you?" She smiled.

"Uhm, not really. I--" he wasn't sure if he should tell Victoria that he was only here because her brother might kiss someome else. "I just wanted Ms. Cheon to look over the script again?"

"Look over it again? Is there a typo, Sehun-ssi?" Ms. Cheon looked worried. She made her way to check the lights, but overheard the conversation. 

"Uhm.. N-not exactly. I.. I was just going to ask about one particular scene.." Sehun looked at the script. 

"Luhan's scene with the prince?" Ms. Cheon, Victoria and Kai asked at the same time.

He looked at them back and forth. 

"How'd you know?" 

"Lucky guess." They shrugged and giggled.

"That scene is a hot topic around here." Kai pointed out. "Even D.O is talking about it."

"I'm sorry, Sehun-ssi. It's not really my work. It's Luhan's himself." Ms. Cheon took the script from his hands

She marveled at the cover then remembered she had to do something so she showed the back, where the credits were, to Sehun.

Unmistakably enough, Luhan was under the Scriptwriters category. 

"He said it would keep the auditions going." Ms. Cheon returned the booklet.

"And he's right. Over 70 people are fighting for Prince Heun's character. Girl and Boy." Victoria flipped through a clipboard. "My brother's charm is like gravity." She grinned.

"Yes, he does have quite a pull, doesn't he?" Ms. Cheon agreed.

"But don't you have the final say??" Sehun asked Ms. Cheon. "You are the teacher." 

"I am. But this is the STUDENTS' project. As a teacher, I can't interfere with a student's grade."

'Loopholes. Damn it!' Sehun figuratively punched a wall

"Is there any way the script or even the scene can change?" Sehun pressed on.

"Sadly, no." Ms. Cheon shook her head.

"Unless you try out and claim the role for yourself. " Kai suggested. 

"That'd make the play more interesting." Victoria remarked. "Kai, help me transfer this to the dressing rooms." Kai nodded and heaved the boxes.

"She's got a point. Unless you audition, there's nothing we can do." Ms. Cheon handed him a paper then walked away but looked back.

"If you're going to auditions, you better hurry up. I've got a list of candidates I'm ready to thin down."

The paper showed when the auditions were to be held. It also showed a list of possible Prince Heun.

And on top of that list is a name Sehun is beginning to despise.

■The next day. Library; Free Period

"Hey. Did you hear? Sehun's on the list of candidates."

"He is? What for?"

"For obvious reasons." 

The two discussing random boys looked to a snoozing boy in the room.

"I believe that free period is a time for study and not sleep." The teacher tapped Luhan's head with his ruler.

"Whaaa~" D.O immediately woke Luhan up. 

"Five more minutes~" Luhan whined.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lee, he was awake a little while ago. I swear." D.O shook Luhan awake. "Yah! You better make your lazy read a book!" D.O muttered. 

"Regardless of when he was awake-- his lazy will be in detention." Mr. Lee tapped his foot impatiently.

"He's really sorry. Yah! Taro pudding!" D.O tried.

Luhan shot up and looked for the indulgent dessert with a sleepy expression.

"Wheeeere???" Luhan asked like a zombie. Then he noticed the teacher. "--is that book about whales?" He saved.

'Nice save.' Luhan mentally facepalmed

"It's whaaaaaale over in detention." Mr. Lee made fish motions then pointed to the door. "Move."

"No! Please! I beg of you! Anything but detention!" Luhan knelt in front off the teacher.

"Sleeping in class is unacceptable!"

"But it's a free period! It's practically a useless class right now." Luhan and D.O gasped. Luhan had not meant for that to slip out.

"That's it! 2 days of detention for you!" Mr. Lee said in a seethed whisper.

"No! I didn't mean it!" Luhan shouted grabbing everyone's attention. 

"Three!" Mr. Lee dragged Luhan's across the library as quiet as possible. Which was clearly impossible.

"Pleaaaaaaase!" Luhan whimpered

"Want to go for a whole week, Luhan-ssi!?" 


》Hours later. D.O, Kai and Sehun were standing a few feet away outside the principal's office. Luhan was inside discussing terms and probation matters.

"Leeeet's eaaaaat!" Kai whined, tugging on the hem of D.O's turtleneck.

"No! Uh-uh." D.O smacked his hand. "I refuse to have lunch without Luhan."

"Your brother won't have to find out~" Kai suggested which earned him a smack.

"It's our parents' deal Jongin," D.O explained for the who-knows-how-many. "I certainly don't want to reenact Romeo and Juliet. Do you?"

"No. I jus--" 


"What was that?" Kai looked around. 


"Was that a stomach grumbling?" D.O asked. He looked at Kai then Sehun. Sehun had his face on don't-give-a- mode.

"It did. But I'm pretty sure it's not mine." Kai commented. 


"There it is again." D.O hushed. Kai lifted D.O's turtleneck then placed his ear on his tummy. "Yah! It's not mine!" D.O blushed upon contact of Kai's warm ear, he tugged down his shirt then pushed Kai away.

Kai placed his ears on Sehun's stomach, but he didn't lift his shirt. 


Sehun blushed. Kai snickered.

"It's him??" D.O walked over and knelt in front of Sehun--at an appropriate distance of course, but he still heard it.


Sehun blushed darker and held his stomach.

"Sorry." He mumbled. 

Kai laughed harder. "What a cute little kid." He ruffled his hair.

"I'm no kid! I just skipped breakfast.. so yeah." Sehun sulked, giving his tummy a few soothing rubs.

"Aww, kids shouldn't skip breakfast-- it's the the most important meal of the day!" Kai held his stomach because he was laughing so hard.

D.O rolled his eyes at his more-than-a-friend-less-than-a-lover. He gave Sehun a sympathetic smile while he fished out something from his bag then showed it to him.

"Here. Luhan taught me this trick." He held a rubik's cube. It was still unsolved.

"A box? Why not just give him a granola bar instead?" Kai asked him observing the toy.

"A rubik's cube. Luhan said distracting oneself will ease hunger." D.O reiterated Luhan's wise words. "And I would've if you hadn't eaten up all the snacks in my bag!" He smacked Kai's arm.

"I was hungry. I'm guessing it works?" Kai took the cube.

"It does. Well, for me it does. It's my alternative; might not be as satisfying but it helps. Try it." D.O recommended.

Kai handed it to Sehun. He inspected the toy. Taking in the mismatched colorful squares. He didn't get how a toy can satiate hunger so he just watched it, like it was a tv.

D.O chuckled. "You're supposed to solve it, silly, not stare at it. Like this." He turned a few rows. 

Kai and Sehun oh-ed.

Sehun then began playing with it, like how D.O showed.

A few minutes passed.

'This is harder than it looks.' Sehun concentrated. 

"How fast can you solve it?" Kai wrapped an arm around D.O then leaned on the lockers with him.

"Oh I still can't. It's always Luhan hyung who fixes it." D.O pouted. "I turn it a little then it's messed up again."

"You are sooo squishy!" Kai looked at D.O then pinched his cheek with the wrapped-around arm.

"Ouchee!" D.O rubbed his cheek.

"Is this considered finished?" Sehun showed two arranged sides of the cube.

"Uh.. a quarter way there.. I guess. I'm not totally sure." D.O scratched his head.

"Not hungry anymore?" Kai asked as he spectated the boy.

"No.. but now I'm frustrated." Sehun rubbed his chin with the back of his left hand, right hand holding the cube.

"Well, I guess next time you won't do it again?"  A voice from the office asked

"No, seonsaengnim. I promise!" Luhan beamed at his teacher and principal when he opened the auto door.

"Then you're free to go. No detention." The principal said.

"Thank you!" He bowed then skipped out of the room.

A few skips and he let out a sigh and dropped the innocent kid act.

'I'm manly after all.'

"Now can we go to lunch?"


"Oh? What are you guys doing here?" Luhan blinked, noticing the boys.

"Waiting for you. Praise the Holy Lord for perfect timing!!" Kai hailed.

"Luhan hyung! Come on! Let's go to lunch!"


'Not now..' Sehun groaned. 

Luhan heard it then walked over to Sehun.

"Did you wait for me as well? Are you hungry??" Luhan peered under Sehun's bowing head. "I'm sorry.."

"Uhm.. no! It's fine! Really." Sehun waved his arms.


• • •

Sehun turned red.

Luhan giggled.

Kai facepalmed.

D.O dragged all of them to the cafeteria.

Which was full. Because of the new food they decided to prepare, because they passed the health inspection. 

"Ohhhh coooome oooon!" Kai groaned. "What does the universe have against us eating! Are we all that faaaat!?" Kai poked everyone's tummy.

"Yah! Personal space please!" Luhan whined while rubbing his abdomen.

"Oh wait!" D.O thumped a fist on his palms. "Jong, follow me!" 

"Wai-- where we going?!" 

"Luhaaan! Lululu! Yoohoo~" A voice called.

Luhan looked around. And Sehun went back to his rubik's cube.

"Over here, little bro!" Victoria waved her hands. "I saved us a table!!" 

"Jiějiě! Stop yelling." Luhan walked over, subconsciously dragging Sehun with him. Sehun blushed but still concentrated on his present task.

"Hey. Sit sit. Kyungsoo with you??" Victoria ushered.

"Yeah. And Kai." Victoria raised a brow.

"When did you get all buddy buddy with Wolves,  hmm?" She pointed her fork at him like he was guilty of a crime.

"Since when did you care?" Luhan mockingly retaliated with a spoon.

"I don't." Victoria flipped her hair and raised her chin, "Traitor." She said with one eye close, with the other eye peering at him.

"Rebel." And the two broke into a fit of laughter. 

"Uuuuugh!" Sehun slammed his hands on the table, silencing the two. "Uhm.. s-sorry."

"What's wrong with you?" Victoria tore a chicken satay from a stick. 

"Hey. That's.." Luhan noticed the rubik's cube.

"Yeah.. D.O hyung lent it to me. I hope you don't mind..?" Sehun played with his fingers. 

'I really want you to teach me..if you want to.."

"No, of course I dont." Luhan gave a sincere smile.

"Oh.." Sehun slumped then realize that he hadn't actually ask to be taught. "Thanks!"

"Why don't you teach him Luhan?  After all he did give you that charm." Victoria offered. They almost forgot about the rainbow loom bracelet until she brought it up. He looked at the deer charm on Luhan's wrist.

"You did?" 'Should I teach him? Ahh, my heart's beating fast now.'

Sehun nodded.

"P-please teach.. teach me.." Sehun pushed the rubik's cube to Luhan. 

"Awww. Sure thing Sehunnie!" Luhan laughed. "Come over my house later. You know where it is." He winked. 

'Clean room. Hide embarrassing stuff. Lock diary. Make sure to wear underwear." Luhan mentally noted his important tasks.

"Whoo! Made it." D.O, with Kai trailing behind him with packed lunch for them, returned.

"You made bentos?" Luhan questioned.

"No. I BROUGHT bentos." D.O corrected. "Mom made it."

"Where'd you keep that?" Victoria looked at them.

"In my locker, this morning." D.O unstacked it.

"Come on let's eat! I'm famished!" Kai exclaimed. 

》》 After eating. Victoria opened the topic about the play.

"So! Have you decided which roles to play?" She asked.

"Rether!" D.O said, while gulping down his yogurt drink. 

"RETHER!?" Kai suddenly stood up. "Prince Kiza will seduce that servant!"

"Yeah. So?" D.O mumbled.

"Yeah. So. I'm not playing Prince Kiza! I'm playing Zual. You will not play Rether. Uh-uh!" Kai crossed his arms and pouted like a stubborn child.

"Rether is the only best friend of Princess Thea. Like I'm best friends with Luhan. It makes perfect sense! Just play Prince Kiza. Pwetty pweeease!" D.O shook Kai.

"Fine." Kai relaxed then sat down once again.

"Besides, Prince Kiza's an open part. I can sign you up anytime. Unlike Prince Heun's." Victoria added.

"Oh? Really? Then who's playing my prince?" Luhan giggled.

Everyone at the table looked at him like he's the most ignorant human being ever.

"Everybody, Luhan hyung, everybody. The whole school wants to be your Prince Heun." D.O put a hand on his shoulder as if saying "I'm dead serious."

"But as of now. There are 71 candidates. 32 girls and 39 boys. They're handpicked by Ms. Cheon herself." Victoria supplied.

"But if you must know! Sehun, over here is one of them!" Kai smacked Sehun's back.

Sehun froze and refused to make eye contact with Luhan, who he felt was boring holes into him. 

"I-I just wanted to cha--" 

"Hwaiting.." Luhan cut him off. He looked up and saw Luhan cheering like a little kid.

"Sehunnie hwaiting!" Luhan punch his clenched fist into the air. Sehun blushed at the cute action.

"Hyung will support you! Fight fight fight!" He cheered again.

Sehun nodded. He felt more confident now. It didn't matter if he were against a million, he would win this role for Luhan!

Because he is the only Prince Heun to Luhan's Princess Thea. 

'I am sure of it! Go, Sehun! This is for Luhan!'

"Great! Now 'Sehunnie' on 3!" D.O initiated. 


'Minho.. Luhan's mine.'


'I will crush you!'


' I will win this!'




°°Luhan's house. 

"This is Jaehyo. I'm either playing sports or very busy right now. So bug off and just leave a message."


"Hey Jae! Sehun's auditioning. Thanks for convincing Minho for me. I knew he just needed a little push. And Sehunnie just needed the right motivation." Luhan smirked.

He really wanted Sehun to be in the play with him. But he was really so stubborn. Now that his plan was successful, he just needed to run lines with Sehun so he could be a shoowin for the part.

But heck, Sehun fits Prince Heun's bill. It probably be as easy as pie.

'I hope.'

"Anyways, thanks again. Bye." Luhan hang up.




#WeBelieveInKris #WeAreOneForever 

Kris leaving permanently or not, he left or they left him, he betrayed or they turn their backs on him.

Still. I refuse to imagine EXO without Kris, their Galaxy hyung. 

On a lighter note,

I hope authors in AFF will still have Taoris in their Fics :"p ^!^ 

Uhm.. yeah. 

Ok. I'm so sorry. This chapter, I kinda wrote it for the sake of getting rid of writer's block. I needed to make the creative juice running. So I'm very sorry. But I hope you still like it.

I still spent hours (days of hours actually) to write this chap so I'm still kinda fine with it. Just not the outcome I expected. 

Are you intrigued by the play?? Did you feel the KaiSoo and HunHan feels?? Comment and let me know!

BTW! Thank you for the nice comments (a.k.a. my motivation) you give! :'3

Thank you for subscribing! It let's me know you're interested! 


(If you want, you can comment what you feel about EXO matters right now too. :"○ )




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imperfect_narcissist #1
Damn that first paragraph of your description made me go "OMG SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS". But that is honestly really, really, REALLY relatable....
Biancer #2
Chapter 5: Oh my god, this story is so funny and cute, I really love it :D
Hunhannie813 #3
Chapter 1: Huwaaaaah. *u*
I really like it.
Hwaitinggg ~
Sounds interesting, i'll try to read it when you update :)