[A/N] Brace Yourselves

21st Century Love

Hello faithful subscribers(I'll call you guys something else in the future XD)! Thank you for, uh, well, subscribing! Hahaha. Unfortunately, I fail you as an author. I'm currently putting this story (and my other story) on hold. I'm sorry. OTL But! On a lighter note I've written a one shot.(Further apologies and explanations are there) If you like, check it out! ^_^ give it some love too. Thank you! ^_^



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imperfect_narcissist #1
Damn that first paragraph of your description made me go "OMG SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS". But that is honestly really, really, REALLY relatable....
Biancer #2
Chapter 5: Oh my god, this story is so funny and cute, I really love it :D
Hunhannie813 #3
Chapter 1: Huwaaaaah. *u*
I really like it.
Hwaitinggg ~
Sounds interesting, i'll try to read it when you update :)