21st Century Love



@D.O's Side of the Conversation

■Math Class; Morning

D.O has never been to detention. And he's glad that he'd dodged the bullet with Ricky yesterday. But--


D.O looked in front, the teacher had his back to them so he checked his phone, it was the 5th text from Kai but he left it unread again. He didn't want to get into trouble. At least not now.

'I'll get back to him later. Yeah.'


'Ignore it D.O. Self control. You're not that desperate..' ​D.O thought. He put his phone back in his pocket and accidentally pressing the volume key.

He was in his class when his phone went bumblebee on him. But he so chooses to ignore the one person he never thought he would ignore. But who was he kidding?

'Kai's calling~ Kai's calling~' 

D.O can almost hear Kai's preset ringtone.. He found an app that could turn your voice into Pororo's when you record.

'Wait a minute..' D.O widened his eyes and dropped his pencil on the floor and compass which accidentally jabbed his left index finger.

"OUCH!" D.O said.

"WHICH DIDN'T PUT HIS PHONE ON PUCKING VIBRATE?!" Prof. Do also said. He knew exactly who it was, but chooses to ignore the fact. 

"M'm sho shorry Mrof hyuhng!" D.O said while his bleeding finger and with his phone in the other hand

"Hello? Kai? W-what is it?" D.O said running out of the room.

"Hey! I did not allow you to go out! Yah!" Prof. Do called out.

"Sorry hyung! It'll just be a minute!" D.O answered back from the outside. 

"Woah, professor~? Can't tame your own brother?? Hm?" Niel, the class president, teased.

"Huh, Niel!" Chunji, the class clown, gasped exaggeratingly. "Don't say that. He wouldn't be the Great Prof. Do Min Joon if he can't control his own bro! Hahaha!"  He joked making the whole class burst out laughing. 

"Do Kyungsoo, as soon as you get out of detention, you would regret ever begging me to buy you a phone." Prof Do cursed through gritted teeth. "I promise you!" And add the echo with bird effects!

°°Outside of D.O's class.

"Kai? What is it? I have classes." D.O tried to play it cool but deep deep deep inside he was sooo freaking out!

"So.. I'm guessing you don't want to talk??" Kai said. Feigning intention of hanging up.

"What? No! Of course.." D.O blushed before continuing, "O-of course I do.. I-i just--"

"Then why are you ignoring my texts?" Kai purposely cut him off. He didn't want to hear D.O stutter--it was too cute for his own good.

"Well.. I.." D.O contemplated on lying but of course "I'm in Hyung's class. I'll get into trouble and it'll just be a big mess." telling the truth was his second nature.

"What about my letter then?" Kai changed the subject.

"Also a no.. I'm sorry. I'll read it all after class. I wanted to read them while I'm alone." D.O explained.

"That's alright. I just wanted to ask--" Kai was cut off by Prof. Do.

"Kyungsoo, you get your back in here or you're grounded for life and will be in detention for the rest of the school year!"

"uhm.. uh, K-Kai? I.. gotta go. I'll read your letter later.. promise. Bye." D.O hung up and went inside.

 "Wait! I--" D.O hung up and went inside. 

"Sorry hyung.. But at least, I may or may not have a love life!" D.O hoped his happiness would help his brother's anger subside.

"No. You have detention." Prof. Do said with a cheeky grin.

■Library; Free Period.

"Hey, D.O D.O DoD.O!" Luhan cheerfully made his way to D.O only to be shushed by students and the librarian. 

"Sorry~" Luhan whispered back sheepishly as he reached the table D.O was at. 

"What brings you to the library, Luhan?" He said rather annoyed. D.O was rewriting and reviewing his notes and he does not appreciate being bothered during that time

Luhan took a seat and tossed his feet up the library table. Grabbing a Bambi Story book. 

"Don't you think it's weird that they have a children's storybook in the HS Department?" Luhan looked over the busy D.O

"..." D.O left luhan ignored.

"Okay, the fact that you chose schoolwork over me.." Luhan paused for effect. "Hurts. And I'm here about the letter. The letter, dude, the Let. Ter." 

"Can't you see I'm in detention? A place I never thought I would be." D.O was offended. 

Luhan shrugged. "That can't possibly stop you from opening a letter..?"

"Well," D.O stopped what he was doing and looked at Luhan. "I was about to read it.. But I kept having second thoughts."

"Well that explains why you're drowning yourself in boring assignments" Luhan said reading the book. He glanced at D.O "Second thoughts? Dude, it's just a love letter, not a marriage contract. Chill." He flipped a page.

"Yeah, I know.. but.. What if I end up like Suzy?" D.O said looking at his suddenly interesting pen.

"Suzy. She was different," Luhan put the book down. "They never really had that much chemistry. Trust me on that, D.O.."  

D.O gave a sigh. "That not true, is it? Or at least you're not sure if it isn't."

"W-What? Of course I am!" Luhan said rather loudly causing another wave of shushes and sorry's.

"No, you're not. You called me 'D.O'. Normally you'd call me 'Kyungsoo' in these times of encouragement." He said glumly.

Luhan waved that fact away.

"Just read the letter first." Luhan leaned forward and cupped his friend's face "And worry about the details later."

"I will.--" D.O replied. 

"Good!"  Luhan leaned back in his chair.

"I'm just not ready yet." 

Luhan rested his chin on his hands and puffed "Look, if you're relationship works out, great! If he breaks you're heart, we'll break his face together." Luhan offered.

"And.. I'll cut it off with Sehun." He continued. 

"No, you won't."  But D.O protested. "But hearing you say that is nice. We'll hurt them together if they hurt either one of us. You're the best!" He gave him his signature smile.

"I'd do anything for my best friend!" Luhan exclaimed.  And another round of shushes! And a meek sorry once more.

D.O checked his watch, "Detention's over."

"Alright!" Luhan cheered and another wave of protests.

"Let's get out of here before you get banned from the Library." D.O said while fixing his stuff.

"Oh, what a great loss it will be!" Luhan fake sobbed.

"NOT!" He yelled when they reached the entrance. 

And they ran off like hell being chased by a now demonic Librarian. Well this ought to be a good chase.

​°°At the Oh Residence..

"Yeah, I know.. but.. What if I end up like Suzy?" 

"He's worried he'd be like Suzy?" Kai questioned,  each word rising in pitch with anger.

"Come on, Kai." Sehun patted his back. "He's friends with her, she might have exaggerated everything."

"Just read the letter first. And worry about the details later.

"You're lucky my Cutie's there!" Sehun said proudly.

"Look, if you're relationship works out, great! If he breaks you're heart, we'll break his face together. And.. I'll cut it off with Sehun."

"No, you won't. But hearing you say that is nice. We'll hurt them together if they hurt either one of us. You're the best!"

"Oooh." Amber in air through her teeth. "Hear that? One wrong move and you're both.." she tch-ed with her tongue and made a cutting throat motion.

• • •

The two boys were suddenly stiff like marble statues ready to crumble any second.

Kai was the first one to revert to normal.

"This is your fault." He said while staring with squinted eyes.

"Well, actually if Sehun hadn't done it, you wouldn't have found out anything about D.O" Amber defended.

Sehun burst out of his marble shell and agreed.

"Yeah! And it wasn't easy you know!  I haven't exactly confess to my Cutie, so it was hard planting Amber's bugs on them."

"I know! I was there." Kai said.

"Yeah.. so how did you do it? Because clearly I wasn't. " Amber asked.

"Uh, well.."


■Arts Department; Yesterday afternoon. 

<FR: Sehun

Hey! Luhan.. I was wondering.. may be you'd like some ice cream?  

TO: Luhan>

<FR: Luhan

Uh, no thanks. Maybe next time. Kinda busy. 

TO: Sehun>

". He's still mad.." Sehun cursed. Well, be a prick through chat, who wouldn't get mad?

"Didn't he say, he likes a desert?" Sulli chimed in.

"No, idiot, he said he likes dessert, not a desert. Sheesh." Hyoyeon said while stretching for dance practice. 

"Hey.. no need to be a meanie about it!" Sulli hmpf-ed, to which Hyoyeon bleh-ed. But both ended up giggling.

"Ok, so what dessert does he like?" Key asked.

"Uhm, isn't that the jelly thing?" Seohyun thought hard.

"Is it yogurt?" Daehyun suggested. 

"No.. no.."

"Chocolate?" Kai searched the internet. Everyone looked at him with weird and judging faces.

"What?" Kai looked up from his laptop. 

"When is chocolate ever jelly-like?" Siwon, Head Wolf questioned Kai's intelligence. 

"When it's pudding." Kai showed them the screen.

"THAT'S IT!" Sehun shouted.

"See! I told you it's chocolate!" Kai beamed proudly. 

"No, stupid!" Sehun retorted, typing in the answer.

Then Sehun hit 'send'. He smiled like he had won the lottery.

Everyone looked at the screen,

'<FR: Sehun

You. Me. Taro pudding. Let's get some. I know you want it. You can't refuse me.

TO: Luhan>


Kai: AHAHA! This is gonna be good!

Amber: what? What happened? What's wrong?

Sehun: I didn't know, ok?



They were astounded that it was something as simple as pudding. But then giggled when the reply came.

"Hey, Sehun, wipe that smirk off your face first.' Zelo said handing him the phone.

"Who's stupid now?" It was Kai's turn to smirked. 

"What are you talking about?" Sehun asked, confused. He looked at the screen.

He's jaw dropped after reading the very last word.. and everyone else broke out laughing.

<FR: Luhan

What do you think I am? Some kind of hooker you get to order around whenever you want to? At your expense? At your command? I already told you I'm busy! I am so not at your service Oh Sehun.

AND WHAT A DISGRACE! Using Taro Pudding as pay off? How dare you.

So. N.O. NO!

TO: Sehun>


Kai: HaHaaa!! I told you! I told you! Woohoo!

Amber: So that's what it was! Haha dude you got served. So wait? How did you plant the bug?

Sehun: I used this! /Sehun points to head/

Kai: and quite literally.

Amber: Whuuut??

Sehun:  if you guys let me finish then you'll know!



Yep, Sehun was stupefied. It hadn't occur to him that he might be offensive. It was just a spur of the moment thing!

'Great! He probably thinks I'm an now!' 

"Ha! That must have been the dumbest way to ask someone out!" Daehyun remarked. 

"You're hopeless." Luna said overhearing the whole conversation amidst her vocal exercises.

"Yeah. What a loser." Krystal chimed in while filing her nails with one earphone bud in her ear.

Then Victoria walked in.. "Girls, stop picking on the kid. That's not how ladies behave."

Sehun gasped. Another brilliant idea struck him!

"Uh, Victoria.. Can you do me a favor??" Then Sehun whispered the plan.

Victoria put her feet up on Sehun's head and tied her shoelaces.

*** Amber: Oh.. the the flexibility thing. ***

"Sure." Victoria agreed but with a devilish grin. She's one of the most respected students in their campus. She's talented, mature, fair, approachable, caring, beautiful and flexible. And she always acts like a mom towards younger students, so getting a 'yes' from her was normal.


"So wait Victoria planted it for you..?" Amber tried putting the pieces together. But a piece was missing.

"Yep. " Sehun confirmed. 

"But.. how did she do it?" Kai supplied the missing pieces.


"How's Victoria?" 

"My sister?"

And Sehun visibly paled. To which the two had snickered at.

°°At the park. The two friends were walking home.

"Yeah." D.O remembered that Victoria was Luhan's sister.

"She's fine. She made me this bracelet!" Luhan held up his wrist. He was wearing a Rainbow Loom bracelet with a metal deer charm(the bug).

"And she made you one too!" He fished out a similar bracelet with a bugcharm in owl form from his pocket.

***(A,S,K: Oh so that's how she did it.)***

"She's a Wolf right?" D.O asked warily inspecting the rubber bracelet, fiddling with the charm.

"No. Definitely not. She's just friends with the girls. She refuses to be part of any organization." 

D.O let out a breath, obviously relaxing about the fact. And wore the bracelet. 

"Wow! It's pretty!" Kyunsoo raised his wrist.

"D.O?" Luhan called "What happened with you and the Wolves? I can't understand. We've been friends for years.. but why are you so worried about them"

"Well. My brother told me to stay away from them." D.O let down his wrist and kicked a pebble along the way.

"Prof Min joon?" Luhan widened his eyes. "But every teacher in the school likes the Wolves." It's true. Teachers like them because it's less work for them to discipline the students. 

"Yeah. But.." D.O whispered something inaudible into Luhan's ear that not even the bugs picked it up.

The two laughed like crazy before they reach their own homes.


Kai: wait! Why? Why did he tell you to stay away?? WHYYY!

A, S: there there, Kai, there there.

Kai: /SOBS/




















Oookay! Done with chapter 2! Haha.  Sorry if it's lame or corny. . But I hope it isn't! And thank you if you appreciate it! Comment what you think! Upvote and subscribe if it's awesome so far! Thank you if you will and did! 


I really appreciate It! It's my motivation!  



Thank you for the encouragement and 'Hwaiting!' Haha

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imperfect_narcissist #1
Damn that first paragraph of your description made me go "OMG SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS". But that is honestly really, really, REALLY relatable....
Biancer #2
Chapter 5: Oh my god, this story is so funny and cute, I really love it :D
Hunhannie813 #3
Chapter 1: Huwaaaaah. *u*
I really like it.
Hwaitinggg ~
Sounds interesting, i'll try to read it when you update :)