Vampires vs. Werewolves

When I woke up, Ken was using me as his teddy bear. After breaking myself free I used all my strength and kicked Ken off the bed. Needless to say I was not pleased. Ken landed with a thud and surprisingly stayed asleep, I got up to get some food.

After quickly raiding the fridge, I check around the cottage to see what everyone is doing. N is still sleeping-thank god, Ravi is also sleeping and also in N's bed; I'm suspecting something going on between those two.

Hyuk is just waking up, I'll try not to run into him on my way out. Leo is reading-like usual and Hongbin is still sleeping. I'm feeling bad for Hongbin, if it weren't for Minwoo, I would love it if he would change me; but I belong to a werewolf now and my brother are just going to have to accept that.

I was just about out the door when Leo noticed me, dang it I thought was going to keep reading in his room.

"Going somewhere?" I nod, I pray that this won't turn into something that will wake the others.

"I don't know where you're going or what you've been doing lately, so you can relax. However, if I find out you're doing drugs, I won't think twice about reporting you."

That did make me feel better and slightly creeped out. I then left and went looking for Minwoo. The sensation I had felt last night, the longing, it only grew till I found my brown wolf taking a snooze by the water. I sit close by and his fur. He slowly begins to stir, nuzzling into my hand. A blush creeps onto my face as I watch him change into human form.

"Did my mate miss me?" He asks with a smirk, making my blush deepen; I nod.

"Did you feel it? The pull feeling in your gut?" I nod again hugging Minwoo.

"It only gets worse sooner or later you're going to have to tell your brothers about us" my mind already dreaded that day.

I nuzzle my head into the crook of Minwoo's nec as small tears escape my eyes. Is it possible to become addicted to a human? Because I've developed a mental and physical need for Minwoo, but I can't just tell my brothers that. I am scared and I just wish my brothers were humans for once.

"Shh it's okay" Minwoo says patting my back.

"It's not okay, what if my brothers make it so I can never see you again?"

"Shhh just remember, anxiety is driven by 'what if'. Just embrace that you have me now, I love you and I will do what ever it takes to spend the rest of my life with you." I couldn't stop the flush in my chest, my entire body wanted to meld into Minwoo and stay that way.

"You wanna come back to my place, so I can get some clothes on" I nod, I really am at a loss for words today.

I walk back to Minwoo's cabin, beside Minwoo in wolf form. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't a bit nervous to see his pack again. Especially Jeongmin who was right up my alley on vampires. Sure he was wrong about me being the vampire but his accusations weren't too far off, I was affiliated with vampires, I lived with them.


Minwoo's room was big for a log cabin, but still cozy. The walls are a little empty, when I move in, I'm going to change that. Wait, when I move in? I mean if I move in.

"What do you want to do today?" Minwoo asks joining me on the bed. I shrug and lean on his shoulder.

"You wanna practice kissing?"

"What!?" I look at him in shock, he then bursts out into laughter.

"I'm just kidding but the look on your face was priceless." He says continuing to laugh, I'm actually not sure how I feel about what just happened.

"What do you normally do with your brothers?" He asks once he finally calms down.

"Depends on the brother, most of them annoy me so the only brother I do stuff with is Hongbin" I say trusting my head on Minwoo's shoulder once more.

"We'll what do you do with Hongbin?"

"We usually do something camping related, like going on a canoe ride"

"Ok let's do that then!"


"Now we have to be quiet, my brothers don't know I'm taking the canoe and they won't be too pleased if they see me on the water with another guy" I whisper, lifting the canoe-still not an easy task by the way.

"Got it!" Minwoo whispers back, helping me to portage the canoe.

We get the canoe safety on the water and paddle out near the middle. It's so quiet out on the water and I never want to leave.

"Okay now what?" Minwoo asks breaking the peace.

"Now we relax." I say leaning back so my back is against the stern. I close my eyes but then open them when the boat starts shaking slightly. Minwoo moves across the canoe so he is directly over top of me.

"Is this really your idea of fun?" He asks, I nod. Minwoo leans down and begins to on my neck. It's a weird sensation, but surprisingly enjoyable. It didn't help the moan I just let made him continue.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CANOE!?!?" We hear a voice scream from a cross the lake. Both our heads snap up, I can see that it's Ken.

"MORY!? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU WITH!?!?" , I mean crap!

"C'mon" I say picking up a paddle, "Ken's a fast swimmer!"

"My cottage is just over there if we paddle quickly, we can get there and hide before he catches up to us" Minwoo says returning to the bow of the canoe.

"Lead the way." I say

"I can't you're sterning, but go straight" Minwoo points with his paddle. Ken has already dived into the water and is gaining a fast pace-as I suspected.

Ken is fast but our canoe is faster. We reach the edge of the water just in time and run for the cottage.

"Jeongmin! Jeongmin!" Minwoo shouts as we near the cottage.

"What!? What!?"

"Cover for us, if a guy with brown hair comes asking for us, LIE!" Minwoo shouts as we run into the house. Minwoo locks the door and we continue to run upstairs.

"Do you really think he will check here?" Of course he will this my brother we're talking about.

"I dunno but the big red canoe left on the bank nearby isn't exactly a subtle hint"

I lie down on the bed, we might as well give up now. Ken will soon figure out about the werewolves that live here and about us too. He will then tell N and that will be the end of us.





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Loverofexo #1
Chapter 7: Update plz