Tour #2 and #3: You make me so happy!

Reality vs. Fairytale

We bought the Koala couple headbands. After a hour of roaming around we decided to go back to Sydney.

"Oppa, do you want to go the Opera house?"

"Nae~ I really want too!"

"Then lets get going~"

We've arrived. We didnt go inside we just stayed outside and keep chasing each other. Were like childrens playing.

"Wait Miss Tour guide~ Look I want to go there at the Harbour bridge. Lets go to the top."

"BWOH?! I dont want im scared of heights. If you want then go alone. I dont want to die yet you know?"

"Oh~ come on! you're my tour guide so wherever I want to go you'll go with me. arasso? and yet im here I wouldnt let anything happen to you. And you know we're not going to suicide. you'll not die!"

"Aishh~ okay ..okay! But im telling you if I die. I will visit you ill be your cute ghost!"

*smirk* "If you would be the ghost then I would want to see you everytime."

*blush badly*

(nae, you could go to the the side top of the bridge..)

Both of you are we the other tourist in the bridge. While getting up you look so stunned and pale. So Taemin held your hands tightly and whispered.

"Dont be scared im right here beside you.. Just enjoy this."


After some minutes of the scary moment. You get down.

"Are you okay?"- Taemin asked still holding your hands.

"Hmm.. nae, im alright~"

"Its getting late...  I think the next spot would be the last!"

"Oh. The time was so fast I dont even notice it! hmm.. I think I know where we would go!"- you said while pulling him with you.

"Where are we going??"- taemin asked.

"A secret place of mine!"

"Dont tell me you'll bring me to your bed room?"


"Okay~ Im just kidding dont be mad!"

Then you've arrived in Bondi Beach...

"Hey~ this not a secret place... I can see many people!"- taemin said.

"Come with me lets go there!"

Then you got in the other side of the beach.

"This part of the beach is rarely visited. And this is where I always go. Whenever I feel sad, lonely, mad, and hurt and you're the first person I brought here!"- you said while looking peacefully at the sea.

"Jinjja? If this is your secret place why am I the one you brought  here and not your family or friends?"

"Because you're the only person who makes me feel so happy. This was my first time having a light feelings. I know you were thinking like how did you make me happy this much if you dont even do something with efforts. Its because ITS MY FIRST TIME BEING CHASED BY FANGIRLS, ITS MY FIRST TIME HAVING THE FEELING THAT SOMEONE'S THERE FOR ME WHO WILL LISTEN AND CARES, ITS MY FIRST TIME FACING MY BIGGEST FEAR HEIGHTS, ITS MY FIRST TIME BEING A TOUR GUIDE, ITS MY FIRST TIME BUYING SOMETHING THAT I REALLY WANTED, AND ITS MY FIRST TIME BEING THIS HAPPY!"

"You know I felt like you're a newly born. Its like your life is so miserable, waeyo?"

"Nae, Its miserable more than you thought! And yes I felt like im just born this day..haha!"- you said with teary eyes.

He let you face him and put his hands on your face while wiping the tears in your cheeks.

"Dont cry~ You know Key umma said if you stressed yourself you'll be ugly! so dont be sad. Just do this whenever you felt sad just think about me.. arasso?"

He said and pulled you for a hug. You felt so warm. You dont like to let go anymore because you felt so protected.

"Kamsa Hamnida Oppa~ okay, its already late you should go home now... Your umma would be mad!"- you said jokingly.

"hahaha! I'll bring you home. Oh what I mean ill bring you to your house!"

"Anni, I'll be fine~"

"NO!! If I said ill bring you to your house ill do! No buts MISS TOUR GUIDE!"


It been a peaceful walk to your house. After some minutes you've arrived. Actually you didnt want to go inside. You want to stay with Taemin. Because you felt like entering hell from heaven.

"Okay! We're here~ BYE!"- you said with a jolly tone and gave him a peck on his cheeks.


I dont want this day to end. But I just cant stop the time if only I can control it. *sigh*

I brought Maecy home. She said goodbye and a gave me a  peck. It makes me blush badly. Luckily she cant see it.

I arrived in the hotel. Where my hyungs and I were staying. When I opened the door it reveals Key Umma with a mad face.

"HEY!! where did you go mister do you know its already late you make me feel so worried. And you told us you'll take dinner here."

"Mianhae umma, I just stroll around!"

"Stroll around or having a date?"- jjong hyung said while showing me a picture of me and Maecy being chased by the fangirls.

"Anni, its just a misunderstanding!"

"Okay, tell us while you're eating~"- Onew hyung said.


I told them the whole story of how I met Maecy and what happened the whole day.

"Jinjja? It suprise me as we all know you're the most ignorant member. Whats up with this girl that catches your attention?"- Minho hyung said.

"Hmm... lets say I consider her as my no. 1 fan?"



Heres the update!


soooooooooooo muchhhhhh appreciated!!!! ^_^

<3 <3 <3





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YouDunnoMe #1
wow i like this!! (Y)
Serenity_20 #2
Chapter 15: don't delete it it's a really good story hope fo you to update
yeoshinnie #3
CUTE .. kekeke~~ .. update soon .. !!! :D
saeng !!! noooooo !!! :((
Kyaaaa! He kissed her .. Ohmyy! O.o >///<<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update, please do update soon .. thanks :) <33
jhulzshinee0669 #7