The Boys

My Player

Not long after they had exited the cafeteria had the two been bombarded by the boys they were looking for. A wide grin plastered over the girls’ faces as they hugged the guys. There were the five main men in Soori’s life. Minhyuk, Kevin, Woobin, Moonhyun, and Jimin, the five guys Soori would die without.

Minhyuk, who was her best friend since middle school all thanks to the fact they walked to school and back home together, sadly they no longer did since Minhyuk moved to a different house. He was smart, protective, and a loyal friend.  

Kevin who, Soori had to admit, she had a crush on basically her entire time in middle school. The attraction was still there, just not as big as it used to be. He was a bit of an at times and was rather sassy. He acted like the world revolved around him, but once you get to know him anyone would know he’s not really that cocky. He was sweet and sometimes rather shy. Not to mention the biggest weirdo Soori has ever met.

Woobin, the big guy. Count on him to save Soori from anything that could cause her harm. He now walked Soori home along with Jimin, Jinhee, Moonhyun, and Serah. He acted very childish, yet at the same time was one of the more mature ones of the boys. Jinhee referred to him as her giant teddy bear. Tall and built, fun to cuddle, easy to hide behind, and was always there for her.

Moonhyun is Soori’s childhood friend, they have been neighbors since elementary and have been friends for the longest time. Soori could always count on him no matter what. He was a giant flirt and although he was a loyal boyfriend, if he and his girlfriend ever broke up, expect a new relationship within the span of a week at the least, to a month at the most.

Finally Jimin, this guy is rather new to the group, but Soori knew he was a great friend. Although, often times Jinhee and Serah thought of him as a , he was a nice person and he cared about them. What made him really special was the fact that Soori definitely had a crush on him.

“How was the states Miss America?” Minhyuk, asked.

“Miss America? The nickname isn’t needed,” Soori laughed before answering the question, “It was fun. I got souvenirs for everyone!”

“Everyone?” All the boys, and Jinhee, exclaimed.

“Well… Maybe not everyone…” Soori chuckled nervously while rubbing the back of her neck. “I didn’t quite remember everyone…” she frowned.

Kevin was the first to get on her back, “If you forgot about me I’ll make you regret it!”

“Kevin, I figured you would say something like that. So you were the first I bought for,” Soori sighed. “I forgot about… Crap I forgot who I forgot about!!” she then flailed around in a panic and laughed with the others.

“Well on another note…” Jinhee started.

“Oh, how was your guys’ day so far?” Soori asked.

“It’s been pretty good! I made a new friend!” Woobin grinned widely. 

“Really? Who?” Minhyuk asked.

“That one kid… Jackson!”

“Jackson? Sounds American.” Kevin commented.

“He’s Chinese,” Woobin said.

“Interesting,” Soori nodded.

“Oh! Soori has a story!” Jinhee grinned widely, clasping her hands together.

“I don’t.” Soori sighed.

“You’re having story time without me?!” Suddenly, Serah was with the group.

Serah was Jinhee’s absolute best friend. While Jinhee was like Soori’s sister, her friendship with Serah was something else. They were next door neighbors and did absolutely everything together. Soori often felt like a third wheel when she was alone with the two girls, but they included her as often as they could. The only thing Soori didn’t like about Serah was how she had so obviously changed Jinhee. Gone was the innocent sister Soori had grown to love, but that didn’t change the fact that the three girls loved each other dearly.

“It’s been nothing exciting so far,” Moonhyun shrugged.

“Oh sweet. Who’s sharing now?” she asked.

“Soori!” Jinhee grinned.

“I have nothing to say!”

“Tell them about Mark!” Jinhee exclaimed.

Mark? Tuan?” Serah raised an eyebrow.

“You know him?” Soori looked over at her in surprise.

“Oh! He’s friends with Jackson!” Woobin suddenly spoke up.

“Small world,” Moonhyun chuckled.

“Wait what about him? Do you like him?” Woobin turned to Soori.

Her eyes widened and her face contorted in disgust, “Ew! Absolutely not!”

“Harsh,” Serah chuckled, “He’s not too bad on the eyes.”

“He’s terrible with the ears though,” Soori remarked, causing a few laughs to escape her friends’ mouths.

“So…” Jimin finally spoke up, “What’s the deal with this kid?”

“He’s been hitting on Soori practically all day,” Jinhee finally explained.

“Oh damn girl!!” Serah laughed, playfully wiggling her eyebrows at Soori.

“Don’t give me that it’s ing disgusting! Ugh, he thinks he can get any girl he wants wrapped around his finger. It’s gross,” Soori groaned, crossing her arms.

“Aawwwww Soori’s finally getting action!!” Moonhyun laughed, nudging her.

“Moonhyun I will gladly make your death wish come true,” Soori glared.

“Now now, calm down baby calm down,” Woobin chuckled, rubbing Soori’s arm.

“Ugh, can we just stop talking about the annoying ,” Soori groaned.

“I don’t think such harsh words have ever escaped her lips. I like the new Soori,” Serah grinned. 

Jimin shrugged, “I dunno, I like the nice girl.”

“Are we really having this conversation?” Soori sighed facepalming herself.

“Hey didn’t you buy us souvenirs! Give meeee!” Minhyuk exclaimed, clinging on to the poor girl’s arm.

Soori chuckled softly, swatting at the guy’s hands. “They’re at home!” she replied, “You’ll get them later.”

“Is that all we’ll be getting later?” Kevin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“Yes,” Soori sighed.

“Jackson!” Woobin suddenly called out.

All heads turned to look over at the person. A man wearing a hat came their way. He grinned, bro Woobin, a few other boys following behind him. Of course, one was Mark. Soori kept Minhyuk close to her.

Jackson grinned, “Wassup bro?” he said to Woobin.

“Nothing much, we were discussing how our first day had been so far. At least… We mainly discussed a certain person’s first day,” Woobin chuckled, glancing over at Soori.

The new guys in the group all looked her.

She merely blinked at them, “Jinhee made me,” she shrugged.

“Did not!” Jinhee pouted.

One of the guys cleared their throats. “Mind introducing us to everyone?” he suggested.

“Oh right,” Woobin took the initiative, “Well I’m Woobin, this here is Jinhee, Serah, Soori, Minhyuk, Kevin, Moonhyun, and Jimin.”

“Alright, and I’m Jackson,” the man in the hat spoke up, “And we’ve got Yugyeom, Mark, Jaebum, Jinyoung, Youngjae, and Bambam.”

“Bambam?” Serah raised an eyebrow.

“Yes?” the said boy spoke up.

“Is that a nickname?” Serah asked.

“Yeah, my actual name is normally pretty hard for people to pronounce,” Bambam explained.

“Oohhh, okay I understand,” Serah smiled at him and nodded, suddenly taking a sip of her drink afterwards.

Mark spoke up, looking over at Soori with a smile, “So how was your day?” he asked, feigning innocence.

“As if you don’t know,” Soori rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

“I take it you know her?” Jackson raised an eyebrow, nudging Mark.

“We may have had one or two conversations,” Mark replied nonchalantly.

Soori rolled her eyes, “More like one or two times of him blabbing away about wanting in my pants.”

“Now now now, I don’t believe I ever specifically said I wanted that,” Mark chuckled, “Though if you want me to be in your pants I won’t reject.”

“Sir I’m going to have to ask that you don’t talk to her like that,” Woobin suddenly interjected.

Minhyuk almost immediately followed after, “I’m going to have to ask that as well actually, though I’m rather amused at how easily ticked off you make her.”

“I’m amused at that too I’ve known her my whole life and I’ve never met a person who could get her annoyed with merely one sentence, props to you!” Moonhyun grinned, reaching over to bro-fist Mark.

Soori raised an eyebrow at the boys and shook her head in mere amusement. Though she really didn’t like Mark, she was amused at the conversation. Then one of his friends ruined her amusement, replacing it with utter shock.

“So are you the girl Mark has been talking about all day?” Bambam asked.

“He talked about you all day?” Serah chuckled, Soori only shrugged in response.

“Yeah she is,” Jaebum grinned, nodding his head.

“Really? The only girl to have known Mark for at least ten minutes and still stand to reject him! You’re a legend in my book,” Yugyeom chuckled a little.

And then Soori’s amusement was back. She couldn’t help but to laugh softly along with Yugyeom and the rest of the group.

“It’s not hard to reject him,” Soori then replied with a slight shrug.

“Are you serious? With looks like this it should be!” came Mark’s offended reply.

The girl raised both her eyebrows at this, crossing her arms as she looked back at him, “But with a personality like yours, makes rejecting you that much easier.”

“Mark you got dissed,” Jinyoung burst into laughter.

Mark pouted and went over to Soori, wrapping his arm around her, “Baby don’t be that way.”

“Well Mark you gotta stop hitting on me,” she rolled her eyes, pulling his arm away from her.

Almost immediately after that, Woobin and Minhyuk came over, protectively wrapping their arms around the girl. Serah, Soori, and Jinhee all burst into laughter at the action.

Jinhee was the first to comment, “Wow way to go Moonhyun, Kevin, and Jimin. What have you guys been doing this entire time?”

“What do you want us to do?!?!” Kevin immediately remarked.

Serah grinned, joining in on the attack, “Well come on, the entire time this kid – she motioned to Mark – has been hitting on Soori Woobin and Minhyuk have been the main ones to defend her!”

“I helped!” Moonhyun defended himself.

Jimin crossed his arms, “Well what have you two been doing this entire time?”

“Oh pfft, we’re girls it’s different,” Jinhee grinned.

“ist!” Kevin burst into laughter.

“It’s not ist it’s just the truth!” Jinhee replied.

“It’s true, us girls handle situations differently than you men,” Soori chuckled.

“That is true! I have a sister, she and I handle our crap reeaaallllyyy differently,” Yugyeom agreed.

Jackson suddenly chuckled softly, “I hope she handles her poop differently compared to how you handle it when you have to take a .”

Yugyeom stared at him, “What are you talking about?!?!”

“You know...”

“Ew,” Serah bluntly commented. Again, the group arose in small laughter.

“Don’t you three feel weird?” Kevin suddenly asked.

“What three?” Youngjae finally spoke up.

“Jinhee, Serah, and Soori,” Jimin clarified for Kevin.

“Us?” Jinhee looked at the other girls, all three shrugged.

“What do you mean?” Soori asked, tilting her head.

“Well there’s like… Three chicks… And then twelve dudes,” Minhyuk explained, catching on to what Kevin was worried about.

Soori raised an eyebrow, “Have you met my family?”

“Serah, Soori, and I are with you kids all the time too,” Jinhee shrugged.

“Well isn’t it kind of different now? I mean like. There are more people… One who is already planning on getting into Soori’s pants,” Kevin blinked, glancing over at Mark.

“I promise you I’m not that addicted,” Mark quickly defended himself.

That sentence drove the topic off somewhere else.

“You are though,” Soori immediately replied.

“Am not!” Mark whined.

The girl looked over at his friends, a skeptical look on her face. The six of them fell quiet.

She looked back over at Mark, “Not even your friends are defending you.”

“Honestly I feel like he’s even thinking about banging your friends. Except… There was one that Jaebum said he wanted, so Mark wouldn’t try that girl,” Bambam shrugged.

Soori immediately looked over to Jinhee and nudged her.

“The silver haired one wants you,” she said bluntly.

Jinhee’s eyes popped open and she stared at Soori in shock. “Y-Yah!” she cried out.

Jaebum chuckled softly, enjoying the reaction Jinhee got from that statement.

“ now we gotta protect Jinhee too,” Moonhyun said, wrapping an arm around her.

“We’re not bad people! I mean Mark… I can understand why you’d want to guard Soori from him. But Jaebum isn’t bad!” Youngjae grinned, nodding quickly.

“Are you basically saying that Mark is the only bad one?” Serah asked.

The six men, discluding Mark – who was too busy complaining to Jaebum that he wasn’t that bad of a person – hesitated to answer the question, but in the end they all nodded. “Yeah basically.”

“I’m not bad!” Mark whined.

“Prove that another day,” Woobin chuckled.

“I’ll prove it to you later,” the red haired man nodded, looking over at Soori.

In response, her eyebrow rose up, “Does that mean I can go a class period without you flirting with me?”

“…Well no…” Mark started.

“Eh, then you’re not proving much to me.”

“I can flirt and not seem like a bad person.”

“Yeah sure, prove that to me later then.”

“Trust me, I will.”

Bambam raised an eyebrow, “I don’t think I’ve seen Mark so intent on proving something to a girl.”

“Please if anything he’s not going to prove crap to her,” Youngjae chuckled.

“Five dollars says he’s gonna flirt with some other girl in the class,” Jackson nodded.

“I’ll keep an eye out, I have third period with this kid,” Jinyoung grinned.

“Text us what happens!” Yugyeom exclaimed.

“Wait take my number so you can text me too,” Woobin laughed.

Their fun was cut off when the bell rang, signaling the start of study hall. 



I put this up a little later than intended I'm sorry!

Thank you for all the subscribers and support <3

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Here's the thing. I want to update more than anything. However, I'm on vacation and no laptop. Also, I'm suffering writers block for this chapter. Sorry


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riefor3v3r #1
Chapter 30: It was getting so good too
thelillcat #2
Chapter 29: Please do finish it.
thelillcat #3
Chapter 29: Nooooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chapter 29: Chapter 29:Please finish it. I want to see them together and also i really love this story
Linebae_93 #5
Chapter 28: I finished it!!! God!! I started like7pm I guess?? and now it's 1:43am...I know this is crazy but hey this is me..I can't fall asleep when I'm dying to know what happened next..kekeke But too sad it's end here..update soon authornim~~~ and I actually didn't realize that I had left a lot of comments in here..that's creepy actually!! I didn't know why I did it but I'm not regretting either since the story is good!!! I finished this story in a day and now I had tired eyes..I need to sleep and when I did it this story will eventually appears in my dreams.. which I gladly want..I mean who doesn't want to dream about MARK??? hahaha...okay this is out of topic already.. seriously I'm crazy because I read this story in just a few hours.. I'm tired but somehow it's worth it... hahahaha...Update soon authornim~~~ I really really really love this story!!!!!
Linebae_93 #6
Chapter 27: Mark comforts her..poor Soori..his dad was a total jerk!!
Linebae_93 #7
Chapter 25: so that's why she hesitated with Mark ~~ poor soori~~
Linebae_93 #8
Chapter 24: I think Mark mistaken by saying that Soori is cute because from my perspective he is the cute one!!! oh my god!!