Chapter 13

He is a Bad Boy


Warning: There was a part that you might be uncomfortable with it in this chapter.


I rush out from the locker room then run aimlessly through the hall of the school, trying to find the gate that I forgot how to go over there all of sudden. My hand promptly fumbles the part Youngjae had touched me a minute ago and automatic my body tense up right away, feeling disgusted with myself.

My feet stop running then I brought my hand up, cupping both of my ears. I shut close my eyes hardly while muttering something under my breath

"Don't remember it, don't remember it, Please don't remember" Over and over again.

The memory that I was trying to escape , has come again, flashing back in my head.


“Please Geu rim, please help me” The hem of my t-shirt being victim of her hand, pulling them endlessly. I hissed by her childish acting. Seriously, she is older a year than me and still not mature at all. I breathe out and putting my phone out of my face that I was holding a moment ago. She really somehow annoying me but I still love her though.

“But Unnie, I don’t think I have to be there too” I reasoned, trying to find a way for escaping from her nonsense idea. However, being stubborn of her, Minji’s whine getting more louder than before.

“But, I’m afraid to go alone” She pouted, “Plus, this is my first time to meet him” She lets go of my t-shirt.

I press my lips together, thinking of something.

“Unnie” I turn around to face her while crossing both of my legs together on the bed. She also did the same position as mine and waited for my next words to come out from my mouth.

“You do really believe him, Unnie? I mean, you just know him through the social media yet never meet him ever once, What if he lies to you?” I darely ask her, sounding a bit concern. Minji quickly shakes her head, disagree.

“No, I do believe him. I can see his honest with me” She defends. I look into her eyes quite long because my heart feel otherwise.

“Did he said he love you?” I ask again. Minji narrows her eyes to me, a bit uncomfortable by my question but answering afterward. “Yes, he did”

I breathe out again, then twist my phone on the bed.

“Unnie, I don’t know much about this but I really hope you make a right decision and please don’t trust people too much, especially a boy. We’re still young unnie. I don’t want anything happen to you”

“Aww, My cousin really love me, huh? Anyway, I know what am I doing, Geu rim-ah, so don’t worry about me” She playfully patted my head like a kid. I guess, she didn’t want to listen to me, huh.

“But that guy..-“

“He’s good boy, I can see that, even we never meet once” She cuts me off and her words seem serious. I study her face for one more.

“Ok, if you say so” I give up and trying to give her a chance. I tried to push away my bad thought about this weird relationship and think positive instead.

“Back to the topic we were talking about earlier, can you?” She seemed won’t give up too. I quickly let out a groan.

“I thought, you already forgot that” I pouted this time.

“Nope, I won’t stop asking you until you agree with it” She insisted confidently.

“What I get if I say yes?” I ask, crossing my hands over my chest then look up. Minji puts her index finger on her chin then pretending as if she was thinking.

“My lovely kiss?” She answered, I gawk.

“What?! I’m not that desperate to get your kiss!” I yell in annoying. She laughed hearing my words, didn’t even offended by that. She know I was joking.

“I know, but I would love to give you one Geu rim-ahhh~” She intentionally sticks out her lips like wanting to kiss me, reaching out her hands to pull me. I shriek and jump off from my bed, running away from her. The room quickly being filled up by our laughter. My brother who walk past by my room, only shakes his head.

“They’re more childish than me” He mutters.


He was older three years than her, and he was not same school as us and seems like he was going to graduated this year. Are not that too much? I mean, did Minji woke up on this? I never think they’re fated together in the future. No, I didn’t mean to against anything she likes to do, it just.. somehow I feel wrong.

Suddenly, I feel a finger poke my cheek, I turn to the person.

“I need to go to the toilet” She informed and my face changed.

“Seriously, unnie? Why must be now?” I asks, didn’t like the idea she wanted to leave me. I know, he was not arrived yet but still, I don’t like it waiting here by myself.

“What kind of question you was asking, huh? Do I need to go just because I want to go? I didn’t ask for this okay” She seriously said, I giggle.

“Ok ok, I understand. Please be fast, or I will leave you here” I threatened her slightly just in case to make her know that I really really didn’t like it doing this. She pouted before walking toward the restroom in the restaurant with polite. I watch every step she took until her figure gone behind the wall. A huge sigh left my lips, as I took a sip of my water.

As soon as I put the glass down, suddenly a handsome figure greet my eyes, I look up and he was standing beside the table I was sitting now. My eyebrows furrow at his presence before I notice his red shirt. Then something hits me, Minji said, he wore red t-shirt.

I quickly get up from my seat and bow a little. “You has come already , have a seat”

I mentally slap myself secretly after noticing how lame I was, as if greeting a client. Wait, I’m just a student, how come I manage some kind of business and have clients? how funny Park Geu rim.

The guy clear his throat once then pulling out a chair opposite our seats. He sat opposite Minji’s and let the chair in front of me empty. I breath out in relief.

“Er.. Minji?” He asked as soon as putting his phone on the table, beside him.

I quickly wave my hand in front of my face. “No, I’m just her companion.” I state, my palm breaking into sweat right away. I want to go home now!

The guy lifted up his eyebrow and stare at me intently.

“..and she went to the restroom, I bet she will comeback after a few minutes” I lets out a awkward laugh, a bit didn’t like the way he stared at me at the moments. Then I pretended to look at my own phone, preventing him to talk with me again. He seemed know my desire and become quiet by his seat. however, I can feel his stare burn on me.

After feeling like a year, finally Minji returned back and took a seat beside me. her face looked really bright and I never saw that before. I think she really loved this guy, huh.

I took a breath of relief and let them having their talk freely.

An hour had passed, and seriously, this guy was something. Every questions he was asking Minji, he would asked about me too. what’s wrong with him? If he really curious everything about Minji, don’t including me in the topic. Like..

‘What is your favorite food? Then how about you, Geu rim?’

'Oh you like sport? Her too?'

However, I never answer him even once as I shut close my mouth and ignore him completely and Minji kindly answered on behalf on me.

What the hell, Unnie?! Can’t you see that? He was fake! And I really wanted to tell her that.

And his eyes never took off from me either. It’s annoying!

You should thanks me Unnie, because I did this for you. I secretly make a huge sigh, totally give up.



Two months had passed, and seem like their relationship still going and stood strongly. Now I lack of meeting Minji Unnie, when she rather spend her time with her boyfriends instead. He either, would kindly gave her a ride to the school and left me alone by myself. I would not mind too as soon as her was happy.

Today, Minji said she wanted to spend time with me and I really glad to hear that since I miss her so badly.

I waited her to come over in the living room while wactching some variety shows on the Tv. She said she will come by 8 at night. I check on my clock, and there still have thirty minutes before she comes. I laugh my heart out at the funny scene and munching on some snacks that I’ve prepared a while ago.

Suddenly, some knocks could be heard from the door, I immediately jump off the couch, overly excited. Minji Unnie has come! Tonight was going to be long for us , I thought and stroll to the door.

I open the door and about to jump and give her a bear hug but stop when an familiar figure greets me instead.

“Hi, we meet again, Park Geu Rim” He speaks up as soon as I stiff quietly on the frame door, obviously shocked.

“Minji is not here” As soon as I said that, I pull my door to close them but he was fast, when he quickly held them with his strong arm.

My eyes wide and I tried again to push but failed and I almost stumble on my feet.

“What do you want? I said Minji is not here!” I give up and just asking him. He suddenly laughs and smirk a little. “Who said I’m looking for her?” he raised his eyebrows.

“If you are not, Then Just go away!” I push the door again.

“Woah, calm down baby” He used all his strength to push the door widen open, revealing inside of my house. I was speechless standing there. His eyes quickly landed on my body, who only wore shorts and spaghetti strap. I cringed right away as I feel the hairs on my neck stood up in faltered.

He lips pull a creepy smile before his feet step forward. I was too scared and without thought I run inside my house, and didn’t even expect he will chase after me. I was about to climb the stairs but his hands promptly wrapped around my waist from behind, I screamed in shocked.

“Let me go! You stupid brat!!” I roughly swing my legs and hands, struggling for free when he lifted me up. My tears shed right away, extremely in fear.

The second thing, he thrown me on the couch, I yell in pain and quickly shift at the end of the couch. My hand started to shake badly and so did my lips.

“I was waiting for this time to come” He spoke up again and narrow his eyes on me. I didn’t say anything because I was too scared to dead and I didn’t understand what it means.

“W-why are you doing this?” finally, I found a courage to talk. He smiled.

“Simple, because I want you” He answered. My tears flood down on my cheeks again. This is not right.

Suddenly, he pounced and pin me down by gripping both of wrists beside my head. I tried to released from his grips, but it was too strong and it such a waste to stand up for myself. I’m just a girl. A weak girl.

He was staring at me with those eyes that full of lust and starting to kiss my neck even I tried to escape it. I was about to shout for help but he quickly cupped my mouth and his other hand begin to roam my body freely.

“What the hell is happening here?!”

Suddenly a voice echoed around and stopping this guy completely, I took this chance to push him off me and jump from the couch, shiver obviously. The guy groan under his breath before hissed. He quickly stands up from the cold floor and look at the door. His eyes open wide.

“Jiho Oppa, What are you doing here?!” Minji steps in my house and approaching us. He didn’t say anything due to speechless before taking a glance at me. Minji follows his gaze and found my horrible appearance in front of her. More like just finishing have some fun in her eyes.


“You! what just you did?” Her voice suddenly changed. Her eyes shot on me in disbelieve and disappointed. I choke on my saliva, my tears running down again, shaking my head for a few times.

“I-I..” I found my voice didn’t want to come out.

“Shut up, !” She hollered, I was taken aback by her words. It shooted me right in my heart like a bom. My cousin just called me a .

“You  JiHo, I thought you love me. How dare you cheat behind me and the person is my own cousin?! What the !!” She yell then, mess her hair in frustration and angry.

“I never love you!” He darely states.

“What?! You! get out now! I don’t want to see your face again!! and we are over now!” Minji shout out her heart and roughly pushed the guy out of my house.

“Tsk, As if I care” He said the last words to her then disappearing from our sight. After that, Minji turned around and point her index finger over me, her face looks really serious.

“You, I will make sure to pay you back!” She gave me a warning and leave afterward.

Those words slapped my eardrums hard and left me useless for the first time. My feet seemed can’t hold my body well as I collapsed down on the floor, crying.


My little brother run to me and he was crying too. I guess he just come out from hiding place. I raised up my head and look at him with my red eyes “You saw it, didn’t you?”

He seemed hesitate before nodding slowly. I nod too and open my mouth, “Don’t tell anyone, ok? That’s our secret”

“But Noona-“

“Shh, hug me” he was not the one who give me a hug but I myself, pulling him in my embrace instead. “You love me, right?”

I didn’t hear his answer, instead his small cry fill up my ears. Luckily my parents were not coming home yet at the moment.


“Yah, what is wrong with you?”

I snap up instantly when suddenly I feel, someone kicks my side by her leg. The awful scene in my head promptly vanish away and replaced by the familiar voice in my ears. I slowly open my eyes and realized a liquid of my tears under it. I don't know how much I have cried a minute ago. With slow motion, I drop both of my palm from my ears.

It seems, I just get back from reality.

“Yah!” The voice greets me again and I quickly raise up my head to look at the person.

“M-minji..” Her name escaped my pale lips.

“What is wrong with you, huh?” She still using that harsh tone on me which hurting my heart more. My lips a part a little to say something, but nope of them coming out.

“Aish, Why did I bother to talk with you, anyway? such a waste!” she suddenly grunts hardly before turning on her heel. When she took two steps, I quickly push up my body from the floor, using my palm against the wall to support me.

“That.. That day” My voice come out finally, and making her stop without turning. I know she is listening now. I tightly grip on my skirt under me and inhale quietly

“I almost got by your ex!!”





The words in the picture of Youngjae, said: 

"Although tired and afraid, we keep running in excuse of being youth."
-B.A.P Youngjae. 

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I wish I have some free time to update.. >_


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junghafie #1
Chapter 15: i want a sequel but u already said 'no sequel' /sulk in the corner/
gemmymars #2
Chapter 15: Such a cliff hanger~ haha I love the plot twist at the end, I honestly didn't expect that at all!! That was such a great story, you did a good job authornim, jjang^^
Chapter 15: Gahhhhh cliffhanger sobs great story tho!
hyunnie93 #4
Chapter 15: make another sequel !
waiting for it
anyway good job.. it makes my heart flutter !
heartttt ~~~ <3
Hahahaha, this is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Udbdudh #6
Chapter 15: Curse you eternally for having no sequel
fifiiioo #7
Chapter 10: Nice~~~ I'm sorry but if the principal is relative then...isn't it "samcheon" ? I'm sorry if it's wrong :D