
Unlucky Tutor

Don’t even think about… you’re not interested.. he’s too young.. oh what am I saying?!? Are you going crazy, Song Eunbi??

I sighed in frustration as I walked home from Jongin’s house. No matter how hard I tried to forget the matter, the scene of him leaning over and getting super close to my face repeated in my brain. I had to admit: Jongin was pretty cute. Even though I’m older than him, I had to acknowledge his good looks. But still… something felt different about him… But no. There was no way he could possibly be interested in a girl like me. I was simply his tutor, and not even a smokin’ hot one at that. I was your typical “girl next door” who looked and dressed normally. I didn’t have any special skills either. I just shook my head to rid my brain of such thoughts, and continued home.

After Eunbi quickly left his room, Jongin took a deep breath and sighed. Jongin had no idea why he did what he did. Something triggered him…. Something about his tutor turned up a fuse deep inside of him.. The last time he felt something like this with someone else, things hadn’t ended up too well.

“Ahhhhh!!!” Jongin sighed loudly, and kicked his head back in his chair. “Why did I even…” As memories flooded his brain, he slumped in his chair and stared mindlessly at the floor.


Soon I adjusted to the school year schedule, balancing my schoolwork with my part time jobs. Although my social life suffered a bit, I didn’t mind, because to me, grades and paying tuition were more important. Things were back to normal at the academy ever since the fighting incident, and work at the bakery was as busy as ever. My private tutoring sessions with Jongin were also going much better than I expected. It was as if we both sort of agreed to forget what had happened with the pepero last time. Hunger makes people go crazy sometimes..

“Bye Chanyeol! See you later~” I shouted as I left the bakery. My shift had ended for the day, and I was already on my way to my next job at the academy. The weather was a breezy, cool autumn type of day. I was only wearing a skater skirt and a blouse, so I shivered a bit from the cool wind blowing in my direction. I walked through the busy streets, and decided to stop by a nearby store to buy a quick drink before the tutoring class started. I walked to the back of the store where they had an assorted variety of drinks. I settled on a banana milk, and waited in line to pay. When I finally arrived at the cash register, I dug into my purse for 800 Won, and handed it over to the clerk.

“Here you go,” said the cashier, handing me my banana milk with a straw.

Wait a second…. That voice…

I looked up to see who owned this familiar voice, only to gasp in surprise.

“Sehun? Why are you here?” I asked, confused. “Shouldn’t you be in class?”

“Oh, hello ssaem. I’m just finishing up my shift here,” Sehun replied nonchalantly. Jeez, everything about this kid was so calm and collected. He looked way too classy to be working at a convenience store.

“Oh really? Hey! Then we can walk together!” I exclaimed.

“I guess we can,” Sehun said. “My shift is over here anyways,” he commented as he changed out of his uniform and put on his coat.

“Yay let’s go!” I said, hurrying.

Once we made it out onto the street, we began walking at a relatively fast pace. Sehun was taller than me, so his long legs let him stride gracefully across the sidewalk, while I was busy scuttling like a penguin. Unknowingly, I began panting from the fast pace.

Suddenly, I heard Sehun chuckle. I immediately looked up at him with confusion. Instead of looking at me, Sehun began to walk much slower, which was a normal pace for a girl like me.

“Ssaem, you should have just told me you were tired,” Sehun said, smiling. “I would have walked more slowly if I had known you were trying so hard to catch up.”

“Oh… haha it’s just that I don’t want us to be late!” I managed.

“Oh, is that the real reason?” Sehun asked.

“Well… what else is there?”

Sehun remained silent, smiling straight ahead. I just shrugged and continued walking at a much more comfortable pace.

“Anyways, thanks Sehun. Sorry for slowing you down.”

“Sorry for making you walk so fast. I should have paid more attention.”

“Haha don’t worry. You didn’t do anything- ACHOO!” I sneezed as we were walking down the road. “Oh woops, excuse me,” I said as I sniffled. I really regretted not bringing a coat that day.

Suddenly, I felt something warm and fuzzy over my shoulder, draping over my body. I looked around with wide eyes, and looked up at Sehun, only to see that he had taken off his coat and put it on me.

“Oh my goodness Sehun. Nono you don’t have to do this; you’ll get a cold,” I said as I began to take off the coat to give back to him. Before I could complete my task, however, Sehun put his hands on my shoulders, making sure I didn’t budge and remove the coat.

“Don’t worry, ssaem. You need it more than I do,” Sehun softly said as he smiled.

That moment I looked at Sehun’s face, he looked so kind and caring. His smile was real, and his eyes had no signs of frustration or annoyance. I scanned his face, only to see a faint remnant of the scar that Jongin had given him during the fight.

“Thanks Sehun. I appreciate it,” I said, smiling. “Oh, by the way, your scars have healed very nicely! I can barely notice them now,” I said as I reached out and ran my fingers across his cheek where the scar had previously been.

As if I was some sort of shock, Sehun instantly flinched, backing away.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” I said. “Sorry I scared you. I should have asked before I touched your face,” I apologized.

“N-no it’s fine. Sorry I reacted in such a way.”

“Well, anyways, I’m glad. It’s a relief the scars healed.”


The rest of the walk was relatively silent, but it was not an awkward silence. It felt like more of a comfortable quietness that both Sehun and I respected.

We finally arrived at the academy, and Sehun opened the door for me, motioning for me to go in first. I thanked him, and we walked inside, down the hall to our classroom at the very end. I checked my wristwatch, which told us we were a bit late. Aish… I shouldn’t have made Sehun walk slower for me.. I thought to myself.

I slid open the door, walking in first, followed by Sehun.

“Sorry I’m late guys-“

“OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH” the whole class chanted as Sehun entered the room right after me.

“HOHO OH Sehun! Getting close with Eunbi-ssaem, aren’t ya?” one boy taunted.

“Yeah! No wonder you always stay behind after class!” another boy hooted.

“CLASS. Calm down please,” I said firmly.

Still, the class, mostly the boys, continued to jab questions at Sehun as he made his way to the back of the room to his desk. I looked at him with pity and remorse, and tried to smile. I owed Sehun big time.

After the rowdy crowd of boys settled down, I started the lesson as always, but out of the corner of my eyes, I felt something uncomfortable. I glanced over the class, and stopped when I looked at Jongin. He was wide awake, and staring at me without shame. I instantly felt a bit self-conscious about myself, and looked down at my body and clothes to check for anything weird. Feeling confident that nothing was wrong, I continued the lesson, but Jongin’s stare could be felt from a mile away.

A million questions were going through Jongin’s mind during the lesson. What the… Why did ssaem come with Sehun? Did they meet together beforehand? And what.. why was she wearing Sehun’s coat?!? Don’t tell me..

“Yo Sehun.”


“Were you and ssaem…”

“Me and ssaem what?”


Sehun raised his eyebrows and looked at Jongin, who just continued to look at Eunbi. Sehun shrugged, and continued to take notes on the lesson.

“Also… sorry man,” Jongin mumbled.

“……..whatever. It’s ok.”

Jongin looked over at Sehun, who knew exactly what Jongin was thinking about.




Jongin smiled at the recognition of the voice, and turned around to meet the person.

“Jimin-ah!!” He pulled her into a hug and smiled. Jimin giggled and returned the hug.

It was a warm afternoon, and Jongin had come to pick up Jimin from her high school. They had been dating for a few months now, and Jongin had never felt so happy in his life. Jimin understood everything about him, and was extremely cute and friendly. He could trust her with everything, and she never was suspicious of him for any weird activities. He thought they were meant to be for each other.

“Haha, Jimin! What do you want to eat today? Oppa will buy it for you,” Jongin announced.

“Oppa! I want to eat waffles! Let’s go eat waffles!” Jimin eagerly said.

“Ok! Anything for you!”

Jimin giggled, and linked arms with Jongin, walking down the street. After a few minutes of walking, they by a mini mart.

“Oh, my friend works here! Hey look, he’s in there now! Can we go visit him real quick?” Jongin asked.

“Oh… sure!” Jimin replied, smiling. She continued to stick by Jongin’s side, never letting go.

They went inside, making the bell ring, signaling new customers had arrived. Jongin immediately turned to the register, and smiled as he saw who it was.

“Yo Sehun! Oh Sehun! Long time no see!” Jongin shouted, laughing. They had been close friends since middle school, and were known as the two hotshots of the school.

Sehun was working at the register as a cashier, and smiled when he saw Jongin. He waved, and then looked over at Jimin, who appeared to be hiding behind Jongin. Sehun waved anyways, as a polite gesture.

“Hey Jongin! And who do we have over here?” Sehun ask, motioning to Jimin.

“Ohh I forgot to introduce you guys. Jimin, this is Sehun, my best friend. Sehun, this is Jimin, my girlfriend,” Jongin blushed as he said the last part of the sentence.

“Ohoho Jongin! Anyways, nice to meet you. I’m Oh Sehun, or Jongin’s best friend 4 lyfe,” Sehun said as he extended his hand for a handshake. Jimin, however, was still hiding behind Jongin. “Don’t be shy, I don’t bite.” Sehun smiled and waited, and eventually, Jimin came out from behind Jongin and took Sehun’s hand. Instantly, she felt some sort of shock go through her body.

What is this feeling? I’ve never felt this before.. Why do I feel so…. Calm.. and happy…… Jimin thought as she shook Sehun’s hand. She looked up at Sehun, and when their eyes met, she felt a shiver go down her spine. She couldn’t look away, and was mesmerized by Sehun.

“Oh.. um….. excuse me,” Sehun said as he tried to shake his hand off of Jimin’s hand.

“OH I’m so sorry!” Jimin quickly apologized as she realized that the handshake had been a bit too long and awkward. She giggled, and blushed.

Jongin thought Jimin’s sudden change in behavior was a bit weird, because she was never shy in front of people, especially his friends. Jongin felt something uncomfortable, but brushed if off. It can’t be…

“Ok….. well since you guys are new to each other, get to know each other while I go and buy a drink real quick,” Jongin said as he left his best friend and his girlfriend to go to the back of the store. He was really thirsty, and wanted to buy a drink before going to the waffle shop with Jimin. Little did he know, something erupted between the two people he cared about the most. Something irreversible…

When he came back, he saw Sehun and Jimin laughing and talking, and Jongin smiled. He was glad they were getting along. He had been a bit nervous because Sehun wasn’t really the talkative type, or the most friendly, but was relieved by their interactions. They got along better than he had expected.

Suddenly he stopped in the middle of the aisle in the store. Time came to a stop. He dropped his can of coffee, and just stared at the scene in front of him.

Sehun and Jimin were kissing.

Jongin couldn’t believe his eyes. Since Jimin’s back was facing him, he couldn’t quite tell who had initiated the kiss, but that didn’t matter. His best friend and his girlfriend were kissing right in front of his own two eyes.

Jongin just stared, and he started to feel hot. He couldn’t concentrate, and billions of thoughts were going through his brain. He felt infinite emotions, including guilt, anger, confusion, rage, and most of all, betrayal.

After what seemed like hours, Sehun noticed Jongin staring at him and Jimin, and instantly pulled away. When he met Jongin’s eyes, however, Sehun knew that something wasn’t right.

Jimin opened her eyes, and looked curiously at Sehun. Sehun didn’t even look at her, and seemed to be looking at something behind her. She turned around, and froze. Jongin was looking right at her.

“W-wait Jongin I was j-just” Jimin began, but Jongin just ran out of the store, not looking back once.

“JONGIN!! KIM JONGIN!!!” Jimin screamed, but to no avail. Jongin was out of sight.

Sehun looked up at the ceiling, and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, and sighed. He didn’t know how he was going to explain this to Jongin, or if Jongin would even listen.

Sehun suddenly heard sniffling, and opened his eyes. He looked over at Jimin, who was looking on the floor, crying softly. She then looked up at Sehun with red, bloated, teary eyes.

“Oppa….. What do I do….” Jimin asked. She then walked over to Sehun, and wrapped her arms around him, taking Sehun by surprise once again. “Oppa…. What have I done..”

Sehun felt something wrong. Something was off, but still, he couldn’t be rude to Jongin’s girlfriend, so he comforted her. She was one of the rare people who made Jongin truly happy, and he didn’t want his best friend to lose her. He put his hand around her shoulders, and calmed her down. “I’ll talk to him..” Sehun whispered, looking blankly into the distance.

End Flashback

Thank you so much for your support guys~ ^o^ ^-^ 

Finals and AP exams are coming up (they start next week!) so I'm sorry if my writing quality isn't up to par... Don't worry; there's more to the flashback.. trying to develop the backstory a bit more.. ^_^;; I'll try to not make Jimin the overly typical bratty/two-sided character.. 

I can't wait for SBS Roommate this Sunday~ Chanyeol <3 and Park Bom <3 I love them both hehe..

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Banging_bangtan #1
Chapter 15: Omgggggggg
Kyaaaaa spazz so muh!!!!
Oh god my feels ..
Banging_bangtan #2
Chapter 8: If I were jongin I acted like tgat too,feeling betrayed is more like somebody stab you right on ur chest!!; (
#7 if you do something think twice or trice!!!..
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 6: Omgggggggg
I have this feeling that this two bastard fight because of her.
Chapter 15: Ughhh somewhere deep inside me, i want chen to get the girl XD
Chapter 15: Chen is so cute!~ update soon!~
Chapter 15: ugh.........
my feelllllssssss........
too much feels for today
Chapter 15: Chen is so cute. He crush must be so hard for him 3: and JONGIN ASKHFAGSLFHGASFSGF OMFG IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR LIKE EVER IM SO HAPPY
Chapter 14: Chenchen! Update soon~~
Chapter 14: Chanyeol is just adorable.
Chandara61 #10
Chapter 14: Please update ,authornim!!~~