
Unlucky Tutor

My mind was a big puddle of goop. I couldn’t think straight, which surprised me: I didn’t know that I would be this disarrayed by a kiss from my own student!

“What are you talking about?! I just came here to give you back your coat-“ I began, holding up Sehun’s coat that was still in my arms. Before I could finish, however, Sehun put his hand over my mouth, shutting me up.

I instantly regretted my action, however, because now, our relationship seemed even more plausible. Why would I have Sehun’s coat in the first place if I wasn’t in some sort of semi-close relationship with him? The girl caught on as well, looking at the coat, then at me and Sehun, with her facial expression slowly changing.

As I was protesting, Sehun smiled and laughed nervously, trying to calm me down. I’m guessing we looked like a legit couple, because the girl smiled again, except this time, with a hurt expression. It was obvious she felt out of place, with her unsteady stares, quivering hands, and restless feet.

“H-hello… Sorry for interrupting your guys’ moment. I’ll see you later, oppa!” The girl said before turning around and leaving the store. When she finally left, the doorbell rang, signaling that the store was empty. Sehun finally removed his hand from my face, and I gasped for air. He released me from his side hug, and I instantly kneeled down, taking deep breaths. All this sudden human contact was too much for me.

I looked up with a glare, but I was returned with a thankful expression.

“What was that?!?” I asked, confused and a bit angry.

Sehun ignored my remark, and instead, went to the back of the store to get something. He returned shortly with two cans of coffee, and helped me up. He then offered me a can of coffee, and opened his own, drinking it silently.

“Oh Sehun. I’ll ask you again: what just happened?!” I asked, quietly but firmly.

Sehun finished his can of coffee with a one-shot, and placed the empty can on the counter, using the back of his other hand to wipe his mouth.

“Has Jongin told you anything about a girl named Jimin yet?” Sehun asked, looking straight ahead.

“O-oh…. Yeah what about her?” I asked, curious as to why Jimin was suddenly brought up.

“Well…. That was her. You just saw the infamous Jimin walk out,” Sehun said dryly.

I paused, and looked at Sehun blankly.

My head was a mess, trying to comprehend what Sehun had just said, and trying to connect the story that Jongin had told me yesterday about Jimin to her actual self.

“WHAT??!?!!” I yelled, completely losing my composure.

Sehun jumped at my sudden shout, but I didn’t notice, nor did I care. Nothing made sense, and the fact that I was apparently Sehun’s girlfriend didn’t exactly help either.

“Explain,” I said, turning Sehun’s head so that I could look at him straight in the eyes. No more nice noona.

Before I could do anything else, Sehun surprised me once again.

Sehun was all of a sudden on the floor, kneeling, in front of me. He looked up with concerned eyes, his hands on his lap.

“Before I say anything else, I’m deeply sorry for what I did to you, ssaem. It’s just that I was so desperate and I wasn’t thinking straight. Please forgive me,” Sehun said remorsefully.

“S-Sehun.. w-what are you doing…..! Get up this instant!! Why are you kneeling to me,” I said nervously, trying to pull him up, but to no avail. He insisted on staying on the floor until I forgave him for his “misdeeds.”

“Fine, I forgive you, so please, stand up already!” I said, feeling extremely uncomfortable. People passing by the store were giving us weird looks, and I didn’t want even more misunderstandings.

Sehun’s facial expression changed immediately, but I had to forcefully yank him before he actually got up from his knees.

This is where I experienced even more embarrassment.

He was much stronger than I predicted, because when I tried to pull him up, I ended up losing my balance and fell on top of him, knocking him down. I shut my eyes due to instinct, and when I opened them, Sehun was laying on the floor, with me sprawled on top of him. Our faces were merely inches apart. The weird part, though, was that Sehun’s eyes were wide open, staring at me without hesitation. I reacted very quickly, thankfully before the redness rose to my cheeks.

“Oh woops I’m so sorry!” I said as I flew up and then help Sehun get up as well.

“It’s fine, ssaem,” Sehun said, chuckling.

“Oh no are you hurt anywhere?” I asked, scanning his body for any signs of pain. I wasn’t that heavy, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I accidentally broke a few bones here and there.

“Haha no, I’m fine, really. Are you ok?” Sehun asked, putting his hands on my shoulders and turning me to scan my body for any pain. His eyebrows were furrowed due to intense concentration.

“Nono I’m really fine,” I said, brushing the dust off my shirt.

“Oh ok, that’s a relief,” Sehun replied, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. We then resumed with the awkward silence.

I opened my can of coffee to break the awkwardness, and turned to Sehun.

“So.. care to explain what just happened with Jimin?” I asked.

“The thing is…. Ah I don’t know if I should be saying this,” Sehun hesitated.

“What is it?”

“I don’t know what Jongin told you, but just so you know, everything I’m saying is the truth.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I replied.

“Good. So, it all started a couple years back, when I found out that Jongin had found a new girl. I was happy for him, because he was having some problems with his parents. His new girlfriend seemed to help him relieve his stress and feel happy.”

I nodded, confirming the information with Jongin’s story from last night.

“One day, Jongin came to visit me, well, here, while I was working. There was a girl trailing behind him, and I later found out that she was his new girl. I greeted both of them, and then continued to work while Jongin went to the back of the store to get some drinks. The thing was, I got this weird feeling from her,” Sehun continued.

“What weird feeling?” I asked, trying to keep a poker face.

“I don’t know, ssaem. Anyways, I was minding my own business when Jimin suddenly asks me if she has anything on her cheek. I saw a red mark on her cheek, and told her. She said it was itchy, and asked me to blow air on it so she wouldn’t itch it. I was reluctant, but she insisted. I didn’t want her first impression of me to be rude, so I agreed, and leaned in, blowing on her cheek. I then heard something fall from the back of the store, and when I looked up, there was Jongin, staring at us with furious eyes.”

Oh my….. So there WAS a misunderstanding… I thought to myself.

“That’s not the end of the story. Jongin suddenly ran out of the store, leaving Jimin with me. I was confused and exasperated. Jimin was calling after him, but for some reason, she didn’t run after him. Instead, she cried and hugged me. I had no idea what was going on. I comforted her, because I didn’t want Jongin’s girl to feel too bad, but I knew something was terribly wrong.”

“So… why did you tell Jongin that Jimin wanted to meet him that day at the hakwon?” I asked.

“About that… After the store incident, Jongin broke up with Jimin without even allowing her to explain. Same with me. I felt wronged, but I couldn’t really do anything because I knew bringing her up would make Jongin feel even worse. I just decided to let time heal his wounds, but a couple of months ago, Jimin contacted me again, saying she wanted to meet me. We met at a café, and that was where she told me that she wanted to see Jongin again, but he would never pick up her calls or return her messages. When you left the classroom, I quietly told Jongin that Jimin wanted to meet him again, because I thought Jongin would be a bit more rational this time, but suddenly, he stood up. You know what happened from there,” Sehun said, rubbing his jawline as if he could still feel the blows to his face.

“Ohhhh so that’s what happened,” I replied, fitting all the puzzle pieces in my head. Jongin had totally misunderstood Sehun and Jimin’s brief interaction. I wondered why he reacted so rashly, though... “So, what was that hug with Jimin right before I came?” I asked.

Sehun suddenly turned red, and faced me with a surprised look. “You saw that??” he asked.

“Well, yeah.. That’s why I didn’t want to disturb you until SOMEBODY dragged me into this whole mess,” I said as nicely as possible.

“Aish… sorry ssaem…. The thing is, Jimin has recently been asking me to hang out with her and stuff, and she visits me during work and packs me lunch and stuff.. but…” Sehun dragged off.

“But what? Sehun, you know what this means. She likes you!” I said, smiling. “Oh Sehun, if you managed to catch a girl as pretty as Jimin, why aren’t you the least bit happy?”

“That’s the thing, ssaem. I don’t like her back. Not like that,” Sehun declared plainly.

“Oh…. Wait what?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

“I actually feel really uncomfortable when I’m around her, because I feel like whenever I’m around her, Jongin will show up any moment, and I’ll end up giving him even more pain.”

I nodded in realization. Sehun sure was a loyal friend.

“That’s why I got so desperate as to make you seem like my girlfriend, so that she would get the message and stop visiting me and acting like I’m already hers,” Sehun explained. “I’m sorry for what happened… but at least now you know.”

“Wah…….. And I thought these things only happened in Korean dramas…..” I said, smirking.

“One more thing, ssaem,” Sehun asked. “I have only one more favor to ask of you.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“Will you continue to act as my girlfriend whenever Jimin is around?” Sehun pleaded.

I looked at him as if he was crazy, but I found out moments later that he was actually serious.

“W-what………” I stuttered.

“Please? I know this is a huge favor, but I have this feeling that Jimin will return in the future, and I can’t risk her finding out that you’re actually my ssaem.”

“Aigoo….. Oh Sehun….. your favor is a big one, but since you help me out so much at the hakwon and stuff, I guess I’ll have to say yes,” I said, trying to smile.

“Thank you ssaem,” Sehun said, bowing down 90 degrees.

“Just make sure that you sort out all that stuff with Jongin, and actually tell him that he’s misunderstanding you guys!” I said.

“Actually, I think it might be better if we keep this a secret from Jongin for now, because I think Jimin is still shaky territory for him. Also if he finds out that you’re my secret fake girlfriend…” Sehun’s voice trailed off near the end of the sentence.

“What?” I asked, not catching the last part of his statement.

“Oh, it’s nothing! Thank you ssaem,” Sehun repeated, smiling. “You’re my lifesaver.”

“Haha no need for exaggeration. I’ll keep this a secret from Jongin, just like you said,” I replied, winking at Sehun. I then turned around and exited the store, having lost all my energy. I walked through the streets mindlessly, trying to repeat everything that had happened today.

After the door closed, signaling that Eunbi had left the store, Sehun looked at the counter to see his coat that you returned to him. He picked it up and put it to his face, taking in a deep breath. It smelled wonderful, like peaches and cream.

“Thank you, ssaem. If it weren’t for this coat, I don’t know what I would have done,” Sehun said to himself. He then put down the coat, and picked up the can of coffee you had left on the counter, feeling its warmth. He then closed his eyes and threw his head back, sighing deeply.

“Jongin was really lucky to find you first,” Sehun whispered.


I entered my dorm, only to see Dara-unnie look up at me with an exhausted expression.

“Eunbi!! Where have you been? I need your help,” Dara begged, lifting the guitar on her lap. “I’ve been trying to learn for the past few days, but it’s impossible! Do you know anyone who plays the guitar?”

“Sorry unnie, but I don’t…. WAIT. Actually I think I know someone!” I said, smiling.

“Really?!?! Who is it??” Dara asked with excitement.

“Come to the bakery on Saturday with me, and I’ll introduce you to your new teacher,” I said confidently.

“KYAA thanks so much Eunbi!!! You’re the best hoobae ever,” Dara said, hugging me tightly. I chuckled at her delightful expression, and smiled. I really hoped Dara-unnie would find the perfect guy to make her happy.

I then changed, took a shower, and climbed onto my bed, checking my email with my phone, as always. When I concluded that there was nothing really important I had to reply to, I opened the music player on my phone and put on my headphones, listening to music while staring at the ceiling. I reflected on the day’s happenings, and cringed when I got to the part with Sehun.

Ohh man, Song Eunbi… What have you gotten yourself into… I thought to myself. Don’t forget that tomorrow is your regular tutoring session with Jongin… Oh man, how am I going to act in front of him… I mean, there’s no way he’ll bring up Jimin again… I’ll just have to memorize “Acting for Dummies” before meeting him..

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes, calming myself with my music. After a few moments, I decided it was time to sleep, so I was about to take my headphone plug out of my phone when I heard a “Ding!” signaling a new text message. I wondered who would text me so late in the night, and went to messages. When I read the text message, however, I froze.

“Eunbi-ah. It’s me. This is my new number. I just wanted to see how you were. Things are really busy here, but when I think of you, I feel stronger. I miss you so much. I love you. –Luhan”

Tears welled up in my eyes, and it even more cause I was lying down. The tears trickled down the sides of my face, causing me to feel the cold liquid on my scalp.

I love you.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of those words. It had been a while since I had heard those words from Luhan. Unpleasant flashbacks flooded my mind, pushing today’s events out of the way. The phone screen darkened, and then finally turned black due to my inactivity.

Why oh why did Luhan have to text me today.

Yay another update~ I've been on a Sehun kick for a while, so look forward to more Kai in future chapters!! I'll try to develop Jimin more..maybe..

You guys are so sweet~ Thank you so much for reading and also for your lovely comments <3 ^o^ xoxo

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Banging_bangtan #1
Chapter 15: Omgggggggg
Kyaaaaa spazz so muh!!!!
Oh god my feels ..
Banging_bangtan #2
Chapter 8: If I were jongin I acted like tgat too,feeling betrayed is more like somebody stab you right on ur chest!!; (
#7 if you do something think twice or trice!!!..
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 6: Omgggggggg
I have this feeling that this two bastard fight because of her.
Chapter 15: Ughhh somewhere deep inside me, i want chen to get the girl XD
Chapter 15: Chen is so cute!~ update soon!~
Chapter 15: ugh.........
my feelllllssssss........
too much feels for today
Chapter 15: Chen is so cute. He crush must be so hard for him 3: and JONGIN ASKHFAGSLFHGASFSGF OMFG IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR LIKE EVER IM SO HAPPY
Chapter 14: Chenchen! Update soon~~
Chapter 14: Chanyeol is just adorable.
Chandara61 #10
Chapter 14: Please update ,authornim!!~~