Guitar Lessons

Unlucky Tutor

Oh no… what should I do?

I sat in my desk, squinting at my phone. My finger hovered over the reply button, reluctant to respond to the person who had broken my heart.

It had been almost a week since Luhan’s last text message, as I never actually responded to any of them. In a way, I felt kinda bad because he probably thought that he was sending messages to the wrong number. I applauded Luhan’s consistency and determination, though, because he sent me a message two times a day every day for a couple of days before he realized that I wasn’t responding.

As I was contemplating on whether or not I should let Luhan know that I’m doing fine, I heard my name being called by my roommate Dara.

“Eunbi-ah! I’m ready! Let’s go meet my new teacher!” Dara-unnie cheerfully said as she pulled me up from my chair and dragged me outside. I groaned, but smiled playfully as Dara-unnie frowned. She knew that I knew that I had promised her to find her a guitar teacher. I just hoped that my gut instincts were correct.

As we walked in the streets to the bakery, I linked my arms around Dara-unnie’s arm, and leaned my head on her shoulder.

“Hey unnie…  just curious, but what is your ideal man like?” I asked out of the blue.

“Hmm? Me? Well, let’s see… I like people who have similar interests in me. It would be nice if he could play the guitar.. and I like guys who can fit me in their arms. As long as I can rely on them and they care about me, I’m fine,” Dara described. I looked up, only to be taken aback by Dara-unnie’s dreamy face.

“So… do you have anyone you’re interested in right now, unnie?” I asked smugly.

“Yah!! Like I would!” Dara joked, punching me playfully. I laughed and hugged her tight.

“Unnie, even if you get a guy, you still have to hang out with me, ok?” I said.

“Pshh that is if I ever get a guy.. Nobody seems to like me,” Dara moped.

“Unnie! Don’t say that! You are beautiful and cute and talented and I’m going to make sure that your future boyfriend is worthy to have such a person like you!” I said, meaning every single word.

Dara-unnie looked at me with a sincere smile. “Thanks Eunbi.. I hope you meet the most wonderful guy ever. You definitely deserve one,” Dara said.

“Oh stop it, unnie. I don’t really mind if I never get married,” I said.

“Woah there! I just meant like a boyfriend. Wow Eunbi, already thinking about the future, eh?” Dara winked.

I giggled and sighed. Dara-unnie just chuckled as we continued to make our way to the bakery.

Once we finally arrived, I held the door for Dara-unnie as we entered.

“Unnie, sit over there until the teacher comes, ok?” I said, motioning towards the table in the corner.

“Ok Eunbi. Good luck with work!” Dara said as she walked over to seat herself.

Immediately, I went to the back of the bakery, where Chanyeol should have been filling the red bean paste buns with the paste. I had forgotten to change into my uniform, but I had other important business at hand.

“Yo, Chanyeol!” I called out as I walked towards him.

Chanyeol looked up from filling the buns, smiling widely as he saw me come in. “Hey noona!”

“Hi Chanyeol! How are you today?” I asked, smiling brightly.

“I’m doing fine. How about you?” Chanyeol responded, looking down briefly to close up the dough.

“I’m doing great. You see, I have a small favor to ask of you..” I asked, looking down.

“Hmm? What is it?” Chanyeol asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

“You see…. The thing is…….”

“Noona, just tell me,” Chanyeol said.

“…….. I’M SO SORRY CHANYEOL!!!” I apologized, still looking down.

By now, Chanyeol was confused as ever.

“Noona, why are you-“

“The truth is, I told my friend that you would teach her how to play the guitar,” I blurted.

When I looked up, Chanyeol’s eyes were bigger than the moon. His genuinely surprised reaction made me feel even worse.

“Sorry for not asking for your permission… but she really needed a guitar teacher, and I remember you said that you played the guitar… so…” I stammered.

“Noona… how could you…” Chanyeol began.

“I’m really sorry Chanyeol…. But please… could you still teach my friend? She’s actually waiting in the bakery…” I said quietly, but I was sure that Chanyeol could still hear me.

“WHAT?!?!” he yelled. I shushed him, afraid that the customers would hear us.

“Come on, please?? Fine, let’s make a deal. You go outside and talk to her and plan a trial lesson, and if it doesn’t work, I’ll treat you out to lunch. If it does work, well, hey you get another part time job!” I tried, smiling awkwardly.

“But noona.. you know I’m busy with school and my band…” Chanyeol began.

“I know….. but my friend really needs a teacher, and I can only trust her with you. You see, she’s really a good friend of mine..” I explained.

“And you trust her with me?!?” Chanyeol said, looking at me like I was crazy.

“Well, yeah.. I mean, you’re always smiling and happy and you never show your sad moments, so I think you could make guitar lessons fun and enjoyable,” I responded. “Come on, Chanyeol. Just this once, hmm?”

“………. Fine………. I’ll go meet her,” Chanyeol reluctantly said as he wiped his hands on the towel and took off his uniform.

“Thanks Chanyeol! You’re the best!” I shouted as I smiled brightly. I knew that if Chanyeol didn’t go out there, Dara-unnie would be very disappointed.

“Where is she?” he asked.

“I’ll show you to her table,” I reassured as I dragged him out of the kitchen.

Eventually, we made it to the made café area of the bakery. Before moving any further, I turned around to tell Chanyeol a few things.

“Don’t worry. She’s one of my best friends, and she’s really a nice person. I’m sure you guys will get along. So please work hard and teach her well!” I said as I patted Chanyeol on the back before pushing him towards Dara’s table.

Chanyeol frowned as he saw you walk away, but when he turned around to see his future student at the table, he froze, and his frown miraculously disappeared.

W-wait…. Why is she……. How come she’s here, before my eyes?? Chanyeol thought as he stared at the beautiful girl in front of him. He thought he was dreaming, until the person actually began talking to him.

“Excuse me, but are you here for guitar lessons?” Dara asked cautiously, standing up to meet the person. “Wait a second… I know you! You work here, right? Dara asked, a smile appearing on her face.

Oh my goodness….. Park Chanyeol.. She remembers you. She freaking remembers your face!!

“O-oh ahem yes I work here. You’re Eunbi’s friend, right?” Chanyeol said, as nonchalantly as his pounding heart could allow him.

“Yup! Nice to meet you! I’m Sandara Park, but people just call me Dara,” she said as she held out her hand for a handshake.

Chanyeol just stared at her open hand, not knowing if this was a dream or if this was reality.

“Umm… are you ok?” Dara asked, confused at Chanyeol’s frozen state.

“Oh y-yes I’m fine. S-sorry,” Chanyeol responded as he took Dara’s hand and gave it a firm shake. Tingles went through both of their spines when their hands touched. Her hands were so soft and delicate; his hand could almost fully encase her tiny ones. Dara was taken aback by his strong handshake. All of sudden, she felt at ease and comforted merely by Chanyeol’s warm touch.

They sat down, only to resume the awkwardness that loomed over them. Chanyeol still couldn’t believe what was happening, and Dara was just staring nervously around the bakery, waiting for something to happen. After a few moments, one person had the guts to speak.

“So.. how long have you been playing the guitar?” Dara asked.

“O-oh… well, I’ve been playing for a couple of years now. I’m self-taught actually,” Chanyeol said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Wow!! You’re self-taught??! That’s amazing!” Dara complimented, making Chanyeol blush. “I’ve been trying to teach myself, but it’s so hard I almost want to give up.”

“It’s pretty hard, but if you keep trying, it’s very rewarding,” Chanyeol smiled.

“So, do you think you could teach me? Cause I really need help,” Dara asked. Her eagerness showed in her eyes.

“W-why of course! I’d love to help you! Er- you know, with the guitar,” Chanyeol stuttered.

“Wahh really?!?! Thanks so much!!” Dara cheered as she leaned in to hug Chanyeol as thanks. Chanyeol’s eyes widened as he felt Dara’s arms wrap around his neck, her face right beside his. Before he could react, Dara was back in her seat, still smiling widely.

“So! When should we start?” Dara chirped.

“O-oh um well we should go to the music store sometime to look at books for theory. It makes learning the chords a lot easier,” Chanyeol explained. “How does next week sound?”

“Next week is fine! Just text or call me whenever you are available,” Dara said as she reached over to Chanyeol’s phone and entered her number. “I put my number in your contacts, so no excuses!” Dara teased as she held his phone, pointing to the screen.

Chanyeol was ecstatic. He didn’t even have to try and he already managed to get Dara’s phone number.

After finishing their plans, Dara and Chanyeol got up. Dara had to leave for a meeting with her friends, so left the bakery feeling as happy as ever. She couldn’t wait to start her official guitar lessons with a handsome, polite student such as Chanyeol.

Speaking of which, the second Dara was out of view from the bakery, Chanyeol rushed to the register. Sunshine and rainbows were surrounding him as he gave Eunbi-noona the biggest hug he could give.

“NOONA!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!” Chanyeol shouted as he hugged Eunbi.

“W-what the…?!?!?” I said as I was lifted up from the ground. My eyes were confused and puzzled at the same time.

“I owe you big time, noona!” Chanyeol said as he smiled and happily walked over to the side, working on packaging the bread.

“What’s up with him…” I mumbled as I went back to sorting the money. I had to admit, I was secretly relieved that everything had worked out. I smiled as I listened to Chanyeol’s joyful humming. I didn’t know what had gotten into him, but I was pretty sure he didn’t mind being Dara’s guitar teacher.


After work at the bakery was over, I decided to relax and roam the streets because I actually had some free time for once! Lately, the hakwon, private tutoring, the bakery, and school had overtaken my life. The only thing that kept me going was my new major, my family, and something else…

As I was walking down the street, I tilted my head in confusion. The couple in front of me had been walking for quite some time now, and before I knew it, one person seemed familiar. Although I could only see their figure from the back, for some reason, I felt like I had seen it countless times before.

Before I could stop my body, I began following them; not quite stalking, but certainly not accidental walking either. I followed their footsteps down the street, across the street, through a mall, until we reached a more busy intersection. I tried to be as nonchalant as possible as I rushed through the crowd, trying to stay hidden. I looked at the crosswalk sign, which was blinking red, signaling that whoever was on the road should hurry and run to the sidewalk. Without thinking, I stepped onto the road, with my only goal being that I had to figure out if the couple in front of me really was who I thought it was.

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my arm from behind, holding me back from entering the street. I lost my balance, and ended up crashing into the person’s arms unintentionally. The unfamiliar scent alarmed me, so I quickly stood up my myself and brushed my skirt.

“Hey!” I began, turning around to see who had ruined my plans to discover the mysterious couple, but when I turned around, my eyes opened even wider. Then, my mouth slowly grinned as I realized the friendly face.

“Chen!! What are you doing here??”

Yay for Chandara! and I was going to write some juicy/fluffy EunbixKai today but I didn't have time because I was packing, so I decided to split the chapter. And idk why I'm getting into Chen lately.. But don't worry! I'm saving him for another fanfic.. 

Thank you for reading!! I love reading all of your guys' comments ^o^ Please do not hesitate to subscribe, comment, maybe even upvote~ :D Because it makes me feel all happy and want to write better stuff for you guys ^_^ See you guys in two weeks!

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Banging_bangtan #1
Chapter 15: Omgggggggg
Kyaaaaa spazz so muh!!!!
Oh god my feels ..
Banging_bangtan #2
Chapter 8: If I were jongin I acted like tgat too,feeling betrayed is more like somebody stab you right on ur chest!!; (
#7 if you do something think twice or trice!!!..
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 6: Omgggggggg
I have this feeling that this two bastard fight because of her.
Chapter 15: Ughhh somewhere deep inside me, i want chen to get the girl XD
Chapter 15: Chen is so cute!~ update soon!~
Chapter 15: ugh.........
my feelllllssssss........
too much feels for today
Chapter 15: Chen is so cute. He crush must be so hard for him 3: and JONGIN ASKHFAGSLFHGASFSGF OMFG IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR LIKE EVER IM SO HAPPY
Chapter 14: Chenchen! Update soon~~
Chapter 14: Chanyeol is just adorable.
Chandara61 #10
Chapter 14: Please update ,authornim!!~~