
Unlucky Tutor

Thank you so much Nami98 for the upvote~ <3

“Luhan…….. what are you doing here…?” My voice was quiet but firm.

“Eunbi-ah… why aren’t you replying to my texts? You never answer my calls anymore…” Luhan’s voice trailed off as he stared at me with concern.

“Things came up. I’m busy Luhan,” I said. I knew I sounded really cold, but the words just came out so naturally. Luhan was surprised by my sudden attitude.

“Just hear me out, Song Eunbi,” Luhan began. I stared at him for a while, before looking back at Dara, and exiting the dorm, almost closing the door behind me in order to maintain some privacy. I turned around to face Luhan again, my facial expression blank.

“What is it, Luhan?” I asked. I never knew I could be this cold towards someone I had experienced some of my warmest moments with.

Luhan stared at me knowingly, before taking my hand into his. I tried to shake it off, but he persisted.

“Luhan, just say what you’re goi-“

“I’m moving,” Luhan declared. I immediately stopped struggling, and just let my hand fall to the side of my body, lifeless and swinging. “Eunbi… I’m moving back to China, and I’m probably going to stay there.” Luhan stared at me, waiting for my reaction.

“W-what why d-did you never tell me……” My voice trailed off as I could feel tears forming on my face. I blinked, but that only made the tears trickle down my cheek, exposing my hidden feelings.

“I’m sorry… but I didn’t want it to ruin our last moments together.. but for some reason lately, you’ve been avoiding me.. That’s why I came to find you.” Luhan tried to half-smile, but he couldn’t. Not when he knew that he would be leaving for his home country so soon.

Before he could say anymore, I hugged him tightly, grabbing him around his waist and pulling him in. My head rested on his chest, and I began to sob silently. My tears stained his white shirt, but I didn’t care. Luhan was taken aback by my actions, and froze for a while before returning my hug. He caressed my hair just like he always did, and I just cried into his shoulder, muffling sniffles.

“I’m going to miss you, Eunbi,” Luhan said as he held me tightly. “That’s why I called and texted you so many times. I wanted to meet with you, but since I was busy I could only ask through the phone. You never answered me though…”

“W-when are you leaving?” I asked, looking up at him with bloated red eyes. I instantly felt bad about ignoring and avoiding him for the past few weeks. I had been waiting for something, but I had waited too long.

“Tomorrow.” Luhan’s voice sounded so cold and emotionless all of a sudden, as if he didn’t want to go back. The truth was, Luhan wasn’t going because he wanted to. He was going because his father made him go; being the child of a corporate millionaire, Luhan had no choice but to listen to his father or else he would be kicked out of the family. His father had let Luhan go to Korea for college, but now since college was long over, his father wanted him back in China to help with the business. Luhan didn’t want to go at all, but with his mother’s pleads and the shaky business as of late, Luhan had no choice but to put family first. (so cliché, but please bear with me here T^T)

“What?!?!? T-tomorrow??? Why so soon?” I asked, my face exhibiting the perfect demonstration of surprise and shock. Was Luhan really telling the truth? Oh I hoped that it was a lie.

“My family’s business needs help, and my dad says he can’t trust anyone but me.”

“B-but we’ve never been able to-“

“I know, Eunbi. I didn’t plan for things to be like this, but they just kinda happened..” Luhan’s voice was tinged with regret. He felt horrible; not only did he have to leave behind all of his friends and his amazing life in Korea as a university student, but he also had to abruptly leave Eunbi despite the tensions between them. Luhan never actually found out why Eunbi had changed in the past few weeks, and thought she would get over it, but now, it was too late. Luhan was leaving, and things still hadn’t been entirely sorted out.

“When are you coming back?” My voice was cracking; I hadn’t noticed how much Luhan could change my mood in less than a couple of minutes.

“I don’t know…”


“Eunbi-ah” Luhan said as he pulled me away from my tight hug. He put his hands on top of my shoulders, and stared at me with his captivating eyes. I always felt a bit nervous from his gaze; I guess some things never change.

“Can you promise me one thing?” Luhan began.

“What is it?”

“Please, don’t forget me.” Luhan tried to smile, but his face was just so full of sorrow and regret that I couldn’t take it anymore. This was happening; this was real. Luhan was leaving me. We vowed to be together until I graduated, but I could see that it was impossible now. I tried to smile, my tears rolling down my cheeks. I silently nodded, before slowly pulling Luhan in and hugging him again, this time more gently. I rested my cheek on his chest, and closed my eyes tightly.

“I’ll never forget you, Luhan. I can’t..” Nostalgia made my emotions even more apparent.

“Thank you, Eunbi-ah. Also, I’m sorry,” Luhan whispered into my ear, leaning his chin on top of my head and patting the back of my head. I felt so warm and secure in Luhan’s hug, and wanted to stay there. I could tell that Luhan wasn’t lying, but the truth was so painful. I would have rather had that he lied this time instead of last time. I wasn’t ready or prepared to let him go… “I’m so sorry, Eunbi…”

I felt my blood freeze in my veins, as if those words that Luhan had repeated had triggered something from the past. My brain was too cluttered, however, to organize my thoughts and separate my unconscious feelings from my conscious ones.

We stayed like that for a few more moments before Luhan finally had to leave to go continue packing his things. He had secretly run away during the packing in order to meet me one last time. I felt so much guilt; part of the reason our relationship had been so strained was because of my sudden change in behavior these past few weeks. Of course, it wasn’t entirely my fault; there was something else that happened; something that I would never forget in association with Luhan.

I looked up at Luhan one more time, staring into his dark-brown eyes. The glimmer in his eyes showed that he had held back tears. “Luhan-oppa… I guess you have to go now.”


“Well….. I hope things in China go better for you.”


We stared at each other awkwardly. Good-byes in movies always seemed so dramatic and romantic, but when it came to us, everything was plain awkward. I was done crying, Luhan was done comforting me, and all he had to do was to go back to his place. I waved my hand shyly, and then turned around to go back into my dorm when suddenly I felt a hand grab my wrist, turning me back around. Surprised, I turned to look back at Luhan, but by then, I was already against the wall, stuck between the white plaster and Luhan’s hot body. I didn’t say anything, but just looked at him, my eyes wide open. There was something in his eyes. Something glimmered, but I couldn’t really tell what it was. Before I could speak, Luhan leaned in, and I could feel his soft lips on mine. I stood there at first, too surprised to react, before I slowly returned the kiss. He smelled so good, and reminded me of all the fun times we had in the past year. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not caring if anyone saw us. Good thing it was late though, or else the hall would have been swarming with busy students.

Luhan continued to kiss me passionately, as if our previous period of avoidance had suppressed his urges for too long. I was a bit surprised too, but not unhappy, as the kiss that day was much more intense than ever before. Luhan had a very gentleman-like composed aura, and this was the first time I was seeing him just let everything go and succumb to his desires. He wrapped his arms around my hips, and pulled me in, causing me to yelp a little in surprise. Hot hot hot.

Finally, I pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavily. Both of our cheeks were flushed red, and we felt burning sensations. I couldn’t look at him in the eye, because I was very shocked.


“Yeah……?” My face was still flustered with the flurry of emotions that had just occurred.

“I love you,” Luhan said, holding me tight.

Immediately, my hands fell from his neck to my sides, dangling lifelessly. Something about those words had triggered repressed memories from my unconscious again. My eyes became dull, losing their warmth and fiery passion from just before.

“T-thanks…” I managed, not looking at Luhan, but I could tell he was hurt, for I noticed his body tensed, then relaxed a bit. Luhan just assumed that everything that had just happened in the last couple of minutes had been too much for me, and decided that he would wait.

I didn’t know what was wrong with me.


“Yooo where have you been? Is everything alright?” Dara asked, looking at me. She then saw my disheveled hair and clothes and chuckled a bit. “I’m guessing things went a little better with Luhan than last time?”

I sighed deeply, then yelled in frustration. Then I quickly turned to Dara, bowed, and apologized for my sudden outburst.

“Unnie……..!!!! I don’t know what to do!!! Aish!!!!” I shouted, jumping into my bed and pulling my pillow over my face, muffling my screams. I was so frustrated, but most of all, I was sad.

“What? I thought things went well-“

“Unnie, you know what I’m talking about,” I said, staring off into space. Suddenly the silence felt very comforting.

“Yeah……… of course… How could I forget?” Dara said, smiling sadly. “I know you and Luhan have been together for over a year now, but things change, and people change. I just don’t want you to get hurt anymore.”

Luhan and I had met during freshman orientation week, both of us nervous and excited at the same time. For one thing, I was a freshman then, but Luhan, he was one of the teacher assistants. Back then, he was a senior at the undergraduate division of SNU, and was pretty much the coolest kid on the block. All the pretty girls swarmed after him, because he was handsome, kind, and caring. He loved to help out with student activities at the university, which was how I had met him. I still remember our first meeting; if it weren’t for my clumsiness and tendency to get lost, I wouldn’t have had some alone time with Luhan. I discovered that despite his appearance, he was actually quite the opposite of the bratty rich kid that characterized many people in the school. Both of us loved to eat, loved to play games, and overall, just have fun. The big difference was that he came from an elite family of business corporations, and was bound to become the next CEO of his family’s multi-million business. I, on the other hand, came from a family of chicken fryers, which isn’t bad at all, just very different from most people here at SNU. Luhan and I instantly became friends, and soon, we fell in love with each other, or so I thought.


It was a warm, summer evening, and Luhan was treating me to a luxurious dinner out. I had dressed up for the occasion, and felt so happy. It was our one year anniversary, and I thought Luhan was the one. He was handsome, caring, and just so kind. I knew I would never meet someone as good as Luhan.

We arrived at the restaurant, and Luhan parked the car and exited first, walking to my side and opening the door for me. He offered his hand, and I accepted it. He was a gentleman like that. We entered the restaurant with my arm around his. The waiter led us to our reserved table, where we began our incessant conversations about anything and everything.

Luhan received a call from his parents, and stood up to excuse himself for the important call. I nodded and continued to sip on my water. The night was perfect, and we had decided to go watch a movie afterwards. I rubbed my eyes on accident, and noticed that my eyeliner had smudged onto my hand. I quickly got up and made my way to the restroom in order to fix my makeup. When I arrived at the hallway, however, I stopped. My eyes became blurry, and my legs felt weak. My heart dropped way below ocean level. My vision was blurred, and it wasn’t because of the smudged makeup into my eye.

Luhan was kissing another girl.

The girl had her back to the wall, and they were kissing passionately, hands all over each other’s’ bodies. They were so into the kiss that they failed to notice me, staring at them. I was just so in shock that I paused for a few seconds, watching them illustrate their ual desires. My eyes then went over to the girl, and eventually to her lips, which said something that was very tempered to my own ears.

“I love you,” I overheard the girl whisper under her breath before she pulled Luhan in to another deep kiss.

I quickly turned around, took a deep breath, and walked back to the table. I thought I would be bawling, because I’m normally a very easy crier, but this time, the tears didn’t pour out. Instead, they slowly welled up in my eyes, and trickled down, one drop at a time. I decided to just use my compact mirror and wipe away my tears without smudging my remaining makeup. I couldn’t concentrate, however, because images of Luhan kissing that girl popped into my head, causing me to poke my eye on accident a couple of times, making my eyes even redder. I cursed, hushed myself, and continued to try to fix my makeup.

“Sorry, Eunbi. The call turned out to be more important than I thought,” Luhan chuckled as he arrived at the table. I immediately noticed his disheveled hair, suit, everything. Luhan’s wide bambi eyes opened even wider when he saw the state I was in.

“Eunbi?? Are you ok? What’s wrong?” Luhan asked, with deep concern in his eyes. Hah. As if.

“Nothing, Luhan. Just thought of something sad,” I said. I didn’t want to tell him what I saw; I wanted to test him. “So? What was the call about?”

“O-oh…… just some family business,” Luhan said. He then changed the conversation. “Do you want to watch a different movie later tonight? Cause the one we were supposed to watch is supposed to be really sad.”

“No; I like sad movies,” I lied. I began crying on the inside.

My head hurt, and I felt extremely dizzy. Everything felt surreal, and before I knew it, my hand was slowly making its way to the cold glass of water on the table. It took all my strength to hold it back however, as I tried to convince myself that things may not have been what they seemed. Still, I couldn’t get the flurry of images out of my head; they were endlessly on repeat.

Why Luhan….. I just saw you with my own two eyes…. And you’re still lying to me?

End Flashback

Luhan never really found out that I knew what happened on our one year anniversary, and I never asked him about it. Of course, this created many confusions and misunderstandings, but I just wanted to forget it. Soon, it interfered with our current relationship, because my trust in him dropped immensely.

“AISH!!!!” I shouted, startling Dara. I apologized, and sighed in frustration. Why was I having memories of this now??

I scrolled through my phone pictures; there were lots with Luhan and I; I loved to take selcas. As I went through my own little journey through time, I landed on the picture of our first year anniversary. I paused to look at the picture, my eyes staring silently. It was right before we reached the restaurant. Both of us just looked so happy.

Luhan was moving tomorrow… He was leaving, and all I could do was keep on remembering about that day where everything went wrong.

I locked my phone, turned to my side, and punched my pillow. I then huffed and puffed and settled into my bed.

A sour end to a great day, as always.

Aigoo aigoo thank you for reading! Phew, now that that's out of the way... my poor heart ahh after re-reading my own chapter... T^T derp.

Coming up next: the maknaes, beagle, healing unicorn, and more!

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Banging_bangtan #1
Chapter 15: Omgggggggg
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Chandara61 #10
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