
Unlucky Tutor

“Jongin, I told you to complete activity C and D for homework last time, and look,” I said, holding up the incomplete assignment. “Kim Jongin, I said look,” I repeated, trying to keep my calm.

“Yeah yeah, I said I’ll do it for next time,” Jongin said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I took a deep breath and placed the book down. I didn’t know why Jongin was being like this, but it sure was frustrating. Things were going great until one day Jongin decided to ignore me and not cooperate during tutoring sessions. It was so out of the blue that I wasn’t prepared to handle a very difficult Jongin. With my newfound knowledge about Jimin, I felt so tempted to tell him that everything was a misunderstanding, but I knew I had to keep my mouth shut for Sehun’s sake, as well as Jongin’s.

“Fine. I’ll reassign the activities, but you have to actually complete them for next time, understand?” I said, staring at him. Jongin never faced me during tutoring sessions either these days, but I tried.


I looked over at my phone, trying to think of who could possibly message me at this time. I picked it up and clicked on my messages inbox, only to scowl. I regretted reading the message, because it only contributed to my state of irritation. I put my phone on the table face down, and turned back to Jongin, flipping through the pages. No matter how hard I tried, however, I couldn’t focus.

“Excuse me for a second. I’ll be right back,” I said as I stood up and went to the bathroom. “In the meantime, start writing the essay and I’ll help you check it when I come back. I’m just going to wash my face real quick,” I said as I closed the door to his room. Once the door closed behind me, I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. My migraine was killing me, and my legs felt weak, but I couldn’t show my vulnerability to anyone. I opened my eyes and made my way over to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face.

Once he heard the door close shut, Jongin slumped down on his chair and stared at the ceiling.

“Kim Jongin… you’re really a jerk, you know that?” Jongin said quietly.


Jongin’s eyes instantly darted to Eunbi-ssaem’s phone, curious as to who messaged his ssaem. Jongin knew that it was wrong to look through other people’s phones, but he had seen Eunbi-ssaem’s reaction to the message from earlier, and was interested in what could have made her frown so much.

After confirming that Eunbi wasn’t in the hallway, Jongin quickly picked up her phone and unlocked it.

“She doesn’t even have a password,” Jongin smirked.

He then clicked on messages, and found one new message.

“Who is Luhan…?” Jongin muttered under his breath as he opened the message.

Eunbi-ah.. why aren’t you responding? I miss you so much. I’m just waiting until the day that I can meet you again.. I love you. –Luhan

Jongin just stared at the message, shocked. He didn’t know that Eunbi-ssaem had a lover!

“N-no.. It can’t be,” Jongin said as he went back to Eunbi-ssaem’s inbox to check for Luhan’s previous messages. After reading them, Jongin just scoffed in disbelief.

“Wah… I really can’t believe this,” Jongin said as he put her phone back face down on the table. He felt hurt, yet confused. He knew that he was merely a student and that Eunbi-ssaem was just his tutor, but reading Luhan’s messages triggered something in him. He didn’t like how Luhan addressed his ssaem with such a lovey-dovey manner, and how he kept on messaging his ssaem.

To sum it up, Jongin didn’t like Luhan. Not at all.

Jongin was leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head, trying to figure out what sort of relationship that Luhan and Eunbi-noona were in when he suddenly heard the door open. He quickly straightened up and acted like he was working on the essay.

When I entered Jongin’s room, I saw him hunched over the desk, hard at work. I smiled, thinking that he was finally cooperating, only to frown when I came closer.

“Jongin, let me see how far you’ve gotten,” I said as I tried to reach for his paper. Jongin instantly pulled away, taking his paper with me.

“I said let me see-“ I began as I snatched the paper, only to see a crumpled blank piece of lined paper.

“You didn’t even start,” I trailed off as I just slumped in my chair and sighed deeply. Why won’t Jongin cooperate??!?! I thought to myself. “It’s fine, just start right now and I’ll correct you as you go,” I said, handing him back the sheet.

The real reason why Jongin wouldn’t cooperate is because he felt like he’s being used. At first, Jongin really thought that Eunbi-ssaem truly wanted to get to know him and help him out, but he soon realized that he was being the stupid one to think that Eunbi-ssaem really cared about him.


“$200 an hour???!?!?”

“Yes. That’s the least I could do for my son. He must raise his grades so that he can get into a good college, just like you did,” Jongin overheard his mom say.

“O-oh… Thank you.. I’ll work very hard to help your son!”

Jongin had went downstairs to get a glass of water when he had overheard his mom talking to the new tutor.

Her voice sounds strangely familiar… Jongin thought as he went upstairs. He ended up being right, as his private tutor was none other than his English teacher at his hakwon.

End Flashback

Jongin thought that Eunbi-ssaem was being extra kind and caring because of the money. At first, the unnecessary smiling and friendliness didn’t really bother him, because he knew that Eunbi-ssaem was just doing her job. Recently, however, Eunbi-ssaem’s behavior had been annoying Jongin, because he wanted her actions and feelings to be true to him, not because of monetary reasons.

What bothered Jongin even more was that he KNEW that Eunbi-ssaem and him were merely just teacher and student. It’s just that something felt off whenever he thought of Eunbi noona with another guy, with Luhan, eating tteokbokki together and holding hands..

Jongin frowned at the thought, only to jump up in surprise when he felt a hand on his arm.

“Jongin… you ok? Are you sick?” I asked, looking at his face. Jongin was behaving weirdly for the past few seconds, and wouldn’t respond to my directions at all. When I turned to see what he was doing, he was frowning and seemed to be swatting imaginary flies in front of his face.

“O-oh no. I’m fine,” Jongin said curtly. The only thing on his mind was that Eunbi-ssaem’s hand was on his arm.

“But you’re turning red,” I said as I put my hand on his forehead to check for his temperature.

Dang it she’s going to make it worse… Jongin thought as he saw her hand make its way over to his head.

“Your temperature is normal though,” I said as I pulled my hand away. “Get some more sleep, and don’t forget to do your homework this time,” I reminded him as I stood up and packed my belongings. “See you,” I said before closing the door behind me, going towards the stairs.

Right after Eunbi had left, Jongin rushed to bathroom to check his face.

“Aish!!!” Jongin scowled as he rubbed his hair with his hands. “I look as red as a tomato!!” Jongin frowned, feeling embarrassed. He didn’t know why, but whenever Eunbi-ssaem touched him in any way, he turned red. Jongin jumped on his bed, looking up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head.

“You’re really hurting me, noona…” Jongin whispered as he stared blankly.

As I made my way down the stairs, I noticed the housemaid waiting near the base. When I was face-to-face with her, she bowed.

“Excuse me, miss. Mrs. Kim would like to speak with you on behalf of her son,” the housemaid said.

“Oh.. thank you,” I said as I made my way over to her office.

Oh man.. What does she want now.. This isn’t exactly the best time to be asking about your son.. I thought as I made my way over to Mrs. Kim.

I knocked, then opened the door to her office. It sure was nice in there. She had antiques and novels and paintings covering the room, with her lovely desk in the center. Mrs. Kim had glasses on, signing some papers and sitting in an oh-so fancy manner. She was the epitome of elegance.

“Ah, hello seonsaengnim. Please, sit down,” she said as she noticed me come in. I sat down on the couch in front of her desk with my back straight, staying alert for any possible questions.

“You can relax, dear,” Mrs. Kim said as she chuckled at my abnormally straight posture. I smiled, and tried to calm down, but I couldn’t.

“I just wanted to know your opinion on my son, dear,” Mrs. Kim said, looking in my direction.

I tensed at her question. What did she mean? Like what do I think of her son, as in…. Am I interested in him? Why would she ask me this question?? I mean, aren’t tutors supposed to keep formal business relations with their students?? I thought as I felt a sweat bead roll down my forehead.

“See, his grades at school have increased ever since you have taught him privately, and I was wondering if you could specify how you have been teaching him,” Mrs. Kim said, seeing as I didn’t respond to her first question.

OOOH that’s what she meant.. Phew! I thought as I wiped the sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand. I turned to Mrs. Kim to respond, only to stop with my mouth open.

I can’t tell her what’s really happening, because then she’ll get concerned.. maybe even angry at me for not being able to handle her son.. Oh no.. what do I do.. do I… No. I can’t. I can’t do this to Jongin. He might not be able to continue dancing if I tell her the truth..

I smiled at Mrs. Kim, and looked at her with confidence.

“Jongin is doing very well, Mrs. Kim. He is working hard, and I’m glad that his efforts are showing in school. I’m sure that he will continue to improve. I’m focusing mainly on reading and writing, because those are his weak spots,” I explained, partly lying, partly telling the truth.

Mrs. Kim seemed to be satisfied with my answer, as she smiled and leaned back in her chair.

“That’s very nice to hear, seonsaengnim. Well, until next time, please continue working hard,” she said, signaling that the conversation was over. I stood up, bowed, and left the room, closing the door as quietly as possible. I then smiled and bowed at the housemaid, and left the mansion, walking down the steps onto the driveway.

Once I exited the gate and was out of earshot from the Kim family, I took a deep breath and put my hand to my heart. It was pounding like crazy from all the stress and pressure that I just experienced.

“Kim Jongin… you better do your homework this time,” I said, gritting my teeth. I wasn’t going to put my health on the line for someone who doesn’t do their part as well.


“Eunbi-ah! Why do you look so tired?? Was work hard today?” Dara asked as she saw me enter the dorm as if I was a ghost. “Dude, you look like you just came back from Mt. Everest!” Dara joked.

“Unnie!!” I scowled, half smiling half whining. “I’m just really stressed,” I said as I dropped my backs on my bed and sat down on my chair, getting out a Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino from my fridge. I really needed some caffeine right now; I didn’t care if I would be hyper until 4 am. I needed energy.

Suddenly, I felt someone turn my rolly chair, and I ended up facing Dara-unnie. She had the most unreadable expression on her face.

“You know what this calls for, Eunbi??” Dara said with a mischievous look on her face. It was so evil that I was kind of scared.


“Let’s go…. CLUBBING!!!!!!!!” Dara shouted as she spun me in my rolling chair. She looked so happy that she could brighten up the whole SNU campus with her smile. Reminded me of someone from my bakery for some reason, but I just pushed the connection away.

“Oh unnie..” I said, reluctant to go.

“Don’t worry, Eunbi-ah! It’ll be fun!! I guarantee you!!” Dara said, trying to convince me. She suddenly leaned in and whispered, “Besides, I heard those gangsters from last time have moved to a different club.” Dara unnie could read my mind sometimes. It was a bit creepy but helpful.

I stared at her with wary eyes. Dara just stared back with huge, adventurous eyes.

“C’mon, Eunbi!! Unnie will pay for your drinks!” She said, holding my hand. “Let’s go, ok?”

“……oh alright. I’ll get ready,” I said as I stood up to get my dress.

“YAYY thanks Eunbi!! Let’s go crazy tonight,” Dara said as she stood up as well to get her clothes and makeup.

This time, I wore a flattering black dress that outlined my body in a somewhat attractive way. The only thing I was proud of was my legs, but other than that, I had no “S” line. Meh, I was just normal, but I was ok with it. I knew that in the future, my future husband would love me for who I was on the inside. I smiled at the thought of cuddling with my future man.

As I put on my black pumps and curled my hair, I checked my phone only to see that I had gotten another message from Luhan.

“What.. I don’t remember reading this,” I said to myself as I read the message. I really didn’t remember getting a notification for the most recent message.

“Hmm? What’d you say?” Dara said as she applied some mascara.

“Oh…. Ahh it’s nothing,” I said as I put my phone down again. I then reached for my makeup and put on some eyeliner. I just wanted to dance my sorrows away and release my stress tonight. Song Eunbi, you’re really going to enjoy yourself tonight. Don’t think about Luhan, or Jongin, or Sehun, or the hakwon… Just have fun..! I thought as I put on the finishing touch with my lipstick. I rubbed my lips to evenly spread the lipstick, and looked at myself in the mirror.

Dang, girl! You actually look fine today! I thought as I looked at my perfect hair, makeup, and outfit. Maybe things were looking up..

The moment Dara and I entered the club, I could instantly feel the stares of the people around us. Dara unnie always looked gorgeous, and I felt a bit more confident today as well, so I just enjoyed the attention.

I made my way to the dance area right away, while Dara went to the booths to catch up with friends. I danced like crazy, getting lost in the music and laughing as if I was drunk on oxygen. I felt like my stress was disappearing into thin air as I continued to dance and listen to the club’s beat.

After a while, I got too tired to continue jumping and dancing, so I made my way over to the bar. I ordered a cocktail, remembering that Dara unnie had promised to pay for drinks this time. As I was sipping on my drink, I suddenly noticed a very familiar figure off to the side. Hiding behind my cup, I eyed the person as they went off to a different hallway. He was holding hands with another girl, and it looked like things were about to get hot.

Wait… that’s the hallway that Jongin and I went to when we were hiding from the gangsters.. I thought as I stood up from my seat. Nobody really goes to that hallway, unless… My footsteps quickened as I placed down my drink on the bar and quietly made my way over to the hallway.

Once I approached the opening to the hallway, my suspicions were confirmed. The tall stature, the figure, the voice, they were all too familiar.

“Just tell me what I should do!!” Jongin shouted, obviously angry and annoyed.

I mentally face-palmed myself. Why was Jongin at the club, again!?!?

Suddenly, it got really quiet. Then I heard a loud slap.

“You’re obviously confused yourself,” the mysterious girl said sharply. I put my hand to my mouth. Did this girl just slap Jongin? I want to see, but I can’t ruin my cover… I restrained myself as I leaned in to hear the conversation even more.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming my way, so I leaned back, barely peeking at the entrance to the hallway. The girl stormed off, not even noticing that I was there in the first place. She looked really pretty, and her dress fit her perfectly. I just sighed and shook my head. Jongin had most likely not even done his homework yet, and instead he decides to pick up girls in the club.

Since I was lost in thought, I forgot that a certain someone had yet to emerge from the hallway. Suddenly, I felt someone’s stare in my direction, and slowly looked up only to be face to face with Jongin.

Jongin was about to run after the girl, but when she disappeared even before he could chase after her, he turned to the side, only to notice someone familiar.

It can’t be… Jongin thought as he slowly approached the figure.

When Eunbi looked up, Jongin’s breath was cut off at her beauty. Her long, dark hair was curled softly over her shoulders, her petite frame fit perfectly in her dress, and her makeup was on point. Her wide, doe-eyed glance at Jongin almost melted him on the inside. His legs felt weak as he felt Eunbi-noona’s stare. She was absolutely gorgeous in his eyes.

She should dress like this more often.. Jongin thought as he stared at Eunbi noona.

After what felt like hours of staring, I knew enough was enough. I didn’t come to the club to have to face more stress and potential embarrassment from my student, so I just left. I didn’t want to be involved in his complicated relationships any longer. Plus, Jongin’s eyes felt like they were burning holes into my body. He would just not stop staring. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks, because it felt like he was studying me or something. I mean, I knew I looked different with makeup and stuff, but I couldn’t look THAT different. Suddenly, I felt my heartbeat rise, and butterflies flew in my stomach. I couldn’t pinpoint the reason, but for some reason, every time Jongin stared at me, I felt so nervous. It was weird. I was fine around my other students. It was just Jongin that made me feel this way.

I sighed deeply, and pushed Jongin aside, no words needed. As I walked away, I could feel Jongin’s stare behind me, but I didn’t look back. Instead, I went over to the bar, and drank the rest of my cocktail in one big gulp. I then picked up my belongings and exited the club.

Go after her man… go after her.. Jongin thought as his eyes followed Eunbi-noona to the bar, then to the exit. How could I though.. I’m not good enough for her.. She doesn’t even feel anything for me..

Jongin then sighed deeply, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. He then exited the club as well, as slowly as possible, just in case that Eunbi-noona was still in the road outside the club.

As I entered the busy street, I walked slowly, as if I was hoping for something to happen.. hoping for someone to rush out of the club and call out to me with his usual smirk.

After taking a few steps, I suddenly turned around, almost against my own will.

See… what were you thinking, Song Eunbi… Why would he run after you.. He doesn’t even like you that way. But why did my heart ache when we stared at each other…? Aish…. Song Eunbi… no way… that's absurd!! don’t tell me you’ve fallen in l-

Suddenly I felt someone grab my arm, and I turned around immediately, a smile slowly creeping on my face, only to be turned into a frown.

“Aigoo, I’m so sorry agasshi!! My back has been acting up lately,” the old grandmother said as she tried to use me as an anchor to straighten up her back.

“Oh it’s fine. Please be safe,” I said as I bowed and continued to walk in my direction.

I just sighed, and laughed half-heartedly. Yet, disappointment flickered in my eyes.

To think that he would come..

Thank you so much for reading!! I even have a lovely poster made~~ I feel so thankful ^o^ 

More Kai coming up as well hehehe :D

By the way, you guys are so sweet in the comments~ xoxo Thank you for your support~

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Banging_bangtan #1
Chapter 15: Omgggggggg
Kyaaaaa spazz so muh!!!!
Oh god my feels ..
Banging_bangtan #2
Chapter 8: If I were jongin I acted like tgat too,feeling betrayed is more like somebody stab you right on ur chest!!; (
#7 if you do something think twice or trice!!!..
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 6: Omgggggggg
I have this feeling that this two bastard fight because of her.
Chapter 15: Ughhh somewhere deep inside me, i want chen to get the girl XD
Chapter 15: Chen is so cute!~ update soon!~
Chapter 15: ugh.........
my feelllllssssss........
too much feels for today
Chapter 15: Chen is so cute. He crush must be so hard for him 3: and JONGIN ASKHFAGSLFHGASFSGF OMFG IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR LIKE EVER IM SO HAPPY
Chapter 14: Chenchen! Update soon~~
Chapter 14: Chanyeol is just adorable.
Chandara61 #10
Chapter 14: Please update ,authornim!!~~