
Unlucky Tutor

Jongin walked over to his desk and sat down. Today was his private tutor lesson, and for some reason, he dreaded it.

Aish what should I do… how should I act.. Psh she probably forgot about it anyways-


Jongin jolted up in his seat and turned around, only to see that it was his housekeeper.

“Doryeonnim, would you like anything to drink?” the housekeeper asked.

“It’s fine. Thank you,” Jongin said as he waved his hand. The housekeeper bowed, and closed the door.

Phew I thought it was Eunbi-ssaem… Jongin thought as he leaned in his chair and scratched the back of his head.

Minutes passed, and Jongin looked at the clock as he waited.

Hmm she’s never been late before.. I wonder what’s up.. Jongin thought as he stood up and walked over to the window. Suddenly, he saw a moving figure, running up the street. That looks like… It’s Eunbi-ssaem! Jongin’s eyes opened wide as he hurriedly pushed the curtains back and sat back down in his desk, trying to look as cool and composed as possible.

Before long, he heard a knock on his door.

“Come in,” Jongin called, trying to seem as uninterested as possible.

The door opened, and when Jongin looked over, he froze.

With her messy hair, flustered face, and heavy breathing, Jongin had a hard time controlling himself in front of Eunbi-noona.

“Sorry I’m late, Jongin. School ended a little late so I ran over here,” I said as I sat down next to Jongin and instantly began to tie up my messy hair. It had been perfectly curled this morning, but in the midst of rushing to Jongin’s mansion, I pretty much forgot about my appearance. I hoped I didn’t look too ghastly when I had entered, because the housekeeper was staring at me a bit funny.

Once I was done tying my hair, I turned to Jongin, only to be a bit startled. He was staring at me, almost as if I was some sort of creature from Pluto.

“Ahem, Jongin? Let’s start,” I said as I waved my hand in front of him. He seemed to snap out of his thoughts and returned to staring at his books.

“I’m assuming you did your homework this time, correct?” I asked as I looked through his workbooks.

Oh sh*t… the homework… I was too busy thinking about how I was going to explain the club situation to her that I forgot again… Aish you pabo!

Jongin just frowned and rubbed his hair with his hand.

“I’ll take that as a no,” I said as I sighed and leaned back in my chair. It was going to be another difficult tutoring session.

I didn’t know what was wrong with Jongin that particular day, but it had to be one of the worst tutoring session I’d ever had. His lack of participation, focus, and interest was driving me crazy, especially cause I knew that his mom was monitoring his grades.

“Ok, Jongin. Conjugate these verbs and write a sentence using each one. I’ll correct it afterwards,” I said as I set a sheet in front of him. Even though I had a feeling he wouldn’t do it, I still tried. We had to get SOMETHING done today.

“Jongin, come on,” I said, but he didn’t budge. I looked at the clock.

Dang it… we only have 20 minutes left… and we haven’t gotten anything done today! Why won’t he focus? Arghh

I couldn’t take it anymore. No more Miss nice noona.

“KIM JONGIN,” I stated, loudly and firmly as I slapped my hands on his desk.

“W-what-“ he began, but I wasn’t finished yet.

“WHY are you being like this? I’m trying so hard to help you improve your English, so that your scores improve and you get to continue dancing. Aren’t you afraid as to what your mother would say if she knew what was happening? Don’t you want to succeed and continue your hobby?” I took a deep breath, and continued.

“What have I ever done to you?” I asked, quietly all of a sudden.

Awkward silence occurred, and I just ran my hands through my hair. I had pulled my hair out of my ponytail a long time ago.

“You know what, don’t answer that. Just… Just do your homework this time,” I said as I packed up my belongings. “Sorry for losing it today. I’ll be leaving now,” I said as I stood up and went out, closing the door behind me. Once I was outside, I took a deep breath, and sighed.

“Miss, would you like a cup of water?” the housekeeper asked as she saw me go downstairs.

“No, it’s fine. Thank you,” I said politely as I bowed and exited the mansion. I walked outside, out the gate, and looked up at Jongin’s mansion. I locked my eyes on what appeared to be the window to his room, but I didn’t see anyone.

Aigoo… Now you’ve done it.. Aish whatever. Just keep swimming~ I told myself as I cheered myself up and walked down the road.

In reality, Jongin had been looking at Eunbi-ssaem from his window the entire time. Right when she turned around, however, Jongin hid behind his curtains.

Shoot that was a close one! Jongin thought as he froze behind his curtains. After a while, he came out and looked out the window again, only to see Eunbi-ssaem make weird but cute motions to cheer herself up. Jongin smiled as he admired her antics.

She’s so darn cute… Jongin thought inappropriately as he watched her march down the road. Once she was out of his sight, he sat back down in front of his desk, staring at his workbooks.

Jongin had never known that Eunbi-ssaem had cared for him so much. Her words replayed in his mind as he thought about what had just happened.

She really cares about me.. She even remembered how much I love dancing.. Jongin smiled at the thought.

Suddenly, a new sense of determination entered him.

What have you been doing, Kim Jongin? You acted so stupidly, thinking that ignoring her would make anything better. You just couldn’t figure your feelings out. But since Eunbi-ssaem is working so hard for me, I should return the favor.

Jongin then picked up his pencil, and began working on his freakin’ homework.


“Hi ssaem!” I heard, only to look up and be welcomed by smiling faces.

“Hello there, Baekhyun, Lay,” I smiled as they bowed.

I came to love my class at the hakwon. Although Suho still found me at my most embarrassing moments, he was a loveable hakwon owner who genuinely cared about his students.

As class began, my eyes slowly drifted towards those of a student in the back, and our eyes locked. Sehun and I both had knowing looks in our eyes, because both of us were thinking about the mart incident.

Jongin was confused why the class was so silent, so he lifted his head to see what was going on. He immediately noticed that Eunbi-ssaem’s gaze was fixated on something beside him. Jongin looked over, expecting it to be a bug or poster, but then he realized that Sehun was looking at Eunbi-ssaem with the same focused stare.

Why is Eunbi-ssaem looking at Sehun.. and Sehun, why are your eyes so focused on her?? Jongin thought as he looked back and forth from the two. Nahh… it can’t be.. Jongin thought as he shook his head and put it down again. He had practiced dancing at the studio for the whole night last night, and was extra tired today.

As we were replaying the incident with Jimin in our heads, I must have paused too long as Lay raised his hand.

“Seonsaengnim, are you ok? You seem tired,” Lay asked, wondering what was on my mind.

I snapped out of my thoughts and thanked Lay for saving me before I dug any deeper into my memories. “Sorry class.. please open your books to chapter 3,” I quickly said as I turned around and began to write down sentences on the board. My face was flushed with embarrassment.

Throughout the entire period, I couldn’t help but end up staring at Sehun, and then subtly touching my lips. He had technically kissed me without my permission, and the thought of the moment brought heat up to my cheeks. Not only did I ruin my tutor image in front of Jongin, but now Sehun?!

After class ended for the day, all of the students left except for Sehun and Jongin, as usual. Jongin had his head down, probably dozing off again. I just sighed as I packed up my belongings and straightened out my desk. Suddenly, I felt someone’s gaze upon me. I looked up with my eyes wide open.

“Omo, Sehun! Don’t scare me like that!” I shouted as I almost took a step back. He was right in front of my desk, standing and looking down at me.

Sehun chuckled and took a step back to sit down on a student’s desk. Suddenly, he leaned in, and motioned for me to come over.

“What is it?” I whispered, taking the cue.

“Ssaem… I’m really sorry, but can I walk you home today?” Sehun began.

“What?! No way! I live all the way at SNU!” I said rather loudly, taken aback by his request.

“Nonono it’s not that.. It’s cause.. I’m afraid Jimin will come back and try to find me… She seems to be suspicious of our relationship,” Sehun explained.

“Oooh,” I nodded, motioning for him to continue.

“So, just in case she tries to find me, I need you to be by my side, and act like my girlfriend if she shows up,” Sehun pleaded.

“I mean… I guess that’s what we agreed upon,” I said as I tried to smile. I knew how hard it must be for Sehun to deal with Jimin, and I had already agreed to help him, so I couldn’t take back on my word.

“Thanks, ssaem,” Sehun said as he bowed and then smiled. I smiled back, and put on my coat.

As we were leaving, I turned around to see Jongin still sleeping as expected.

“Wait, I gotta wait for Jongin to wake up-“ I began, and looked at Sehun.

“No, it’ll be fine. He’ll wake up on his own and leave,” Sehun said.

“But I always wait for him-“ I began, but Sehun suddenly put his arm around my shoulder, and dragged me out of the building. I looked at him with unsure eyes, but he just looked forward.

Once Jongin made sure that they had left, Jongin stretched his arms and leaned back in his chair, looking at the ceiling. He had actually been awake the entire time, eavesdropping on Eunbi-ssaem’s conversation with Sehun. He wondered what was so important that they had to discuss in whispers, but he didn’t think much of it. What made him change his mind was when Sehun put his arm around Eunbi-ssaem’s shoulders. Jongin had been peeking through his arms, and tensed when he saw Sehun touch her in such a way. Inside, Jongin was screaming.

What the… Oh Sehun.. you have no right to touch Eunbi-ssaem like that!! It had taken Jongin all his might to not get up right that instant and yank Sehun’s arm off of Eunbi.

Back in the classroom, Jongin was alone, staring blankly at the ceiling. Suddenly, he laughed miserably as he ruffled his hair like crazy. He then slammed his desk with his hands, almost as if he didn’t know how to control himself.

This won’t do… Jongin thought as he instantly grabbed his backpack, stood up, and ran out of the classroom, exiting the building in a flash.

Jongin continued to run through the street, unintentionally pushing people aside. He wasn’t normally this rude, but he was desperate. He needed to get somewhere, fast.

Finally, Jongin arrived at his destination. Instantly, he felt a bit relieved and walked in, setting down his backpack like it was of no value. He made it over to the music player, where he chose a song that he had been working on for the past few days, but was extremely tiring. Once the surround sound speakers started playing the music, Jongin took off his jacket and flung it over to the side of the room. He put on his snapback, faced himself in the mirror, and began to dance.

Jongin danced his heart out that night, repeating the extremely exhausting moves like he had limitless strength and energy. He didn’t know where this power had come from, but he just used it to his advantage and continued to practice.

After what seemed like hours, Jongin was covered in sweat. He was so exhausted from dancing that he felt like he was about to pass out. The music ended, and he instantly fell down and laid on his back, looking up at the bright lights in the ceiling. It was utterly silent, and the only sound to be heard was Jongin’s heavy breathing. His chest was heaving up and down, and sweat beads rolled down his forehead. Jongin took off his snapback and laid it beside him, running his hands through his hair.

Suddenly, Jongin yelled in frustration.

All he could think about was Eunbi-ssaem.. How amazing she looked in the club that night.. How frustrated she looked during the private tutor session.. How cutely she cheered herself up in front of his house.. And how jealous she had made him when Sehun wrapped his arm around her at the hakwon.

Jongin had tried to dance his thoughts away, but no matter what he did, Eunbi always came into his mind.

Yah, why are you thinking about her so much?? It’s not like you guys are in some sort of relationship or something.. She’s your tutor for crying out loud! a part of Jongin’s brain argued.

“But she cares about me so much..” Jongin whispered to himself.

Remember, she has that guy called Luhan or something! Plus you saw how she and Sehun were today at the hakwon! They seemed really close! Jongin’s brain shot back.

“It’s not like we’ve never been that close…… ahhARGHHHH” Jongin shouted again fiercely.

He rubbed his temples like he had a massive migraine, and put his snapback back on his head so that it barely covered his eyes.

Yah, Kim Jongin! Get your head straight! What’s wrong with you?!? She’s not even yours!! His brain continued to fight.

“Song Eunbi.. why do you make me like this…” Jongin whispered to himself as he sighed.

I have to do something… before it’s too late.

Hello guys~ Thank you so much for reading once again!! Your support is truly appreciated. ^o^ and man writing fluff is hard for me.. I tried T^T

I planned the next two chapters already, and now all I have to do is actually write them. I'll be going on vacation next week so I'll try to update one more time (or maybe even twice!) before I leave, because I won't have internet during the trip. >_<

Have a great weekend~~ ♥ xo

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Banging_bangtan #1
Chapter 15: Omgggggggg
Kyaaaaa spazz so muh!!!!
Oh god my feels ..
Banging_bangtan #2
Chapter 8: If I were jongin I acted like tgat too,feeling betrayed is more like somebody stab you right on ur chest!!; (
#7 if you do something think twice or trice!!!..
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Chapter 6: Omgggggggg
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Chapter 15: Chen is so cute!~ update soon!~
Chapter 15: ugh.........
my feelllllssssss........
too much feels for today
Chapter 15: Chen is so cute. He crush must be so hard for him 3: and JONGIN ASKHFAGSLFHGASFSGF OMFG IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR LIKE EVER IM SO HAPPY
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Chandara61 #10
Chapter 14: Please update ,authornim!!~~