Familiar Visitors

Hate U, Love U
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"Good morning everyone"Leeteuk smiled walking into the large room. His white robe looking elegant in the morning sunlight, though it was slightly obvious he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath, Kangin smirked but didn't say anything.

"Good morning mother"Kibum and Yesung smiled back. Kibum kindly poured his older brother a glass of water and them himself"here you go hyung"

"Thanks Bummie"Yesung nodded.

"I forgot to tell you boys yesterday, we're having guests over for lunch. Be on your best behavior"Kangin murmured as they began to eat"Yesung don't be too nosy and Kibum try not to beat anyone"

"Yes father"the two boys mumbled.

Breakfast was quiet, no one wanted to say anything. A occasional word was said about how the weather or breakfast together was nice but the atmosphere was unusually awkward and tense. The two princes left immediately for their daily study while Kangin and Leeteuk discussed their lunch with guests. 

"I hope they do well with the guests, you know how Yesung gets"Teukie sighed.

Kangin nodded"Kibum too"

Yesung had trouble with his emotions since he was growing up, no one could contain his happiness or anger. When he was upset he wouldn't speak for weeks until the other person apologized. Being curious was a fault as well. He was always asking the palace staff about their personal lives and what they did when they weren't working at the palace. Of course, afraid they would get in trouble the staff didn't say much. Leeteuk once overheard a guard telling Yesung that his youngest son had a really bad cold. Being like his mother, Yesung wanted to help and snuck the guard royal medicine. Of course the results were inevitable and the boy was healed, the guard was grateful and vowed his life to the young prince.

Leeteuk thought well of Yesung's consideration since he was only ten at the time, but giving away something limited like the royal medicine wasn't so good. Eventually he put an end to Yesung's interactions with the workers, if the staff members wanted to keep their jobs they couldn't speak to the prince. Yesung was upset when he found out, through the same guard he'd helped, that his mother forbid anyone to talk to him.

"You never let us out of the palace, who else am I suppose to talk to? All you and father ever talk about is business, and Kibum is too focused on getting better at fighting that he accidentally almost broke my arm when we played around!"Yesung said one day when he was alone with his mother in the dining room.

Leeteuk frowned"I'm sorry but it's for your safety that you don't leave the palace. Especially since you were almost kidnapped when you use to sneak out of the palace walls, Kibum is also forbidden on fighting outside the arena. There's nothing to worry about"

"Why can't I make real friends? I'm 23 and I have no life outside the books and duties you bestowed on me"Yesung muttered. Leeteuk sighed and hugged his son"I don't want to end up like you and father"

"You will make friends, in time"he murmured.

"That's what you say all the time"Yesung said and pulled away from the embrace"I'm going to the private library...unless it's an emergency, don't bother me"

Leeteuk sighed as he watched his son stalk away, what could he do to make his son feel better? Trusting other people was something that this kingdom did not really know how to do. Kangin was strict on alliances and the people they met so there weren't many people Yesung and Kibum knew, there was only once kingdom they were on close terms with and they were a new kingdom. Family from both parents also weren't able to be around, as they passed some years back. Yesung had an opportunity to meet them all when he was just a boy, five perhaps but after he's never seen them again. Kangin and Teukie explained their passing when Yesung was mature enough to understand. Kibum was to see them only through paintings and Yesung's sketches.

"We need to talk"Leeteuk said to Kangin one night after an attempt to talk to Yesung, but of course with the younger being stubborn like his father Leeteuk had no choice but to give up.

"About what?"Kangin asked as he ed his shirt, placing it on the chair at the desk.

Leeteuk handed him a night shirt"it's about Yesung..."

"Is he upset at you again? I told you to not to talk about certain things to him, you know how sensitive he is compared to Kibum"Kangin said quietly"what is t about this time? Leaving the palace again?"

Leeteuk nodded"yes...but he asked me why we don't interact with other people. Why he doesn't have any friends at his age...he's getting older and more independent but I can't...let him be around those people"

"Not all people are like that Teukie, there are honest people out there"

"I don't think Yesung will be willing to talk to us if we don't solve this matter. He's upset at Kibum about their accident last month"Leeteuk said worriedly"he's upset at everything, even the amount of sugar the adjummas put in his tea..."

Kangin looked at him and gently took his hand"Teukie don't worry about this too much, I'll take care of this. Yesung will gain friends and Kibum will learn to be the best, and he can learn to control himself"

Leeteuk nodded"...I leave it to you then"

"Come on, lets go to bed. We're going to have a long day to tomorrow"Kangin said and pulled Leeteuk into bed beside him, the older snuggled close to Kangin and closed his eyes.

"When are the guests suppose to arrive?"Kibum asked and Leeteuk snapped out of his reverie.

"In a few moments, give them some time"Leeteuk said and the young man nodded"where's your brother anyway?"

"In the garden, he said the cherry trees are starting to blooms. He's drawing some of the trees"Kibm murmured"he got better at drawing flowers, he even drew a sketch of a bird"

"Is that so?"Leeteuk smiled"how nice...what did you improve on?"

"My urge not to fight anything that moves. Appa got angry at me for almost breaking hyung's arm....lets just say I won't go overboard again"Kibum smiled and Leeteuk nodded. Kangin's temper is nothing to be messed with, Leeteuk had never seen Kangin angry at anyone of their family members directly, it was mostly toward staff and other people. Kibum didn't have much of a temper but he was very persistent and impatient. Yes

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I finally have time with my tests over and work done. I have a latop to work on now but please continue to be patient with me thnx guys


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394 streak #1
Chapter 18: Poor Seungyun 😭

Author-nim~ where are you??? It's been a long long time~ I read this fic twice, you know that? 😭

I hope you will comeback, and finish the story uhuhuhu
394 streak #2
Chapter 10: I don't understand about Seunghyun being an awful person here... I mean, he was hurt, people killled his parents and he needed to go somewhere to save his dear life. Of course, being nowhere and without words or news wasn't okay at all, but why awful? Am I missing something while read this? Maybe I need to reread this story ^^;;
394 streak #3
Chapter 5: oh! Yetop means Yesung and TOP? I thought that yetop means yesung being a top and not a bottom LOL
394 streak #4
Chapter 2: OH MY GOD LEE DONG HAE! How could you? XDDD He's so hopeless XD
394 streak #5
since I read the tag "yetop" I decided not to read it, but then I read TheFanFicHoeX's comments LOL I'll give it a try I guess, but then once again I realized, it's not completed yet (???) why author-nim, why~? T^T whatever, gonna read it ASAP
Chapter 18: Uhuhuhu please continue this Author-nim T ^ T this is good.
Chapter 17: Was Heechul or/and maybe Jaejoong who did that crime against Seunghyun's family before?????? Omg omg omg
Chapter 14: Aish such a lovely WonYe scene! Thanks for this =)
Yes please please Ye being a little sweet at least to Masiwon hopefully!
Oooh Kyu's secret lover? Why do I feel like it really is Min.. I still a, trying to be ok with that by the way. Hahahahahahahahahaha don't mind me hahaha

"Kyuhyun’s responses were fighting with other guards, watching Yesung undress, talking to Kibum and sneaking out to town to drink." But because of these awesome KyuSung bits, everything seems fine and I'll be fine with KyuMin haha!
Chapter 12: Seunghyun seems to really want Jongwoon back. He seems to be really truly in love. But, his time has passed. Yes the circumstances were bad for him, he didn't choose to leave... But kt already happened :( It's Siwon's chance to prove himself now :(