To Worry or Not To Worry

Hate U, Love U
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"Prince Siwon please wait. You should get that taken care of"Kyuhyun called but the prince wouldn't stop walking but stead fastened his pace avoiding eye contact with the bodyguard who was close behind him.

"What happened?"Ryeowook asked in shock as Siwon walked past him quickly still not looking at anyone"why does his shirt have blood on it?!"

"There was a small accident in Yesung's room and he got a small injury. Yesung is fine but Siwon cut his shoulder"Kyuhyun said quickly before he disappeared around the hall corner.

Ryeowook barely heard the last past of Kyuhyun's explanation as he hurried in the opposite direction of the guard to check on the older prince, Kyuhyun rushed after Siwon instead still worried and apologetic.

"Yesung are you alright?"Ryeowook asked when he noticed no one else was in the room.

"I'm fine...nothing happened but I think Siwon got hurt"Yesung said, he was wearing a different shirt than Ryeowook remember and his face was slightly pink.

"Are you feeling ill again?"Ryeowook frowned eyeing the older worriedly from the entrance of the room"you look like you're running a fever again"

"No...I'm fine"Yesung murmured but his expression was worried"is Siwon okay?"

"Kyuhyun went to check on him"Ryeowook nodded"he should be fine, it looked like he had a small cut on his shoulder...."

"Oh what do I do...I feel's my fault he fell and got was for an embarrassing reason too..."Yesung said cupping his face with his hands, his face turned a darker pink. He crossed his legs as he sat in the middle of his bed thinking to himself about the small incident.

Ryeowook smiled"I think I know why"

Yesung glanced at him quickly but didn't say anything.

"You already like him don't you?"Ryeowook grinned"that's why you're being so nice to him now"

Yesung didn't answer, he didn't know know himself if his feelings were that much for Siwon. He knew he worried about the younger prince sometimes and Siwon was good company to keep but his feelings for the younger prince was something that confused him.

"I know you didn't love him just yet"Ryeowook murmured when he saw the older looking distressed"we're all just happy you and Siwon are getting along that's all"

Yesung nodded"I know...I just...don't know what to do anymore"

"Just be happy"Ryeowook smiled"Siwon is your new happiness. Forget everything that happened before, if Seunghyun cares as much as he did before don't you think he would've explained himself already?"

Yesung sighed and groaned"please don't bring up that name, it's still weird knowing he's been alive all this time even after I thought he was dead..."


"Your Highness"Kyuhyun interjected suddenly and startled both the prince and Ryeowook"sorry. Um...Siwon is okay, he just wanted to know if you were okay"

"Are you playing messenger now?"Ryeowook teased.

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes"I'm only being messenger because I feel sorry about teasing Siwon when he got hurt, I didn't know he was just trying to protect Yesung"

"Tell him I'm fine...I'm just going to finish bathing and go to sleep. Tell him I'll talk to him tomorrow"Yesung said and Kyuhyun nodded"Ryeowook will you take care of him? He already showed me how to run my own bath..."

Ryeowook was surprised but nodded"alright...."

He and Kyuhyun left the prince alone, closing the door behind them as they headed toward the small room where Siwon was being treated.

"Is he really okay?"Ryeowook asked"Yesung is really worried about him"

"I saw him being bandaged myself okay? He's fine no doubt, he just seems a little confused or embarrassed about what happened"Kyuhyun shrugged"I don't know why but after hearing the explanation I guess my teasing wasn't really w

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I finally have time with my tests over and work done. I have a latop to work on now but please continue to be patient with me thnx guys


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401 streak #1
Chapter 18: Poor Seungyun 😭

Author-nim~ where are you??? It's been a long long time~ I read this fic twice, you know that? 😭

I hope you will comeback, and finish the story uhuhuhu
401 streak #2
Chapter 10: I don't understand about Seunghyun being an awful person here... I mean, he was hurt, people killled his parents and he needed to go somewhere to save his dear life. Of course, being nowhere and without words or news wasn't okay at all, but why awful? Am I missing something while read this? Maybe I need to reread this story ^^;;
401 streak #3
Chapter 5: oh! Yetop means Yesung and TOP? I thought that yetop means yesung being a top and not a bottom LOL
401 streak #4
Chapter 2: OH MY GOD LEE DONG HAE! How could you? XDDD He's so hopeless XD
401 streak #5
since I read the tag "yetop" I decided not to read it, but then I read TheFanFicHoeX's comments LOL I'll give it a try I guess, but then once again I realized, it's not completed yet (???) why author-nim, why~? T^T whatever, gonna read it ASAP
Chapter 18: Uhuhuhu please continue this Author-nim T ^ T this is good.
Chapter 17: Was Heechul or/and maybe Jaejoong who did that crime against Seunghyun's family before?????? Omg omg omg
Chapter 14: Aish such a lovely WonYe scene! Thanks for this =)
Yes please please Ye being a little sweet at least to Masiwon hopefully!
Oooh Kyu's secret lover? Why do I feel like it really is Min.. I still a, trying to be ok with that by the way. Hahahahahahahahahaha don't mind me hahaha

"Kyuhyun’s responses were fighting with other guards, watching Yesung undress, talking to Kibum and sneaking out to town to drink." But because of these awesome KyuSung bits, everything seems fine and I'll be fine with KyuMin haha!
Chapter 12: Seunghyun seems to really want Jongwoon back. He seems to be really truly in love. But, his time has passed. Yes the circumstances were bad for him, he didn't choose to leave... But kt already happened :( It's Siwon's chance to prove himself now :(