The Field

A Dangerous Love

“Tiffany, you’re a–a vampire?” Tao asks shocked.

“You’re a Slayer?” I ask at the same time. He shakes his head and disappears. I sink to the ground, I’ve probably lost my closest friend now, damn that vampire who turned me.


“Come on Tiffany, it’s just a date.” Kang-Dae says holding his hand out.

“Okay.” I take his hand and smile at him. Finally I’m going out with Kang-Dae: the handsomest boy in our school. He leads me to a bar and buys me a few drinks. “Isn’t this a bit too much alcohol?” I hesitantly take my second gin tonic.

“Not at all, you’ll be fine.” He says. Slowly my mind becomes foggy.

“Can we please leave?” I hold my hand to my head.

“Sure.” He takes my hand again and leads me out of the bar. All of a sudden he pushes me into an alley.

“What are you doing?! Hel–” He covers my mouth in mid-scream.

“You know you smell really intoxicating, I wonder what you taste like?” He bites into my neck and I scream against his hand. My mind becomes even fainter and my body becomes slack. Then he’s wrenched away from me and I fall to the ground, I place my hand to my neck and feel blood flowing out of two bite marks.

“So vampires exist?” I ask myself.

“Yes they do, and you will become one.” A guy says above me, he’s clad in black with a knife in his hand. I look past him and see Kang-Dae cowering in fear in front of more of those black clad guys and then he’s picked up and taken away.

“So I guess you’ll kill me too?” I ask hesitantly, too tired to be afraid.

“No, just please, take blood from the hospital and not kill humans for it.” He asks and then he too is gone.

That was a year ago and I had ordered blood like he’d asked but this time it failed and I discovered that vampires get hungry very fast. I slowly pick myself up and dispose of the man’s body, then I trudge back to my house and try to go to sleep but I dread the day that is yet to come.

I open my locker and try to ignore another wave of stares. I walk into my class and take my usual seat but I avoid looking at Tao.

“Hello class, I’m happy to announce that today your lunch will be half an hour longer than for today!” The teacher smiles when class is almost over. I sigh, just my luck to suffer even more during the lonely lunch today. The bell rings and I quickly get out of class and get my lunch. Then I run over to the big tree in front of the school where some of the kids hang out. I lean against the tree and start to eat.

“Hey loser, did Tao finally lose interest in you?” Eun-Hee smirks down at me with her two friends (she’s the girl who threw the paper) I don’t answer but glare at her. “I knew it would happen, you’re that type of girl that any guy would lose interest with after a while.” That comment stung. I look away and try to tune her out.

“Eun-Hee, that’s enough.” A steely voice says.

“Oh Tao!” Her voice turns cute, “We were just talking, like girls usually do.” She lies.

“No you weren’t, now leave.” He says. The trio obey and he looks down at me, “For a vampire, you have pretty good temper control.” He sits down in front of me.

“Why didn’t you kill me?” I ask.

“You’re my friend, and you’re different from the rest.” He says.

“How exactly.” I ask.

“You didn’t try to kill me yesterday and you’re eyes turn blue instead of red when you’re in vamp mode.” He says.

“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” I say.

“Why have you never drunk blood straight from someone before?” He asks.

“Because the person who saved me from being killed had known I would become a vampire but he said I should order the blood and that’s what I’ve been doing but yesterday the hospital hadn’t delivered it to me and they won't for a couple of days. So I might have to continue hunting but I can't handle killing someone.” I hang my head, “Yesterday was my first kill.” I stare at the ground.

“When did you turn?” He asks.

“Last year.” I sigh rubbing my neck.

“That’s almost nothing, how have you been able to cope?” He asks.

“Maybe it’s got something to do with my blue eyes.” I shrug.

“Could be, hey was the guy who saved you a Slayer?” He asks and I nod. “Oh.” He trails off.

“What?” I lift my head.

“It’s nothing.” He shakes his head.

“How long have you combed the streets for blood creatures?” I ask.

“A few years.” He says.

“Is that where you got your scars?” I nod to his arm.

“Yeah, where did the idiot that got you bite you?” He asks.

“Where they all do.” I brush my hair back and show him my neck.

“Those were some deep marks.” He says looking almost guilty.

“So I’m guessing I’m like public enemy number one to you now.” I sigh.

“No, more like public enemy number ten thousand and one.” He says and I laugh slightly. “But I’m still wondering how we’re going to keep you fed.” He says.

“Really? You want to give me blood?” I ask surprised.

“Yeah, I can make a few calls and we’ll get you some blood.” He says.

“And how do you get that?” I ask.

“I can get the hospital to believe some story.” He says.

Hey you lovely readers, liking the story so far? Please leave some feedback, the suspense is killing me ;)

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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 8: please update
they know her secret so what's gonna happen next?
and when will Tao ask her out?
Bubblyfany #2
Chapter 8: I like the first one better
diannan #3
Chapter 8: I like the first one better
lucky9606 #4
Chapter 8: first one ^^
lucky9606 #5
Chapter 7: they accepted her that means they don't have to hide no more ^^
Chapter 7: Update soon please!! :3
Chapter 7: o u o yay! she's one with the family--- i mean the house now!
Chapter 6: ; u ; More more juseyyooo~~
Chapter 5: Is Tao gonna be okay?? ; n ; I still want TaoFany~~ <3
Chapter 4: Yay! You updated! Updte more juseyyooo~ <3