That Jerk

Village of Happiness

Jessica POV

I saw Key oppa coming in with a guy. I quickly came out from the kitchen and greeted them. "Annyeong!" I gave them a ninety-degree bow. Key oppa gave me back an enchanting smile and I almost fainted on the spot. "Does here offer that kind of servicce?" The guy asked. "Neh? What service?" I pondered."You know,erm...starts with 's' and end with 'x', yeah" he explained. Key oppa immediately shouted out "Jonghyun! That's sick!" I almost shouted out too. That Jonghyun guy walked towards me and asked "so, is the service available?" I looked at him disgusted and shouted no before running away to the kitchen. Key oppa must be shocked because of my shouting. Tiffany was in the kitchen preparing things. "Ewww...that guy is so sick!" I complained to her. "What sick?" Tiffany asked. "You know, dirty-minded?" Tiffany gave me an understand look. She then passed me a menu and told me to get orders. "But..."

"No buts! Do it or get fired" Tiffany chidded me."Arasso..." I went to the table Key oppa and that Jonghyun jerk settled down on and passed them a menu. "Sica, he's just kidding okay? Don't get shocked" Key oppa calmed me. I looked at the jerk and asked him "what do you want to order?"

"Is there menstruation blood here?" he looked at me and made an order. "Kim Jonghyun!" Key oppa gave him a disgusted look. I immediately ran back to the kitchen in fear. "He wants menstruation blood..." I said as I trembled. "What the..." Tiffany said in disbelief. She pushed me back and warned me to do my job propely again. "What do you want, JERK?" I said the 'JERK' loudly for him. "Do you know I am going to be the governor of this village?" he told me. "What the hell?!" I blurted out.

Jonghyun POV

Ha! She totally freaked out! "I can kick you out of the village, you know?" I winked at her. She stood rooted to the ground looking at me in disbelief. dropped down and I could see her teeth. Hmm...not bad! Shiny and white. "So how? ?" Key slapped me on the head. "Don't scare her! Jessica, just give us two bowls of bibimbap. Ignore him" Jessica quickly went to the kitchen. Jessica...Jessica...Jessica...nice name. "Yah! Do you want me to tell your father that you kept bullying people?" Key threatened me. I could only shook my head. I like to bully girls but I 'm scared of my father, what kind of person is that? Of course its Kim Jonghyun! The food came shortly later. Jessica ran back to the kitchen as fast as she could after serving us. Doesn't she needs to serve other customers? Oh! We are the only customers! Is business that poor? What should I do? I thought all these questions in silence.








How is it! See Jessica, Jonghyun and Key's shocked face. Haha!

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chapter 14 was <3 , so many jongsica ! :DD
pictures pictures!!!!i want some pictures for my story...JOnghyun and Yoona!!!Btw,i like your story!!update the end,Jonghyun will like who?Yoona or Jessica?i hope Yoona because Jonghyun and Yoona is my fav couple!
nerdscandy #4
New subscriber! Hmm when will jongsica start to releaize who they are? :)
I love all the pictures.
juicebox #6
LOL. jessica looks so pretty in the picture. and jonghyun is so hot. (:<br />
i wonder when he'll recognize her. dugeun dugeun!
Tears of Joy!