Yoona's Day?

Village of Happiness


Yoona POV

I was woken up by something outside my window. I opened it and glanced down. “Cockadoodle-doo” Damn you stupid chicken. I return to my sleeping routine but the hard mattress made it impossible. I sat on the bed, recalling the events that happened yesterday. I came here without the knowledge of my parents. “Such a bad girl…” I muttered. I came here for the sake of Jjong oppa. He should be letting me stay with him instead of this hotel. Lucky for him, I’ll forgive him because he came and look for me, though with the help of…Key. I don’t understand, why did he leave me for this stupid place. I mean no air-con, no malls and DAMN THESE MOSQUITOS! My legs are damn itchy now. My beautiful legs. I get up and get to the bathroom. I the tap. Oooh…cool icy water. Maybe this place isn’t this bad. I look at my reflection on the mirror. Here I come…Jonghyun oppa.

I put on my sunglasses and sashay out of the hotel. “Ah, I’m so Fabulous!” I strolled around the village, careful not to get lost in this damned place. I saw a farm nearby and walked to it curiously. I looked at the animals. Oh my gosh! They are so cute! I kept on patting and the head of a white lamb I’m hopelessly attracted to. Oww…how I wish I can keep this lamb. As I walked out of the little farm, I stepped on something. Oh my gosh! It’s cow dung! My Prada shoes! Screw you cows!



I stalked her from the hotel to the farm. Looks like she liked animals. I saw her stepping on the cow dung. Really wanted to go forward and helped her but I know she will refuse me. I need a plan. Since she likes animals...


What happened to JongSica ? Find out in the next chapter...

Sorry for the late update! I promise to update more often!


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chapter 14 was <3 , so many jongsica ! :DD
pictures pictures!!!!i want some pictures for my story...JOnghyun and Yoona!!!Btw,i like your story!!update soon...in the end,Jonghyun will like who?Yoona or Jessica?i hope Yoona because Jonghyun and Yoona is my fav couple!
nerdscandy #4
New subscriber! Hmm when will jongsica start to releaize who they are? :)
I love all the pictures.
juicebox #6
LOL. jessica looks so pretty in the picture. and jonghyun is so hot. (:<br />
i wonder when he'll recognize her. dugeun dugeun!
Tears of Joy!