Chapter 5

What have you done to me ?

*On the way to camping*

Bom couldn’t come with us because her parents want her to shape her grades up. So I am sitting here. TOGETHER WITH HIM AT THE BACK OF THE VAN. I mean I have been trying to avoid him because he is a total jerk, and now here we are stuck together and were going to be in the same camp site! Seriously it’s as if our parents are hooking us up. Maybe that’s the case because his mother is extra nice to me and ask me weird question. I mean why couldn’t he just be like his mother? My brother doesn’t look excited either. He would rather go home and stay in his room and play video games all day. His life sounds so depressing I sometimes try to get him a girlfriend so that he can stop this depressing life. But who am I kidding he’s 15 and a total geek so I stopped trying.

Everyone is laughing and cracking jokes, whereas me and him are the only ones quiet. I put on my headphones and looked out the window admiring nature. I’m not a whole nature fan but this place looks amazing! We finally reached a place where there is one big cabin, the one you see in the movie cabin in the woods. The van stopped and we all get out.

“This is where we are staying?” I said annoyed.

“Yes we are! This cabin must be nearly 20 years old and it’s in the family!” Jiyong father said proudly.

“Looks fun” I said rolling my eyes and picking up my bags.

“Its going to be so much fun being stuck with all of you” Jiyong said looking in my direction. What’s with this guy and being against me that much?

“Oh yea I can’t wait to be stuck here with all of you for 2 days, Exciting!”I said sarcastically looking towards his direction. I’m pretty sure he knew I meant him. Before he could answer back, Jiyong’s mom cut us off.

“Both of you, Stop being so childish!”

“He started it” I said to myself going inside the cabin. It looked exactly like those cabins in horror movies. Great I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to sleep now either.

“So what room is mine mom?” my brother asked.

“Mr.kwon and I are going to take the room here downstairs, and the other room is for Ms Park and Dara and the last one is for the boys” Mrs kwon said.

Great ill be on the same floor as the douche bag.


After we finished unpacking and putting our stuff together, we were told to go to the lake for a “meeting”. This weekend cant get any lamer. I think I should say now that I hate camping. I don’t see why people like it. I mean bugs everywhere and the beds are not even comfortable. On top of that, no normal food either like pizza or burgers.

My family and I went down to go to the lake. Jiyong’s family was already there and his dad looked really excited. He was standing on a big rock as if he was standing on a stage in front of us.

“While we are here, we are going to need a few things.” He started.

“First of all, We need water, wood , and people who can cook ofcoarse!” He said while laughing. I faked a laugh just so that he can stop talking and this day ends fast.

“Now Jiyong and Dara” He pointed at us. Please don’t tell me hes going to team us up for something. “There is a waterfall if you go straight up from there, Both of you take this buckets and get us some water oke?” I knew it. I have to go all the way to the waterfalls, WITH HIM. Things couldn’t get worse. I sighed and he started protesting.

“Cant I go with her brother instead, I like him more.” Jiyong said annoyed.

“It’s not like I want to go with you douche bag” I said rolling my eyes.

“No you can’t I’m going to teach him how to start a fire with woods, now both of you go” Mr Kwon said.

We picked up the buckets and walked into the woods. I think we walked a distance of 2 meters from each other. Better so I don’t have to deal with him. We walked for about an hour, and we still see no waterfalls.

“I think we missed it or smething” I said to Jiyong.

No response. His back still facing me.

“Look I know you don’t like me, and I don’t know why actually but you have to give it in, I think we are lost” I said annoyed.

He finally turned around.

“Yea I think we are lost” he said in a low voice but not looking at me.

“So what are we going to do?” I said.

“I don’t know really, how about we go in that direction we might find something” he said.

“Fine let’s go” I said walking in front of him.

I swear every path looks exactly like the other. There is no way we are going to find our way back.

“Are we walking in circles or what?” Jiyong said.

“Oh dear lord don’t tell me we are never going to find the way back” I said face palming myself.

“It’s getting dark I can’t see anything” Jiyong exclaimed.

“How about we set up a fire? The smoke might be able to show our parents where we are, im pretty sure they are looking for us by now” I said.

“Good idea ill get some wood” Jiyong said.

“Great ill get some rocks” I said.

A few minutes later Jiyong came back with wood and I found some good rocks we can start a fire with.

“So how do you make a fire?” Jiyong looked at me.

“I thought you know how to make a fire” I said surprised.

“I thought you knew” he said annoyed.

“I thought you’re a guy you are supposed to know these kind of stuff!” I said angrily.

“Calm down how the hell would I know how to make a fire?” Jiyong said getting angry too.

“Great now what!” I said standing up trying to calm down.

Jiyong sat down and just looked down. Seriously is this guy any use? He's just going to sit there and look down? I couldn’t be more annoyed. I paced back and forth, but no plan came to my mind. And Jiyong was still sitting there doing nothing.

“Are you really just going to sit there and do nothing?” I said annoyed.

“It’s not like we have a choice and I’m tired of walking around with these buckets” Jiyong said.

I checked my cell phone trying to get a signal but there was no use of that too. What are we going to do. I sat down in front of him and sighed out loud. Guess there is nothing to o then just sit here and do nothing. I am stuck in the woods, with kwon Jiyong.



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wenkie0414 #1
Chapter 13: this chapter i love lol
wenkie0414 #2
Chapter 13: and so i thought it is daragon and why it is all abt jiyong and chaerin lol
Chapter 10: are playing arround with us? i don't see any update!
Erm... is this story being updated?? Why i don't see the update? >.<
belinha1045 #5
Chapter 10: O.o
So sad TT.TT
I really want to know what will happen next !!
I'll be waiting for the next update >.<
nadyagloriana #6
Chapter 8: maybe jiyong girlfriend is preg?
daramiu #7
Chapter 8: Oh.. wow sad :/just wondering who was his girlfriend :o but update soon !!! :)
hernandezjazmine #8
Chapter 6: I am stuck in your story too... O.o
Chapter 6: i think i already read this chapter.... o.oa
Chapter 5: next please