First Meeting

What have you done to me ?


My name is Sandara Park, but everyone just calls me Dara. It was just a normal day like any other day.

Get up from bed, brush my teeth, dress up anf go to school. Pretty much my everyday schedule, except on weekends and holidays.

At that time i was a new kid. In a new school. Previously i lived in Busan, i loved it there. My friends, my family, i have everyone there.

However here i only have my brother and my mother. My father is always on a business trip, so i never get to see him.

My relationship with my mother isnt any better, she just nags at me everyday but its something i can live with.

Moving on, i was just going back home from a long school day, when i noticed people were moving in the house right next to ours.

I walked slowely past the house, the workers were too busy moving the boxes inside and in the right places.

I was hoping someone cool or nice was moving in next to us atleast ill have something to do when i get back from school.

Unfortunatly i did not see the owners of the house. So i just went into my own house, seeing my mom preparing lunch for my brother and I.

I walked up the stairs to my room to change into my PJs, and headed back downstairs joining my brother and my mom for lunch.

We ate there in silence as usual. We never talk while we are eating, i dont really know exactly why.

My family has become distant ever since we moved here 6 months ago. Suprisingly my mom suddenly spoke up to me.

“There are new people moving next to us as you know, how about we pay them a visit to welcome them to our neighbourhood.” “Alright its not a bad idea” i responded.

Well it was a bad idea, but i didnt know that at the time. But i had nothing to do anyways. So after i finished eating my mealand cleaning up the table, i headed upstairs to change my clothes again.

I mean i cant go in my PJs. I headed back downstairs where my mom was taking out a cake from the oven.

We went out of the house seeing that the truck has already finished moving in the boxes and left.

My mom stood infront of the neighbours door and rang the doorbell.

A woman came out and greeting us with a warming smile. My mother responded with a simple hello and welcome to our neighbourhood.

The woman shaked hands with my mother introducing theirselves.”And this is my daughter Sandara.” “Nice to meet you.” I replied. “Please come in.” The woman responded inviting us inside the house.

My mom and i both entered the house seeing boxes everywhere, but suprisingly the kitchen looked like it was almost done.

I handed over the cake to her saying”we baked a cake for you.” She smiled at me and thanking us for our hospitality. “Excuse me just for a second but ill go call my son jiyong so he can meet you.”

She invited us to sit in the kitchen and headed upstairs to get her son. The house looked really pretty. The kitchen was painted in color red and black, and so were the couches in the living room.

I heard footsteps heading down the stairs and looked, seeing a tall, blond haired boy coming downstairs. I couldnt take my eyes off him. He looked so handsome. I felt my heartbeat in my throat while he approached me with a smile. “Hello my name is Kwon Jiyong” he said with a smile. I stared at him for about 5 seconds, and then shook my head ”my name is Sandara” shaking his hand. I felt confused and dazed, i dont know why thought i have never felt this way before.

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wenkie0414 #1
Chapter 13: this chapter i love lol
wenkie0414 #2
Chapter 13: and so i thought it is daragon and why it is all abt jiyong and chaerin lol
Chapter 10: are playing arround with us? i don't see any update!
Erm... is this story being updated?? Why i don't see the update? >.<
belinha1045 #5
Chapter 10: O.o
So sad TT.TT
I really want to know what will happen next !!
I'll be waiting for the next update >.<
nadyagloriana #6
Chapter 8: maybe jiyong girlfriend is preg?
daramiu #7
Chapter 8: Oh.. wow sad :/just wondering who was his girlfriend :o but update soon !!! :)
hernandezjazmine #8
Chapter 6: I am stuck in your story too... O.o
Chapter 6: i think i already read this chapter.... o.oa
Chapter 5: next please