Chapter 8

What have you done to me ?

Chapter 11


“You didn’t mean to? I’m pretty sure you planned this all just to get back at us!” Tiffany said.




Oh yea, I should have mentioned this before, but when Jessica was still alive,  we had a bit of a conflict. However it wouldn’t make me want to kill her.


It all started last year, when Jiyong and I had a small incident. We weren’t a couple back then. I was just in the bathroom when Jiyong rushed inside while scratching his whole body. He kept jumping up and down saying he is having an allergic reaction to something. Instead of helping I started shouting at him for rushing into the girls bathroom, but he threw a cream my direction and asked me to put it on his back and his stomach.


Moving on, while I was applying the cream for shirtless Jiyong he made weird noises and he never kept his mouth shut. I told him to be quiet or someone might hear us thinking in the wrong way. Unfortunately there were people standing outside thinking were doing something wrong. On top of all that, my pant’s button that connected the ends of my pants snapped all of a sudden which made my pants fall a bit. Perfect timing huh?


When we got out everyone was laughing seeing Jiyong shirtless and I’m hanging onto my pants, what would be your first thought? Jessica was always jealous when Jiyong would hang out with me or talk to me, she had a crush on him. So it was the perfect opportunity for her to ruin me, so she spread nasty rumors about me. For example that we do nasty things in the bathroom every day, so every time I entered the bathroom everyone left. This was pretty embarrassing. But seriously it wouldn’t want me to kill her, just punch her in the face.




“C’mon I wouldn’t plan to kill her over something childish as that” I said calmly standing up facing her directly, probably about 10 inches between us. “I don’t know you tell me” Tiffany said annoyed. I rolled my eyes and said “Whatever, I have nothing left to say to you.” I sat back down on my place. “You just wait; I’m going to make you pay for this” Tiffany sad smirking and turning around.


Man, that didn’t sound all too good. I can’t be weak, I must be strong so she will eventually leave me alone, must show them I do not care otherwise I will give them what they want, and I can’t have that.


The teacher finally entered the class and everyone sat on their seat. He started the lesson directly, I tried to focus because I need to shape up my grades. I have been getting B+ for most of my subjects but I want to aim for A+. however, I couldn’t help but think about everyone. What did Tiffany meant with what she said, and what is she going to do with me? One thing for sure, I’m not going to like it for sure. On top of all that, the people who I thought were my best friends aren’t even defending or backing me up, which makes everything worse. Its all because they think they will get bullied too if they stand by me, but then again if they were really my best friends it wouldn’t matter to them. True friends back each other up no matter what.


The bell suddenly rang, and I just realized I have been spacing out the whole lesson. Great, there goes my plan of raising my grades; well at least I'm not failing so it’s fine. I got up and headed for the door, when I noticed Jiyong was waiting for me at the door. Wow that was fast of him.


“How was your class?” Jiyong asked me. “I spaced out the whole lesson for no reason, so it was pretty boring” I said laughing. I don’t know why I didn’t tell him the whole story. I mean he is the only one I can trust right now, but I don’t want him to feel sorry for me. Although I don’t want to face the truth, but this whole problem is something I have to solve, only me. I know Jiyong wants to help me out but I can’t lean on to him or depend on him too much. What if one day he gets enough of me? I can’t have that.


I had two more lessons before lunch, but I decided to skip them. I had no energy for Math and Chemistry. Jiyong insisted to skip with me, but I told him just to go to his classes. It’s his last two years here so he has to study well, he mustn’t focus on other stuff.


I went to sit in the school field, resting my head against a tree. I watched the soccer team practice, and slowly drifted to sleep. I haven’t slept in a while because of the whole thing, which is pretty weird because my hobby is pretty much sleeping all day.


“Chae wake up” I heard someone say. I slowly opened my eyes expecting to see Ji, but instead it was Tiffany. “What do you want” I said annoyed. “Oh I’m sorry I thought you might be a little bit hungry so I got you food” Tiffany said. I lifted my eyebrow and looked at her suspiciously. “Here you go” she said and pouring her soup all over my hair and started to laugh. Her friends started laughing behind her. I knew she was up to something! I stood up and tried cleaning myself up. “Oh sorry did that fall all over you? Here is some juice it might help you clean up” she said and throwing the juice all over my t-shirt. “Seriously? Get the hell out of my face” I screamed and ran towards the bathroom.


I got into the bathroom and tried to wash the soup out my hair. I don’t have an extra shirt, what am I going to wear? I took a few tissues and wiped the juice on my t-shirt, but it smelled awful and it was all wet. Suddenly I remembered I had my gym clothes in my locker. I hurried to my locker and got out my gym clothes, and headed back to the bathroom.


When I finished wearing my gym clothes, I got out of my stall. I looked into the mirror; I tried hard to hold back my tears. What have I done to get to a point like this, I never expected my life to turn around like that. It feels like it has been years since I was happy, while it was only a month ago. I had all my friends, had fun every day, and Jiyong. Jiyong was happy too, but now all I see is pity in his eyes. I ruined even him, what have I done?


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wenkie0414 #1
Chapter 13: this chapter i love lol
wenkie0414 #2
Chapter 13: and so i thought it is daragon and why it is all abt jiyong and chaerin lol
Chapter 10: are playing arround with us? i don't see any update!
Erm... is this story being updated?? Why i don't see the update? >.<
belinha1045 #5
Chapter 10: O.o
So sad TT.TT
I really want to know what will happen next !!
I'll be waiting for the next update >.<
nadyagloriana #6
Chapter 8: maybe jiyong girlfriend is preg?
daramiu #7
Chapter 8: Oh.. wow sad :/just wondering who was his girlfriend :o but update soon !!! :)
hernandezjazmine #8
Chapter 6: I am stuck in your story too... O.o
Chapter 6: i think i already read this chapter.... o.oa
Chapter 5: next please