
We Have Been Brave

Leo was distracted. In the locker at the room, he almost tried to open a locker that wasn’t his multiple times. Xiumin and Luhan gave him worried looks.
Something was up.
The silent lion looked down at Hongbin’s bag he had taken along. Where was he? He wasn’t outside the school and calling him wasn’t an option.

As the practice started, he was so out of it, he missed several balls and couldn’t hit them properly either. “Leo…” Luhan came up to him, looking worried, “Want to take a break?”
The other blinked as if waking from a trance, slowly processing what had just been said to him, he nodded. With that Luhan gently guided him to the side, whilst Xiumin as if on cue went to talk to Minho to excuse them.
Slowly, Leo was lead and sat down on the bench, Luhan to his one side. The other player placed a hand on his forehead, “No fever…” Xiumin joined them shortly afterwards.
The usually chirpy pair wore grave faces, this was something serious.
“What happened …?” Xiumin asked, taking one of Leo’s hands. He was shocked as the other made no effort to take it back; usually Leo was very clear that he didn’t want to be touched.
Luhan saw this too and put a hand on the younger’s shoulder, “Did something happen between you and Hongbin?”
This definitely caused a reaction; the striker flinched and turned to his fellow player. “How … do you know of Hongbin?” he stuttered, a bit dazed. “Know of Hongbin? If you haven’t noticed, he accompanies you to almost all practices and been to every one of your matches, it is a bit obvious!” Xiumin took over, “Anyway we know a bit about these kinds of things.”
If Leo had been looking up he would have seen the loving look Xiumin gave Luhan across from him.
“What happened!” the younger of the two demanded.
And then it just spilled, it was too much for Leo. He told them everything from the kiss in the cafeteria to the principle finding out and about Hongbin’s disappearance.
“What a load of beeswax!” Luhan exclaimed, “Hongbin attacking him? Hongbin saying your kiss was a joke?! Look here Leo, we know Hongbin, we know the look he gives you, we know the way he takes care of you! Such a person would never do such a thing!” Xiumin had to reach out at take the other’s hand to calm him down.
“It is unthinkable, not letting you go just because you are a gay couple! Who does he think he is?” Xiumin spoke in a softer tone but the rage in his voice was clear.
“Well… the thing is … the party… isn’t a big deal… but if he were to tell the coach… I could lose my football place… “ Leo whispered, his voice threatening to fail him.
The other two looked at one another; they knew how much football meant to the silent lion.

“If he tells the coach what?” a new voice made the three freeze in shock. Leo felt his blood turn to ice as he met the gaze of Minho, standing but a few meters away…

…within hearing distance.
“That you’re gay? Well you should give it up, you and angel face make is pretty damn obvious. How could you even sit there? That party of yours, is gay free right?? That director of yours I think I will have a word with him! Not telling me you’re gay! See what he had to say about his star footballer now!” The tall man spun on his heel and stalked off, leaving the three still rooted to their spot.
This is it.
It is over.

Leo’s world was crashing down on him. This is what he had been avoiding. This attention, this treatment. If only he had kept his head down, he would still have his quiet life back. No excitement.

“YA JUNG TAEKWOON!” oh, it was N. What was he doing here? Leo thought. Without a word the silver hair took Leo into his arms. On a usual day this would mean a major beating if not death for the older one. But today was not a usual day.
N wasn’t Leo’s childhood friend for nothing.

“Ya, Jung Taekwoon. Look at you, face grimmer than usual, what is this? Who died?” N spoke, not giving the other to respond due to his face being buried in his shirt, “Don’t you dare look so grim, okay? I saw Hongbin leave the school and spoke to Ms Bin. I know everything. Don’t you dare fall into your little hole of sadness. I will not let it, and I know someone with a great smile who will definitely fight for you no matter what! So raise your head and let’s go, okay?”

And sitting there, tucked in the embrace of N, Leo was grateful, this loud and annoying hyung.
His thoughts had gotten dark… but who was that going to help?
Not him.
This hyung.

After a few minutes, N asked softly, “You ready to go?” Leo nodded.
During that time Xiumin and Luhan had taken the chance to get all of Leo’s stuff and bought it back to the bench. The silver haired thanked them quietly as he got up taking Leo by his one are and the bags in the other and steering them all towards the exit.

“The things I do for you!” He stuck his tongue out at Leo.
They reached N’s house, which was closer and the older sat him down in the living room.
“You can change in here! I’ll be right back! “ and with that the other left. Leo however stayed seated, the urge to change didn’t tempt him, and he needed to sort his thoughts. At that moment he heard N, he sounded like he was on the phone.
“Did you find him?

…. Well I found Leo! I am glad I did… he looks bad…
… Well I tried calling Hyuk, nothing. Ken hasn’t seen either of them!
What are we to do?

Ravi, I’m worried…

Thank you…

… Yes, I love you too. Call if you find him!”
He then heard the other shuffle around in the kitchen and return with water.

“Do you know where Bin is?” Leo asked immediately, the other sighed. “I wish, my dear… at the moment… no clue. Ravi is out looking for him… maybe we will hear from him soon. And you’re staying for dinner! We can wait together! Keep an eye on you!” N managed a smile, trying to encourage the other.

“Let’s hope for the best…”

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Chapter 9: it's really great story.. i hope you'll update it..
Angel-princess #2
Chapter 9: Plz update soon. This is one of the best high school AUs I have read.❤️
yeojayeoja #3
Chapter 9: update update update plizz???
LuvMiMusic92 #4
Chapter 9: I really like this story. It's light yet still dynamic and I feel like you capture Leo's personality quite well. But this cliffhanger is killing me! I need to knowwwwww!!!!! (´Д` )
Chapter 9: Oh am gee~~~!!! I tots hate the director!!!!!!! Hwaiting LeoBin, and author nim
Chapter 8: Death by blankets! XD
Chapter 8: So ing sweet!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥╮(╯3╰)╭(*@o@*)(*@o@*)(*@o@*)♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 7: Find him soon!! I ing hate that directyor even if he aint real
Chapter 7: You are on a roll today. This isn't going very well at all..... I am going to punch the director in the face....HARD.
Chapter 6: How dre that dude do that and tell an awful lie!