
Warm Tea For a Frozen Heart


Joy sighed. "You bursted out on him like that and now you're feeling miserable?"

"Shut up and let me wallow in self pity, okay?" Janelle buried herself onto the crook of her arms over the table they were in. "I can't believe I told him that."

"He deserved it. I mean, I get it, he's cold-hearted because he's been hurt before. But couldn't he see that you were different? He was the one who wanted to try things out, but then he kept his distance. And you were a fool enough over him that you let him do whatever he wants. I'd say it was high time for you to let go of your long time crush and think about yourself."

"But I really like him. And for a long time too." Janelle sighed. "You should have seen his face when I told him those words. He looked like a chastised child that I wanted to just hug him and say sorry."

"He won't even apologize for the simplest of things. It was just right that you had given him a doze of his own medicine. After everything you've given up just to follow him to this university? I mean, you ditched Harvard just to see him everyday!"

"Please stop with the Harvard thing again!" Janelle growled.

"You were accepted to Harvard?!"

They both looked up only to see Sehun, his eyes wide and jaw hanging.

"Wow." Joy said sarcastically. "I never thought I'd live to see the day that you will be the one to drool over her and not the other way around."

Janelle nudged Joy disapprovingly. "Shut it."

"What? I'm telling the truth!" Joy pouted, getting up from her seat seeing that Sehun would need to talk to Janelle alone. "Don't do anything stupid, Oh Sehun. I'll just be around the corner and I won't hesitate to break every bone in your body if you hurt her."

Janelle shook her head as Joy left. She gave Sehun a look, "Uh, sorry about Joy, she tends to be violent once in a while but she's good. Erm... did you need something?"

Sehun scratched the back of his neck, walking forwards until he was standing across Janelle, the table between them. "I.. uh... I'm here to apologize."

Janelle frowned, "Apologize?"

"Yeah..." Sehun takes in a deep breath. "What you said was right... it was unfair of me to keep you in a distance yet want you by my side always. I... I'm sorry."


"I didn't know how to act around you. People... they wanted to get close to me because of who I am. No one really bothered to know the real me. Not for a long time... until you." a small smile appeared on Sehun's lips, "You were the first one to actually try and crack up the barrier I've put around myself. I knew you were a troublesome brat ever since that first day of tutorials. And I wasn't wrong. You really did give me a lot of trouble."

"I'm sorry." Janelle replied meekly, not really knowing what to say as she remembers that first outburst she ever had on Sehun.

"No... actually... thank you, Janelle." Sehun says, "Thank you for making me see that I can't stay clammed up forever. Thanks for forcing me out of my shell. For making me see that even if I am scared of opening up again, it's okay. Because there are people who are going to help me through it. Thank you for showing me that I am not alone. And most of all, thank you for not giving up on me."

Janelle is speechless. She had never expected for Sehun to say those words. But here he was, surprising her once again. Now she understands why she was so drawn to that boy who never smiled, that boy who seemed to be so cool and cold yet charming at the same time. Now she understand why she wanted desperately to get close to him. It's because she knew deep inside that she wants to be the one to put a smile on those lips, and make that gloomy face shine bright like the sun because he deserves it and a smile suits him best.

"So... if you would be patient for a little longer..." Sehun continued, walking closer to the table and putting a familiar thing on top of it. "If you could wait a little more, I promise you, I'd try to live up to the perfect Oh Sehun you pictured."

Janelle looked at the bottled tea on top of the table, silent for a few minutes before reaching out and picking it up. "You're so silly, Sehun." she says. "All your flaws makes you perfect for me. You don't have to change."

"But I want to." Sehun insisted. "For you. Janelle... I want to be... your Oh Sehun."

Now, Janelle could never say no to that.



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jessi828 #1
Chapter 9: so sweet of you sehun....
Ah, this was so sweet, i really liked it! Thanks for sharing this story with us☺️
fani_19 #4
I really like the way you write!! This story is amazingggggggg!!!!!
Chapter 10: Cuuuuteee~~