One More Chance

Warm Tea For a Frozen Heart


"I don't know if I should congratulate you for finally standing up to his ridiculous tutorial scheme, even if you drool over him everyday, or slap you silly since you really need to pass that subject to get sir off your back." Joy shakes her head as they buy themselves something to eat.

"Please don't nag. Just help me find someone to take his place." Janelle sighed, scanning the food in front of her but not really up to buying anything since she's got no appetite. Ever since her little outburst on Sehun, nothing really excites her much.

"I'd say Tao. Apparently he passed Sir Pasas with flying colors."

"Anyone but him. Anyone but Kim Jongdae's circle of friends."

"Why are you so against them? I mean, I get it that they used to make fun of us in high school but we were kids then. Kris wasn't that bad. Or Lay. Even that loony Luhan. They were cool."

"Uh-huh. Then again, Kris left for Canada, and Lay only likes you because you both were on the dance club. He doesn't know me. Luhan... even if he attends this school, I'm not sure if he'd be of any help either. He's a little... loose on the head."

Joy let out a frustrated sigh, dragging Janelle to an empty table and sat her down. "If Minseok-sunbae was here, we could have asked for his help. He was the only other one that was likable. Well, at least for you."

"Yeah. Too bad he went to another school. Ugh! Is there anyone who could help me?!" Janelle all but slumped on the table.

Suddenly, someone sat beside her, startling her. 

It's Kim Jongin. Or Kai. The resident social butterfly.

"I can help."

Janelle's surprise turned cold, "And do what? Strip dance your way to my teacher and ask him to give me a passing grade? I'd like to see that."

"Yah! Don't you at least have a little trust on me? Sehun's not the only one who knows things, you know." Kai pouted.

"I'm sure you know things alright." Janelle replied with a tone of dismissal, going back to slumping on the table. "I'm sure though that it's not something that can help me."

"Why are you even here?" Joy asked, "Do you even know us?"

Even if Kai had been one of the most popular kids in high school and had befriended a lot of people, Joy doesn't think he knows who they were since she can't recall ever talking to the guy, not even once.

"Of course I do! Chen knows you. His cousin Chanyeol is a close friend of mine. And then this girl here, Sehun tutors her." Kai replies proudly.

"That doesn't even mean anything." Joy deadpanned. "If it does, then what is my name? Or hers? she deadpanned, letting out a scoff when Kai opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.

"Her name is Janelle." a low baritone voice answered, startling the three on the table. "Now, Kai, let's go. We still have a class."

"Yah! How could you, Oh Sehun?!" Kai stood up and pointed an accusing finger at the other boy, "I'm here lobbying for you and this is how you treat me?"

Janelle blinks at Sehun's passive face, seeing the slight change of color on his cheeks and the small tick on his left eye just because she was paying too much attention.

"Shut up and let's go." Sehun grumbles, giving Janelle a flitting look before leaving.

Kai sighs. "Such a cold-hearted brat. And really stubborn too." then he turned to Janelle once more, sliding a familiar bottle of tea towards her. "Don't skip on your tutorials, okay? Sehun bought that but you should know that he really doesn't know how to apologize. Might cause for the ice in his heart to melt or something." he chuckles at his own joke before leaving the table with a small wave. "The tutorials are still at the same time. See you around!"

Janelle and Joy were silent for a minute, just looking at where Kai had disappeared into with lost expressions.

"What does he mean the tutorials are still at the same time? There's no tutorials aymore." Janelle frowned.

"How should I know? It's Kim Jongin, half playboy, part lunatic. You're the bright one, go figure." Joy replies cheekily.

"You're no help."

"Who said I wanted to help?"

"You're supposed to be my friend."

Joy sighs. "Look, Ja, just go check it out. If Kai was being an and was just playing around, at least the library is a good place to study. Whatever happens, you've got nothing to lose. We can beat him up later anyways if he was just trolling around."

Janelle sighs, seeing Joy's point. She really has got nothing to lose if she went to the library at the usual tutorial time.


So it's a really huge surprise when she sees a familiar figure sitting at the usual table where she gets tutorials. Her heart pounds inside her chest but she ignores it and walked over... only to chicken out in the last second and took a seat on the table next to it.

She sighed inwardly, chastising herself for feeling foolish. Of course Oh Sehun would not come here to tutor her! Not after what she had done! He might have just liked that  table that's why he was there. It doesn't mean anything at all.

"Why are you on this table? Didn't you see me?" 

She looked up, shocked to say the least. 

It's Sehun, looking down at her with a small frown.

"W--what?" she can only say dumbly.

Sehun just let out a small sigh, taking his usual seat across Janelle. He took out his laptop as usual and a worksheet. He hesitated for a bit, looking at the piece of paper and then at Janelle, back and forth for a few times. Then he stood up, Janelle gulps a little, not really knowing what to expect since she's still at a loss of what to make of the situation.

Sehun sat beside her, handing her the worksheet.

She's in total shock now. Oh Sehun is sitting beside her! Her greatest crush is sitting mere inches from her!! She can almost feel the warmth coming from him, could see that almost unnoticeable mole on his left cheek, could almost touch that fair skin, and wow he's even fairer that her it's so unfair. (what? O_o)

"Are you even listening to a word I've just said?" Sehun sighed.

Janelle could feel the heat on her face, blushing madly for being caught staring. "I'm sorry."

Sehun let out another sigh. He gestured towards the worksheet again and give instructions. "I'll check your progress from time to time... and if you have questions... just ask."

Janelle went back to gaping once again, thinking that it's a dream. 

"Close your mouth and do the activity before our time is up." Sehun said, eyes on his own laptop.

"S-sorry." Janelle mentally face-palmed, turning to do what Sehun had asked. Really, she needs to control her inner fangirl and stop humiliating herself in front of Sehun.

She missed the small amused smile that made Sehun's lips twitch slightly.

The next couple of hours passed with Sehun patiently correcting Janelles mistakes, telling her numerous shortcut keys she never bothered paying attention to, let alone use, and telling her to stop sighing because it's so loud and they are still inside the library.

"Your typing is so biblical." Sehun pointed out as they started gathering their things.

"Uh-huh... whatever that means." Janelle grumbles, brain still in a jumble after the rigorous session.

"It means..." Sehun started pressing keys on Janelle's laptop which was still open, his motions exageratedly slow. "Seek and you shall find. You are so slow in typing."

Janelle pouts, snatching the laptop away and tucking it into her bag, "Ha ha. You made a joke! Congratulations!" she replied drily.

Sehun, Janelle had found out even after just a few hours, is just like every other student out there. Of course she still has a huge crush on him that puts him on a different level above everyone else, but she still managed to peer behind that cold mask he always wear. Oh Sehun is almost as snarky as Joy in her better days, though Janelle couldn't help but notice that Sehun tend to put his emotions on a tight leash. Whenever he says something that Janelle finds amusing, he would clam up for a few seconds and then go back to being silent again.

Sehun's lips twitch a little at Janelle's reaction to the teasing, and of course Janelle noticed. But she chose not to call him out on it, knowing that he might just clam up again. She fished out a bottle of tea from her bag and put it in front of Sehun.

"And because you discovered how to crack a joke, as lame as it was, this is your reward." she said before turning to leave, "See you, tutor."

She grins giddily, mentally patting herself on the back for acting calm and collected, and for not embarrassing herself in front of Sehun for once.

Then she promptly tripped over air, letting out a loud yelp as she staggered not to fall.

In the silence of the library, Sehun's snicker rang clearly. Janelle promptly turned red on the face. She hurriedly got out of the library cursing under her breath. Just as she thought she was over that part where she makes a fool of herself in front of Sehun, the freaking elements conspire against her.

If she had only looked back even just a bit and paid too much attention like she always does, she would have seen the amused smile on Sehun's lips that was bigger than the last time.



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jessi828 #1
Chapter 9: so sweet of you sehun....
Ah, this was so sweet, i really liked it! Thanks for sharing this story with us☺️
fani_19 #4
I really like the way you write!! This story is amazingggggggg!!!!!
Chapter 10: Cuuuuteee~~