Tutor No More

Warm Tea For a Frozen Heart


Janelle and Joy went out of the classroom first, their other classmates lagging behind as they still were gathering their things.

"Yah, you!" Sir Pasas called in that haughty mocking tone of his, "Why are you out? I haven't told you to get out yet!"

Janelle, who was unfortunate enough to be the only one the teacher had seen through the door, gulped nervously. Joy was on the other side of the door, practically hidden from view so the teaceher beckoned only Janelle back inside with that sinister smirk of his again.

"Clean the floor." Teacher Raisins shoved a broom towards Janelle. "I haven't even told you to get out yet."

Janelle's other classmates, being the insolent brats they were, snickered and gave Janelle teasing grins as she grudgingly sweeps the floor.

"Clean properly. I still can see trash on that corner!" the teacher clucked his tongue. "Why are you so in a hurry to get out anyways? It's still too early to meet your boyfriend and go sasshaying yourselves in public."

"I still have that tutorial sessions, sir." Janelle grumbles, annoyed.

"Tutorials? Ah, right. The tutorials. How long has it been since you started? Two weeks? Yet you've showed no progress. Elemetary kids can do better! Yah! Stop sweeping the trash back and forth! You're just creating a bigger mess!"

Janelle managed to stop herself from flinging the broom at her teacher's face. She really felt wronged. She's trying diligently, but the tutorials are not helping even just a bit. She wants to scream at her teacher that it wasn't her fault that the lessons are so vague, whether it be during actual classses or tutorials.

Needless to say, when she went to the tutorials that happens twice a week at the library, she was a little late and her patience with anything was at at it's limit. 

"You're late." was the first thing Sehun had said when Janelle went to their usual table.

"It's not as if you haven't just arrived either." Janelle grumbled, fishing out her laptop. "It's a miracle if you ever arrive ten minutes late."

She doesn't see how Sehun's eyes widened at her retort. Aparently, he's not used to someone calling him out on his bad habits except for his friends. Janelle sighs, opening up her laptop and finding it low on battery. And to top it all, she doesn't have her charger.

"Do this activity. I'll check it after an hour." Sehun handed over a sheet of paper, as per usual.

"I can't." Janelle replies weakly. She doesn't feel up to doing mundane tasks and following instructions again. It's not helping and it's a wonder how she only realize this now when she's so tired and drained. Maybe it's because she wasn't hyped enough to fan girl over Sehun; oh if Joy hears this she would have a field day.

"What?" Sehun tilts his head to the side, looking at Janelle as if asking if he had heard her wrong.

Janelle had the sudden urge to yell at Sehun, but she held herself. She likes him after all, "I can't. I don't have my charger and the battery is low. Can we reschedule or something?"

Sehun gives Janelle that signature bored look. "You know we would have a tutorials today. You should have made sure to prepare and not waste any of our time."

With that, Janelle couldn't help but scoff, having had enough of everybody nagging her. "You've got the guts telling me about wasting someone's time."


"I didn't use a foreign language, did I? Stop asking what!" Janelle hissed. "You always come 15 minutes late. You don't actually teach me anything at all, instead you make me do activities without even explaining a thing, and you expect me to learn?!" she bursts out. "All you do is stare at your computer the whole time while I rattle my brain what to do and how to finish every freaking activity you give me when you're supposed to teach me how to! And now you're nagging me about wasting someone's time?! Honestly?"

Sehun gapes for moment, the cold look on his face breaking. Then he managed to compose himself back to that someone who is so bored with life. "If you weren't satisfied, then you should have told me, or asked for another tutor. We could have spared each other--" 

"Yeah, you're right. I should have." Janelle cut in. She started gathering her things, "I don't know why I put up with all this nonsense. Just because I actually like you and I thought... ugh, I don't even know what I was thinking." she mumbled to herself.

"I still can hear you, you know." Sehun pointed out.

Janelle stops, looking at Sehun, "At this point in time, I don't actually care." she deadpanned. She continued gathering her things, making sure she left nothing behind. Then she saw the tea she had bought earlier that day, which apparently was for her tutor since she always bought one to show her appreciation for his efforts. She fished it out of her bag and place it on the table. "Here. Thanks for wasting your time on me this past two weeks. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

Then she left, knowing that she'll never have another chance at getting close with Sehun, not with what she had done.



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jessi828 #1
Chapter 9: so sweet of you sehun....
Ah, this was so sweet, i really liked it! Thanks for sharing this story with us☺️
fani_19 #4
I really like the way you write!! This story is amazingggggggg!!!!!
Chapter 10: Cuuuuteee~~