Oh Sehun

Warm Tea For a Frozen Heart

"So, little miss heartbreaker, how did Huang Zitao took the rejection? Though I shouldn't have asked since the kid was near tears if I hadn't saved him from you, but still, humor me." Joy teases as they left Chen's party.

Janelle scoffs. "Oh please, Tao cries even when there's nothing to cry about. The kid is practically a baby."

"Is that why you dumped him?"

"Partly. But not really. He's got his good points, don't ever tell anyone I said that!, but whichever angle you see it, we just don't click that way. It would trying to fit a jigsaw puzzle into the wrong slot."

"And who would be the one to fit right into the jigsaw puzzle that is you, Janelle?"

Janelle's giddy smile made Joy scoff. "Do you really have to ask?"

This time, Joy rolled her eyes blatantly. "You do know that Oh Sehun is 4D. There is a reason why the kid has only a number of friends."

"It's not his fault that he's too good-looking and cool that other people find it hard to approach him." Janelle defended. "If you just give him that chance to open up to you, you'd see that he's really kind."

"If people are avoiding him, then there must be something wrong with him, not the other people." Joy insisted. "Look, Ja, you're my friend, and I want you to be happy. But I won't let you go do something that might hurt you. You like Oh Sehun so much, I get it. But you--"

"Hey, aren't you going out with Chen? He's not the brightest bulb in the Christmas tree either, not to mention that Sehun is way a better choice than him." Janelle scoffs, not even bothering to hide her annoyance at being questioned for her choice, especially that it involes Sehun.

"I--it... Chen is different okay?" Joy sputtered before sighing because Janelle made it clear that she was having none of Joy's nags about Sehun. "Look, I just want you not to rush things off. You've like Sehun since... forever. I don't want you to get disappointed or worse, get hurt."

Janelle looked at Joy, "I'll be fine. Don't worry too much. Sehun, you should give him a chance. You have asked me the same for Chen. Now I'm asking you this."

Joy could only sigh in resignation.


Should we start from the beginning? (Or somewhere near that time... ^^,)

Janelle had started 'drooling' over Sehun when she was a freshman high school student. Oh Sehun was her senior by a school year, a sophomopre that time. He was one of the famous students at school, being one of the top students of his class, rich, polite to whoever approaches, and not to mention one of the good-looking populace on campus, if not the whole city (in Janelle's point of view anyways). He's handsome in a cute kind of way, and even if he's got that funny lisp, Janelle was still smitten by him. Not even how aloof and detached he seemed to the world had dettered Janelle from liking him, as was the trend that time since almost a third of the female student body was swept off their feet by Oh Sehun.

Janelle was a little heartbroken when Sehun graduated but that was only for a year because she managed to make it to Sehun's university, albeit they had different majors. Joy made it too, and she had jokingly said in passing more than once how stupid Janelle was to refuse the offer of a much better university just because she wanted to be around Sehun. 'You're ditching Harvard for the guy who looks more like a girl than you. That's the stupidest thing in history.', Joy once said, but of course Janelle had ignored her.

But like most of stories out there about puppy loves and teenage crushes, Sehun lives everyday oblivious to the wide smiles, longing stares and dreamy sighs Janelle gives him. Janelle never really minded, knowing that getting close to Sehun is hard especially with his almost cold attitude towards almost everyone but his closest friends. It's not that he's unfriendly, it's just like the people around him tends to put him on a pedestal that makes  it as if he's some kind of unreachble and untouchable person, apparently people's opinion is strong enough to single others out, be they rich, popular, or not. This is true with his other friends too but it seemed like they coped better than him, thus his lack of a bigger social circle of friends unlike his other peers; take Jongin for example who might have the whole school on his phonebook.

Fate though has a different plan in mind. Janelle was on her sophomore year college as a language student, school is fairly hard especially with nagging teachers and difficult lessons. She might not be the brightest student, but Janelle prided herself with her high grades and good class performance. Well... not in all classes.

She's not failing, but she definitely needs help in her computer class. There's something about shortcut keys, excel formulas and desktop publishing that is making her life a living burden. She just couldn't understand it, and the way the teacher was always jeering at the students, his mockery and overall teaching technique, it grates at Janelle's inner calm spirit the wrong way.

When the said teacher had found the 'best option to salvage your disappointing grades because kids playing DOTA know how to do this simple thing without sweat and you say you're a college student?', Janelle didn't know if she should be thankful or not. She definitely doesn't like the teacher who she had nicknamed Sir Pasas (note: pasas - raisins) because he's a lot darker than most, and round, really round, like circle round, but she definitely like the tutor he had assigned her. 

Why not when it's Oh Sehun himself?

Janelle could still remember that first tutorial session. She was hyped up and nervous at the same time; never had she imagined actually talking to Oh Sehun in person, much less actually spending a certain amount of time with him. She couldn't help but fidget and fiddle with the littlest of things, fixing her hair even it was as smooth as it could be, and praying to every deity she knows that she won't make a fool of herself in front of the only guy she had deemed as someone worth wasting her time with.

They met up inside the library, as most tutorial sessions do, Janelle being five minutes early, meaning she had to wait for 20 minutes because her tutor was 15 minutes late. Said tutor didn't offer even an explanation, or at least an apology, of him being late. He had just slumped on the seat across the table where Janelle had been doing an assigment, and said an almost silent 'hi' before fishing out his own laptop and gesturing for Janelle to open up her own.

Now, Janelle knows that Sehun is not known for being a man of words, but it was a little disconcerting when all she heard from him on that first tutorial session was 'Do this sheet and I'll check it after.' and then let her proceed in the task, checking it an hour later. The second sentence she got out of Sehun was a little longer, though not that much, 'You forgot to use the proper formulas. Memorize the basic by next session.'

And then that was it. If Janelle was on her right mind, she would have sued this kind of tutor. Then again, she was not on her right mind because she was so caught up in how low and cool and smooth Sehun's voice was that she just nodded absentmindedly as Sehun left the table, the session being over for the day.

Later that day as she tries to finish up homeworks, she realized that she had learned nothing at all from Sehun's hour and a half tutorial, if one could call it that. She made a mental note to tell Sehun that his way of teaching is not effective on her, that is if she didn't end up mesmerized to silence in the next session.




It's their fifth tutorials and yet Janelle could count on one hand the times Sehun actually give her instructions about what to do on her computer.


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 9: so sweet of you sehun....
Ah, this was so sweet, i really liked it! Thanks for sharing this story with us☺️
fani_19 #4
I really like the way you write!! This story is amazingggggggg!!!!!
Chapter 10: Cuuuuteee~~