Another Fight

Warm Tea For a Frozen Heart


Now let's go back to what happened after Chen's party... which  is like saying let's go back to the future... or present... whatever. This is what happened after the first part of the story before we ever went back to Janelle's past--- psh! I'm getting out of track...  XP

Janelle stares at the clock, then back to her laptop. He's late. It's not surprising that he is, but today, he's a little bit later than usual. And besides, he was late the last time. He shouldn't be late this time since he had taken to being late on their 'hangouts' on alternate basis.

And then he arrived, going straight for the chair across the table. Just like always.

"You're late."

"Uhm." Sehun acknowledged with a hum. "Jongin took so long at the dance studio."

"And...?" Janelle prodded.

Sehun just quirked his eyebrows, seeming lost, "And... I got out late as well?"

Janelle sighed. Ever since she and Sehun had started this 'hangout' thing, she had discovered many of Sehun's not so likable habits and manners, and even his attitude. She can't believe that she had been blinded to this kind of Sehun for years but then she had never felt closer to him. Therefore, knowing that Sehun only showed this side of him to people he feels confortable with, she promised herself that she'd at least try to change him for the better, even just a bit.

"Would it hurt you to say sorry?" she sighed.

Sehun frowned. "Sorry? For what?"

"I don't know. Maybe for being late?"

"Kai got me late."

"Of course! It wasn't your fault! It was somebody else's!" she grumbled.

"Because it is. Why are you nagging like this? You didn't mind--"

"What if I say I do mind? If you would just be sensitive enough, you would have felt that I do mind. I do mind waiting for you half the time, not even hearing a reasonable explanation as to why I had to sit and wait like a dormat."

"I always tell you why I get late." Sehun retorted. "Have you had a fight with Joy again? Why do I have be dragged into your foul mood?"

"Don't put it on somebody else's tab, Sehun. We are talking about your inability to apologize properly. Would it kill you to ask an apology for as simple as being late? Other people would say sorry for the sake of being sorry, or feeling sorry. Why can't you do that?"

"Can we stop the lecture?"

Janelle let out a sigh. "Fine." then she started gathering her things, not up to spending the whole lunch time with Sehun.

"Where are you going?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm leaving."

"W-what?! Why?" Sehun stood from his seat too and followed Janelle.  "Hey, Janelle! Wait up!"

"Leave me alone, okay? I don't want to talk right now!" Janelle hissed.

"Well, I want to. Why are you suddenly acting so strange?"

"Can't I act strange? Is it always you that I have to understand? Can't I, for once, act snobbish and self-centered too?"

"I do not act snobbish! And I definitely am not self-centered!" Sehun retorted. 

"You're right! You are neither." Janelle nodded, walking as fast as she, just to put distance between her ad Sehun but failing miserably because his legs are so freaking long that her three step is just one for him. "You are just so cold-hearted that you don't care of what peope around you feel!"

"What!? Where did that even come from?"

"It came from the years I've made a fool of myself because of you! Because I like you so much I was willing to overlook every little flaw you had! Because you were my perfect Oh Sehun! You don't know how happy I was when I finally had the chance to be with you, even if you didn't look my way. Even if we just had two hours twice a week where we can be together, I was happy with that! And I was even happier when you actually noticed me! That was one of the best days of my life!" she stopped abruptly, turning to face Sehun, "But damn it, Sehun, I'm only human. I run out of patience too! I do get hurt. And I do feel insulted when you won't even try for me."

"You're getting an outburst because I didn't say sorry?" Sehun gawped a little at Janelle. "Isn't that a little too much?"

Janelle could cry in frustration. But she stopped herself, "Sehun..." she shook her head. "I am not upset because you woulnd't say sorry. I am upset... because even if you wanted to be with me, you still kept your distance. I'm not saying that you should tell me everything... all I'm asking is for you to open up to me. Let me in. Even just a bit. I'd be happy with that. But you won't. So..." this time, tears ran down her face. "So let's just stop this, okay? It's all nonsense anyways."

Then she ran away.

Sehun was at a loss.  "What the hell did I just do?"


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 9: so sweet of you sehun....
Ah, this was so sweet, i really liked it! Thanks for sharing this story with us☺️
fani_19 #4
I really like the way you write!! This story is amazingggggggg!!!!!
Chapter 10: Cuuuuteee~~