Making Up

Warm Tea For a Frozen Heart


Janelle was still in a haze of confusing thoughts about Sehun, not that she wasn't always ever since freshman year in high school. What happened that Friday lunchbreak kept on replying inside her head, and she doesn't really know what to make of it.

Sehun didn't bother approaching her again, not that she expects him too, really. But it would be good for her sanity if he would at least give a hint of what his words had meant.

Nevertheless, she let herself cast aside her worries for a night, agreeing with Joy to go to Chen's party. Suho had invited her anyways and it would be rude to refuse her tutor. And the night wasn't bad at all. 

Joy would leave Janelle now and again to go mingle with some friends since Janelle was not in the mood to do so, still caught up in her own thoughts about Sehun. 

Suho on the other hand, decided to stick with her, claiming that although he knew almost all of the people at the party, keeping up with them is harder than usual because of stress coming from piling schoolwork. He said he'd rather sit with Janelle and talk than tire himself out walking around. Besides, when someone wanted to talk to them, they come and approach, so the two of them didn't really have to get up from their seat.

It was all going good, until Janelle excused herself to go get a can of cola from the cooler on the other side of the yard since the one close to them was empty but for beer and other alcohol. Suho had volunteered to get her one but Janelle declined since he was actually talking to some friends.

When she got to the cooler, she took a can of soda, smiling ruefully when a lone can of iced tea was at the bottom. She took it out too and held it on one hand, thinking of the numerous bottles of tea she had stashed away on the fridge back at the dorm. Joy had been grumbling about them taking so much space but Janelle refused to get rid of them.

"Oh... Suho likes this flavor." she mused.

"I told you, you can't give teas to anyone." somebody says.

She turned around and was met with Sehun's stare. "Sehun..."

Sehun snatched the tea out of Janelle's hand like the other day.

"What the-- yah! Can you stop doing that?" Janelle frowned.

"I'll do anything I want to."

"Yeah? Well, stop taking things that aren't yours. That was for Suho." Janelle retorted, the confusion inside her morphing to annoyance.

"You won't give him tea." Sehun stated firmly.

"I'll do anything I want to." she retorted, using his own words. "Now give it back."

"No." Sehun refused. "You can't give it to someone else."

"I'll give anything to anyone if I want to. Stop being a kid and give it to me." Janelle gritted out through her teeth.

"I am not being a kid!" Sehun insisted.

"Oh yeah? Then why did you ignore me for a whole week and then sudddenly appeared and go snatching things that isn't yours? Isn't that being childish?" 

"You were the one who ditched me to go on outing with some guy!"

Janelle is suddenly lost. "Outing with some guy? What the-- do you mean that night when you saw me with-- ugh! For heaven's sake! I met him on the amusement park where my best friend went on a date with Chen. It wasn't intentional for us to meet up. I am sorry though that I forgot about our agreement. Honestly, if you have just let me explain, we could have avoided all this misunderstanding. But then you had to ignore me like I didn't matter at all! Oh come on! I thought you were mature enough to know that not everything is how it looks like! But I guess I was wrong!"

Sehun looks a little reprimanded but he kept his hard expression, "I still don't like you giving away tea towards anybody else but me."

"Why not?!" Janelle lashed out, her frustration on Sehun's weird attitude only getting stronger. 

"I just don't want you too!"

"You are so--- ugh! Whatever, Sehun. I don't want to talk to you, okay? I don't get you. Why don't you just keep on ignoring me? You're good at that." she said accusingly, turning to leave.

"I thought you like me. Isn't that why you give me tea after our tutorials? Why are you giving Suho teas too? Do you like him as well?"

"Of course I like him! He's actually a better teacher, if not a better friend than someone else I know. At least he listens to me." Janelle replies exasperatedly. She turns to face Sehun again, face red already at what she was about to say. "But I don't like him like that... okay? At least I think so. I don't know. You're making it hard for me to keep liking you, Sehun. I thought I'd like you even more after spending some time with but all you're giving me are mixed signals and I am not getting you at all. I'm getting tired of this. I don't even know why I'm still doing it... I..."

She turned to leave. She had just layed her heart out and it's far more exhausting than keeping up with the party.

Before she could take a couple of steps though, a firm hand stopped her.

"You can't start liking somebody else. Okay?" Sehun said, voice almost soft and tender, a plea bellying his words. "You can't start giving teas to just anybody, not even Suho. Okay?"

Janelle turned back slowly, breath catching at how close Sehun  was to her. "Wh-what?"

"I don't really understand but... I don't like it. I don't want you treating someone else like you treat me. I don't want to be just someone else for you, okay?" Sehun bit his lips, stuttering a bit. "I made a mistake... and I don't understand myself since you do nothing but be a headache to me. But I want you back around again... okay? So... can I... I don't know... maybe tutor you again? Can we... like... hangout?"

Janelle closed her eyes tightly, heart fluttering as butterflies started squirming inside her stomach. She's so happy she thinks she would cry.  Sehun, even if it's a little unsure and indirect, and so vague she should think nothing of it, he still had actually asked for her company. He wants her by his side.

"Hang out?" she blurted out, snickering, "Honestly? You made all these fuss because you wanted to 'hang out'?"

When she opened her eyes to cast Sehun a teasing look, she laughed out right. Sehun is actuaclly... blushing.

"Yah..." Sehun retaliated weakly, "It's not like that... it's just... I don't know how to say it..."

Janelle sighs, a smile playing on her lips. She put her free hand on top of Sehun's which was still holding her wrist. "You don't have to say anything. I understand."

And she really does. Even without the proper words, she kinds of understand him. And the warm smile Sehun gives her in reply is clearer than whatever words he could utter.


"You do realize that that's the longest speech I've ever heard from you, right? I didn't know you can actually do it... without the lisp." she teases.

Sehun pouted, half glaring, "Yah!"

"Yehet!" Janelle laughs.



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jessi828 #1
Chapter 9: so sweet of you sehun....
Ah, this was so sweet, i really liked it! Thanks for sharing this story with us☺️
fani_19 #4
I really like the way you write!! This story is amazingggggggg!!!!!
Chapter 10: Cuuuuteee~~