When Jongin Breaks His Leg

Sekai's Young Love


Jongin was dying. Well not literally, but the pain shooting through his leg felt like it was enough to kill him. Sehun had told him he was over reacting, but how could he not? Sehun had no idea what he was going through, suffering from the excruciating pain of a broken leg. He had fallen down the stairs at the building where he goes for dance practice, which resulted in his broken leg and he's been in extreme pain ever since. How could Sehun possibly say that he was over reacting? Did he not care about how Jongin was feeling? Obviously not since he hasn't even been by once to see him since he's gotten home from the hospital. Hell Sehun didn't even come to the hospital to see him and that alone made Jongin upset and even more lonely.

He understood that the other was busy with school and soccer practice, but Jongin just misses him and his beautiful smile. Which not seeing either (or receiving any of his kisses) has made Jongin extremely crabby and cranky. The only time he hears from the other is when they text and have late night phone calls, but its always short and quick conversations, because Sehun always says he tired. Its as though Sehun doesn't even want anything to do with him and Jongin doesn't want to feel as though he's loosing his boyfriend. All he wants is to hold and place loving kisses all over his Sehun's beautiful face. Can't he at least have that?

With all of this on his mind and thinking that maybe he should talk to Sehun about it he reaches to the coffee table to pick up his phone and send his boyfriend a text. Sehun might still be at soccer practice and Jongin doesn't want to interrupt him if he is, so he contemplates whether or not if he should even text the other or not. He takes a deep breath and goes with his gut and sends a text to him. He really needs to talk to Sehun right now before he looses all hope that he doesn't love him anymore. He needs the reassurance that Sehun does in fact still love him. Hopefully.

'Sehunnnnnna' Is what he sends and it sounds a bit desperate but it'll have to do.

Not even a minute later he receives a text back that brings a smile to his face.

'Hey love, are you feeling any better?'

Sehun wasn't really fond of pet names and he defiantly wasn't a romantic. So when he did use them Jongin would take whatever he could get. His reactions were different from Sehun's though. Sehun would always become a blushing and flustered mess when ever Jongin used them on him and it was extremely cute.

With a smile on his face he replies to the others text in excitement. Maybe Sehun would finally come see him today.

'Noooo. I misssss yoooouuu! Come and see meeeee!!! I need yoooou!!!!!!

Sehun would for sure come now after a message like that.

'Sorry babe. I can't today. Something came up and it's going to take me awhile.'

Jongin really wants to cry and he just might. How could Sehun be so harsh to him. One minute he's the sweet and loving Sehun that Jongin fell in love with and the next he's a cold hearted stranger. Where was his loving Sehun at? Jongin wants him back.

He rubs frustratingly at his eyes to keep the tears at bay when there's a light knock at the door. Its faint and Jongin would have missed it if the house weren't deathly silent. He throws the heaps of blankets covering him off and grumbles under his breath while reaching for his crutches. The person on the other side of the door knocks again while he attempts to steady himself and he yells out in frustration.

"I'm coming! Geez." He says in annoyance all the while yanking the door open.

His eyes widen in surprise at the person on the other side of the door. "Se-Sehun?" He thinks he could cry right now and if his leg weren't broken he would have leaped around in joy and happiness.

"Why are you acting so surprised?" Sehun says with an eye smile. "You act like you haven't seen me in forever."

Jongin blushes and looks away while Sehun's smile widens. "It seemed like forever." Jongin mumbles quietly. Sehun catches it anyways and he laughs and it sounds like music to Jongin's ears. It does seem like its been forever and Jongin just wants for Sehun to hold him tightly and never let go, because he's stressed and sad and he just wants a really big tight bear hug because he's missed his boyfriend so much.

Jongin's not one to cry because well he's a manly man and he of course would never cry in front of Sehun. But he is and its horrifically embarrassing. Sehun gasps in surprise at the sight of tears that suddenly sprang from Jongin's eyes. He pushes himself inside the house and leads Jongin back to the couch where he helps the other sit.

Jongin's now hiccuping and he's breathing rapidly and Sehun's extremely worried now. He pulls the other in a tight embrace and rubs his back soothingly. Jongin's breathing slows and he struggles to speak through his hiccuping sobs.

"Se-Sehun -hic- where have you -hic- been? -hic- I thought -hic- you didn't love me -hic- anymore!"

Sehun struggles to comprehend his broken sentences and when he does his heart shatters.

"Jongin." He says placing a kiss on the others cheek. "Of course I love you. I've just been busy with practice because we have a soccer tournament coming up. I'm sorry I haven't been able to come see you." He says tightening his hold and placing more kisses all over Jongin's face.

His sobbing calms and he leans back enough to look at the other. Sehun wipes all of the tears from his face and coos at how cute Jongin looks. He's blushing from embarrassment and his face and eyes are puffy from the crying. He looks adorable and Sehun flails inside at the cuteness.

He looks down in shock when he feels the other grab his hand.

"I forgive you for neglecting me." Jongin says quietly, then adds, "I love you too."

Sehun smiles and leans forward to kiss Jongin's lips and a radiant smile lights up on the his face. Sehun rubs his cheeks and turns his eyes to the others leg.

"How's your leg?" He asks out of sympathy. He feels guilty that he wasn't able to be there for Jongin while he was in the hospital and he'll do anything to make it up to him.

"Its getting better." Jongin says honestly. He looks at the other and adverts his eyes. "Do you maybe want to watch a movie?" He voices out hesitantly. He wants to cuddle and spend the rest of the day with his boyfriend. But since he can't do much because of his leg, the most they can do for now is watch a movie.

Sehun smiles anyways and says sure before standing and walking over to put in a movie. Jongin waits for him on the couch and watches as Sehun maneuvers around the house. He goes into the kitchen after putting the movie in and comes back with Jongin's favorite chips and two colas. Jongin smiles lovingly because he has the best boyfriend in the world.

Sehun sits on the couch beside him and presses play for the movie to start. He pulls Jongin fully onto the couch so he's able to sit comfortably while resting his leg. His back is to Sehun's chest and he cuddles closer to the others warmth.

He shouldn't have doubted Sehun's love because his Sehuna will always love him and he'll always love Sehun. He reaches around for the others arms and wraps them around himself and smiles as they tighten and a kiss is pressed to the back of his neck. His body relaxes in contentment as he watches the movie in a comfortable silence.


I'm sorry this is so late school has been taking up most of my time and I'm just really sorry. :(

To make up for it though I gave you this Sekai fluffiness! It started off a bit angsty, but its always a happy ending! :) I hope you enjoyed it none the less and I'll try and update faster for ya! ^^

By the way... were you all surprised at this new side of Jongin? He's really sensitive here. Maybe its the pain medicine he's on or something. Lol Idk...

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Chapter 11: Sure hun sure..
Chapter 11: Hahahaha this is tooooo corny like seriously
Chapter 11: Ahhaahhahahahahaha omg can i puke? jongin is too cheesy, and salty.........
And sehun...yeah, sehun..........
opikonew #4
Chapter 11: wahhhhh, authornim~~
i love all your chapter :*
make me smile all the time :)
upadate soon plisssss ;) ^^
Chapter 9: I think i'm going to cry lmao this is just soooo cute!!! ;-----; Sehun is such a grumpy sweetheart and Jongin an hyper puppy ;;

God bless your soul! Thanks for the update! <3
Chapter 9: oh my goddd this is toooooo fluffy I can't handle it xD oh my god I'm giggling and smiling like an idiot omg ppl staring me omg xD
sarutobi #7
Chapter 8: AYYYY SO CUTE!!!
prettynpiink #8
Chapter 8: so CUTE!!! ^0^
strafield #9
Chapter 8: Uwaaa~~ short but cuteee!!!~~