When They "Attempt" Studying Together

Sekai's Young Love


Sehun can feel the other staring at him even without turning to look. It makes him a bit uncomfortable and he glances out of the corner of his eye to catch the other in the act. He frowns at seeing the him chewing on the eraser of his pencil, while looking intently at him and Sehun sighs while slamming the text book that is seated on his lap closed.

Jongin looks a bit surprised at the action and puts on an innocent look. Acting as though he wasn't just caught staring at his boyfriend instead of studying like he was supposed to be.

"What's the matter?" He questions softly afraid that Sehun might be in another one of his sassy moods. His moods were always unpredictable and Jongin would carefully approach the other with a calm voice so as not to upset him even more. Though he is wondering what caused Sehun to look so pissed off at the moment.

Sehun scrutinizes him with a fierce look. "What do you mean what's the matter?" He says hotly. "What exactly are you going to learn by staring at me? Shouldn't you be studying?"

Jongin blinks and then realization dawns on him. He inwardly smirks because he knows he's just made Sehun uncomfortable by staring at him. Not that he meant to. Sehun is just to beautiful and sometimes Jongin gets side tracked and wants to stare and admire his boyfriends beauty.

"I am studying." He declares.

Sehun sends him a disbelieving look. "You don't look like your studying."

Jongin leans forward and smiles a charming smile. Sehun's a bit taken aback and leans away unconsciously.

"But I am." Jongin says smoothly with a quiet and soft voice. "I'm studying you."

Sehun blushes out of embarrassment and brings a hand up to palm his cheek. A habit he's picked up when Jongin usually does or says something that makes him flustered. He glances at the other to see him looking at him with a look that makes him even more embarrassed. The next thing he does catches the other off guard and Sehun doesn't mean to do it, but it's just another habit that he's picked up when Jongin started being romantic and cute at the same time. He's still getting used to their relationship after all.

Jongin screeches when Sehun subtly shoves him off the edge of the bed and he lands on the floor with a loud thud.

"Really Oh Sehun?! You have got to stop doing that?!" He cries while rubbing his back.

Sehun looks down at him with a sympathetic look in his eyes. "Sorry, it was an accident." He says with a wavering voice.

Jongin softens and smiles at the others still flushed cheeks. He sighs and gets back onto the bed with much difficulty sitting even closer to the other than before. Sehun shies away and before he can get to far Jongin pulls him in by the waist to have the other lean against him.

He tightens his grip on the others thin waist and places a kiss on his cheek. He then looks down to watch as Sehun plays with his fingers and his smile stretches even wider across his face. He has always been the romantic one out of the two and he knows that Sehun secretly loves it, even though he wont admit it.

They haven't officially told each other those three words yet. Well not in a serious manner or situation. Its only been a month since Jongin confessed and he knows Sehun is still getting used to them dating. So he doesn't want to rush the other into anything. He'll wait for the right time to tell the other exactly how he feels. Maybe he'll even show him in a different way while telling him. Maybe on a special date for their two month anniversary or while their making love for their first time.

At this thought Jongin freezes and chokes on air.

Sehun looks up at him with a confused look, halting in playing with Jongin's fingers.

"What? What's wrong?" He questions him.

"Nothing babe. Just thinking."

"You think?"

Jongin glares at him for the teasing and Sehun glares back. Their staring for a moment and Jongin quickly leans forward to peck the other on the nose causing him to squawk and attempt to move away. Jongin chuckles at his failed attempts and tightens his grip even more pulling the other back in.

"Your so cute." He says nuzzling Sehun's neck.

"Am not!" Sehun argues back breaking free of his grip and scooting up the bed.

Jongin tackles him and their now wrestling on Sehun's bed. The other is laughing heartily and Jongin tickles his sides while nuzzling and placing butterfly kisses along his neck.

He's well aware that they have a test in the morning, but how can he focus on studying when he has a beautiful boyfriend thrashing and giggling under him. Jongin would rather fail the test then to give this up for studying.


Fin. ;)

I'll be updating again soon, so wait for it! ^^

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Chapter 11: Sure hun sure..
Chapter 11: Hahahaha this is tooooo corny like seriously
Chapter 11: Ahhaahhahahahahaha omg can i puke? jongin is too cheesy, and salty.........
And sehun...yeah, sehun..........
opikonew #4
Chapter 11: wahhhhh, authornim~~
i love all your chapter :*
make me smile all the time :)
upadate soon plisssss ;) ^^
Chapter 9: I think i'm going to cry lmao this is just soooo cute!!! ;-----; Sehun is such a grumpy sweetheart and Jongin an hyper puppy ;;

God bless your soul! Thanks for the update! <3
Chapter 9: oh my goddd this is toooooo fluffy I can't handle it xD oh my god I'm giggling and smiling like an idiot omg ppl staring me omg xD
sarutobi #7
Chapter 8: AYYYY SO CUTE!!!
prettynpiink #8
Chapter 8: so CUTE!!! ^0^
strafield #9
Chapter 8: Uwaaa~~ short but cuteee!!!~~