When Sehun Has A Rough Morning

Sekai's Young Love


Sehun groans as he cracks his eyes open to the blinding sun streaming through the open blinds. The pounding in his head only being strengthened by the bright light. Who the hell opened the blinds he thinks to himself and why the hell is the sun so bright. Ugh.

Turning his body to face the opposite way he curses at the ringing of his phone informing him of a text message. Most likely Jongin.

He picks up his phone to read the message his boyfriend had sent.

'Sehuna!!!! I'm srry I wont be able to wlk with u to skool this morning!!! Will u be ok on ur own?'

Of course he'll be ok on his own. What is he five. He rolls his eyes at his boyfriends obnoxious text, before responding back.

'Yes Jongin. I'll be ok. If u have forgotten I am a 17 year old boy who is capable of walking himself to school. I don't need you to hold my hand when I cross the street. I can do it by myself.' He responds hastily. Only half in his mind at the moment.

He receives an 'Ok...' in response. Then a 'How can you hold your own hand while crossing the street?'.

Whatever he sighs out throwing his phone to the side before getting out of bed to get ready for what he thinks is about to be the worst day of his life.


He's running through the front door when his book bag catches on something and rips open causing everything contained inside to scatter to the floor. He grunts in frustration and throws the turn bag to the floor before leaning down to pick up his things.

"Everything all right there Sehunie? You sure are making alot of noise this morning."

He looks up at his brother Luhan who's leaning against the wall rubbing at his tired eyes.

"Does it look like everything is alright?" He snaps.

"I was just checking, no need to be all hostile." Luhan says while turning away. "Kids these days" He mumbles out.

Sehun sticks his tongue out at the retreating figure. He throws the torn book bag aside and grabs the spare one hung by the door. After throwing his stuff in he rushes out the door knowing he's going to be late.


"Stupid Jongin, leaving me to walk alone." He mumbles to himself coming to a stop at the cross walk.

Speaking of Jongin. He thinks as he reaches for his phone in his pocket only to find its not there. He groans in frustration all the while stomping his feet, ignoring the strange looks he's receiving by the passing strangers.

"Stupid." He says hitting himself on the forehead.

"Who's stupid?" A voice says in his ear.

He turns around and comes face to face with Jongin who's smiling brightly at him. He glares at the other and bites out a, "Your stupid!"

Jongin's eyes widen and he pouts which leads to Sehun feeling guilty, so he sighs and instead says, "What are you doing here anyways? I thought you had something to do."

Jongin brightens once again and replies. "I did! My sister needed help with opening her new restaurant. But she's taking care of it now, so I left and found you here stomping and throwing a temper tantrum like the baby you are."

Sehun nods and ignores the last comment and begins to cross the street. Jongin quickly reaches for his hand to cross with him. They reach the other side and Sehun yanks his hand away and storms off with Jongin following closely behind.

He reaches for Sehun's hand and pulls him back so that they are now facing each other once again. "What's wrong?" He asks the younger softly.

Sehun frowns and looks down at his worn out shoes. He shakes his head in response and sees Jongin lift a hand to his face. He feels the thumb rub along his bottom lip and he sighs out a shaky breath.

"Come on. Tell me." Jongin coaxes him.

"I'm just not having a good morning." Sehun whines out and Jongin smiles fondly at him. His boyfriend is so cute. He thinks to himself.

"Want me to make your morning better?" He smirks. Sehun glances up at him and let's out a barely audible, "How?"

Jongin hears it though and his smirk only widens.

"Come closer and I'll show you." He says pulling Sehun in closer by the waist. He places a soft kiss on the others forehead and Sehun blushes deeply.

"I'll shower you with my loving kisses and I'm positive your day will only get better from here." He says as he places kisses all over Sehun's face causing him to giggle.

Jongin coos at him and Sehun pushes him away slightly. "Your an idiot." He states with no real bite.

"But I'm your idiot. And you love me." Jongin responds.

"Yeah you are my idiot, whom I love dearly." He says leaning foreword to kiss the smirk off of his smug boyfriends face.

He turns around after grabbing Jongin's hand to pull him along. "Come on, were already late."

Jongin's eyes widen in realization and he takes off with Sehun scrambling behind. "Come on Sehuna! I've never been late before, so hurry up! We can't afford to be late!" He yells out.

Whatever. Sehun thinks. We were both going to be late anyways.

But on the bright side. His day did get better because of his Jongin. Maybe he should thank him later with his own kisses.

"Sehuna come on! Stop thinking about me and run faster!"

Or not.



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Chapter 11: Sure hun sure..
Chapter 11: Hahahaha this is tooooo corny like seriously
Chapter 11: Ahhaahhahahahahaha omg can i puke? jongin is too cheesy, and salty.........
And sehun...yeah, sehun..........
opikonew #4
Chapter 11: wahhhhh, authornim~~
i love all your chapter :*
make me smile all the time :)
upadate soon plisssss ;) ^^
Chapter 9: I think i'm going to cry lmao this is just soooo cute!!! ;-----; Sehun is such a grumpy sweetheart and Jongin an hyper puppy ;;

God bless your soul! Thanks for the update! <3
Chapter 9: oh my goddd this is toooooo fluffy I can't handle it xD oh my god I'm giggling and smiling like an idiot omg ppl staring me omg xD
sarutobi #7
Chapter 8: AYYYY SO CUTE!!!
prettynpiink #8
Chapter 8: so CUTE!!! ^0^
strafield #9
Chapter 8: Uwaaa~~ short but cuteee!!!~~