When They Get Kicked Out of Class

Sekai's Young Love


Sehun was trying really hard. Sehun was trying really hard to ignore the disturbance that is Jongin.

"Psst. Sehuna." Comes the whispered and annoying voice of his boyfriend.

Sehun sighs and remains seated forward pretending not to hear the other. Sehun thinks that if he shows no signs of acknowledgment, then maybe just maybe Jongin will leave him in peace. But then it hits him. Literally it hits him.

He looks down to his side and sees the object of his pain and sorrows. A bald up peace of paper. Same bald up piece of paper that just seconds ago hit him in the back if his head. What made his history teacher, Mr. Kim sit them this close to each other is beyond him. He should know that the two of them in such close proximity results in anything but good. Its bad enough their in the same class.

"Yah! Sehun-ah!" There's that pestering voice again.

Sehun's eye twitches and his mouth is set in a thin firm line. Do not give in. Do not give in. He chants to himself. In his mind of course, it'd be embarrassing to do so out loud.

"Sehuna please~ just look this once. Its really important~"

So now he wants to whine. Sehun rolls his eyes and hurriedly turns around to face his insolent boyfriend.

"What Jongin." He says through clenched teeth.

Jongin beams and then smirks. "Nothing really, I just wanted to show you something." He states in a hushed whisper.

Sehun frowns and hisses out, "What? What do you want to show me that's so important?" He takes a quick glance to the front to make sure Mr. Kim isn't watching them, then turns back to the other.

Jongin smiles. "This." He says bringing both his hands up to his chest and forms a heart over where his real heart is. Sehun wants to cut his real heart out and throw it into the ocean because he's seething right now. He's really seething.

If looks could kill Jongin would be a dead man.

Sehun glares furiously and unknowingly raises his voice, "I am going to-"

"Oh Sehun! Kim Jongin!"

Sehun jumps and faces his teacher with a terrified look, while Jongin displays one of pure nonchalance.

"If you two are going to interrupt my class you need to leave now!"

"But-" Sehun tries.

"Now!" He roars pointing to the door.

They both get up and move towards the door. One right behind the other. As their making their way down Jongin mumbles out, "Man, he needs to get laid."

Mr. Kim sends him a look of disapproval. "What was that Kim Jongin?"

"Nothing~" Jongin replies sweetly, ignoring the glare his boyfriend is sending him. Sehun has been trying to teach him proper manners and how to be more polite to his elders. Much to Jongin's dislike.

As the door shuts Sehun mutters lowly under his breath. "I. Am. Going. To. Murder. You."

Jongin raises an eyebrow. "Oh really?" He says with a forced smirk, grabbing the others hand to link their fingers together. Even though he's not really showing it, he's upset also.

They both walk down the hall with clasped hands and silent anger. One, because he succumbed to his boyfriend's stupid antics once again. The other, because their teacher had to ruin their precious moment. Once again.

"Stupid Mr. Kim." Jongin mumbles to himself.

"What did you say?"



Hahaa. Its okay you guys Sehun still loves his Jongin, so don't worry. But Jongin can drive him crazy at times.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter also. When ever an idea on what to write pops through my head it becomes Sekai and it becomes this mess. That's why I'm updating so quickly, I'm filled with Sekai feels. Sorry... (Not sorry.) ;)

Thanks for subscribing to this story by the way. I really appreciate it! -hugs and kisses to all

Okay. I'm done. Until next time. ^^

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Chapter 11: Sure hun sure..
Chapter 11: Hahahaha this is tooooo corny like seriously
Chapter 11: Ahhaahhahahahahaha omg can i puke? jongin is too cheesy, and salty.........
And sehun...yeah, sehun..........
opikonew #4
Chapter 11: wahhhhh, authornim~~
i love all your chapter :*
make me smile all the time :)
upadate soon plisssss ;) ^^
Chapter 9: I think i'm going to cry lmao this is just soooo cute!!! ;-----; Sehun is such a grumpy sweetheart and Jongin an hyper puppy ;;

God bless your soul! Thanks for the update! <3
Chapter 9: oh my goddd this is toooooo fluffy I can't handle it xD oh my god I'm giggling and smiling like an idiot omg ppl staring me omg xD
sarutobi #7
Chapter 8: AYYYY SO CUTE!!!
prettynpiink #8
Chapter 8: so CUTE!!! ^0^
strafield #9
Chapter 8: Uwaaa~~ short but cuteee!!!~~