When Sehun Gets Sick

Sekai's Young Love


Sehun is jostled awake by the sound of his phone going off. He sees that he's received a text message and oh. Its just Jongin, no one special.

"Hey, u up?"

"I am now. Why? What's up?"

"I'm bringing ur hw by after school today. So I was just making sure u were awake."

"Yeah, I am."

"Ok. I'll see u ltr then babe! ;)"

Sehun rolls his eyes at the last text message. Jongin could be stupid at times or maybe all the time. For as long as Sehun has know him, which is a very long time, Jongin has always been stupid.

He's lying in bed sick with a high fever and sore throat grieving about his life choices and thinking about what made him say yes to going swimming in the middle of winter with a stupid Jongin and his stupid idea of going swimming in the middle of winter. Sehun was always the smart one, but sometimes Jongin would do things that would persuade and cause Sehun to act just as stupid as him.

He really hates Jongin right about now.

They were best friends before they started dating. Jongin was always there for him when Sehun needed him the most. Such cases as when Sehun's parents finally divorced and his father moving to Thailand for a job he chose over his family. Jongin was there to pull Sehun through it all.

Even though Jongin has done alot of stupid , Sehun still puts up with him. Since Jongin has done so much for him though he decided that to repay him he'll be there in the future to bail the other out of jail, when he'll receive a call that Jongin has once again pulled another stupid idea that landed him behind bars.

All of his thoughts fade when a sharp pain blows through his head causing him to wince and he squeezes his eyes shut to try and alleviate some of the pain. Burying himself further under the blankets, the sudden warmth causes him to feel tired and his body soon relaxes. He doesn't know exactly when he falls asleep.


Sehun feels the warm breath tickling his nose and the fingers smoothing down his hair tenderly. He scrunches his nose up and has a little bit of trouble opening his eyes. He still feels a little warm, but its not as bad as before and the others body heat isn't really doing him any justice. His eyes break open and he catches a smirking Jongin staring back at him with something akin to mischievousness in his eyes.

"Hey beautiful." Jongin says with a growing smirk, all the while rubbing the side of Sehun's face with his thumb.

Sehun huffs and feels the itch come up his throat and he's well aware of what's about to happen. He coughs hot air onto Jongin's face and the others let's out a shrill scream with a face of disgust.

"Sehun! What the hell!!!" Jongin says while jumping up and rubbing at his face repeatedly. "Are you trying to get me sick, even after I was attempting to be romantic!!!" He yells glaring at the other.

Sehun glares right back at him. "Well this is all your fault! Your the reason I'm sick, so why should you be the one to complain!" He argues back. "And attempting to be romantic my !" He let's out afterwards.

Jongin sighs with a hand covering his mouth. "Your right I'm sorry." He says looking slightly sympathetic as he leans down to place a kiss on Sehun's lips with a hand still over his mouth.

Sehun all but rolls his eyes at his stupid boyfriend. "If you catch anything, it's completely your fault." He says with an uncaring attitude.

"Your right. I deserve anything you give me."

He really wants to push the other off the bed and because Jongin brought it upon himself, Sehun does just that. And leaves the other wailing on the floor with a loud thud and painful whimpers.

After his pain has subsided Jongin pokes his head onto the side of the bed. "Are you mad at me?" He hesitantly asks.

Sehun gives him a look that says, "What do you think?" and Jongin sighs once more while seating himself on the side of the bed.

"I'm sorry." He breaths out with down casted eyes. Sehun thinks he looks like a kicked puppy and this causes him to soften a bit. He pulls the other in for a warm hug and Jongin relaxes and buries his face into Sehun's warm neck.

"Your really warm." He says stating the obvious. Sehun pinches him on the side and he feels the smile tugging against his neck. A shy kiss being placed there also. He thinks part of his flushed and heated body is from a whole nother reason other than being sick.

"Come on." Jongin says while pulling them both down onto the bed, arm protectively swung over the others thin waist. "You must feel tired. Sleep a bit, I'll lay here with you." He exclaims soothing Sehun back into tiredness.

Sehun snuggles closer eyes closing due to heaviness, while Jongin runs the palm of his hand up and down his back. It causes the tension in his muscles to release and he's exhaling a long needed breath.

He feels the sleep overtaking him once again and he's still blaming Jongin for him being ill. But with the other close like this and making up for it with his strong embrace, Sehun thinks he could let him off this one time. Just this one time.


If you didn't already know. Sekai is my otp. I am madly in love with them. ^^

I'm also thinking about making this a serious of their daily life and young love. Let me know what you think! Comments are well appreciated! :D

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Chapter 11: Sure hun sure..
Chapter 11: Hahahaha this is tooooo corny like seriously
Chapter 11: Ahhaahhahahahahaha omg can i puke? jongin is too cheesy, and salty.........
And sehun...yeah, sehun..........
opikonew #4
Chapter 11: wahhhhh, authornim~~
i love all your chapter :*
make me smile all the time :)
upadate soon plisssss ;) ^^
Chapter 9: I think i'm going to cry lmao this is just soooo cute!!! ;-----; Sehun is such a grumpy sweetheart and Jongin an hyper puppy ;;

God bless your soul! Thanks for the update! <3
Chapter 9: oh my goddd this is toooooo fluffy I can't handle it xD oh my god I'm giggling and smiling like an idiot omg ppl staring me omg xD
sarutobi #7
Chapter 8: AYYYY SO CUTE!!!
prettynpiink #8
Chapter 8: so CUTE!!! ^0^
strafield #9
Chapter 8: Uwaaa~~ short but cuteee!!!~~