Visiting Dad

I'm Your Man~

As you woke up the next morning you felt strong arms wrapped around your waist and legs tangled in with yours.

“So much for the couch” you smiled to yourself.

“You looked cold, don’t judge me.”Dongwook mumbled.

“I’m not I’m going to make some breakfast, so if you don’t mind untangling me.” You pushed the cover off you.

“Let’s stay like this for a while” Dongwook mumbled.

“Okay but not too long I’m hungry”

“We’ll go out and eat and then run some errands.”


After two hours more or less you and Dongwook got dressed and put your hair in a sloppy ponytail.


laid back




Dongwook took you to Verizon first ignoring all your questions about being there.


“Do you see any phone you might like?”Se7en asked curiously.

“W-what no I don’t have money to buy a phone I’m fine” you said.


“No you’re not and I’m buying so don’t worry.” Se7en said honestly


“Dongwook-ah I don’t even accept the money my dad offers me what makes you think I’ll let you spend yours on a phone for me!?” you said whispering loudly.


“I know you like being independent but what happens when you’re in an emergency, payphones aren’t everywhere you know” Se7en reasoned, “in plus when you do get a job and back on your feet I’ll just give you the bill, so until then let me do this please.”Dongwook pleaded with puppy eyes.


“Only this one time and don’t get all happy either.”You smiled slightly.

Okay, okay I’ll pick since you’re not going to choose.” Dongwook smiled like a child picking out candy at the new arrival phones.

In the end he just bought you an I-phone and drove you to your dad’s penthouse.

You walked into the penthouse and noticed that nothing has changed since you were small.

“Dad, Dad, Dad?” you called.

Not a minute later your old man emerged from his office.

“Boram…my little Boram” your dad whispered moving slowly closer to you pulling you in his arms.

“Appa I missed you” you smiled embracing him.

“Ah you’ve grown so much” you pulled away slowly to examine you; “please both of you have a seat so we can catch up” your dad smiled brightly so excited to see you.

“Mina can you get us some drinks” you dad told his maid with a bright smile.

“Yes sir” she left.

“Ah so, are you two together again?”  He asked leaning in closely.

“We just met up yesterday sir” Dongwook chuckled.

“Well what does that matter, and what did I tell you to call me?” Your father leaned back in his chair.

“Father I will work on it but we’re not together just yet.” Dongwook said shyly looking towards you who had wide eyes.

“Good, work hard son, and you my daughter where are you staying now?”

“With Dongwook for now it’s just temporally until I’m back on my feet” you answered.

“Well as of now you will be working in my building and that’s an order.” your dad said sternly.

“Dad I can’t do that” you said

“And why not, Boram I can’t afford to lose you again; are you still those 2pm boys?”

“No dad, but”

“No buts, you will start next month and if you don’t we will have serious talk until then enjoy your stay with Dongwook and I hope to see some grandchildren soon, I’m not getting any younger.” Your dad kissed your forehead and shook hands with Dongwook before going into his office not before grabbing a drink off of mina’s tray.

“So much for being independent” you mumbled

“Don’t worry all you have to do is quickly get back on your feet and we still have a lot of time before the children come so don’t stress.” Dongwook smirked.



Its starting to get longer yeah~ i'll try and update more on the weekends :)

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Update soon ^^
TayTay12345 #2
Chapter 10: Love it! Where's 2pm at? Update soon:D!
Chapter 7: update more please author-nim
adventuretime8 #5
Uh oh who was that? I wanna know please!!
Update soon please! :3
update please
R3naN00na #7
Dang I would've left too...i feel so bad for her...sad face
update pwease
Thank you for commenting
Ah so is that why they became all possessive and violent towards her? poor girl T.T <br />
But thanks for the update...loving it so far