Amnesia Boy

EXO Scary Story One Shots!

Do Kyungsoo walked through his old high school, humming the tune from his favorite music box, out of the many that he had. 

As he walked, the wind in the trees blew the windchimes around, making the most beautiful sound.. 

The only thing missing was someone... Someone by his side.. A person to share memories with..

Just as he was about to enter the cafeteria, his pager went off and he fished it out of his pocket. 

"Status?" the text read. It was from his partner, Byun Baekhyun. Kyungsoo sighed and prepared to write back. 

"l'll be back soon. I just wanted to take some time to look around my old high school" Kyungsoo typed and sent the message


*beep beep*

"Well, hurry up.. We have a new case apparently" Baekhyun responded.

Kyungsoo felt a little spark in his heart. A new case

Do Kyungsoo was a homocide detective, along with Byun Baekhyun and Wu Yifan, or as his partners like to call him, Kris.

Kyungsoo absolutely loved his job and his partners, but for some reason, something was pulling him away from happiness. 

Sure, being single was fine with him, but just the mere feeling of living alone, and most of the time, being alone all together made him feel

"... Empty" he said as walked back to his car.


"Hey hyung, what do we got?" Kyungsoo asked he walked into his precinct. "Kyungsoo, there you are! We got a 911 call coming from 8th street, 911 caller said he found a dead body in the dumpster behind Mrs. Cho's potato soup shop. I was gunna go without you with Kris, but I changed my mind"

"Well.. Where's Kris hyung?"

"The left without us" Baekhyun rolled his eyes. Kyungsoo sighed. "Well I said I'd be back at five, but it's five thirty now.. So I'd rather him go than nobody.. Let's just meet him there" he said and walked out of the building with his partner. 


"Hyung!" Baekhyun called out to Kris, who was talking to a few cops. "Hey!" he said and pointed to the body to inspect.

Kyungsoo looked down and saw a young man that looked to be about 15-20 years old. He shook his head and crouched down next to him. "What do we got?"

"Name is Jung Ilhoon.. 19 years old. He's got 3 stabs wounds in the chest and 4 in the back. Judging by the loss of blood, he probably bled to death" the paramedic explained. "Do we have an ID?" Kyungsoo asked

The paramedic only answered by handing Kyungsoo the victim's wallet in a plastic bag. Kyungsoo glanced at it and passed it on to forensics. 

Kyungsoo stood up and looked around the crime scene for a short moment when his eyes landed on a bullet casing hiding behind the dumpster. "Kris hyung! Come here and look at this" Kyungsoo called Kris over. Kris heard this and walked over to his partner. "Look.." Kyungsoo pointed to the casing and crawled behind the dumpster to get it. "Kyungsoo-ah.. That's gross" Kris squinted as he watched Kyungsoo get on his knees in the dirt

"Well... You know me" Kyungsoo laughed as he stood up with the casing. "Yeah, I know. Country boy doesn't mind getting dirty" Kris threw his hands up, but hushed up when he saw what was in Kyungsoo's hand

"You're good with guns... Right?" Kyungsoo asked. "Yeah, I guess.." Kris shrugged

"Can you tell me when the bullet was fired?" Kyungsoo asked as Kris examined. "Hmm, it hasn't rusted yet. And this came from a .44 Magnum revolver.. Surprisingly.."

"Surprisingly?" Kyungsoo repeated him

".44 Magnum isn't very popular, and it's hard to find.."

"Well, when was this one shot?"

"Judging by the rusting, I'd say very recent.."

"Define recent"

"In the past few days..."

... Kyungsoo looked up at Kris.

"At the most" Kris finished his sentence. Kyungsoo nodded and walked over to a medical examiner that worked in his building. "Junmyeon!" Kyungsoo called out to him. Junmyeon turned around and smiled. "You examined the body, right?"

"Of course.. Why else would I be here?" Junmyeon shrugged. "Did you find any gun shot wounds?"


"How long do you think the body has been here?" Kyungsoo asked

"Judging by the decay, I'd say two to three days" Junmyeon said. Kyungsoo nodded and walked back to Kris. "Okay.. So.. the gun was shot right around the time this man was murdered.."

Kris nodded his head and listened. "But the victim has not been shot.... Who fired a gun? Did they aim for Ilhoon and miss?" Kyungsoo tried to guess. 

Kris crossed his arms and thought.. "Maybe..." he said. Kyungsoo shut his mouth and listened.. "Maybe the revolver belonged to Ilhoon and he was using it in self-defense....?" Kris guessed

"So many possibilities" Kyungsoo sighed and looked down at Ilhoon's dead body


"Baekhyun hyung, wanna go out for coffee later?" Kyungsoo walked up to Baekhyun and asked. 

"Sure!" Baekhyun agreed and they started walking for the door, until a young boy walked in, shaking in fear, crying, holding a gun, covered in blood. 

Like they were trained, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo swiped out their guns and pointed them at the young man. "Put the gun down!" Baekhyun ordered. 

"H-Helpp mee-e" the boy sobbed. 

"We will help you... Just give us the gun..." Kyungsoo said in a more quiet and gentle voice. The boy cried and handed over the gun to Baekhyun. "H-Help me" he repeated. "We will.. Baekhyun, get some medical assistance" Kyungsoo ordered his partner, who hesitated. He thought the boy that they just discovered was probably dangerous.. But he probably was in need of medical attention. 

"NOW HYUNG!" Kyungsoo yelled at him. Baekhyun finally obeyed and ran for help. "Okay. You're gunna stay with me until help arrives.. What's your name? How old are you?" Kyungsoo said soothingly, trying to calm the boy down..

"I... I don't know" the boy zoned out

"You don't know your name?" Kyungsoo asked again, to which the boy shook his head. "What do you know?" he asked again. But this time, he got no response.

"Okay.. Well we're gunna get you some help right away" Kyungsoo smiled at the boy and took in his beautiful face


"Talk to me, hyung.." Kyungsoo said as he looked at the nameless boy through the one-way mirror. 

"Pretty much nothing, to be honest" Baekhyun looked down at the ground. "However, I have reason to believe someone is after him and whoever that person is, knows he's here"

"What makes you say that?" Kyungsoo asked, to which Baekhyun handed him a small sticky note with a message written on it

I know you have my boy

Give him back

Or else


Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and threw the note away. "Doesn't phase me".

"Well. I found literally nothing on this kid.. He has no criminal record, dental record.. Nothing. we have ran facial recognition and came up with nothing" Baekhyun sighed. "We know nothing about him" 

"That's not entirely true.." Kris said as he walked in. "The guy has a rare type of amnesia. It's when someone has a traumatic experience, and they block out everything in their head that has anything to do with their experience" Kris explained

"So.. Whatever happened to him, has something to do with his name, age, and just about everything else" Kyungsoo sighed. "Not everything.. I asked him earlier what his interests are and he said he was a big baseball fan" Kris smiled

"So, his interest in baseball has nothing to do with his experience" Baekhyun said

"Exactly.. We looked through all over our surveillance cameras and the only one caught him crossing the street. So I suggest we bring him back to that street and see if he recognizes anything, maybe trigger his memory. The amnesia isn't permanent.. I think" Kris said.

Kyungsoo nodded and walked into the interrogation room to speak with the nameless boy. "Hi.." the boy said. "Hello.. My name is Do Kyungsoo.. And until we learn your real name, we'll give you a new nickname.. What nickname would you like?" Kyungsoo asked

"I don't really care" the boy shrugged, finally seeming to calm down

"I'll call you Kai.. It matches your face" Kyungsoo smiled. Kai just nodded. "Now.. I'm gunna show you some pictures of people, and I want you to tell me if you recognize any of them, okay?" Kyungsoo asked, to which Kai nodded again. Kyungsoo lined up a few pictures of people for Kai to look at, one of them being Ilhoon.

"He looks familiar.." Kai said, pointing to Ilhoon's photo. "Did his face trigger any memories..?" Kyungsoo asked. 

"I don't know.. His face just makes me... Uncomfortable" Kai shivered.. Kyungsoo nodded, collected the photos and walked out of the room. "What do you got?" Baekhyun asked. "I think Kai and Ilhoon have something in common.." Kyungsoo stated

"Jung Ilhoon? The boy we found in the trash can behind the potato soup shop?" Kris asked, to which Kyungsoo nodded. 

Later that day, Kyungsoo and Kris took Kai around the street he was walking down on the video tapes outside of their building. "Does any of this look familiar to you?" Kris asked from the driver's seat. Kai looked around as hard as he could, but he shook his head at everything he saw. Kyungsoo sighed as he sat next to him in the back seat and held his hand. "I know this might be difficult, but you have to try.. With all your might.. Can you do that for me?" Kyungsoo asked. Kai smiled and nodded.

Just as Kris was about to turn around and head back to HQ, Kyungsoo noticed Kai staring at a group of children with their teacher, singing a song. As the kids smiled and played, Kai started to sing the song silently with them. A small smile made it to Kai's face

"Do you know that song?" Kyungsoo asked. Kai nodded

"From where?"

He looked down and thought hard. Kyungsoo watched as Kai started to come to some sort of revelation. "Kai-sshi.. Did you work with children?" Kyungsoo asked

Kai nodded his head. "I did.."

"Are you.. A teacher?"

"I just know that I spend a lot of my time around children.." Kai smiled, thinking of all the faces that he'd seen every day at work. 

---- Three hours later

"Okay. I went around to every elementary school and day care center in the area and Dongsang Day Care recognized his face.." Baekhyun said as he walked in with Kai's file.. 

"Awesome.." Kyungsoo smiled

"His name is Kim Jongin and he's an assistant there. He usually just helps with cleaning up after the kids and reading to them. He's only a year younger than you" Baekhyun said as he looked at Kyungsoo

"Anything else?" Kris asked

"Yeah.. The lady that identified him said that there was a man that came looking for Jongin every afternoon leading up to his disappearence.." Baekhyun explained. 

"I see. Then we have to find this man.." Kyungsoo sighed

"I also showed the lady a photo of Ilhoon and she said that he would come to pick Jongin up from work a lot. It seemed to her that Ilhoon and Jongin were good friends" Baekhyun added

"Well that's odd" Kyungsoo sighed

"How so?"

"I showed Jongin a picture of Ilhoon and he told me his face made him uncomfortable" Kyungsoo confessed.. "Maybe he has to do with Jongin's amnesia?" Kris suggested. Kyungsoo only shrugged and went for the door to meet Jongin in the lobby


"Kai-sshi!" Kyungsoo shouted and called Jongin over to him. Jongin stood up and smiled. "Hi" he said softly. "Kai. We've found out more information about you that we'd like to share with you" Kyungsoo smiled, still finding it hard to hold in his excitement. "Okay. Tell me! I wanna know" Jongin clasped his hands together. 

"I will. You're gunna spend the night at my house and I'll tell you everything" Kyungsoo said, held Jongin's hand and walked with him out of the building



Five police officers and Baekhyun and Kris walked into Jongin's apartment after breaking the door down 

"CLEAR!" one of the police officers yelled, along with the others

Kris kneeled down at picked things off the ground, which were sprawled out to every corner of the room, while Baekhyun scanned all the framed photos on the wall. Some were dangling while a couple were shattered on the ground

Jongin's apartment was indeed, a wreck

"Looks like a tornado flew through here" Kris sighed at all of the clothes and knick knacks on the ground. "Either Jongin's a really messy person, or.."

"Hyung!" Baekhyun called Kris from the kitchen. Kris ran into the kitchen to see that Jongin's dining table was flipped over and chairs were broken. And in the corner of the kitchen near the fridge was a table knife, covered in dried blood. 

"I don't think Jongin is just a messy person" Baekhyun said


Kyungsoo sat Jongin down in his living room and took a deep breath. "So, Kai.. I'm gunna have to stop calling you that.."

"You found my name?" Jongin smiled

"I did.. And I'm hoping some of your information will help with your memory" Kyungsoo said. 

"First off. Your real name is Kim Jongin.." Kyungsoo said. Jongin gasped. Finally hearing his real name sparked something in his head. "What?" Kyungsoo asked

"Ilhoonnie.." Jongin muttered. Kyungsoo rushed to pick Ilhoon's photo out of Jongin's file. "You remember Ilhoon?" he asked, handing the photo to him. Jongin smiled and held back tears. "He's my.. best friend" he sniffled

"Tell me about Ilhoon, Jongin" Kyungsoo took a hold of Jongin's free hand and asked. Jongin looked up at Kyungsoo with tears in his eyes. "He's my best friend.. That's all I know" Jongin said

Kyungsoo nodded

"Where is he? I wanna see him" Jongin pleaded. Kyungsoo brought his hands to his face. "He doesn't know Ilhoon is dead" he thought.

"He's gone missing" Kyungsoo lied. "But we're looking for him" 

Jongin wiped tears from his eyes. 

"You're 21 years old.. Can you tell me your birthday?" Kyungsoo asked, even though he already knew it

"Is it in January?" Jongin asked

"YES! It is! Good" Kyungsoo nodded. "You work at Dongsang Day Care Center.. As an assistant" he added. Jongin smiled.. "My kids"

"Do you remember the kids you worked with?" Kyungsoo asked. Jongin only nodded and smiled. Just as Kyungsoo was about to speak, he looked over Jongin's shoulder into the sliding glass door leading to the backyard and saw a man looking into his home. Kyungsoo gasped and stood up. "What's wrong, hyung?" Jongin asked and followed Kyungsoo line of vision. The moment Jongin met eyes with the stranger outside, he stopped breathing and froze. "Jongin-ah" Kyungsoo tore his gaze away from the man and looked down at the Jongin. When Kyungsoo looked up again,

The man was gone


"Kyungsoo! What happened?" Baekhyun ran up to Kyungsoo, who sat outside his own house next to Jongin. "There's someone in my house" Kyungsoo simply said and looked down at Jongin, who was in a state of shock..

"Jongin. Are you okay?" Baekhyun looked and asked, but Jongin wouldn't respond

"Kyungsoo" Kris called from the front steps. Kyungsoo stood up and left Jongin with Baekhyun


"Your house is clean.."

Kyungsoo didn't know what to say.. "N-No.. There's someone in my backyard. Check harder"

"We checked everywhere.. There is nobody in your house, or your backyard" Kris took him by the shoulders and said again. Kyungsoo let out a sigh and looked up at his home with concern. "If you're afraid to stay here, you and Jongin can stay with me for a while I guess" Kris added. Kyungsoo looked up at him and nodded. "That would be nice, actually" he said


"Hyung! You have a nice apartment" Jongin smiled as they walked into Kris' place. "Thanks. Now I think you and Kyungsoo should get ready for bed" Kris said and walked into his room, leaving the two to talk. 

"Jongin.. Who was that man?" Kyungsoo grabbed Jongin by the shoulders and asked. 

"He was bad" Jongin zoned out, remembering the man's face in the window. "Did you recognize him from anywhere?" Kyungsoo asked

Jongin didn't shake nor nod his head, but Kyungsoo could tell he was trying to think. "Actually. Just go to bed. Don't think about it too much.." he pat him on the back and said. 

"Thanks" Jongin shook his head and smiled. Kyungsoo felt like crying as he pulled Jongin into a hug. "Sleep well" he said and pushed him towards the room he was to sleep in. And like that, Jongin fell asleep.


"I finally have you here with me" the man smiled menacingly down at Jongin, who sat in the dirt. "Please.. I swear, I won't tell anybody about the money! I swear on my father's grave!" Jongin pleaded, but his hope was cut in half when the man pulled out a knife. As soon as the man took a step forward

A gunshot from behind flew through the air and got the man right in the shoulder. Blood splattered all over Jongin's clothes as he screamed. 

Jongin looked behind the man and saw a shaky and frightened Ilhoon, holding a gun in his hand. "Ilhoon!" Jongin yelled with tears in his eyes.

"Jongin! RUN!" Ilhoon screamed as the man charged him, bleeding from his shoulder. Jongin watched in horror as the man stabbed Ilhoon repeatedly in the chest and in the back. 

The man started to drag Ilhoon's body out of the warehouse, but then turned back to Jongin. "I'll get you! Mark my words!" he shouted, and then continued to drag Ilhoon away. 

"Ilhoon" Jongin cried right before his head felt lighter and lighter. Out of nowhere, Jongin fainted..

By the time he had awakened, everything was exactly how it was left, except.. 

He didn't know how he got there, what had happened prior to his forced rest.. He didn't know anything. Jongin wheezed and limped out of the warehouse, but not before he spotted a revolver on the ground. Jongin promptly picked it up and ran for a populated area.


Jongin took in a lung full of air as he sprung up from bed after his bad dream 

"Where.. Where am I?" he thought as he looked down at the bed he was in. 

Then he thought.. "I'm in Kris' apartment.."

"Oh god.. I remember!"

"I remember eveything!" Jongin thought and jumped out of bed

"Kyungsoo hyung! I have to tell him" he thought and ran out to the living room where Kyungsoo was asleep on the couch

"HYUNG! I REMEMBER!" Jongin smiled and shouted as ran down the hall

Kyungsoo, who couldn't sleep, poked his head up from the book he was reading and smiled. "Finally" he thought. Just as Kyungsoo was about to stand up. Somebody grabbed a handful of his hair yanked him back down to the couch. Kyungsoo screamed at the sudden pain of someone ripping his hair out. He looked up and saw that it was the same man who was in his backyard

"Where is he?" the man asked. Kyungsoo scratched and tore at the man's hands that still had a grip on his scalp. 

"Tell me where he is" the man repeated.

Just as Kyungsoo was about to speak, Jongin ran in on the scene and gasped. The man looked up and smiled. "That was easy", he smiled, grabbed one of Kris' vases on the counter and smashed it over Kyungsoo's head.

Jongin screamed and tried to run, but couldn't bring himself to do it, because his desire to run to Kyungsoo's side to help him slowly took him over. Kyungsoo fell to the ground and his head bled on the carpet. "Now it's your turn.." the man said and pulled out a knife. 

"Funny.. Two best friends, about to be killed with the same knife" the man laughed before charged Jongin. But Jongin ran into his room and locked the door behind him. He slid to the ground and sobbed..

Outside the door, the man heard a click of a gun and something soflty touch the back of his head. "Hands up" Kris said seriously. The man froze as Kris slapped the knife out of his hand and dragged out of his apartment by the collar. "Jongin! Call the cops!" Kris shouted when he found Kyungsoo on the ground, bleeding and unconcious. 


Jongin waited outside of Kyungsoo's room at the hospital and sighed. Baekhyun found him and sat next to him. "He's got a concussion, and he'll probably need staples in his head" Jongin said, feeling tears fall from his eyes

"He'll be okay.. We need to support him though. No matter what" Baekhyun said as he rubbed circles in Jongin's back. "How is your memory?"

"Sadly, everything is back"


"The memory of watching my best friend stabbed to death will haunt me forever. I'd rather not know anything than have to live with such a memory" Jongin explained, to which Baekhyun nodded. "Sounds reasonable" he shrugged. 

Suddenly, the doctor walked out and smiled. "He's gunna be just fine.." the doctor said as Jongin stood up and finally took his first deep breath. 

"How about that! Thank you, doctor" Baekhyun smiled and bowed.

As Kyungsoo recovered and went home, Jongin decided to move out of his old apartment and lived with Kyungsoo until he was able to finish therapy.


Hey all! Sorry this chapter might have been sorta boring. Crap, it's almost 3am PST. xD How is everyone enjoying all these come backs tho? I know I am! ^^ The last time I updated these, I had like.. 20 subs. Now I have sixty something! Excuse my language, but HOLY $#%@! I'm so shocked. EXO is pretty amazing, what else is there to say? Anyway. I'm thinking about my next idea. Who here likes the movie "The Purge"? :D How about an EXO version!? Yes? No? Maybe so?? If you like my one shots, please check out my VIXX fic! I'm so excited for it. So please have fun reading! If you've made it all the way to the bottom of this, then you must be having a boring night xD jkjkjkjkjk love all of you! <3 XOXOXOXO

My VIXX FIC! VIXX's Space Camp ^^;; -->

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Lilianlimi #2
Chapter 16: omg that's creppy >___<
Chapter 15: So your no longer continuing this??
But I like it~~~
LongLiveTheBeast #4
Chapter 15: Goddamit i love this but it almost made me crap my pants. I liked the lighthouse chap the best.
mahava #5
Chapter 4: ugh, i only read this chapter in the begining and got scared already...and the facts that i'm home alone, and my house just happend built right beside the cemetry didn't help it all..

i think i'll read these in the afternoon only, which mean tomorrow... yeah, good story anyway ^^
hanate #6
Chapter 13: im curious about this other kris from this parallel universe.....very intriguing.....
Chapter 13: Yes! Definitely HunHan part 2. !!
Lilianlimi #8
Chapter 13: Uuugghhh...i became a little bit afraid to see my reflection on mirror >__< and i would love to read the part 2 of hunhan chapter! XDDD
Chapter 13: Good luck, fighting !